
Can Dreams Come True?...Part 4

Can Dreams Come True?... Part 4

Ryan is a complete geek and he’s likely seen these movies over and over and he’s still as excited as I am. I’m not ashamed to admit it that as soon as I saw the shire and Bag-End and Frodo and Bilbo they had me.

I read these as a kid and I played D&D a little as a teen and I’d seen the old cartoon version of both the Hobbit and Fellowship.

I enjoyed these so much more than I ever thought I’d actually enjoy a movie in a long, long time.

The Angry Mermaid 73 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 73.

Sorry about the delay with Chapter 73.

In this Chapter, Drustina has gone searching to find the location of the threatening Viking invasion fleet. She knows the invasion is imminent but where and when and how many ships are vital facts that escape her.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 7.


“Rudy, you shouldn’t have come over and woke him up and everything…I’d be…”

I’m stopped by him kissing me…he just walked up and tilted my chin up and kissed me with the most romantic, longest best kiss of my entire life.

“I wasn’t leaving you like the way you were, I’m a single dad Morgan... He’s used to it…see he’s already back to dreaming. Got anything to drink?”

The little guy’s conked out already and he’s snuggled into one of my sweatshirts that was left on the couch and my heart does this thing…and I feel this feeling in my insides that makes me want to smiley-cry.

“Sure I’ve some red in the fridge.”

It’s the first time I’ve had Chicken Treat…better than KFC, I like the pineapple fritters that came with the food and good fries. I’m not sure that red wine goes with take away chicken but…it’s all I had in the house.

I get some plates and he lit some of my scented candles and we sit on the floor in front of the coffee table.

I’ve never really had this before…I’m not sure what to do next.

And Now… Chapter 7.

Vanilla Sky...Part 7.

Vanilla Sky…Part7.

There’s almost ten of us actually and we’re laughing and chatting and headed into the coffee place.

They all know…they all know and they don’t care and it just really doesn’t seem to matter.

Okay…coffee and sugar and some more shopping.

And we walk into the place and I slow down and stop almost as I see other kids there and not just other kids but there’s boys there.

And they’re looking up at us all as we’re coming in.

Eeep…shit do I look alright?

Sweet Dreams-50...Tears Of My Childhood

Sweet Dreams-50…Tears Of My Childhood

Chapter 50


Again…it’s awhile but that doesn’t matter, I lean my head against his where it’s on my shoulder and just whisper to him.

“Keep you eyes closed and just breathe okay hon…….just feel us…me holding you and you holding me and the smell of the trees, the lawns…feel the sunshine?”

He nods into my shoulder.

“Good…now just sort of picture all of that and she’s in there too…right there Alex…right there in the sunshine only she’s really smiling at you…like she used to and not because she’s bombed or high but she’s just good…she’s watching you and seeing the great guy she’s got and she’s just smiling hon…she’s just good…cause you’re good…it’s all she needs babe…it’s all she needs.”

He’s sobbing again into my shoulder but in there…muffled in there I can hear this faint little.

“I…I can see her.”


Pandora's Trunk: 20

The remainder of Christmas Day

In ancient times, when the box owned by the beautiful Pandora, the first mortal woman,
was opened all the troubles of the world flew out and could never be put back.

So what will happen when a trunk with the name 'Pandora Wilkins'
is discovered in a house in North London in 2009?

Pandora’s Trunk
Chapter 20

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2013 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

Images 49

Images 49

Chapter 49

There’s some times when you’re just so clearly blessed it takes nothing to see it. I’m kind of having one of those moments here as the day just goes by. We’re busy like we usually are but with a run on the tarts and the sales of the cinnamon rolls and I can’t help but do a bunch of bread batches too for the diner, some for sale, some for the kids here and some for our own house.

But it’s talking and telling stories, letter the kids eat their fill from the two pots and the smells of baking and clean clothes. Full bellies and full hearts no pressure, no drama, no bullshit…and safety.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 3

Can Dreams Come True?... Part 3

It was really an unexpected night for me. Ryan is friendly and kind and he likes Dr. Who. I’m not saying that’s a huge thing for me but really I don’t go to Con’s or stuff like that so people that kind of know about stuff like that are extremely rare to me outside of the internet.

Just leftovers and some more than healthy snacks and a friend that has no problem geeking out over things was really nice.

More than nice actually since it felt for the first time in awhile I was in a place where I could actually breathe. And it’s sort of strange too that I’m spending time with a guy that knows the deal with me and he’s good with it and he’s not some perv or tranny chaser.

You would not believe the things that some people are into when they’re “Good” with you being transgendered.

The Angry Mermaid 72 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 72.

Having warned the Saxon king who proves to be preoccupied with pious endeavours, Drustina decides to get proactive and go searching for the Viking invasion fleet. She eventually gathers some news of the Viking activities but nearly comes to grief because of natural, unexpected perils.

Pandora's Trunk: 19

Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning

In ancient times, when the box owned by the beautiful Pandora, the first mortal woman,
was opened all the troubles of the world flew out and could never be put back.

So what will happen when a trunk with the name 'Pandora Wilkins'
is discovered in a house in North London in 2009?

Pandora’s Trunk
Chapter 19

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2013 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

The Angry Mermaid 71 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 71.

Drustina returns to find Cws in turmoil after the Vikings have been destroyed but Gisela stupidly escaped Drustina's protection only to be abused by the Saxon villagers after being re-captured.

Drustina finally gets to Winchester to warn the Saxon king but she finds the king pre-occupied with religious matters and the Saxons woefully unprepared.

Lead Shoes-17

Lead Shoes-17

Chapter 17

I put the van into drive and well pull out of the single lane alley going slow and keeping and eye out. Will’s little sister was put into foster care since he couldn’t take care of her and Mom’s been trying to get her in with us instead of the place that she was in but with Will’s problems and Mine and my record with stuff that happened to me back home and Mom’s records there’s been several snags.

There’s apparently some cow in CPS that doesn’t think Mom should be my guardian or Will’s since she must be at fault for supporting me or some bullshit like that. Truth is we only heard that from a friend of a friend of Mom’s and CPS is being all tight lipped and just saying that Mom’s request in still under review.

If it is true it must really gall the cow that I’m of an age here in Canada that she doesn’t have a whole lot to say on the matter.

Pandora's Trunk: 18

Further discussions

In ancient times, when the box owned by the beautiful Pandora, the first mortal woman,
was opened all the troubles of the world flew out and could never be put back.

So what will happen when a trunk with the name 'Pandora Wilkins'
is discovered in a house in North London in 2009?

Pandora’s Trunk
Chapter 18

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2013 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.


Twins Part 3 - The Finale

When a family goes into hiding within the FBI's witness protection program while
awaiting to testify at the trial of a dangerous criminal, they soon find out that
this criminal's friends are desperate and have a long reach. An equally desperate
measure was undertaken to ensure that their family becomes untraceable.

So to complete their new identities and family image,
one of Steve Wilson's two young boys had to become a girl!

Part Three

by Arecee

Copyright © 2013 Arecee
All Rights Reserved.

The Angry Mermaid 70 or, Y Morforwyn Dicllon 70/

A chapter describing how Drustina confirms that the Vikings are still very active raiding Britannia and this only demonstrates that the Vikings have not yet overrun the whole of the island. Somehow the Germanic Saxon, Engle and Fresian tribes of southern Britannia are still holding their own against the Norsemen's attacks.
The Viking princess Gisela learns at first hand what the heat of battle really means.

Pandora's Trunk: 17

Carol’s return and an interview with Susie

In ancient times, when the box owned by the beautiful Pandora, the first mortal woman,
was opened all the troubles of the world flew out and could never be put back.

So what will happen when a trunk with the name 'Pandora Wilkins'
is discovered in a house in North London in 2009?

Pandora’s Trunk
Chapter 17

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2013 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 2

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 2

I helped Ryan do the dishes and we had coffee together and just sort of relaxed a little. It was starting to sort of get to that whole awkward stage where you sort of have no idea what to say or what to do next and it was making me fidgety.

Twins Part 2


Part Two

Chapter Seven

Ted and I had just turned eleven when our FBI handlers came calling. They had some bad news and we had some life-altering decisions to make. Agent Groves and agent Martinez called and explained they would be coming by to talk to us Wednesday evening.

After dinner there was a knock on our front door.

“That must be the FBI,” Dad said.

Pandora's Trunk: 16

Mum and Becky meet for the first time

In ancient times, when the box owned by the beautiful Pandora, the first mortal woman,
was opened all the troubles of the world flew out and could never be put back.

So what will happen when a trunk with the name 'Pandora Wilkins'
is discovered in a house in North London in 2009?

Pandora’s Trunk
Chapter 16

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2013 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

The Angry Mermaid 69 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 69.

This chapter addresses a brief and successful confrontation with the Vikings that serves to better Drustina's standing with the Saxons of Wessex. She rescues two high-born Saxon brides and captures a Viking princess, daughter of King Harald Cold Blood.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 1

Can Dreams Come True?… Part 1

I flick my smoke out the window my first since graduating high school three years ago and I drain what’s left of my Pepsi before getting out of my car.

Yes my car it’s one of the things that I made sure of before coming here and doing this. I got my own car. It’s a piece of crap older Saturn but it’s mine. Mine being the Very key word here. I likely could’ve had dad’s old car but with my folks there were always strings. A prime example is my brother and sister. Jordan my sister got the car and its title and the insurance are still in dad’s name.

My brother Jack, dad’s on with him in almost everything from his bank accounts to his lease.

And that’s why my apartment is mine, everything I have including all my student loan debt it‘s all mine. I knew long before I graduated that this was where I’d be going in life, who I had to be because not being me. It was killing me inside so I knew as soon as I was going to be legal I was going to be Josie.

Catburglar 6: Catburglar's Cradle

Catburglar’s Cradle
By Paul Calhoun

The final installment of Catburglar. Kelly takes care of loose ends, Ned comes to terms with his forthcoming death of personality and Mike lets the nanites loose on Kelly.

Contains foreshadowing for an Allie story that is forthcoming this week which in turn is foreshadowing for the Unplanned Adventures.

Bridges 37

Bridges 37

Chapter 37

While I’ve been busying myself with studying and catching up on a whole lot of the stuff that I’ve missed since I’ve been off. I’ve still been missing Cass even though we talk nights on the phone and we do other things it’s me just feeling…we just got together I mean really together and it’s like it’s so not been enough really.

I want my girl with me at nights to cuddle up with and do all the newly-wed couple stuff together.

The Angry Mermaid 67 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 67

In this chapter Drustina's ideas about defeating the Vikings out on the sea before they can land, are proven to work.

The young Prince Andrar finally wins his spurs. He comes of age quickly as he learns that war is not some glorious adventure but a frightening, dirty, dangerous business.

Catburglar 5: Fantoccini’s Feline

Fantoccini’s Feline
By Paul Calhoun

A certain someone mentioned that I don't do sweet/sentimental/positive sex scenes. Simple answer to that: it's usually my clients who want the hardcore stuff and I like to go the discreet path in my more upbeat work. However, I figured Kelly and Reg getting together was a really special occasion, so enjoy some sex scenes in which everyone is happy, knows who the partner is and is having a blast.

Kelly gets the Blue Fairy Treatment and we have spoilers/foreshadowing for the Allie series.

Images 48

Images 48

Chapter 48

I’m getting some of the tarts out of the oven and out as fast as I can. I can’t keep the Beer tarts ahead at all with all the working guys in right now. I’m actually getting orders for pick up for suppertime tonight.

There’s a lot of working class guys down here and apparently he concept of the beer tart is something they like and the guys with wives and girlfriends are ordering some of the other stuff on the menu.

I head outside for a breather looking around until I can see some of the street kids that we sometimes have hanging around here. We actually have a few more than we used to ever since we’ve been seen as LGBTQ friendly and Taylor’s given them odd jobs and let the use our laundry room and stuff.

I wave one of the girls over. “Gypsy how goes it?”

Bachelor Party from Hell

An unsuspecting groom attends his bachelor party anticipating a night of fun and games, only to wake up the next morning a completely changed man. He would come to view it as the bachelorette party from hell. With friends like these who needs enemies?

Duty Calls chapter 31

Lynn continues her secretarial duties at James’ exhibit booth:

All this was becoming very interesting. I was beginning to understand there was some ‘cause and effect’ going on here. Shortly after I typed in a certain string of information and pressed the key which completed my inquiry, some activity could be seen and about a minute later the big printer would spill out a sheet or two of information. I looked at what I was presently typing, finished it, and then pressed the extra keys James told me about before walking over to wait for the printer to do something. A minute later it printed a page of material.

Meetings and Partings - A Jaci and Dottie story

Meetings and Partings - A Jaci and Dottie Story

Dottie stood in the kitchen and shook.

“Dottie? You okay?” Tante Drea asked.

“Ccccaaant sssstoooppp shshshshaking....”

Cherchez la femme:

When I first heard her talk, I thought her voice was changing and I was right. Her voice changed, but it didn't get lower, it got higher. Joan also has a nice figure."

"Son, are you gay?"

"No, sir. I don't know why I noticed Joan out of all the natural girls in the school. We're not in the same classes. She's a freshman and I'm a sophomore. I'm going to be sixteen this year, and I am starting to notice girl shapes more and more. It was Joan that I noticed, though, and I was wondering if I could be her boyfriend."

Cherchez la femme
Chapter 1

by Barbara Lynn Terry

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Lynn Terry
All Rights Reserved.

The Angry Mermaid 64 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 64

In this chapter, Drustina enforces a workable treaty between four competing tribes, namely Saxons, Friesians, Franks and Gauls. In so doing, she teaches the widowed Queen Dalcimon the rudimentary elements of diplomacy and how to play off male conceits against each other by dint of feminine charms and wiles.

Extra Time 52

I was being pulled in so many directions at once I felt I might tear down the middle.

“Stop fussing, Neil. It’s a bloody wig; they don’t get ‘conditioned’, OK?”

Mam was sat at the dresser doing things to herself while Larinda shepherded the girls next door, but Nelly just HAD to help me, as he saw it. I turned to face him, taking his hands.

“Girl stuff, pet. We take our time but we get there in the end, aye?”

The Angry Mermaid 63 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 63.

In this chapter Drustina resumes Queenship and diplomatic activities as well as taking Dalcimon's only son Andrar under her martial wing. The first glimmers of a defence pact amongst the countries of the North European plains start to ignite.

Images 47

Images 47

Chapter 47

It was a really good way to start my day if early getting to meet and finally talk to Angel my cousin from Ontario. She’s a good kid in a bad spot and adding in that matches and gasoline moment of figuring out you’re not the you that you thought you were.

It was a joy to just talk and meet her and chew the fat with her and everything as we cooked and to have Giselle there with me as I was doing up the cinnamon rolls and teaching Angel really sort of made my morning all the more bright.

The Angry Mermaid 62 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 62.

Drustina finally manages to resolve the succession issues in Dane-mark and after waiting for Elthorn to deliver her prince, Drustina finally sets off for her beloved Lleyn, the remote peninsular land where she was born.

Marked Target - Chapter 12

Marked Target
~ Chapter Twelve ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: Lex's mettle proven, she gets a job offer. A family emergency erupts out of nowhere and Lex shows just what kind of person she is.


The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix - Part 09 - Chapter 14

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life?

Thanks go out to Marina Kelly and Kelly Ann Rogers for their very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story.

We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you.

The Angry Mermaid 61 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 61.

In this Chapter, Drustina finally enables the Gay King Athun to fulfill his kingly duty towards Elthorn his queen. After enabling the essential act of consumation the King beseeches Drustina to stay at least until an infant is born of his union with the queen.


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