
A Life Ever Changing -5- Come Together


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A Life Ever Changing Part Five
Come Together

by Angel O’Hare

... Aunt Harriet then asked what color hair tie I wanted to use. My mom jumped in and said, "Let's match them to each set of clothes he is modeling."

"That is a great idea," Harriet said. So I was now ready to do the fashion show....

Aunt Harriet then said, "But first your eyebrows are just a little too thick." They did a fine job of with shaping; you just need a little thinning."

Trick or Treat? -3-

Trick or Treat?

By: Enigma

Part 3 of 3

Saturday, October 17

I woke the next morning, stiff and sore, still in Amy's dress and my ruined makeup. Amy lay near me, propped on her elbow, watching me closely. I noticed a musky taste in my mouth, and it all came crashing back. I didn't know I had that many tears, but I sure shed a lot more of them. The storm passed, and I struggled out of bed to get cleaned up. Amy followed silently, helping where she could, just being close when she couldn't help.


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Trick or Treat? -2-

Trick or Treat?

By: Enigma

Part 2 of 3

Sunday, September 13

The day dawned bright and clear. The outlook was for above average temperatures. Despite my misgivings, I was looking forward to getting out, and a water park sounded like great fun. The laid-back experience last night had settled my nerves, and I was feeling more confident.


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TG Elements: 

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Trick or Treat? -1-

Trick or Treat?

By: Enigma

Part 1 of 3

Thursday, August 27

"Come on, Sandy. Not all men are alike, and certainly not all of them are like that slime ball ex-husband of yours!" Amy said.


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Synopsis: Little did Roger Lyons know that the pretty young girl he met on his late night flight would lead him into a new life and introduce him into a world he had no idea existed. (Newly edited and combined version of the original 10-part story.)

Cresswell Industries -52-53-54-

Cresswell Industries

by Keshara


Editor's Note: The previous chapters of this story are available on Classic BigCloset. Also the codes above are not just for this chapter but for many parts of the story, this one has a little of everything. :) - Erin

Another Ranma 1/2 Story

Another Ranma 1/2 Story

by azgerri


This is an idea that came to me one day. Ranma, for those who don’t know, is the main character in a Japanese comic story. He is a first rate martial artist who has been cursed. While on a ten year long training trip with his father, Ranma accidentally fell (actually was knocked) into the Jusenkyou Spring Nyannichaun, the Spring of the Drown Girl. Now, whenever he gets covered with cold water he turns into a girl, while hot water returns him to his male self.

But, what if Ranma’s father, Genma, was even dumber than we have been told. What if, instead of heating regular water, he managed to heat…

Read on and see. Anyone who wishes to use this idea, feel free to do so.

Standard Disclosure: The characters of Ranma 1⁄2 are not my own creation, they are the exclusive property of Rumiko Takahashi. The story is mine, but the rest is hers.


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Chaka 1: Enter the Chaka - A Whateley Academy Tale


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A Whateley Academy Tale

Enter The Chaka
(Chaka 1)

by Bek D. Corbin

She has the strength of Arnold Schwartzeneggar, the reflexes of Jet Li, the beauty of Halle Berry and the common sense of Lizzie MacGwuire! Toni 'Chaka' Chandler could be a great superhero- IF she can pass High School English!

The Rigby Narratives -17- The Mansion and the Madame

The Rigby Narratives:


The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Seventeen -- The Mansion and the Madame

The storm raged on as bolts of lightning split the night sky. It was the only light available as McKenzie tried to locate his car before dashing to it through the pouring rain. Power looked to be out everywhere. Yes, McKenzie thought, another freaking Dark and Stormy Night. The wind tore at Mac's umbrella as he pushed off from the warehouse and ran for his car.

The Rigby Narratives -16- All Dolled Up

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Sixteen -- All Dolled Up

The rain fell in sheets and the wind, gusting first this way and then that, made Corey Plaz's umbrella useless. He was completely soaked by the time he had run the short distance from his car to the employee entrance by the loading dock of Scagliola's Body Works. With his umbrella in one hand and his briefcase in the other, Corey leaned an elbow heavily on the doorbell while cursing fluently; hoping it would get him inside just a little bit faster. Furious, he was ready to start pounding on the door when it finally opened.

The Rigby Narratives -15- Resistance is Futile

The Rigby Narratives:

The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Fifteen -- Resistance is Futile

A low hum, and bright white light flooding through his basement window, woke McKenzie from a deep sleep. Igor's barking didn't help any either. He blinked against the light for a moment, listened to the throbbing hum outside and then rolled over to go back to sleep. At that point he noticed that the mattress was further away than it should have been. He was floating-about six inches off the bed.

The Rigby Narratives -10- Fangs for the Memories

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Ten -- Fangs for the Memories

The Rigby Narratives -09- The Princess Journals

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Nine -- The Princess Journals

"McKenzie Rigby?" The man at the door wore a dark gray suit that screamed money. A red rose resided in the lapel of his suit jacket.

"Yeah?" McKenzie asked scratching at his chest. "That's me. Who are you?"

"I am Count Kristoff von Dachnaney. I represent the government of the Kingdom of Slovarnia. May I come in?" the man asked showing McKenzie his ID and papers.


Synopsis: Mace Conway loves the power of transforming and betraying submissives. His latest victim is a young transsexual college student named Mandy who seems almost too good to be true.
Warning: Contains scenes of sexual abuse and violence.

The Rigby Narratives -08- Vector/Victoria

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Eight -- Vector/Victoria

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Thank you." Another bow and the applause finally died. Victoria Lane glided off the stage and to her dressing room, or as she preferred to call it, her closet with built in makeup table.

Purty Prison Guard

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence,
bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from
my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


The Fairy King -8- How Real Can It Get?

Megan considers options and strategies and makes a decision on who she really wants to be. Then, what could be more real than making pancakes for your parents?

Part 8 - How Real Can It Get?

by Wanda Cunningham

The Fairy King -3- If Wishes Were Horses

"If wishes were horses, all beggars would ride
And look down their noses from chargers astride.
If hope granted wings then lovers would fly
Away above clouds to castles in the sky."

Part 3 - If Wishes Were Horses...

by Wanda Cunningham

Hunted Haunts: St. Blisque Manor

Hunted Haunts: St. Blisque Manor
By Wendy Long
Edited by SteveZ

Dr. Leo Pratt was the best in his field, and the only thing that now
stood in his way from being the best in the region was the St. Blisque

Laura Returns to Brazil - Rio Team - Slothrop's I Can See For Miles

Laura Returns to Brazil
- Rio de Janeiro Team -
Slothrop’s I Can See For Miles

by Bluto

Series Originator Note: I first met Bluto through his comments on one of my stories, and we found we shared a similar set of themes around the unsung and unwritten tales of the TG fiction victims. After exchanging emails, I knew he would be key to lending Angel a helping hand. It is so good to see Laura and Harold live again, I need to find another reason to get them to come back.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


October Intervention

October Intervention

By Tyrone Slothrop

What do you owe for having your life saved?

Chapter 1: Vacation Cruise

The small yacht was going down as Emily looked through the storm. Fred was laying on the beach unconscious, completely tired after his futile attempts to swim out and get any supplies.

Meeting of Minds - Act II - Road Trip - 20 - Regrets And Memories

Sue comes to grips with the realizations spawned by the revelations in the last chapter, and Cassandra tries to teach her some new tricks.

Act II

Road Trip

Chapter Twenty

Regrets And Memories

by Dana Short


Audience Rating: 




Where No Man Has Gone Before

SUMMARY: This story in an original work, I wrote a story just to stretch
my creative muscles. We all know aliens are ugly gray skinny dudes
without any sexuality at all. Don't we?

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild

Wicca Magick

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Magic, explicit sex, mild violence,
bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from
my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and

Remote Control

Remote Control

By Wholeman

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words,
and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not

Trojan Whores

Trojan Whores
By Wholeman
Proof by
Maggie Finson

DECLARATION: This story is an original literary work. I wrote a story just to stretch my creative muscles. All characters, Sirens, and rapists in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or born in the future, is purely coincidental.

The Unicorn Club: Part 2 - Lawful Touch

"I'm a unicorn, Mom. It's a type of horse with a bloody great horn sticking out of it's forehead. There are two extremely handsome stallions that are ready to fight to the death over me when the time is right, and I don't -- do you hear me? I will not date outside my own species."

The Unicorn Club

Part Two - Lawful Touch

by Andy Hollis


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