Science Fiction

Rhysling's Rue - Part 7


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What was she going to do? The captain who had brought an effective end to the largest war humanity had ever fought by inflicting the greatest slaughter ever committed posed this question to herself as she sat finishing her red beans and rice, grimacing at the taste. This youngster they had just rescued could be one of the more promising engineering geniuses of the past century, but she had no idea how to even approach the child.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 7

By Theide


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This story is 82 words long.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 6


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There she was, drifting in front of him in microgravity, her burgeoning breasts teasing him, her hips undulating with the minor effort required to keep her in place, in the middle of the cabin. He felt an almost overwhelming lust for her, but knew somehow that to lunge for her and seek sexual completion was the very thing that would scare her away, so he held and watched her dance for him, a shy nymph, wanting him but frightened by the visible evidence of his manhood, standing proud, straight and twitching with desire before him.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 6

By Theide


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This story is 100 words long.

The Butterfly Effect

Sophie smiled and there was a pause before she replied.

"I can still be your girlfriend," she said before gently pulling me towards her and kissing me softly.


The Butterfly Effect
By Alys

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This story is 33 words long.

The Butterfly Effect | Part 2 - Confusions

butterfly_effect.jpg    "You're taking an age, girl. How come I'm not the slow coach today?" she responded.
"Sorry was day dreaming," I said, as I quickly unzipped my skirt and pulled up my own tracksuit trousers.
"I wonder who," said Sophie with a big grin on her face.
I poked my tongue at her and then concentrated on undoing my blouse...

The Butterfly Effect
Part 2 - Confusions
By Alys

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This story is 67 words long.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 5


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Just a moment later they were passing the backboard back out, a pale waiflike form strapped to it. “Don’t wait for us to get out, get that kid to sickbay ASAP!” The medic was less than halfway back through the hole when the gurney the backboard had been placed on vanished through the hatch. Jeff would have loved to follow it, but he had to take care of his ship first, and that was that.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 5

By Theide


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This story is 81 words long.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 4


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It took just a bare instant for the pulse of coherent light to bridge the distance, neatly severing the link between the cobbled together ship and a thruster which went flying away, thrown by the forces it had helped to generate. Sarah bent intently over her readouts, feverishly calculating the results. Her face grew a little grim as she got a result she didn’t like, fingers blurring on controls as she sought a solution.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 4

By Theide


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This story is 80 words long.

MORFS: Saouda's Docket #60350



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Acts of Humanity

Saouda's Docket #60350
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Connie Abla Saouda and Beverly Trowbridge are two ordinary cops on the beat -- or are they? After providing so much help to the Doctors Martin and their friends, they have been assigned the unenviable task watching after their fellow MORFS survivors.

sex: 0/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 1/10

Categories: PSI

Timeline: 2060

From the unofficial log of Officer Connie Abla Saouda, Police Telepath
December 15, 2060

Officer Beverly Trowbridge and I have been pulling afternoon shift for a long time. Ever since we have been semi-officially given the task of watching over the various MORFS survivors, we have been stuck with this shift. No more morning shifts that allow us to get off in time to have a life. No more nice, quite midnight shifts. Nope, we are purposely put on duty when most people are getting off of work and hitting the malls, restaurants, and places of evening recreation. That is the time when our fellow morfies are most likely to be get into trouble.

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This story is 172 words long.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 14

“No. The Japanese are now going to run the Swan Song show,” FBI Director Robert Mueller began to explain. “They have begun training for the arrest phase of the operation.”

“Then what are my duties now?”

“Grant, you are still to oversee the American aspect of the operation. We will want to debrief Agent Ripley when his mission is concluded. That is assuming he survives it.”

“Then we’re to bring Ripley out alive?”

“Yes, Grant. Agent Ripley is to be retrieved alive if at all possible. You are to make sure of that.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Fourteen

Synospis- Captain Slater is successful in making contact with the Swan Song committee.

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This story is 109 words long.

MORFS: Incomplete Without You, part 02


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The Pentwater Chronicles 1:

Incomplete Without You
(Part Two)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Instead of building a resort or a city, Marvin Pentwater built a haven and workplace for people who have been gifted with powers. Years later, his grandson and heir, Marvin Pentwater III, received his gift. Young Marvin couldn't complain about his physique, nor could he complain about the gaggle of talents he wielded. What he could complain about was the distinct lack of power. He grew up in a place where powers are common and esteemed, but he couldn't lift but a few ounces with his telekinesis. Soon, he met an unusual friend with similar challenges.

sex: 1/10
violence: 1/10
profanity: 1/10

Categories: Elemental, PSI

Timeline: 2062

Chapter Five: Summer

Since I was well ahead of my age-mates, Mom and Dad let me start my summer vacation early. They called it vacation, anyhow.

I finished off the current lessons, took the tests, and started intensive powers training with Mirna. That meant, of course, that just about everyone in the compound got to meet her. That's not the problem that it would seem because we are quite used to keeping secrets from the rest of the world. Pentwater Compound is frequented by operatives from the ASA, military representatives, and a number of other people who require secrecy.

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This story is 217 words long.

Milissa's and Dandy's Life for the last 3800 years - Part 1 "The Beginning" (Revised)

It was closing time @ Housing Transitions Program. I just walked out the door with my friend Lori and Talking about the puzzle we were working on. Suddenly a blast happened and I went flying. I Hit the building and I looked up and saw a steel beam land on my leg. I screamed And my twin sister came running. then it just went black. Meanwhile the starship Enterprise was in orbit watching the action. The away team just beamed up and Captain Picard just gave helm their next detestation then Data says “Captain I am detecting an anomaly on the planets surface. And I detect two human life forms coming out of the anomaly!” Riker tells the captain “looks like our business isn't done here yet. Captain Picard told Riker to have a away team sent to the surface. Riker tells Worf to come with him and he hit his com badge and said Riker to Crusher “meet me in trans porter room 3.”

Milissa's and Dandy's Life
for the last 3800 years

Part 1 "The Beginning"
by Princess Milissa

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This story is 177 words long.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 3


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Character Age: 


He had cobbled together enough fuel cells to hold for almost a year, and careful rationing would give enough food and water for nine months. After that, he would starve, freeze, or suffocate. It didn’t really matter, any way he cut it, he was dead if he didn’t make some kind of movement.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 3

By Theide


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This story is 60 words long.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 2

Someone was trying to escape the remains of the shipyard, someone her dedicated and very thorough crew had not found, maybe a pirate, maybe a survivor, but definitely someone who could build something space worthy out the wreckage, for all she saw was what looked like attitude jets, not the flare of boosters, just the puff of ice crystals from thrusters.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 2

By Theide


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This story is 66 words long.

The Butterfly Effect | Part 1 - Changes


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Sophie smiled and there was a pause before she replied.

"I can still be your girlfriend," she said before gently pulling me towards her and kissing me softly.


The Butterfly Effect
Part 1 - Changes
By Alys

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This story is 36 words long.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 13

“Yes, Hiromi-kun, it is, but circumstances have changed,” Tokuro Inagawa said, before going on to detail how difficult the economy was at present. Many other commodity prices were dropping. Weren’t illegal narcotics also a commodity?

Tom refused to budge an inch. Truthfully, she’d give it away to the Inagawas or whoever first showed up at the Yokohama docks when the cargo was unloaded. Naturally, that wasn’t the way organized crime worked and if Tom actually attempted what she dreamed of doing, she would end up just as dead as Reina Shimizu.

“You have not given me a reason to change the fee. Our costs have remained the same.”

“We are not satisfied with the present arrangement.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Thirteen

Synopsis- Captain Slater takes steps to extricate herself from the world of the Watanabe Yakuza.

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This story is 136 words long.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 1


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...The cool green hills had gone the way of the Dodo. Now what was left was scrapping over the rest of the solar system, killing each other for the mineral bearing rocks of the Belt, fighting over ice for the volatiles needed to sustain life.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 1

By Theide


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This story is 50 words long.

The BIGMAMA Project

After a long barrage of interviews and tests, a very special employee is about to be invited to join The Mystery Team, and will soon discover first hand the details of the project they've been keeping so secret.

The BIGMAMA Project
Copyright 2009 by Heather Rose Brown

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This story is 57 words long.

Falling Off The Earth


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"Adam had lost nearly everything he cared about and now he was being kept away from the only people he had left in his life. Nothing that happened to Adam was fair, he had hit bottom. So how much further could he really fall?"

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This story is 44 words long.

Without a Trace - Part 7: Truth of the Hall

Without a trace part 7: the truth of the hall

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This story is 9 words long.

Southern Comfort, Part 8


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We reported for training almost on time. I had spent almost my entire life being afraid of skin cancer, so it was the first time I had ever had a decent tan. I was a sort of medium brown, but Charlie was an even deeper olive color, I guess it had something to do with her genetics. We had both had a great deal of adjustment to do over the month. I mean I had to deal with the fact that my hunk of a husband(okay, my potbellied , Hairy hunk of love) had become this delicate, blue eyed hottie! Truth be, I think she had a lot more to deal with than I did. I had been the male provider for my love far longer than anything else, and even though my physical form had changed, she found it hard to shift back to our original format, with me being the maiden in distress and her being the strong rescuer.


Southern Comfort
Chapter 8

By Theide


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This story is 166 words long.

Southern Comfort, Part 7


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Something was licking my face. Something in that triggered moments of childhood, and I giggled as I turned to shield myself from big wet doggy kisses. That didn’t do much, as soon I was subject to two dogs worth, followed by my sister pouncing on me and hitting every tickle point known to mankind

Southern Comfort
Chapter 7 Continued

By Theide


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This story is 61 words long.

Southern Comfort, Part 6


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A new beginning, a new hope, and a party.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 7

By Theide


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This story is 14 words long.

Firefly: Double Booked | Part 2: Headwinds

This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place soon after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed, and is also the second part of a sequel to Firefly: Connecting Flight. This means it has SPOILERS, folks, and major ones at that. So please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- and read my first Firefly story (and the first chapter of this one), since they both set the stage.

In this second part of FIREFLY: DOUBLE BOOKED, events from Linda's recent past loom large in Wash's present, as she tries to deal with aspects of her situation she thought she'd already put behind her. She also learns more about her body's mutiny, lets Zoe talk her into somethin' all manner of stupid, and gets her first experience with the power of sisterhood.

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This story is 157 words long.

Luck Be A Lady -7-

Luck be a Lady

by: Catherine Linda Michel

Part 7

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This story is 9 words long.

Luck Be A Lady -6-

I watched while Kim began to change and as he lost height, he gained other, ummm assets and his hair vanished. Then his whole body seemed to hesitate for a second or two before really beginning to change rapidly. As the change speeded up I could actually see the changes taking place and I just stood there, watching, absolutely amazed at what this little machine could do!

Luck Be A Lady

Part 6

By Catherine Linda Michel

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This story is 76 words long.

Southern Comfort, Part 5


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Chapter 6

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Southern Comfort, Part 4


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“People will never cease to amaze me”. Sean was muttering to himself, quickly getting back into one of his favorite work-oriented rants, but without any real rancor. “Damn Gates and all his unholy minions anyway!”

Southern Comfort
Chapter 5

By Theide


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This story is 40 words long.

Kate Draffen (Chapters 35 + 36)

Kate Draffen (Chapters 35 + 36)

By Swishy

Michael Taylor was a 17-year-old boy living in a town in Australia. Something happened and he found himself on a path to becoming a 17-year-old girl. This is a story about an ordinary teenager that had something extraordinary happen to him and how he tried to cope.

Gemma goes to a 'boys only night' and prepare for her big night at the Deb.

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This story is 68 words long.

Luck Be A Lady -5-

"You have a lot to learn about being a sexy woman, Billie and I intend to make sure that you learn everything you can so you can be convincing in that new body for as long as you have to wear it. The last thing we need right now is any more attention from the world in general and if you continue to act like a man in a female body, it’ll attract attention more than if you act like what you look like."

Luck Be A Lady

Part 5

By Catherine Linda Michel

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This story is 94 words long.

Southern Comfort, Part 3


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Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


What seemed like a long time later and a claustrophobic nightmare of being shoved into what he recognized as a CAT scanner and an MRI, all of it still on his face, he dragged his way back into awareness, conscious again of the pain, screaming agony shrilling along his nerves, seeming to penetrate into his very soul.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 4

By Theide


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This story is 62 words long.

Luck Be A Lady -4-

"As far as an alien invasion goes, don’t you two think that if there was really a threat, the government would already know what’s going on? No doubt they just want to get you two out of the way and get hold of those devices so you don’t screw something up that they might have planned! You two are being suckers and I would bet that those guys chasing you are actually just herding you towards some kind of a trap!"

I looked at Neri in stunned disbelief for a few seconds. I had never considered what she had postulated and it set me back on my heels to think that this kid might be right! Prue chimed in just about then and added her two cents to what Neri had said. "She could be right you know,! What if she IS right? That would mean that we are just a couple of lab rats being put through our paces and we have no chance at all of getting away. At least we have no chance if we keep on doing what they drove us into!"

Luck Be A Lady

Part 4

By Catherine Linda Michel

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This story is 200 words long.

Luck Be A Lady -3-

"Doesn’t that car look familiar, Prue?" I asked. She looked at it and thought for a moment and then said, You’re right, Bill! It looks like the same kind of car that was at my Grandfather’s motel! The one that those government people came in!" She was getting excited and, I think, a little bit scared thinking that, somehow, those agents had tracked us to this place. I tried to reassure her, and MYSELF in the process, but there were doubts in my mind as well. COULD they have tracked us here, somehow?

Luck Be A Lady

Part 3

By Catherine Linda Michel

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This story is 105 words long.

Southern Comfort

A story of Love, pain, and hope, set in E.E Nalley's Caregiver universe.

Southern Comfort

By Theide


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This story is 18 words long.

Southern Comfort, Part 2


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Sean was reliving his long nightmare experience. He knew this, but he couldn’t manage to bring himself out of the pit of horror that was his memory.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 3

By Theide


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This story is 33 words long.

King Of The Rim-8-Freedom


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King Of The Rim
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne, JennaFl for Proofreading
with Special Thanks to Sephrena Lynn Miller for Guidance and ChrisW. for the Illustration!

After being grounded by an Imperial trap at the planet Storm, Prince John Carter devises a plan to rescue the prisoners from the Imperial grasp and capture Imperial technology and give it to the freed prisoners.

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This story is 65 words long.

Luck Be A Lady -2-

"Sit down," I told her. "You are about to get a crash course in alien technology."

Luck Be A Lady

Part 2

By Catherine Linda Michel

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This story is 25 words long.

Luck Be A Lady

My first thought was that I had stumbled on a scout craft of some kind from an invasion force and this little laptop type thing was their means of infiltrating the governments of the Earth! It made a kind of sense, the more I thought about it. I mean, there was the makeup kit, and the hair styler and now this thing which purported itself to be a body changing machine! It all pointed, in my mind, to some kind of alien invasion threat and, now I was getting worried!

Luck Be A Lady

By Catherine Linda Michel

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This story is 98 words long.

Luck Be A Lady -1-

My first thought was that I had stumbled on a scout craft of some kind from an invasion force and this little laptop type thing was their means of infiltrating the governments of the Earth! It made a kind of sense, the more I thought about it. I mean, there was the makeup kit, and the hair styler and now this thing which purported itself to be a body changing machine! It all pointed, in my mind, to some kind of alien invasion threat and, now I was getting worried!

Luck Be A Lady

Part 1

By Catherine Linda Michel

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This story is 99 words long.

Firefly: Double Booked

Double Booked
by Randalynn

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This story is 5 words long.

Hawking's Revenge

Hawking's Revenge
by Fyre Mei

- A Stand alone sci-fi short story for ADULTS only.

A note from the author:

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This story is 20 words long.

Subliminal Sales

What is happening to the male employees at the new store in town? Suddenly they find themselves preferring women's underclothes!

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This story is 20 words long.

You Must Give In Order To Receive - a Doctor Who FanFic (Chp 8)

You Must Give In Order To Receive

Chapter 8 (The Final Chapter)
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

By Maggie the Kitten

Art by Heather Rose Brown (thanks cuz!)

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This story is 27 words long.

You Must Give In Order To Receive - a Doctor Who FanFic (Chp 7)

You Must Give in Order to Receive
By Maggiethekitten

by Tahiti

Chapter 7
Beyond What Eyes Can See

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This story is 17 words long.

You Must Give In Order To Receive - a Doctor Who FanFic (Chp 6)

You Must Give In Order To Receive
By Maggie The Kitten

by Haiti

Chapter 6
Rescue and Regeneration

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This story is 17 words long.

You Must Give In Order To Receive - a Doctor Who FanFic (Chp 5)

You Must Give In Order To Receive
By Maggiethekitten

by Haiti

Chapter 5
Resistance Is Futile

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This story is 15 words long.

You Must Give In Order To Receive - a Doctor Who FanFic (Chp 3)

You Must Give In Order To Receive
By Maggiethekitten

by Tahiti

Chapter 3
A Tale of Two Hearts

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This story is 17 words long.

You Must Give In Order To Receive - a Doctor Who FanFic (Chp 2)

You Must Give In Order to Receive
By Maggiethekitten

by Tahiti

Chapter Two
Is Seeing Believing?

The Doctor and Rose are enroute to Jackie's for Christmas Eve dinner when they encounter a woman on London Bridge who changes their lives forever.

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This story is 41 words long.

You Must Give In Order To Receive - a Dr Who Fanfic (Chp 1)

You Must Give In Order To Receive
By Maggie the Kitten

photo by Tahiti

Enroute to Christmas Eve dinner at Jackie's house, Rose and the Doctor encounter a woman on London Bridge who changes their lives forever.

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This story is 37 words long.

Something Feels Strange - 6

Something Feels Strange…

Feels Strange

I look over at mom for answers. I see that she is smiling.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." She says. "Too bad it is time to give you to someone else for a season."

It is time for answers. I just hope that the answers don't lead to more questions!

Chapter 6: Explanations & Decisions

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This story is 56 words long.

Doctor Who Meets Gaby-8

Doctor Who Meets Gaby-8
By Stanman63

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This story is 6 words long.

King Of The Rim-7-The Trap


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King Of The Rim
Chapter 7-The Trap

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This story is 7 words long.


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