And now the story resumes.........
16 Years later both Kelly and Tony were training with Rose learning about weapon use both were learning very quickly. (Very few males do this training, for it is the women that protect the kingdom. Only males that have the ability to change and are willing to stay female do this training. Also, Royalty does as well.)
Rose told the boy’s “Well children you have done well in training. Now it is time for you boost your wisdom, go speak with Jane to boost your wisdom. You are demised.”
Both boys’ replied, “Yes Aunt Rose” and then they were off.
Tony asked Kelly, “So how your mom doing?”
Kelly told him, “She is doing well she is still upset about what my father did.” (At age 14 Kelly was told of what his father did.)
Tony said, “Yeah Aunt Jane is still upset as well, good news is though they both love us.”
“Yep and for that I am glad” Kelly replied.
“So Kelly do you believe that you can change in to a total female?” Tony asked his best friend.
“I do hope so Tony for the good of the Kingdom and to make mom happy.” Kelly looking out the hall window when he replied.
Then Kelly changed the subject real quick and asked, “How about you Tony?”
Tony sighed and said, “I’m not totally sure, one hand I can do many things to help out with the kingdom. Yet on the other hand I don’t want to lose you my friend.”
Kelly said, “If you do have the ability to change fully you will not lose my friend ship. If you can change then you will be my advisor if I can change as well. Sound good?”
Tony eye lit up and said, “Dang straight!”
Then knock on the library door and heard, “Come on in boys.” They walked and sat down in their chairs. Jane asked the boy’s “How are you two doing today?”
Both said at once, “Great.”
Jan then said, “Ok now it’s time for you to start learning how we change parts of our anatomy or the whole body.” Both boys nodded and keep on listening to their Aunty Jane.
“Right well first thing is first you both need to draw what your female self looks like” Jane told them. Then the boys started to draw them self as how they would look female.
Kelly imaged himself looking a lot his mother. He tried to remember how she looked, she stood 5’ 5” weighed about 100 pounds. Shoulder length deep red hair. Though he wanted his hair to a little bit shorter so he would have hair that could be put in to long length spikes. Then he drew the new shape of himself very refined, 36 B, 20, 38. He toyed with the idea of going bigger, but he felt it wasn’t right do that for he would be the whole image of the kingdom. He knew he must look respectable, as the kingdom would say.
Tony he drew a figure that look a lot like his Aunt Jane, she stands about 5’8” 120 pounds. Her hair when not up it goes about to her behind black as night. The difference he wanted was mid back length and bluish black hair color. He remembered her size was 38 C, 22, and 40. He was happy with the drawing he had done.
Rose asked they boy’s if they were done, they nodded their heads. Rose came up to Tony first and asked to see his drawing. She looked at the drawing and was a little speechless. Tony asked “Everything ok Aunt Jane?”
She found her voice and said, “Yes I’m just a little surprised you pick to look like me a bit though.”
Tony blushed and said “You are so awesome and cool and I want to be just like you.” Jane felt pride and joyfulness cause of what he had said. He asked real quickly “Are you upset or mad at me for wanting to look like you?”
She looks at him and told him, “No not at all I am just very happy.” They hugged each other, then she was about to look at Kelly’s, when the Queen came in.
Jane said, “Hello your majesty.”
Tony said, “Hello Aunt Mary.”
Kelly said, “Hi mommy.”
Jane asked Mary, “So dear what can I do for you?”
Mary replied, “Came to see how everything was going and to see what these two have drawn.”
She looked at Tony’s first and saw it look just like Jane and told him “Very beautiful, good chose as well.” Then she looked at her sons and almost fainted. Jane caught her before she fell. Once she composed herself she asked her son. “Are you sure this who you want to look like Kelly?”
Kelly smiled and said, “Yes I do you are such a beautiful person and I want to look just like you, but the hair has to be a little different.”
Mary’s only reply was “That is totally fine with me my child, I feel honored.”
Jane told Mary, “So do I so do I.” Both ladys started to giggle, then the boys fallowed in laughing. Both the boys studied the words that were to be said for the change to happen for 6 months, and learned how the government works.
Then their time had arrived Tony was the first one to go and do the chant. He steeped in to the circle surrounded by the council and his Aunt Jane and Aunt Mary.
When he was ready he started the chant. Saying, “Change the form to that of what it truly is, so it shall be done, so it shall be done, RELASE NOW!!”
Then black and white light shot up from the ground and engulfed him and started the changing process.
First he shrunk from his 6’2” frame to 5’8”, he felt her private area get suck up in to his body, his hip bone widen. His hips grew out, and then he felt his behind expand. Right then he felt his chest start to expand started out slow then just started to expand faster till they reach a C cup.
Felt her face rearrange, nose shrunk to a cute button nose, her lips become fuller. Her eye became bedroom eyes. Finger become smaller, but had the dainty hand look. After her feet went from an 11 in men’s to a 6 in women’s. (In case anyone was wondering about the feet, now you know. Lol)
Once done, Toni lay down on a bed and went to sleep to rest after the transformation. It was Kelly’s turn next.
To be continued…………………….
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Not sure it's good new or bad new, but I am back. ^_^
Ok all kidding a side, here is the 3 installment, sarav111 help with editing, like to thank you again. Hope everyone enjoys. Chapter 1 and 2 have be redone, now called Prince to Princess 1 Revised and Price to Princess 2 Revised.
Take Care
Kittien69 ^_^
Take Care
Kittien69 ^_^
Nice To See
You continuing thf story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
This is a very interesting story.
It is simple enough that even a child could read it. I was able to read through the typos and understand everything. A light and wonderful take on female domination of the male.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Wimyn's Waists
Dear Kitten,
Your story is very sweet and fun to read. I agree with the other commentors.
This criticism is not especially directed against you, but I am tired of descriptions of wimyn's bodies, usually using measurements, that are so unrealistic. Perhaps you recall feminists complaining about Barbie's exaggerated, unrealistic body and that Barbie's body was changed to be somewhat more realistic. There is also an argument that extremely thin wimyn should not be glorified as the essence of beauty because this might lead more girls and wimyn to have eating disorders that can be harmful or fatal.
Wimyn can have very small waists by dieting and corset training, but such distorted bodies are not very health or functional. Especially in our community, we need to think of wimyn as real people, not show or sex objects.
My memory, at 60 YO, just is not working too well. I can't remember names. However some of the wimyn that IMHO are very beautiful and attractive are the volleyball player, who is also a model, the mountain bike racer who was doing TV commercials for SoBe, some kind of drink, and the best American wimyn's pole vaulter, who may have had a world or Olympic record now or recently.
Wimyn can have tiny waists, as I have said, but they also tend to be weak and in poor physical condition. Those that are strong and have thin waists are also thin in the rest of their bodies, like marathon runners, and would not have such huge hip/butt measurements. Larger wimyn, still having low body fat, have larger waists because they have back and abdominal muscles, which take up space. (duh, Renee) 8)
The wimyn I mentioned above, if anyone can figure out who I'm talking about, do not look like "Soviet shotputters" (no offense meant), but definitely have muscles.
Kitten, I assume you are just repeating what others have put in their stories. I don't think the measurements of todays TV and movie stars is common knowledge (but I'm wrong a lot, too).
Thanks for your effort and keep trying.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,