Exchanged - Chapters 04 and 05

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Exchanged Art - Amazon
Chapters 4 and 5
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 4: Elephants

I COULDN’T REALLY see, but the dress held up to me made it clear. “Hmm… I think this is the right size, but let’s get you out of your seat so I can tell!”

As soon as she had me unstrapped, she pulled the dress I had on straight off and pulled the new one right in the store. I was mortified as I looked around and saw another Little in a cart staring at me. He was dressed in just a diaper though, so I guessed it was typical for the store. Then, another Little down the row was made to crawl after her ‘mommy’ and was scolded for not keeping up.

“Maybe we need to just make it to where you can only get on your tummy if you’re not going to even keep up as a crawler!” the lady said as she roughly picked up the Little and spanked her until she bawled.

I shuddered as my vision was obstructed by the new dress coming back off. “Still too big, I think…” She stood up, and I heard the clicking of hangers above me before she produced another dress over my head, “Here we go!”

The new dress had puffy sleeves and flared out quickly from the top of the dress. I couldn’t see my toes around the skirt, but I could tell there was no way it entirely covered my ill-fitting diaper. On the other hand, I could see a butterfly embroidered on it and had to grudgingly admit it was probably an adorable dress for a real baby. I absentmindedly touched the butterfly, and she cooed, “You like butterflies, don’t you?”

I blushed even more than I had before.

She hugged me tight and said, “So do I!”

I absently sucked at the pacifier as a way to bite my tongue as she said, “Honey, help me pick out several more outfits in size three months. I want to get out of here and be on the way home so I can get dinner started.”

From the ground, I watched them fly through the racks and waddled after them. A growing need to go pee was coming, but I was kind of scared to go in a diaper that clearly didn’t fit right. I watched as rompers, onesies, pajamas, nightgowns, four more dresses, and six pairs of shoes were added to the pile in the cart before I was returned to the carrier. I whined a bit about that before she said, “Oh, we forgot to get you a stuffie for being such a good girl, didn’t we?” She picked me back up out of the carrier with nothing but the poorly fitting diaper on and carried me towards a large toy area filled with stuffed animals. “Which do you want, sweetheart?”

I looked around and couldn’t help but find a white teddy bear that had two turquoise bows in her hair on her ears cute. I pointed to it, and she smiled and said, “Good girl, you picked one out all by yourself!”

She tickled my thigh and then placed me back in the carrier that Fred had pushed to follow us. Once strapped in, she covered the carrier with a blanket from the diaper bag. I kind of hated not seeing and losing the airflow, but at least I was covered and ‘decent’ now. Then, just before we got to the checkout, she whispered, “I’m doing this to make it a little bit easier for you; just nurse your paci and pretend to sleep.”

I wondered what she meant until I heard the cashier. “Looks like you must have just picked a new Little up?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Fred answered.

“She must be a tiny thing if she’s fitting into diapers this small!”

“She is. We got so lucky!” Amanda squealed. “We just finally got her tired out and got her to sleep though, so can you keep it down?”

“I’ll be quiet and good,” the cashier lady said with a disturbing giggle. “Your total is three-hundred thirty-four dollars and sixteen cents.”

I had a feeling that there was a card swipe before the lady said, “Have you signed up for our rewards program yet?”

“I signed up a while back…” Amanda said.

“Well, now that you have your baby, make sure you go to your account online and let us know her sizes, actual age, and her new age. That will let us be sure to send you coupons that you can use.”

All of this talking about me using baby items made me need to pee even more… and I quietly squirmed a little.

“We’ll keep that in mind, thanks!” Fred answered.

The cart was pushed forward, and I heard some bags rustling, a box being ripped open, and a few other things before the carrier was picked up. “Fred, I’m going to go to the changing room and get her in some clothes that fit.”

“Okay, I’ll load up the princesses’ new things in the car and pull it around for you. Do you want to just carry her so that I can get the carrier back in the seat before you get back?”

“Sure,” she said, and the blanket came off as she sat the carrier back on the cart and unbuckled me. “Come on, sweetheart, let’s go get you in a diapee that actually fits you!”

I blushed as she wrapped me with the blanket and carried the diaper bag and me back inside. I really needed to go pee at that point, but the fear that the diaper would leak kept me holding on. Finally, I could see the door for the family room near as I lost the battle and just let myself let go. My face turned bright red, and I leaned my head against her shoulder in embarrassment.

Just as she cleared the door to the changing room and nursing room, I felt the diaper leak and urine spilled down my leg. She noticed as she pulled the blanket away from me. “Uh-oh!” she said in a singsong voice. “Good thing I had you all wrapped up in your blankie…”

I felt tears stinging my eyes as she said that.

“Oh, don’t worry, Stacy, I expected that would probably happen if you had to use that diaper; no harm done. We’ll get you all dry in a jiffy!” She smiled kindly at me.

The wet blanket was sat on the ground, and she sat me on top of a cushy pad she had placed on the changing station. I was pushed back onto my back, and she moved my hands out of the way before ripping off the tapes of the ridiculously oversized diaper. “Definitely too big, huh?” she said as she grabbed my ankles in one hand and wiped my bottom and everywhere else. I squirmed a bit at the cold wipe but tried not to cry out in embarrassment. I knew I was as red as ever then as she pulled the oversized diaper out from under me and placed the right one instead.

She added rubbed in some powder quickly and then taped it shut. “There, all dry, huh?” She said in her mommy voice. “Let’s get you in this pretty new dress!” She pulled the first dress she had me try on back over my head before pulling a matching diaper cover up my legs. “All done, and cute as a button!” She told me with a smile and a light tap on my nose.

She clipped a pacifier clip onto my dress and the pacifier that was in my mouth before picking me up on one hip and grabbing everything else with her free hand. I felt awkward with my bare feet and hung onto her shirt nervously. I found myself leaning my head against her shoulder as she carried me to the car, and I genuinely felt like a nap would be a good idea heading to their house. I was scared to let them have one moment of me being unconscious, though… what would they do?

Fred had the door open at the front of the store, and I was quickly strapped back into the carrier, given my new stuffed bear, and we were back on the road. “Stacy, I can’t believe how well behaved you were in there,” Amanda cooed at me as we drove down the road. “I do believe you might actually survive college here.”

“What now?” I asked as I popped out the pacifier and let it dangle from the clip.

“Well, we’re going to get you home and unpack what you have. I will have to take back most of the clothes and diapers I put in your nursery, but I saved all of the receipts and tags, so that won’t be a big deal. We can go do that this weekend or something.”

“Does it have to be…?”

“Yes, it will be girly, Stacy. The second you try and not be girly, I have a feeling we’ll have social services involved. Being a good girl out in public should help keep that at bay while you’re in school. Everyone expects a bad Little since they believe you’re just helpless babies. If you want to act grown-up enough for classes, you’ll have to act more mature than most.”

“That’s kind of hard with a diaper on…” I complained.

“It could be way worse; you saw that, right?” Fred said.

“Yes, I did… how can anyone…?”

“Be so cruel?” Fred said, “I don’t know. It doesn’t even make sense to say you’re a baby and then be so cruel to you. If a Little really is a baby, then you should shower them with love and affection just like a real baby.”

I heard a contented sigh from Amanda as I guess this was one of the reasons she married this man. ‘It could be way worse,’ I told myself.

“So, after we unpack?” I asked.

“Well, we make din-din, and then I think an early bedtime for all of us seems like a good idea today. I know I hardly slept last night in anticipation of you coming!” Amanda said. “We’ll also give you a chance to message your real parents that you made it safely.” She added the last part with a kind of sad cadence on the word ‘real.’

“Thanks, I know Mom must be worried sick,” I said to them. I knew most Amazons would probably have taken me from the terminal, dressed me as she had, but just gone ahead and given me the full-blown baby treatment. I really was lucky that so far, they had limited their actions. But, of course, I had been on my best behavior too…

A quiet silence fell as we made numerous turns, and I could see large trees beginning and a neighborhood forming. I saw the entrance to the university flash by my window a few minutes later… at least, I thought it was that from what I could see anyway. I played a little bit with the butterfly embroidery on my dress and tried to touch the outside of the dress hem too, but I really was strapped in securely! The view looking back really meant that I could just make out my bare feet and the seat easily. It was only an occasional view through the side of the window that really showed me much.

Amanda came around to my door and opened it before fiddling briefly with the latch on the harness and working me free. I expected her to carry me inside, but instead, she sat me down on the ground on my own two feet. I looked around and realized I missed us pulling into an oversized garage with at least one other car in it. “Can you get your bags while we get your new stuff?” she asked me.

I nodded and managed to get my luggage back into a little train like I had when I checked into the portal as Fred handed them to me. Amanda giggled, “You look so cute like that!”

Sure enough, a phone came out, and she took a quick picture of me fighting with my luggage. Once I made it through the door into the house, I discovered we were in a huge kitchen. The lowest cabinet knobs were at my head level, so I had no chance of seeing any higher. It was scary how tall everything was inside. Amanda took the lead and led me past a huge kitchen table, and a highchair that I knew was for me against a wall. A living room was through the next space, and she stopped and said, “Why don’t you just leave those there for a moment, sweetie.”

I looked up, and she motioned me to follow her to the tall couch that I could just reach my arms onto the cushions. I found myself picked up and propped up on a pillow on the other side from her. Fred came and sat in a recliner on her right to where we could all look at each other.

“Okay, so what is this elephant in the room, Amanda,” Fred asked her.


“You’re hiding something and trying to get Stacy in on it, too…?”

I sighed as Amanda pursed her gigantic lips at me. There was no doubt that I was afraid of what she would do, but she nodded at me. “Well, sir, we have a bit of a misunderstanding right now…?”

He motioned for me to continue on, “about?”

“Well… my name is Stacy, and I should have made certain you knew… but I’m one of the rare boy Stacy’s.”

He laughed, “You’re a boy named Stacy? I’ve never heard of a boy being named Stacy?”

“My Great-Grandfather was named Stacy along with quite a few other males about 1900 or so. But, of course, it wasn’t only a girl’s name then in our dimension…”

“So, we’ve done all of our preparations for a little girl… and you’re really a little boy?”

He laughed a belly-roaring laugh, and I blushed, as I did have to admit the joke would be pretty funny from the other side, “Tomboy,” he laughed again.

Amanda giggled for a moment before she added, “And that’s going to be part of our problem.”

“Why?” I asked.

“The university has you registered as a girl. If you attend as anything else, they’ll probably use it as an excuse to take away your scholarship and deem you not fit to be in school.”

I gasped, “but…”

Fred nodded, “Unfortunately, she’s probably right… Damn… We put together such a pretty nursery too…”

“So, what do we do?” I asked.

“Well… I don’t have a clue,” Amanda offered. “Thank you for cooperating long enough for us to look at buying some time here. For not being a girl, you certainly have long hair?”

I blushed, “I just like long hair,” I said.

“Well, it definitely helps you blend as a girl…” she said. “How about shaving?”

“I did that this morning?” I felt my face, knowing stubble was unlikely.

“How often?”

“Every other day?”

“We could help with that…” Fred said.

“Well… we’re going to have to do something…” I said, “I would hate for all of my hopes and dreams of going to this school to go up in flames before I even get there…” I couldn’t help but worry that everything was doomed to failure before I even made it to a class!


Chapter 5: Computer People

“THERE IS A solution, at least for now,” Fred suggested while looking at his wife. “Providing no one is changing your diaper, no one should guess that you’re not a girl. Even if they did with all of the crazy things in this world, I don’t think anyone would do anything more than tease you?”

“So, you’re saying just pretend to be a girl?” I asked and felt my face flush, “If anyone back home finds out…”

“Surely some of your friends already know about some of it?” Amanda asked.

I felt my face was never going to not blush, “Just my friend Gabby… She and I talked quite a bit over the summer,” I told her.

“Girlfriend?” Fred asked.

I shook my head, “We both cared about our studies too much. Though I guess it would probably have been smart to go off and have crazy wild orgies or something before coming here…”

Fred laughed like crazy about that while Amanda shot me a glare, “IF you’re going to pull off this college degree, you’re going to have to behave better than that young lady.”

I gulped, “Sorry…”

“Well, I guess we probably should go over some more of these expectations then Stacy… But, for now, are we agreed as far as anyone is concerned, you’re a little girl?”

I looked down at the pink dress I was wearing and how my hair hung down to the top of the collar. Then, finally, I sighed, “I don’t want to lose my scholarship or worse, so yes.”

“We may have to think about this some more, Amanda, but I’m okay with it. I’m glad you told me before I changed a diaper and got a surprise!”

The word diaper made me think of my bladder as if by magic, and I couldn’t help the feeling that I needed to pee again. However, I had long since steeled myself that this would be a part of my world now, so I just let it go in the diaper. Both my pause and the expanding diaper must have let them both know what I was doing, and the blush returned.

“Good girl,” Amanda said, “That’s going to be the next thing. You already agreed to the diapers. Please understand that means we’re watching your toilet habits like good parents… if you don’t go poopy at least once a day, we’re going to have to see if you’re stopped up… and help otherwise.”

My eyes opened wider, “That won’t be a problem…” said quickly.

“Also, understand we’ll try and change you as soon as we can, but sometimes you may have to wait a while.”

“Could I just change myself?” I asked, knowing that would probably not be a yes.

“For right now, no,” Amanda said, “Maybe in a few months I’ll think about it if you can be trusted. Depending on which diapers you’re in, you may not even be able to do so. They pamper you’re in would probably be possible, but any of the other diapers we bought today are designed to where Littles can’t untape the diapers themselves.”

“Oh…” I sighed, “I understand I’ll have to wait sometimes. What else?”

“Well, obviously, once you see your crib, you’re going to understand it’s probably impossible anyway… especially given how small you are. But even if you CAN climb out of your crib, somehow, you are not to do so. Same thing with your playpen.”

I shuddered at memories of failing at rock climbing walls, “Okay, I won’t even try either of them. Just please don’t lock me up like an animal and forget about me?” I asked.

Amanda smiled, “Don’t worry, good mommies never forget about their babies.”

“That’s going to be the next thing,” Fred said, “for your own protection, we’re not Amanda and Fred; we’re Mommy and Daddy.”

I nodded, “I figured we’d have to do something like that… Daddy,” I said, “just please remember my real mom and dad?”

“Don’t worry, that’s part of why he said Mommy and Daddy. I figure we can keep things straight about who you’re talking about. Especially now that we know you’re really a boy, I can’t imagine you’ve called either of your parents by those names in years?”

I shook my head, “By sixth grade, my friends gave me enough crap that I stopped calling Dad that then.”

“Obviously, you came here for school, so we expect you to keep your grades up, Stacy,” Amanda said. “I’d like to honestly see you get at least a 3.5 GPA, but as long as it’s a 3.0, things will be fine since you can keep your scholarship.”

“IF it doesn’t, though, you need to be aware of consequences that won’t even be in our control,” Fred said.


“You’ll most likely be seen as too immature to be in college and at the least sent back to a preschool. If that happens, they may begin to look at us as unfit parents…”

“And I’m a goner,” I nodded, “that’s at least something I’ve already prepared myself for. Given the fact I’m not exactly going to have a crazy social life, it shouldn’t be too big of a deal for me to come home from classes and study.”

Amanda smiled, “No, it won’t be a big deal, but be warned our days are longer here…”

I nodded, “I remember from my visit. It was kind of nice to naturally be able to get more sleep!”

“Well, when we tell you it’s night-night time, it’s night-night time,” she told me.

“Got it… what about downtime and fun? Am I stuck with those toys over there?” I pointed to toys that looked like they were straight from Elena’s nursery back home. Shape puzzles, blocks, stuffed animals, and a couple dolls were popping out of a couple elegant looking bins in the corner next to a folded-up playpen.

She smiled, “Well, you will probably have to pretend to play with those at least a little bit. But, of course, if we have visitors, you’re going to have to pretend like we’re treating you normally…”

“Even with me going to classes?”

“Especially with that, because we can say we’re indulging you in some maturity because you’re being so mature and a good baby too,” Fred said.

‘That makes no sense at all…’ I told myself.

“What would you like to be able to do? Remember we said no TV…?”

I nodded, “I brought some video game consoles?”

“Ooh, really?” Amanda asked excitedly.

“Wait, that excites you?”

“Well yeah, we have better computers here, but no one has completely mastered making video games as entertaining as yours!”

I must have looked dumbfounded, but Fred chuckled and nodded, “you brought probably the most valuable commodity you could have from your world.”

“How come the customs officer didn’t care?” I asked.

He snorted, “She probably figured by now you’d be on your way to being a brainless infant, and your mommy would sell them.”

“This mommy just wants to play them with you!” Amanda said. “Luckily for you, I’m in my profession! The cables won’t go directly into our TVs as you have them, but I should be able to rig up some adapters!”

“Okay, so video games are okay… reading?” I asked.

“You mean Dr. Seuss and other picture books? Those are fine!” Fred joked with me. I felt terror as he added, “As long as it’s just us here, you’re free to do any of those things.”

“And if other people are here?” I asked nervously.

“Well, that’s going to be the next big thing before I go get working on dinner, sweetheart.” But, Amanda said, “If it’s just us like tonight, you’ll be able to eat regular table food.”

“Thanks!” I said with a smile.

“Well, don’t thank me yet. Daddy or I will be the ones feeding it to you, though.”

I sighed, “As long as it’s real food, I can deal with that.”

“Good girl. Now, if we have company or we’re out and about, that may not always be the case. I’ll do my best to make it myself if we’re home, but the company will expect you to be eating baby food with the size you are.”

“Will they be okay with that even?” I asked and then regretted it.

“Well, some of them may very well believe that you should only be breastfed. Especially with as tiny as you are, sweetheart.”

“Remember, you’re only the size of a three-month-old baby here,” Fred added on. “A baby at that age should still only be on a liquid diet.”

I shuddered, “Okay, we’ll deal with that as we have to, and I’ll try not to pitch a fit?”

Amanda replied, “That’s all we ask most of the time. Once in a while though, it’s okay if you have to pitch a fit… it’s almost more unnerving to me that you’re being such a good girl about all of this.”

“I kind of came prepared…” I told them while noting they hadn’t said anything about not feeding me liquids as a diet… ‘We definitely missed some things in the contract…’

“Seems like it,” Amanda said. “Let’s go check out your nursery and change that wet diaper before we let you send a message home.”

I shrugged and started to climb down from the couch but was quickly intercepted by Amanda, “I want to show you!” She said as she tickled my side a bit. I started giggling uncontrollably as she kept going for a moment and then kissed the top of my head, “I know this is only for a few years here, but I hope you know we’re going to love you as our own baby for this time. I hope you’ll grow to feel a connection to us as your surrogate parents.”

I felt my eyes moisten a little at her words, “I hope so too.”

She held me at her side, and I could now really view the rooms a bit better. But then, she actually made a point to go back to the kitchen, “Okay, so obviously I like to cook,” she said as she pointed at a kitchen my mom would kill for.

“Wow, how many ovens do you need?” I asked, quickly counting three along with eight burners and an indoor grill built into the stove.

“Well, we like to entertain, so when we bought this house, we redid the kitchen to be my dream kitchen. You’ll see the dining room table can hold twelve people, so I like to be able to cook for that.”

Sure enough, I could see the table was long, and other than a missing seat next to one chair was set up for twelve. I suspected Amanda planned on placing my high chair next to that spot there. She walked over to a high chair that would fit into any house back home. It was pink with butterflies printed on the fabric with a white tray. I saw a harness like a car seat to restrain me, and I could see wheels on the base to make it easy to push it around.

“We bought a normal baby high chair and not a Little’s high chair,” Fred told me with a voice that sounded like it was trying to reassure me.

I looked up at Amanda, “What’s the difference?”

“Well, this one is just meant to keep a baby safe from falling out… the other type would let me strap your legs down to keep you from kicking me, and arm straps to keep you from hitting me or getting your hands in Mommy’s way of feeding you.”

I gulped, “Thank you,” I said quietly as she gave me a squeeze.

“Okay, now let’s go check out your room, Sweetheart,” she told me. We walked down a hallway with pictures of them together, with friends, with older people I assumed were their parents, and Amanda seemed to have several sisters in another image with her. She stopped there, “These are your Aunties, Aunt Cassie, Aunt Chloe, and Aunt Megan.”

I gulped as I looked next to the photo and saw another where Aunt Cassie seemed to have two real babies and a Little. Aunt Chloe appeared to have a set of three Littles of her own too in another picture. “Are they…?”

She sighed, “They’re not necessarily what you would consider to be nice people to your kind. When they come to visit, we may have to be a little bit different with them here…”

“Are they coming soon?” I asked.

“Well, Aunt Megan wants to come over soon and meet you - she’s the baby of the family, so she’s still in college herself.” She smiled at me and pointed at the youngest blonde-haired girl, who actually seemed much shorter than the rest. She was still obviously an Amazon, but the line was closer to a Betweener. “She’s also the safe one,” she told me as she moved down the hallway. “She’ll probably help us with getting you to classes occasionally. She’s actually the only person in my family I’ve told about you.”

I nodded and noticed the absence of any more information on her other two sisters. I was distracted as we came up to a room with a white door and “Princess Stacy,” in cute fabric letters alternating in a light green and pink with a mixture of polka dots and such on them. It was adorable, and I found myself reaching out to touch them. I grimaced at the princess part, but it looked like they had wanted me to feel special.

Amanda opened the door, and I looked at a work of art in awe. White paneling went from the floor to just about the level of the top of a massive white sleigh crib. Above the white was a pastel green, with pink and purple butterflies chasing each other along the wall. At the bottom edge were flowers that other butterflies appeared to sit on. Above the crib was painted in flowing pink script outlined in purple, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

“You had a Walt Disney in your universe too?” I asked while smiling at the words.

“He’s always been a bit of a hero to me,” Fred responded from behind us. “From what I understand, yours did more with amusement parks than ours did.”

“We’ll have to compare notes later,” I said as my eyes continued to look over the room.

Pink curtains with butterflies on them framed two large windows in the room. A cute quilt hung on the side of the crib that continued the butterfly theme. It even had a mobile above it with four plush purple and pink butterflies hanging below. I looked closer at the furniture and had no doubts that the crib would easily contain me. It would easily be a foot or more taller than my head from the mattress to the rails. I shivered a bit and felt myself going more in my diaper, making Amanda squeeze me tighter. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”

She moved towards the changing table with drawers underneath it and several cubbies. I noticed a nice glider chair sitting next to a light and a bookcase in a corner. The changing table had all of the usual things you would expect to see, and I couldn’t help but feel helpless as she sat me down and then pushed me gently by the shoulders to get me to lie down. “Oh, goody Daddy, you brought her new diapees with you!” She told Fred as he had followed with all four boxes of them.

“Which do you want?”

“Hand me another of her Pampers,” she told him with a smile as she took a belt from the table and secured it around my chest.

She pushed my dress up towards my face and said, “Hold your skirt for Mommy, please.” I did as she asked, if nothing else because it hid my face from them looking at me as I felt her pull down the diaper cover first and left it dangling on my ankles before she popped open the tapes of the diaper.

“We are going to have to figure out something here,” she sighed to herself as she wiped my genitals.

“What do you mean?” I asked nervously.

“I’m not sure yet…” she said gently.

I was more than a bit nervous at that, but I held my tongue. “Such a serious baby,” she told me and tickled me just as she put some lotion on me. I felt myself harden again and hated that I felt so helpless and aroused at the same time. I was grateful that she didn’t make it more than an innocent diaper change, as I was sure I couldn’t have taken that! Soon I was sat back up to look at the room from my perch on the changing table. A diaper pail device sat next to the crib that I watched her place my wet diaper in it.

Around the room, at my new height, toys sat everywhere. There was an odd little desk and chair in the corner that was just a little bit bigger than my size and seemed kind of out of place. It had pencils and pens in a cup, but other than the white that matched the nursery, it was something I could have had back home as a great workspace. I noticed there was even a handy power strip there that looked like it would let me plug in my laptop. “That’s a power strip for my electronics?” I asked.

“We bought it at the portal station since you said you were going to bring your laptop?” Amanda said. “Where’s it at anyway?”

I held my arms out for her to pick me up and set me on the ground. Fred had just returned with my luggage. I dug around for my computer and the cord I had stuffed in a compartment. I had guessed correctly that it would end up coming down in size for me, and it seemed proportionally the same as it had.

Amanda had sat down on the floor next to me, “Oh my god, that is soooo cute!” She told me.

I blushed, “I figured it would be a good idea to bring a computer my sized with me…”

“That was very smart,” she said with a smile, “Can I see it?”

I held it out to her, and she opened it to watch the computer startup. It made me feel even smaller than in her hands; it appeared to be even smaller than a small netbook. “This keyboard is sooooo tiny! But it’s got everything it should!”

“Well, it’s the state-of-the-art back home… I know that might bring it only into the mid-range here, but I’m hoping the size of it will let me still take it to class?”

“It’s better than anything we have for Littles for certain,” she told me. “What are the specs?”

“It has is a 4.2 gigahertz thirty-two core processor, it has 512 gigs of ram,” I went on about the specs quite proudly because I had put my heart and soul into getting the machine custom made for me. We took the time to make sure the power would work for the computer, and I smiled when it seemed to be charging it just fine.

“You know it only has about a quarter of my machine’s processing power, but it starts up quickly…” She said to me. I felt more than a little bit nervous at how far behind we were from them – even with my crazy machine, but that was why I had taken the risk.

“Well, we’re so far behind you… It should be okay for most of my coursework, I hope.” I told her, blushing.

She nodded, “It should; you definitely won’t find something this small with that much power. Oh, hi honey,” she said slyly to Fred, who had sat there just staring at us.

“It’s bad enough she gets like this anytime I let her and Megan get in the same room… Hmm… at least I can do this with you, though,” he said as he playfully reinserted the hanging pacifier in my mouth.

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This story is so cute.... and so scary.

I am a little myself and while a lot of that sounds fun some of it is just downright scary. Already being autistic is bad enough having to worry about being brainwashed and becoming a drooling mindless baby would be horrible. Some of the bizarre surgeries for Littles are interesting but nothing I would want to happen to me. This is getting really interesting I can't wait to read more.

EllieJo Jayne


Thanks for commenting! I think you'll likely enjoy it as it continues. I really appreciate the comment!

I am enjoying Stacy's adventure

Stacy did not think of everything with his contract. I expect Amanda and Fred will use these omitted aspects to make Stacy into the "little" girl they desire.


Yes... clearly there have been a few things not thought of by Stacy. He's definitely in for a bit of a ride here! Thanks for taking the time and commenting, I appreciate it! :-)