My Super Secret Life...Diamond-6.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond 6.

Chapter 6

The last two days were really busy really in just getting settled down and unpacked into my condo here in The Tower and getting things the way that I like them and getting tips from some of the female members and staff here at The Tower.

Mom had actually the great idea of me having a housewarming shower here in a sort of open house sort of way here for the people here that worked in the building and the other members on the team.

I actually worked quite hard with the Parvati when she had the time to spare with me. She’s Indian and like some of the stereotypes she’s had that whole English/Education and she even has the accent stuff to prove it. She even went to university there at this place called Cambridge?

Point is she knows all these things and manners like how to walk but not just walk but glide and there’s this whole thing with the book on my head that I still can’t do right at all but am getting better at. Sitting, standing smoothing my clothes without looking like I’m doing that stuff like sliding into sit at places, table manners.

I need a whole lot of practice at the stuff she’s showing me and really it’s only the tip of the iceberg and my mom’s there with me and honestly is just as bad as I am with this stuff but she wasn’t ever taught this stuff either.

It’s not that we never had manners but in the real world unless you’re from someplace fancy it’s not something really taught because people are too busy living or they just don’t acre or just don’t know how.

I’m a girl now and while not a stunningly make you drool, knock out I want people to remember me for who I am and how I acted rather than how I looked filling out my costume.

And Sunny didn’t show because she had her ass beat really hard by this blaster/brick called Vector.

Uh…yeah I kind of figured out that Sunny and Titan are the same people…uhm persons. The hows and the whys I don’t know but living here in The Tower it wasn’t too hard to figure out. Titan got really badly hurt and had bitten off more than he could chew and Sunny hasn’t been around or answering her phone or her texts either.

Which had me worried and had me thinking because her ex-boyfriend Matt had just come out all over his public blog accounts and stuff and it got passed on like wildfire. And it’s just NOT Sunny to leave someone high and dry like that. Well it happened because Sunny was in The Tower infirmary as Titan.

I know it’s sucked for Matt and I know it really sucked for me too because really Sunny’s my best friend. I stayed for awhile and there was a bit of a thing with Champion and security and me going to see Sunny. But I did that girl thing where I crossed my arms under my breasts and leaned on one hip and looked at Champion and he let me through with a sigh.

“Terri, this is hush, hush…Sunny’s powers to shift make her more than a secret identity.”

“Because of who the turn into right?”

“Yes, I don’t mean to be insulting.”

“No, I get it. I’m still a kid and you have to make sure. Look sir she’s my best friend. I just want to sit with her.”

“Good…and Terri?”

“Yes sir?”

“Maybe you can fill Titan in on some of the things about being a guy now and then?”

“Yes sir I’ll try to offer my two cents.”

I sit with Titan and he’s in a sort of coma. It’s more the lights are on but no body is home according to the experts. Like he should be up and around but he’s not there to be up and around or if he is…none of the psionics on staff can reach him.

His Dad comes in and stays for awhile before going back to work and he’s actually down here in the medical area enough that he takes his coffee breaks here too. I give him the room to talk to his son and he does even if he’s explaining research to him while Titan’s out of it.

The thing is him doing that in that brainy kind of manic way when he gets going is like Sunny when we were getting made over and shopping. There’s that same light and stuff in her eyes as he does.

Kind of like me with my comics and my sci-fiction movies. My favourites are still the 24th century version of Sliders the cartoon/amine and the comic series.

Actually I get Titan some comics to read. Sunny was never into this stuff so I actually go online and I go to Comic-Mythos and I run a search on the whole stuff about fathers and sons and power and responsibility and The Marvel Amulet series where a girl finds this amulet made by the majik guy behind Shazam and she becomes Captain Marvel the old DC comics hero and she has to deal with being that. It’s a very Titan like story that came about when the comic crash happened and the big names of the companies folded and comics kind of died out for awhile.

See I’m a geekette.

It’s funny when mankind started hitting the stars comics came back like those dime store westerns that the people used to buy in the eastern cities back in the Wild West colony days on earth.

And they exploded when the metahumans started showing up more.

Anyway I download the issues to my data card and just go to Kinkos and get them to print off blanks.

A comic blank now a days is for the readers. You can get almost anything online. But…they’re e-issues. You can go and get stuff printed out and that’s one of the things about the copy places is they can print you off and build/bind now anything from comics to magazines to novels. But they are blanks.

Anything original now has special watermarks and comes from the publishers and are automatically worth a lot more and cost a lot.

Bookstores even used ones are like a new form of antique store when it comes to originals versus blanks. No…despite the computer age and all the advances we’ve never gotten rid of books, hand held print can’t be killed.

I leave a bunch of them for when he wakes up and I head off to do other things. Like hitting the gym and working out. I even score some time with Nick after this Op. that the main heroes pulled to capture Vector.

He was in his mask and these tight…oh tight in the right places work out shorts and he schooled me awhile in self defence stuff. That was…I know we have that history and he’s a bad boy but damn…I can’t help but like guys more and more and this was like up close mat training with Batman…and Nick has this sculpted body that is just…

I was so feeling my teen girl hormones after that hour long session.

After a very long shower and a little appreciation for modern plumbing in the way of adjustable shower heads I went to my room and got online and got a hold of Matt.

[Hey…Matt, you don’t know me I’m Terry and I’m a friend of Sunny’s.]

[…Hey back, what kind of friend?]

[New friend, I just wanted you to know that she meant to get a hold of you but she’s been kind of sick.]

[I know. Saw the News.]


[I know.]




[Can I see her?]

[I can ask. BRB.]

I call the head office and get Liz…Mrs. Champion. “I was talking to Matt…uhm Sunny’s ex and he knows.”

“Yes Alexis has spent the night here and she…Matt has signed all the forms and stuff to be cleared.”

“Oh…cool, uhm he want’s to visit Sunny would this be okay?”

“Sure come and get a visitor pass and sign for it and I’ll get his pass reactivated.”

“Okay I need to go to school anyway and get some stuff and get some things for the others too.”


“My stuff and Sunny’s homework and the notes plus someone should get the stuff that Shane and that Kyle guy have missed since things happened right?”

“Right, great call terry that’s team player stuff I like to see.”

I blush at the praise but say. “Sunny’s my friend and Shane’s Sunny’s friend and I never really had a social group before…I’ve always wanted to actually have friends that I could do things for.”

“Well it’s a great start. I’ll see you when you get here.”

I get back online with Matt. [I’ll meet you at school? I have some errands to do there.]

[Sure there wasn’t a problem?]

[Nope you’re cool.]

[Thanks Terry I’ve been worried.]

[I know. I’ll see you soon.]

I hang up and get dressed nothing fancy actually low key, jeans and sketchers, a black scoop necked t-shirt that shows off my fantastic fours and a PCPD hoody with a zip front and after getting some paperwork from the office for the school and Matt’s pass I bum a ride to school from my Dad.

I went to the office first and it hasn’t been that long since I’ve been in school here everything has changed and I’m getting some really serious stares.

So…I through just a bit more sway, glide, bounce to how I move and yeah I’m petty enough to enjoy the jealous hating me for breathing looks from the stuck up girls that used to look down on me and instigate and egg the assholes on in tormenting me.

I move past the assholes in question like they’re useless and beneath me. I didn’t really have close friends here but there were some fellow geeks and them…I save some of my smiles for them….even give them some second glances.

Then I hit the office and present my changeover papers and notes for Sunny and the others and start to get the stuff they missed downloaded. I’m getting some iffy looks from the admins and stuff. There’s that little troll guy there that looks like he hates me for being a freak but at the same time he’s staring at me. Well parts of me. I’m not going back to school here. Liz said she wanted to talk to me later about school and I think I know what about and honestly.

I wouldn’t say no to going there even if I’d miss my family. But I know I’m green as heck and this has a lot of appeal to a geekette like me. No I’m getting my school records and then cleaning out my locker.

I know that admin guy was almost itching to do or say something but these are pretty official papers I gave them so he’s been hovering and trying to be intimidating while perving on me.


I get my stuff and go looking for Matt and instead I see Alexis. Nice black dress but not a club style, leggings and heels and she looks good. She passes only in this way that…you know she’s a guy…she’s not enhancing her bust or hiding her shoulders but her drag is that sexy, normal and down to earth she screams well…she.

I go over and hug them lightly. “Damn Alexis you look great.”

“Thanks, I’ve been trying just to be me but the haters aren’t letting up that much and well I’m kinda out more than I would be in protest.”

She gestures to her locker covered in marker notes saying Queen, queer, poof, fag, slut, freak and other niceness. I hug her again. “You okay?”

“Yes, no…I’ve got a mix of groups that are with me in being me or hate me for it too.”

“God that sucks but trust me I get the being hated part.”

“Yeah the mutant thing.”

“No way before that. I should get going I’ve got to clear out my locker and get stuff for Sunny and Shane and Kyle.”

“Need a hand?”

I was going to say not really but there’s this look in her eyes like she doesn’t want to be alone. See this is a private school, money kids or scholarship kids. I was a scholarship kid and so’s Matt. His folks have cash but it takes a lot to get in here and they’re not rich, well off but not rich. I think Matt’s dad sells cars for a living.

“Sure, besides the locals might take offense even more for you hanging around a mutie.”

“You can’t really tell.”

“I give Alexis the Spock brow. “Uh-huh like the hair and the eyes are enough of a give away.” I gesture at my chest. “These tip the scales.”

“Yeah okay sorta of yeah.” Alexis has this smile that’s totally different than Matt’s I’ve seen enough pictures of him to know that. It’s kind of curious.

We hit the lockers of the others first and get the stuff I think that they’re going to need and then I get some spare clothes from Shane’s room and Kyle’s room in the dorms and then I go to clean out my stuff and Alexis and I talk about clothes and bands and books and make-up and I tell her about my shopping trip and how much I don’t know and ask her how she learned and stuff and it’s so different.

Alexis said it was just there, this need to learn and know about girl stuff like she was a GG which apparently means genetic girl? And that she had just those same innate needs to be a girl growing up in exactly the same stages as the rest of the girls her age but at the same time she was a boy and when she was in boy mode she was okay with being a boy until there was just something that triggered her need to be her like something moving or sad or just something that was really pretty and girly that it even caught matt’s attention.

It’s all very schizophrenic to me but at the same time I can see it as it’s not like another personality and stuff. It’s varied gendered.

“Wow and I though that I had problems.”

I’m cleaning out my stuff when I here.

“Holy fuck would you look at the titties on that one. Oh baby shake that ass for me.”

I look and it’s Jake and a couple of guys that he hangs with.

Alexis looks at him and in a quite good bitchy tone says. “Jake go fuck off.”

“Shaddup faggot…look guys it’s Matt-lexis the football teams cocksucking whore-boy.”

“It’s less disgusting than what you baseball players do with the bats and stuff…oh…wait you’re not on the team anymore…you got booted for doping.”

He was fast. Jake snapped a hand out and caught Alexis right on her right cheek sending her sprawling. He was going to do more but I get in the way. “Jake stop it just walk away.”

He stares at me and he stares at my breasts and grins and grabs my breasts. I bring my arms up and under like Nick showed me and just use some of my strength a shove him a few feet back.

He staggers and frowns. He gets those rolling shoulders and like he’s ready to fight. “Oh you think you’re some kind of tough bitch huh? You need some schooling whore you and the fag.”

I’m ready to fight or try to and Alexis has her hand on my shoulder. “No…this is my problem…hold these?”

It’s almost funny as she passes me her shoes and her hose and purse. She took off her hose so she wouldn’t wreck them in the fight. I actually sort of have this odd kind of fan girl go sister moment as Alexis is squaring off boxing like with Jake and she’s in a dress and make up.

It happens in these fast little bursts, of Alexis dodging a few hits and then blocking and striking back with what I think are fast jabs. There’s a few onlookers gathering and Jake’s getting more and more pissed as this girl/boy/girl barefoot in a dress is beating him like a snare drum.

And Jake doesn’t have the brains to keep calm and not lose his shit which makes him sloppy and gives Alexis openings and she opens up his lip and cuts hit above the eye and he staggers back and gesture at his buddies and I step in fast and just sort of shove them a bit and not even with my full strength and sent them sprawling on the grass. “Uh-uh, stay right there guys.” They’re staring at me stunned. And Alexis hit’s Jake a couple of more times staggering him back and says. “Thanks Terry.”

Jake looks at me again, then at my locker. “Lardass?! fucking rat! you fucking god damned freak!”

He rolls and he grabs a bat from his gym bag on the ground and he completely ignores Alexis and swings at my head with a two handed swing and a scream of rage.

I don’t even move. I’m a lot tougher and denser and I block the shot with my forearm and stare him down as the bat explodes into splinters against my arm.

Jake staggers back away from me….scared, really scared and the he turns and takes off running with his two buddies.

I sigh and dust myself off and the spectators are backing off talking and whispering freaks, mutie, call the cops. They get really clear of me and Alexis. I look at her. “You okay?”

“Uh…yeah a bit too glowing at the moment and could use the ladies room to freshen up but somehow that’s not going to be an option.”

Campus PD show up and I call The tower and explain everything to Liz as Alexis is doing the same with the campus PD and they look like they want to give both of us shit and arrest us but the rent-a-cop in charge is looking at my hoodie and I smile and pass him the phone. He screws his face into this huh? Confused look. “Mrs. Champion would like to speak with you.”

He then looks like he filled his police cargos.

There’s a bit of talking and a lot of yes ma’am and no ma’am and I understand ma’ams be fore he gives me back the phone and gets on his radio. My ear squeals a bit and then I can hear…the radio call.


“Look Levinsky I don’t care what the little asshole says, I just got reamed by Mrs. Champion who knows that the admin has a problem with the freak kids. Yeah I hate em too but she’s got ways of knowing if the stuff on the cameras gets fudged or erased…I’m not going away for them. This is hate crime shit and Homeworld security stuff.”

They back and forth it and it sucked that he was such a douche and racist but at least he was scared enough not to lose his job over this stuff. I’ll tell Liz about this though because this place is pretty full of this crap I think.

It’s my first experience with personal mutant racism and fear and it wasn’t fun. I see some of the hater kids on the phone and honestly that’s not likely a good sign.

“Hey Alexis we should go. I’ll get us a drive.”

“I’ve got my car here we can take that.”

The rent a cops let us go and we head to the parking lot and I look to see Liz showing up with that sonic boom this and she’s in full gear and heading down to likely talk to the Admins because she’s landing by the main offices.

I hear the squeal of tires and the gunning of a big engine and look up to see Jake in his big 4X4 truck and I shove Alexis out of the way before he hits me. I go up and over the truck and I hear him screaming like he lost his mind.

“Die fatass! Die! You ruined my life you fucking freak!”

I hurt both from the hit and the landing and he spins the truck around to come at me again and Liz is on her way. But he’s too fast and he’s too close for her to do anything but be a witness. I shift…My body heating up as the hot liquid bio-nanites cover me in a flash and I hit the front of the truck with both hands in a double axe handle swing.

I wasn’t thinking…it happened so fast. I should have caught the truck.

Instead my hit drives the front of it into the ground so hard and fast that even if I crushed the engine block and drove all the stuff into the ground there was still all that force coming forward and it makes that spot I hit a fulcrum and it flips up and over me…and flipped over once more before coming to a stop.

Jake’s hanging out the window covered in blood making these horrible sounds.

Liz is there now and she looks at me. “Go…take Alexis and go and get to The Tower we’ll take care of stuff there. This might turn really ugly Terry. I’ll cover things here and get the right people here to investigate things…get a hold of the others and tell them what happened.”

We get into Alexis’s car and we take off and are passed by EMT’s and aero-police cars and stuff and it takes me awhile to realize that I’m still in Diamond state and that I’m shaking and Alexis looks at me every time we hit a bump and my weight makes the car scrape on my side.

“You going to be okay Terry?”

“No…oh…so not okay…I think I might have killed him.”

“He tried to kill you first.”

“I’ve got powers though.”

“Doesn’t matter…”

“It does…doesn’t it?”

I unshift and I feel dizzy and start coughing up blood.

“Shit! Terry, shit!”

“I’m okay…”

“Like fuck!”

“Healing factor….”

I hold up my left arm where he hit me with the truck when I was unarmored and it’s good and broken and it’s moving…there’s heat and pain and odd sounds but we both watch it set itself and the cuts seal then vanish.

Alexis blinks. “Okay…lets get to The Tower before we get targeted by some other assholes that want a piece of you or me.”

We’re almost good until almost there and the last three KM to The Tower there are media Aero-vans following us and trying to snap as many photos as the can before the security details for The Tower turn them away.

We get parked and I’m not sure when I picked stuff back up but I look at Alexis and pass her, her things. “Uhm here’s your panty hose.”

We stare at each other and it’s that weird we start to laugh.

What are you gonna do right?

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