Teenage or High School

Songs for Two Lives Parts 7 & 8

Part 7 Morning Has Broken

I came back to consciousness, of a sort. I was unable to see anything but could hear machinery making noises around me. I felt different and suddenly thought that being able to feel at all was proof that something good had happened.

It took me some time before I figured out what the difference was. I was obviously in a hospital bed but now my body had no bandages while my head was swathed in them.

Living on a Song and a Prayer, Part 1

Living on a Song and a Prayer: Part 1
By Camospam, Wendy K. and Gabi.
A Non-Canon Second Generation Whateley Universe Adventure



“Chur, all good. But umm, where? I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”

Start at the beginning.

“The beginning of what?”

When did you first notice you were mutating?

Carol's Unusual Life

Carol at Age Fifteen:
Carol looks at the four needles she managed to get from a friend that sold drugs. She was tired of waiting until she was sixteen years old to have the surgery to get her vagina. She heard what these drugs could do and wanted to be a true girl now.

She puts two of the needles into her left arm and puts the other two needles into her breasts. One needle per breast. She was glad she had the house to herself because otherwise, she would have to wait until everyone was asleep.

A New Identity

“Oh, my aching head.” Bill gets up off the floor of his apartment and walks towards the bathroom.

His head was pounding a minute and he was half awake. He brushes his light brown hair out of his eyes. When he goes to pee, he notices something was wrong. First, the toilet looked bigger to him. Secondly, when he goes to grab his penis, he notices it was gone. He starts feeling his bladder ready to release.

Family Counselling

Family Counselling
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Scene 1 The Consulting Rooms of Dr. M T Shieff

“I am sympathetic to your position, but I also have ethical considerations.” As he spoke Doctor Martin Shieff was thinking about a solution that could accommodate this young man. He liked him. His daily fodder was the anxious and the depressed but here he faced somebody who seemed to be in control, albeit directing his considerable intellect towards antisocial behavior.

Reluctant Diva 33

Reluctant Diva 33
Inspired by Lipstick Discipline
Chapter 33 – On the road
By the time we heard Mom close the front door we were both fully dressed again and putting our hair and makeup to rights. Rachel straightened the bed while I called, “We’re up here Mom, come and see!” While my friend did a final check around the room, I hastily picked up her discarded bra and panties and slipped them into her purse, just in time! She hadn’t had time to change but was wearing the lingerie set I had given her under her outer clothes.

Twins, part 3

Luke and Lucy had their first meeting with their gender identity counsellor just over a month after confessing their feelings to each other, and just a few days before they started college. As they had done their whole lives, the twins attended the counselling session together, despite the counsellor's offer of separate appointments. During the session, Luke and Lucy told the counsellor everything they had told Dr Sutton, and at the end felt relieved to get their frustrations and stresses off their chest, and happy at the knowledge that their next meeting was only a few days away.

Snow Angel: Chapter 5

snow angel.png


Chapter 5: Rebirth

Snow's whole life changes when the winter solstice arrives.


“Okay, the strength and durability will make her more survivable, but why the nose? Other than it being adorable?” Autumn asked.

Jamie's First Valentine's Date (3)

Ben and I enjoyed the rest of the meal in silence, it was the good kind of silence. Oh the Pecan cobbler was simply amazing, totally off my diet but so worth it. Once we finished eating, Ben paid the check and he was escorted back to his car. It was around ten o' clock at night, and nearing my curfew. Not that Lily would have minded if I stayed out at all hours of the night. She is kind of cool like that, and with mom and dad away and Lily manning the fort I'm sure I could have managed to stay out a little past ten.

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 5


This is a story of a time that could've been a long time ago, but not of this world. It is a tale of a prince and a hero. A tale of a hero who fought with all his might and lost so much, yet also gained so much. A tale that will make you laugh (hopefully), cry (maybe) or unsure if you should laugh or cry. Though it must be said, that this is not a typical fairytale.

What would you do if your companion is keeping a lot of secrets from you? What if this companion also has the power to implode a continent?

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 5
The Forest To Nowhere.

By Shiina Ai

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 10

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 10
Catching Up

“Okay, just sayin’, but the two of you getting along is kinda freaking me out. And this is coming from the person who was trying to make it happen in the fucking first place,” Michelle griped.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 5

Heading to SWAT Headquarters:
Robyn rides down the highway as she heads to work on her motorcycle. Her ribs were doing better, but she still couldn’t go out in the field, until she was fully healed. Unlike her other sisters, she didn’t have a bodyguard, guarding her. Her mothers could track her motorcycle and she could call on the LAPD for help.

Songs for Two Lives Parts 1 & 2

Someone commented that my postings are too short. Here I start a story which is double-length for your approval.

Part 1 My Old Man’s a Dustman

Every story has a beginning and an end. I rather expect that today is the day my story ends. Who knows, I may avoid the fate that awaits me and am able to carry on with my life. It’s all in the lap of the Gods, or so they say.

I Don't Like You Chapter 5

Escape My Mind


I wish I could get you
Out of my mind
But I think about it all the time
And I wish I could not think
For once in my life
But when I see your face
I can't escape my mind

The Black Sword. chapter- 5

The Black Sword.

Down through history there has been many stories of heroes and the weapons of power. Thor with his Warhammer Mjölnir, the sword of Aries and Mars, Attila the Hun’s sword, and King Author’s Excalibur. These are but a few legends. Yet for every one of these legends there are two legendary weapons lost to time. Among those lost weapons are the few whose power comes with a cost. They are the cursed weapons of power. Each curse is unique to the weapon. The Black sword is but one such weapon of great power. This is the story of the weapon and its newest welder.

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.42

Chapter 48

“That didn’t go half bad now did it Marcy? I mean all things considered your mother took it rather well. She seemed very supportive even through her shock. After having been together this long with your dad I imagine she knows him rather well, so if your mom says he’ll come around I think you should believe her. So relax, the cat is out of the bag and the world didn’t end.” Lisa said trying to calm Marcy down as she looked shook and fidgety in her seat.

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 9

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 9

“Wh… why don’t you hate me? The way I’ve treated you… I’ve given you every reason…” She trailed off again, her eyes teary and confused as she looked into my own.

Reluctant Diva 32

Reluctant Diva 32
Inspired by Lipstick Discipline
Chapter 32 – Pillow talk
When Mom’s car came to a halt outside school, Chris was waiting by the gates for me, looking extremely debonair in his evening jacket and bow-tie. My heart gave a leap at the sight and a surreptitious glance at my date made it clear that when he saw me in my outfit he too liked what he saw.

“Wow!” was all he could utter as he ran his eyes over me.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 4

Fit For Life Fitness Center:
“Higher ladies.” Sandy looks at everyone in her exercise class.

Some of the women were new and some were ones that have been taking her class for a while. She notices a light brown hair teenage girl that was new to her class. She was a little awkward in her movements. It was like the girl didn’t know her own body.
Sandy continues to watch the girl until her class is over. She walks over to the girl “I noticed you were having some difficulties. Is everything okay?”

The Onset Of Puberty


By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2022

Warning: If you don’t like reading fetish stories, then stop reading now.

Author’s Note: None.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



The Mercenary - Part 5


The Mercenary - Part 5
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2022 Melanie Brown

There's a price to pay for being mission critical

This story is in a different and unrelated universe from the Alliance/Ergon universe. -- Ed

Lolita Revisited

Lolita Revisited
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I never thought that this kind of thing happened for real, but there are strange people out there.

I suppose my mother was strange too. She always had a hankering to see me dressed as a girl. She told me that she did it when I was a baby, dressing me in pink just because she liked to hear people say: “What a pretty little girl”. Any chance to put me in a dress for Halloween or fancy dress she always said: “Go as a princess. Let me get you the outfit.”

I Don't Like You Chapter 4

So Much More Than This


The whole crowd seems to like me now
'Cause they think I'm cool but back when I was in school
They found it very easy to hate me
Funny how always these times are changing
Back then I was so easy to shatter
But now in the end it doesn't really matter
Tap your foot and listen in
Ignore the world, let the music cave in
Close your phone and breathe in the air
You'll soon realize that there's something that is so much more than this.

Snow Angel: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Eden

Snow's whole life changes when the winter solstice arrives.


“Wh… what are you?” Autumn asked in awe. I wasn’t surprised that she had picked up on it, Fay senses are nearly as keen as those of Animen, especially their hearing.


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