College / Twenties

Kelly's Journey -3- Tinkerbell

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 3: Tinkerbell
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

As Kelly and her family and friends get on with living, Kelly seems unable get past the funeral as she continues to sing that song. Yet Kelly has a plan unknown to everybody. It is after a fateful costume party that Kelly discovers the girl within.

My 2 humans.

It all started this morning. I was resting on the heater, letting the warmth soak into my fur and flesh. I had been well fed had just finished grooming myself, and was thoroughly enjoying not doing anything at all. One of my humans, the girl, was moving about the room, seeming to be almost floating. She picked up something here, put it down there, came by for quick scritchie, moved along to move something else. This human seemed obsessed with placing things in other spots.. Silly humans, but what can one do?

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 455.

Bike 455.
by Angharad

I felt under a state of siege, and began to batten down the hatches, well pull the curtains at any rate. The only problem being that it means they can’t see in but neither can you see out, and therefore, what they are up to.

The phone rang and Tom answered it. “Certainly not, goodbye.” He put the phone down and turned puce. “The impudence of it, would we like to come out and talk to them?”

Kelly's Journey -2- Revelations

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 2: Revelations
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

After the funeral, Kelly and her momma start dealing with their loss as they mourn the death of Kelly's daddy. On the way to visit relatives, Kelly discovers a few things about herself. While at her Grandparents farm, she discovers an uncle she never knew she had, and her aunt holds a secret in her heart.

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 28

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter28. Flight with Alexis

"Oh you also have wings like mine. We can fly together."

Lucy gives Alexis her hand and they take off. Alexis shows Lucy many sights around the world. As they passed over South America they heard cries of help and screaming. They went to investigate and it was obvious that a riverboat had run into trouble along the Amazon. Alexis dived in and a Lady shouted no Killer fishes but Alexis took no notice. As soon as Alexis touched the water the Piranha fish all left the site very fast. Lucy managed to get a distress call off to the others and before long help started to arrive.

The sisters of Mercy arrived with villagers and started to help. The mother superior looked at Lucy. "Where is the Queen?"

Prudence House

Prudence House
by Jennifer Brock

A group of college students are fascinated by the creepy old house down the block. Would it be wise to try to make some money off its reputation? Come along for a sexy tale of tricks, treats, costumes, ghosts and witches.

Halloween Moon



"That is strange," I said aloud before touching the first letter with my forefinger.

I immediately felt a pleasant tingle along my arm and into my body. Under some strange compulsion, I slowly traced each of the throbbing letters of the word.

As I finally reached the last part of the letter 'E' the tingling stopped and I felt a little faint.

Halloween Moon

by Alys

. . . And Fifty Cents For Your Soul

     'Mad Dog' Jansen stomped down the polluted beach, kicking driftwood and whatever else got in his way with his size 14 combat boots. He smiled for a moment at the memory of how that pansy quarterback for the Saints had looked after he'd 'accidentally' snapped his throwing arm, the pain in his eyes before he'd passed out. It had been a clean hit but Jansen knew he'd angled himself to inflict the maximum amount of damage.


It felt like I was swimming through a sea of blackness and vague echoes of pain rolled through me. I blinked my eyes open and all that greeted me was faint light. I tried to roll over, to work my way to my feet, when I realized that my arms were restrained. So were my legs.


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