Nick B

My new neighbour

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Hi folks.

Well as you know - or maybe you don't, since my car accident last year, things have been a little odd up top for me; you know, forgetfulness, lack of concentration etc, etc.

Odd things have been happening, but usually they have simple explanations and usually, it's down to my head playing tricks on me.

Not this time.

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 © 2012 Nick B


(This one's a bit raunchy by my standards nowadays, but it's in context, so please bear with it. There's also some talk of unerage sex, but again, please bear with it.)

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This story is 35 words long.

I must apologise

Some of the time I can be prone to acts of sheer brilliance. Most of the time I prove myself to be adequate and the rest of the time I fuck up.

I have royally cocked up this time and I hope you will forgive me for having done so.

Now there are heaps of you you out there that love serials. Ang's Bike serial is getting to be more like The Archers than simply a long story and I'm sure there are others too.

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Fifty-one today ...

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Yup, today's the day I take another step further into old-gitness.

I'm fifty-one for fuck's sake, I never imagined reaching twenty-one and after a really odd year, I look back in wonder as whilst some of this year has totally overshadowed the rest - the car accident and all - I've now got a house in France, published my first book and wonder what fifty-one's going to be like.

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Four years and Fifty-two weeks ...

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Is what it says on the "My Account" section.

Sounds almost like saying four minutes and sixty seconds, doesn't it?

So anyway, it means I have been here at this site for five years.

Bloody Hell!

I don't think I've been a member of anything for that long and I owe it all to you lot.

Erin has to sit at the top of my thanks though, for if she did not have the tenacity and strength to keep this place alive, I certainly wouldn't have been here for that long and neither would any of the rest of you.

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Extreme Makeover

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As you may have noticed, I posted a new story this morning, but I can't help thinking it had been posted here before.

Convinced I'd published this some four years ago, I searched through the stories here, but couldn't find it, so if you missed it, here it is ...


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Extreme Makeover


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The following all started by accident.

“By accident?” I hear you say. “How can something like that be accidental?”

It’s simple actually.

It all stems from that old adage: “be careful what you wish for” and for Gary Jones, no truer words were e’er spake.


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This story is 47 words long.

Well, heaven's above

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I'm less than a week from having been a member of this fine site for five years - can you believe it?

I just wanted to say thanks to Erin and her fine band of pixies that do their doin's keeping the place together. Also, thanks to all the kind people I have met, who take the time and trouble to read my gobbledegook, perhaps even clicking the Kudos button, dropping me a comment or both.

Here's to another five :)


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Wren's back in hospital

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She posted this on FB a few hours ago

In the hospital again, after a minor fall. To my BCTS friends, please let everyone know. I don't know when I'll be back, as they plan to send me to a long term care facility, and I don't know if they will have wireless, or how long I'll be there.

I hope everyone will join me in wishing her well.

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Thanks to all

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I just wanted to say thanks to all those who have dipped into their pockets and bought A Witch in Time from Amazon.

Whilst copies are not exactly flying off the virtual shelves, the response has been much better than I thought it would have been - like, it's selling - and I have you wonderful people here to thank for that.

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My knees ain't wot they used t' be

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Okay folks, I'll keep this short and sweet ...

As usual, I have good news and bad news. The bad news first to get it out of the way ...

The pain from my neuralgia has flared up again and the doc's doubled my dose. Carbamazepine can cause drowsiness, so if it has any side effects on me, then I'll have to give up my car - bummer. I really love driving, despite the accident.

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Here we go again

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Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to France we go.

Sadly, it's not permanent yet, but we're not ruling that out for March of next year - maybe sooner if we can. Still we ARE going to do it, never mind how long it takes.

This time, we have the last bits of the flat's decorating and stuff to do so that we can hand the keys over to the letting agent for letting on our behalf. That way, hopefully, it will look after the cost of running the house.

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Anyone out there self published for Kindle?

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I'm keen to publish some of my stories for Kindle and following the instructions on the Amazon website, I dutifully downloaded Mobipocket to compile and produce a Kindle compliant file.

The issue however came when I discovered that instead of the four or five simple steps Amazon put in their instructions, which should't have taken more than a few minutes, I have spent the best part of the last day and a half trying to compile and build my story into Kindle format. Getting the story into the right format wasn't the problem ... well, not entirely anyway.

So what was the problem?

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Dawn Rising


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Dawn Rising

 © 2011 Nick B

This is a work of complete fiction. Please don’t think it’s ever going to happen to you.

Philip's life with Brenda had not turned out the way he had expected, but he'd made a promise

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This story is 41 words long.

Dawn Rising

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The latest bit of scrawl from Nick B will hit the screens hopefully in the next few hours (after the German Grand Prix and Pen's haircut probably) and I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for the fact that it's unedited, unproofed and largely wysiwyg.

We're off to France on Tuesday and didn't have time to send it to anyone - not that I was able to find someone to take up the mantle of my editor after Gabi's sad passing.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave and comments (providing they're not completely horrible) and kudos if possible.

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The kindness of strangers - Part 2

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At long last - and it's well overdue - we now own our house in France.

Our last trip over was a bit of a nightmare actually. The first day there was a Sunday and like England back in the deep recesses of the seventies, nothing was open. Fortunately we'd taken food and stuff with us and were looking forward to staying in our French home.

Things however, didn't turn out to be quite that simple...

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The kindness of strangers - part 1

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Sadly this isn't the title of a new Nick B story, though I'm not entirely sure it won't be.

No, this is a lesson well learnt in France on our recent visit, but since I've only just got back and have suffered toothache for the last three days, I'll have to put off telling you all about it until tomorrow or possibly Wednesday providing my dentist doesn't screw things up again...

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It's the big day tomorrow

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Tomorrow we're off to France for just over a week to take possession of our new house.

Well, that's what we hope is going to happen. We'll have to see when we get there.

The house is ours - well all bar the shouting, but the shouting isn't over. At least it wasn't yesterday. The certificate d'urbanism, which basically means we don't get taxed for owning a commercial property wasn't changed as it was supposed to have been, so we're not 100% sure about what we're walking into.

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My Kudos is at 666 - The Number Of The Beast

Perhaps I'd better Run To The Hills or Hallowed Be Thy Name, I'll end up The Prisoner of The Children Of The Damned at 22 Acacia Avenue...

Sorry, just couldn't resist paying homage to Iron Maiden.

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Okay - things changed even quicker than I expected them to

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Yeah I had a car accident and yeah I lost my job, but we have just found out that aside from paying for it, we now as good as own our French property.

I'm totally stoked and so is Pen.

It's scary shit, but so exciting I can't find the words - whaddya mean, that's a first?

So now I just need to get this insurance thing sorted to call this somewhat stressful part of our lives over.

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How quickly things can change

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Nearly two weeks ago, I told you that Penny and I would be going to go on a lightning trip to France to look at a couple of houses.

The history is that we've been wanting to buy a house in France for years - literally and after the global financial collapse, the change in value of the Euro, life seemed to say that we weren't going to do it. This was after having been to Normandy and Poitou Charente to look at houses and being disappointed at what was really available.

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And they're off...

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Well, talk about a change of fortunes.

Not only have I got my job - which I will be starting tomorrow (phew!), but we also have eight houses to look at when we go to France next month over the Easter break.

But it doesn't end there, oh no.

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I got the bloody job - Start Monday.

I can't believe it.

It's going to put a severe dent in the amount of time I can spend writing - like possibly leaving nil for the first few months and I'm sorry, but I don't care. It's the first job I've had in nearly three years.

In light of the fact that I was pretty much offered the job on Friday, Pen and I have been looking at houses and are possibly going to be buying ourselves a house in France over the Easter break as well. Of course, that was all banking on the job coming off and now it has, it's all systems go.

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Deepest apologies...

My humble apologies to my several fans, but Second Sight's Chapter Four will be delayed due to having to attend a job interview tomorrow.

Please bear with me as I'm almost done and will try and get it out as soon as possible.

Yours regretfully,

Nick B
I don't just look it, I'm totally in need of a job right now...

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Second Sight - Chapter 3


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Second Sight — Chapter 3

 © 2011 Nick B

My thanks once again to Gabi for taking the time to apply her wonderful editing talents to this piece. Thanks, Gabs.

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This story is 26 words long.

Kudos? What Kudos?

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I'm probably well behind here and have missed something important, like the announcement that Kudos being interrupted for a while, which would explain where mine's gone. I've checked all the blogs back to before the New Year and haven't found anything. Have I not gone back far enough?

I just looked one day and there it wasn't.

Now compared to someone like Ang, whose Kudos looked like a phone number, mine just looked like loose change, but now I don't even have a zero.

Is it trying to tell me that I need to write something new?

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Merry Christmas

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I'd just like to wish everyone a merry time over this festive season.

Pen's working this morning, but from lunch time she's on holiday. We've got all our family obligations out of the way and I think it's going to be a time of rest and relaxation. We've got some pretty good movies to sit back and relax with, so it's going to be out with the crisps, nibbles, beers and Bacardi cokes... heaven!

I hope you all find your own little piece of heaven - even if it's only over the few days of Christmas and the New Year.

Bigs hugs to you all!

Nick B

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It's official - A half century

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I think that now makes me an old git. if not an old git, then a grumpy old bastard :)

I never thought I'd get this far and if I hadn't stopped riding bikes and driving cars like a complete maniac, I probably wouldn't have.

That means that by rights, I should now live forever...

God help you all.


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Has anyone seen my muse?

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Well this is a fine thing.

I can't find my muse anywhere. I must have left it here as this is the last place I saw it, I'm sure. They say it's always in the last place you look and I've looked around plenty, but just can't seem to find it.

So far I have Sunday Girl (tg), A Halloween To Remember (tg), The Return of the Raven (vampire non tg) and Yesterday Once More (tg) that have all ground to a halt, the second after over twenty thousand words.

They all seemed to be going so well and then... Phut!!

I'm completely sunk.


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Laughter is the best policy

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On Joanne Barbarella's suggestion, I created a joke section on my new website, which because I can't use a database (it's the ISP, not my inadequacies), ten different subjects one on each page.

I'm quite chuffed with them and although there's nothing brand new there, there are some good ones.

However, they don't represent all of what I have, so having now got the bare bones down, I will be adding to them as often as I can and will be including a video section too!

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Taking the plunge...

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The countdown started yesterday and on the 20th of this month, I start running my own company.

It's nothing grand or even interesting, but I will be remodelling my website, using Google and Amazon to help in generating income.

So it's all hands to the pumps right now, trying to get my hubs translated to HTML to be ready to go live sometime next week.

I'm happy to say that if all goes well, I will also have the piece on transsexuals ready and live too and once again, I couldn't have been more pleased with the help you all gave me for that one.

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I am so pleased with the responses you gave me in my last blog that I now know what I'm going to write and that what I have already written fits.

What I would now like to ask is whether I can use what you have given me verbatim as quotes?

I will not use your names, unless you expressly want me to, they will just be used as personal opinions of those who have or are transitioning - or not as the case may be.

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What is a transsexual?

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It's me again.

Having seen what a fantastic response you all gave me for my last blog (which is here if you didn't catch it) and realising that it's just the tip of the iceberg, I wanted to expand upon what I'd written for my new website.

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TG Article on Nick B's hub pages

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I've been working on this over today and would be really grateful if some of you would mind giving it a look over and let me know whether I've done it justice. Click here

I would really value your input here.

Thanks in advance.



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Helping out at Fictioneer

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Hi folks.

To try and take some of the load off Erin with Fictioneer, I am now helping her out with some of the day-to-day administrative duties. This pretty much means I'll mainly be getting rid of spam, which over the last few weeks has been filtering through.

On top of that, I will also be helping out with some of the issues readers and authors may have that Erin doesn't have to make a decision on.

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Any playwrights out there?

Hi folks.

It's me again and this time I'm after some help.

Today I had a brainwave.

I want to turn one of my stories into a screenplay.

The story concerned is only short, but I figure it might be able to be adapted to a screenplay, since there aren't too many actual scenes, few special effects and well, I'm sure you get the picture.

Even though I'm no Steven Speilberg or John Carpenter, I'd still like to give it a go and since I have absolutely no experience with plays--even those made for TV, I wondered if any of you good people may be able to give me some pointers.

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This is amazing

Penny sent me this earlier and not being very good at magic, I haven;t a clue how it's done.

Check it out, but you have to watch it to the end for the really unbelievable bit...

Find it here

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How to give a cat a pill...

No I'm not going to go through that old one about how you give a cat a pill, but for reference, you can find it here.

Instead, I'm going to tell you how yesterday I risked life and limbs (I have the gouges, scratches, lacerations and other abrasions to show for it) to take our cat, Sammo, to the vet.

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Just to let you know that I have now posted a review or synopsis and opinion of Pixar's Up on Fictioneer.

Find it here

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The Cliffside Heroine : Chapter 6 Valentina

The Cliffside Heroine
 © Nick B 2010

We were promised a ride on the horses–if we finished in time. This was to provide more excitement than I ever thought I could handle…

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This story is 31 words long.

At last!!

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It's just gone to Gabi for editing and her seal of approval and then--probably tomorrow morning or whenever it gets finished, I'll post, so hang on to your pantyhose, Cliffside Heroine 6--the final chapter, is on its way.


You try saying all that in one breath.
I don't just look it, I'm totally chuffed it's finished at last

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A Choice For Tomorrow

Since I haven't managed to wow you all with another episode about Jamie, The Cliffside Heroine, which is in the offing, I have posted a new Sci-Fi story--just a short on Fictioneer.

You can find it here and I would be really, really happy if you'd leave a comment and let me know what you think.

FYI, Cliffside Heroine 6 is in the making and will be on the way soon--I promise.

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Back from France

Okay, we’ve been back a week and already we’re planning our next trip with the Limousin in mind.

The houses we visited the first time we went were appalling and we wondered whether anything resembling our dream house was going to be possible this time.

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5:30 am...

Well we've just about got everything ready and will be leaving for the cross channel, high-speed ferry at 5:30 am tomorrow morning. The car's already packed and Pen's just vacuuming to leave the place nice for the cat.

We have ten houses to see, but our faves are on Wednesday's list of places to see, but whatever happens, I know it's going to be an adventure.

Hopefully I'll be able to regale you with some witty repartee upon my return--which would make a change eh?

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One More Week

Well folks, I'm just here to tell you that in just over a week, Penny and I will be packed into my little Peugeot and cruising down the boulevards of La Belle France - hopefully with the roof down - on our househunting camping trip.

We're really excited as we are going to be seeing about ten houses, three of which we are very keen on. The rest would be nice, but may need too much work to be within our grasp. The three we do like are actually habitable, one of which is more than habitable, it's perfect.

Oh well, we'll have to wait and see, won't we?

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The Cliffside Heroine : Chapter 5 Dinner


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The Cliffside Heroine
 © Nick B 2010

Dad gets to see me for the first time and let’s just say it’s not quite as smooth sailing as we would have liked.

Chapter 5

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This story is 33 words long.

It's on its way...

Okay, so enough have dropped subtle hints about the whereabouts of chapter five and I can quite happily advise you all that it's at the cleaners.

Yes, it's actually gone for editing, proofing and to be given the Gabmeister seal of approval.

Not long now...

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