Nick B

The Writer

The Writer

This is from a friend of mine who used to post here, so if you recognise the style, you're probably right.

Anistasia tried to get him to post this, but was turned down. Through much badgering, I managed to get him to let me and here it is. It's not TG, it's just nice and I think you'd better have a look because it makes you feel good inside.

It's called The Writer

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

 © Nick B 2008

Now for those of you who haven’t heard of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, where the hell have you been? It was released in August of 1975 here in England, September in the States, so you’ve had plenty of time…

It starred Tim Curry and Susan Sarandon and was penned by Richard O’Brien, who has been seen in lots of things since like Ever After, Flash Gordon, Spiceworld, Dark City and Dungeons and Dragons to name but a few. That is of course aside from playing Riff-Raff in his own creation.

And for those of you who really don’t know, it’s about… Just go see it. There’s lots of cross-dressing, lesbians, bisexuals and singing–oh and Meat Loaf’s in it.

My thanks as ever to my ever faithful editor for Gabifying this. Thanks Gabi

...On with the story...

El Dia De Los Muertos AKA All Souls Day

El Dia De Los Muertos
All Souls Day

 © 2008 Nick B

Just slap me soundly for forgetting that the wonderful Gabi did the proofing and tweaking on this. Thanks Gabi

The Sight - the final chapter

Hi folks.

I know this is a lame excuse, but I don't know whether I am going to be able to post this week as usual.

The thing is, I am drawn like a moth to the flame to the British cyclists in the Olympics--not to mention a fairly unbelievable run by Bolt and well, I just haven't had the time to get into the story.

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The Sight - Chapter 9

The Sight
Nick B

 © Nick B 2008
Despite being clobbered by Ang over the weekend, Gabi pulled out all the stops on this one. Thanks girly

“You mean he’s psychic or something?”

“It would seem so.”

“I shall have to watch what I’m thinking around him in future.” Gemma said wryly.

Negative comments

For anyone who's interested, I am having a great deal of trouble getting The Sight back on track.

The reason is, a couple of people decided to try ripping me a new one in the comments and it kind of took the wind out of my sails. Since then, I managed to produce one chapter, but it seems the muse was not amused and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get it together.

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Bonjour Mes Dames or Topless driving in France

Bonjour mes dames

As I sit here writing this at 07:10 on Tuesday morning, it feels odd that it was exactly a week ago that Penny and I were sitting on board the ferry Barfleur, patiently waiting to go down to the garage, get in our car and get on with our holiday-cum-house-hunting.

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Frogs ahoy!

As from midnight tonight, Penny and I will be sallying forth. A seven hour ferry is not exactly as exotic as "night boat to Cairo" but then that's the wrong country anyway, however the idea's sound.

I wanted to say "thank you" to all my friends out there and wish them along with everyone else, a nice quiet week while I'm gone.

You'll all have to get your "vacuous ramblings" out without me!

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 © Nick B 2008

This story was inspired by Kristina L S who mentioned it in passing in a PM. I took her literally and well, instead of writing the next chapter of The Sight that I know so many thousands, well hundreds . . . okay, both of you are waiting for, I decided to indulge myself and this is what happened . . .

This story was tweaked (slightly) and proofed by the most excellent Gabi. Sorry I forgot to put it in earlier

It’s everyone’s favourite party game isn’t it?

For John in W-w-what'sitsname?

An English couple were touring the States and while in Wisconsin, they came across a place named Wauwatosa.

Now this couple had no idea about how this was pronounced, having fallen foul when visiting Little Rock some time before and finding out that Arkansas is not pronounced the same as Kansas.

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Cruisin' - Chapter 8

The final frontier...

Cruisin’ — Chapter 8 - New York, New York

By Nick B
 © 2008

My heartfelt thanks to Kris for giving this the once over for me, making me think and ending this the way it should be ended.

Hopefully now, these poor folk can stop trundling round and round in circles and can finally put their feet on dry land. It's been entirely too long coming and the retail outlets on board ran out of Sea-sickness tablets around Christmas, so well, without further ado...

The English language

Yesterday, I got myself into a discussion that I shouldn't have (I know - "oh no not again," you're thinking), but really, the argument was stupid because whilst we were both using the same language, we were both using it different ways.

Here's what I mean


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Laugh? I nearly wet myself

Joanne Barbarella was kind enough to send me a video clip and of course, I laughed like a drain and immediately went off in search of more. After all, laughter is like a drug isn't it?

Anyway, this is non-TG, but is so funny, I thought maybe some of you would like to see it too - hoping that you haven't already.

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I must offer an apology...

I know what you're all like when you get your noses into a story you like and how you can get snotty (with good reasons too) when they end up sitting unfinished.

I have such a story that has one poor lad (or is that lass) sitting on a ship in the middle (metaphorically speaking) of the Atlantic.

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Cruisin' - Chapter 7

The one where things start to become clear for Kim…

Cruisin’ — Chapter 7

By Nick B
 © 2007

I’m starting to feel like Angharad here. A story that was supposed to be over and done in four chapters has suddenly doubled in size or will have by the time it’s done, possibly bigger than that even.

Anyhow, it’s put extra demands on Krissikins and for that I’m sorry and profoundly grateful all at the same time. Who says men can’t multitask?


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