Nick B

Cruisin' - Chapter 6


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Cruisin’ — Chapter 6

By Nick B
 © 2007

The one where it’s Uncle Pete's turn…

Thanks Krisspoos...

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This story is 15 words long.

Cruisin' - Chapter 5

Cruisin’ — Chapter 5

By Nick B
 © 2007

The one where Lucy tells us what happens next…

Kris doesn’t think this bit works, but I think it’s nice to say thanks to the person who proofs and sometimes adds a little spice to my work. So stuff it, I’m gonna put it in anyway - thanks Kris, you do a bang-up job and should be patting yourself on the back coz I can’t reach from here.

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This story is 77 words long.

Cruisin' - Chapter 4


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Cruisin' - Chapter 4

By Nick B
(c) 2007

The one where Donna shows her true colours

Another big hug and thanks to Kris for doing the proofing on this one - twice! She has nerves of steel I'm tellin' you.

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This story is 39 words long.


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Here I am, tail between my legs and asking for forgiveness.

Actually, that's not quite true. I'm here to apologise to Erin and to the others I pissed off through my comments on the restaurant thing.

Here it is in words that I hope cannot be misconstrued.

I agree the bouncer was out of order. I believe he acted in a bigoted and unprofessional manner and should be punished for that.

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Lucky Heather

Lucky Heather

(C) 2007 Nick B


It's a kind of magic...

I nearly forgot to do this.

Thanks Kris for your help on this one. You did a grand job as always.

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This story is 31 words long.

Cruisin' - Chapter 3


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Chapter 3

By Nick B
(C) 2007

The one where Kim makes a decision

Kris yet again worked miracles, not because the script was bad, but because she was having a really crappy day, her laptop has been pronounced D.O.A. and she still managed to get this back to me. Well done Kris!

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This story is 54 words long.

Cruisin' - Chapter 2


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Chapter 2

By Nick B
(C) 2007

The one where Kimmy takes a dive…

Nice one for the work Kris.

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This story is 19 words long.

So what's an average TG?

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So What's an average TG?

I have replied to the blog about average guys and wonder, what's the average TG person?

I'll bet that there aren't too many out there who can generalise are there?

It's probably the same for generalising about guys or anyone for that matter.

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Cruisin' - Chapter 1


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By Nick B
(C) 2007

Kim Heasman won the trip of a lifetime in a competition and everything looked like it was going to be plain sailing, but things don't always go according to plan do they?

Thanks Kris for giving this the once over - as usual, another stirling job...

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This story is 51 words long.

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...

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Hi everyone.

I feel like I'm letting the side down, but as from Monday, I shall be a working man again.

I know, it's become something of an alien concept round here too - with the exception of the DIY-ing that is!

Provisionally, it's due to last until the end of November, but there is a possibility of it going on further, though at this stage I don't know.

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UK Floods

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I have been speaking with Kristina LS and she says that she has heard about the flooding in the UK and thought many others would like to know what has happened. I can't tell you much, but what I saw yesterday was pretty horrific.

Parts of Oxford and Gloucester are under feet of water (A Foot: That's about a third of a metre for the metric among us - not measured in units of toes). Rivers have burst their banks after approximately one months worth of rain fell in an hour.

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I'm sorry to put this here but I've tried every other route through to no avail.

I can't send PM's.

I can't read PM's.

I can't write to author, in fact this is the only way I have to point out a problem. It may be at my end - but I wouldn't know what to do about it if it is.

Every time I try and read a PM (I have a new one), I get the mailbox empty message. If I try and reread a PM I get the same thing. If I try and send a message to author - I've tried from one of Erin's blogs, I get my sent list. If I try and read one of those I get the mailbox empty message.

What do I do?

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Wedding speculation...

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Well I'm afraid to say that I have had to put that on hold as we can't agree who's going to be the bride. I'm not going into this in an argument situation and as it is, there are already going to be far too many bridesmaids.

As if the catering isn't going to be enough to organise, getting that many matching dresses is going to be murder.

So until we can resolve just who's going to be wearing the strides, it's going to have to be put back by at least a week.

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New vistas?

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Everyone's on edge at the Nick B household (both of us. The cat doesn't seem to understand or care) today after I got news of a possible new job in the same neck of the woods as Kristina LS.

That'd be weird since she lives half a world away from me - literally.

This means a move to Australia from little ol' England. The language won't change, but the lifestyle sure as hell will.

Will I be able to keep writing? God I hope so.

I certainly won't give up with BC since you're all such a nice bunch here and I think that I would definitely want something familiar nearby.

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Definitely should have stayed in bed

Definitely should have stayed in bed

 © Nick B May 2007 from an idea by Kristina L S

This is the follow-on from Kristina L S's story that no-one wanted to finish where it was. I just hope I've done it justice. Oh and sorry for the typo KRISTINA!

For those of you who didn't read the first part, I suggest you do that before copping a load of this one. Anyway, Bill has now to attend the dinner at the posh restaurant...

Thanks to Kris for okaying this and giving me the chance, oh, and the proofreading/embellishments!

This is another of those fictional stories and no chance was this real.

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This story is 111 words long.



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Alex’s Adventures in a Land of Wonder


 © Nick B May 2007

Alex finishes his first night as a catering assistant, as Michelle.

The next task is to tell Jocelyn...

This is the last outing for Alex for the time being, but I'm sure he'll grow; people always do, whether you want them to or not.

I know I say something like this every time, but big up to Kristina LS for her help as always and hugs for stopping it from all going Pete Tong on me.

This is a work of fiction and if you haven't figured that out yet, where ya been?
Any similarities between person living or dead would be... well you know the rest.

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This story is 120 words long.

The girl inside


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The Girl Inside

 © Nick B May 2007

Here's a little ditty I put together over the last couple of days I thought may interest some. It's only short so there's no excuse for passing it by. If nothing else it'll hopefully make you smile and I'm sure there are some out there who would be interested if it really did exist...

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This story is 60 words long.

Happy Birthday, Jocelyn

Alex’s Adventures in a Land of Wonder

Happy Birthday, Jocelyn

 © Nick B May 2007

Alex's rejection of Sharon, her friends and her controlling ways, led him to meet Jocelyn, a girl from his school, who invites his alter ego to a birthday party, but Alex has no idea how he can get to go...

Thanks Kris, you came through yet again.

Any similarity to persons living or dead would shock the hell out of me. I think parents can sometimes surprise you. Mine? Well that's another story altogether...

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This story is 89 words long.


Alex’s Adventures in a Land of Wonder


 © Nick B May 2007

Alex is a normal young lad and when the opportunity presents itself, he wants to be there. Trouble is, things don't always go the way we would like them to do they?

Thanks once again to my trusty Kris for taking the time out to cast an eye over this before I plonked it up here. It's not nearly as steamy as the last one, but life's not always like that is it?

Any similarity to persons living or dead is really unfortunate. This is fiction, you don't think I was really that lucky do you?

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This story is 109 words long.

Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare

 © Nick B May 2007

Alex is taken to his mum's friend's house and while they go out, Ronnie's daughter Sharon is charged with 'babysitting'.

Sharon suggests a game of Truth or Dare and that's where this all begins...

This is a story taken from the Alex's Adventures in a World of Wonder universe that I created. I must confess, it's a lot more steamy than my posts here usually are so be warned.

Thanks again to Kristina LS, my trusty proof-reader and generally all-round good egg. I don't think I'd still be writing this stuff without her input. She knows what I mean....

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This story is 105 words long.

A Strange Day at Fellows (revised)

A fascination for women's clothes takes Denis out of his comfort zone and into the realms of Strangefellows Day...

Big R-r-r-r-respect to Kris again for proofing and adding some nice touches.

I have added a few lines to make a certain aspect a little more obvious. My fault, I couldn't see the wood for the trees and was being far too subtle!

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This story is 62 words long.

Bath Candy


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I just wanted to spice up the relationship and gave Janice the opportunity to choose how. That may have been a bit of a mistake.....

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This story is 25 words long.

Just one more...

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I know what I said, but I was mistaken. I have been handed the perfect opportunity to get one more out (I hope) for the competition, which should be with you before Christmas.

I can't tell you anything about it - I want it to be a surprise. Anyway, it largely depends upon whether I can get an editor (proofreader - whatever) in time. Fingers crossed.

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Thanks BC

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Hi there to you all and Merry Christmas!

I'd just like to say a really big thank you to all who are involved with BC from the people who run it to the people who just like to read from it, you've all been very generous in the reviews you have given my stories. This is by far and away the best site of this type on the net and it pains me to have to take this rather enforced break from being able to read from and add to it.

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Finding Lisa - Chapter 4


The final chapter.

Suzie goes to college...

Heartfelt thanks to Kristina L S for helping me through this one. She's more help than she'll admit.

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This story is 26 words long.

Finding Lisa - Chapter 3


Paul makes up with Mandy and starts work...

Thanks to my friend Kris who has helped enormously with this.

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This story is 20 words long.

Finding Lisa - Chapter 2


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Paul's mum is not impressed by his new look...

More thanks to Kristina L S for her help.

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This story is 19 words long.

Finding Lisa - Chapter 1


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Set in the early eighties when Visage, Human League and Duran Duran were top of the tree. Paul was just getting to grips with his growing up and coming to terms with certain differences...
FYI - Thanks to Kristina L S for all her help. This story has been written in UK English since I'm not too hot with Americanisms, so I have chosen to stick to what I know...

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This story is 71 words long.



Having paid little attention to the fact that Halloween and the company party was looming, Chris asks his wife to arrange a costume...

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This story is 24 words long.

A Fresh Start


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A Fresh Start
 © NickB 2006 — All right reserved.

After a split with is girlfriend, a young man is changed. Will this give him the fresh start he needs?

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This story is 27 words long.


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