Thanks BC

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Hi there to you all and Merry Christmas!

I'd just like to say a really big thank you to all who are involved with BC from the people who run it to the people who just like to read from it, you've all been very generous in the reviews you have given my stories. This is by far and away the best site of this type on the net and it pains me to have to take this rather enforced break from being able to read from and add to it.

I don't suppose this will be the last you'll hear from me, but it may be a while before I get to do any more serious (?) writing since I think my new job will take up most of my time, but if I get the opportunity, you can bet your bottom dollar (or whatever currency is most appropriate) I will be furiously tapping away like a man possessed!

So I wish you all happy holidays, a blinding new year and hope to see you all very soon!

Love and best wishes to all,

Nick B

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