Nick B

It's been a strange week...

It all began at the beginning of last week when we noticed that the brand new surround sound system we have, which we use instead of the TV speakers was turning itself up on its own.

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Farscape has returned on FX

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I wonder if any of you remember this excellent series that came out about ten or more years ago?

Well, it's being shown on FX (which I think is part of the Fox network) here in England at 6pm each weekday evening.

I say this because I have just written a review of it here, so you might want to jog that memory and revisit an old friend. If you haven't seen it before, I can wholeheartedly recommend it, so go check out the review and if you can spare the time, watch the series.

You know you want to...

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The Men Who Stare At Goats

Just to let you know, there's a new review of The Men Who Stare At Goats starring George Clooney, Ewan McGregor and Jeff Bridges. Find it here

If you haven't already seen it, for CG fans, there's also Planet 51, which you can find here

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The Cliffside Heroine : Chapter 4 Aren't you...?


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The Cliffside Heroine
 © Nick B 2010

Emerging from the strip lights and subdued colours of the department store, we stepped into the bright sunlight of the main street, loaded down with bag upon bag of clothing and that’s where it all began…

Chapter 4
Aren’t you…?

A big up to Gabi who's done a sterling job with what follows--as always and also a hug to Ang, Kris, Jo and Kirri because they were so very concerned about me, as was Gabs. Thanks ladies.

Are you all sitting comfortably?

Then I shall begin dot... dot... dot...

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This story is 95 words long.

Moving to France - will we make it this time?

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I suppose you are all thinking, "that bugger Nick has done it again" aren't you?

I don't blame you.

Since Pen's mum's death, things here have been a little topsy-turvy and frankly, I don't know which way is up. Having been looking to try and complete my web course and write several stories or at least, keep up with Jamie and his problems, we have now decided to try again for France.

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To all of you who have been wondering if I have fallen off the face of the Earth, I can honestly say that gravity works on me too and I am still here.

Pen's mum's funeral was held on Thursday and I have been busy helping with the arrangements, most notably, the Order Of Service booklets. My job was to produce pictures of Rosamond that would hopefully show her as we best remembered her and from the feedback and number of people who were keeping their copies, it was mission accomplished.

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The Cliffside Heroine : Chapter 3 A Vauxhall Corsa?


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The Cliffside Heroine
 © Nick B 2010

Mum and dad return and although they managed to get a hire car while ours was being fixed, it wasn’t exactly what one could call practical. In fact, it only had room for five of us–something they weren’t particularly impressed about.

There was something else they weren’t overly impressed about too…

Chapter 3
A Vauxhall Corsa?

Top editing job as usual by the incomparable Gabi, who it seems can knock out this nearly ten thousand word diatribe in less than no time - cheers girly

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This story is 93 words long.



By Nick B

Kim Heasman wins the trip of a lifetime. Little does he know just how much it will change his life...

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This story is 24 words long.

Nick B's newly revised story listings

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Hi folks!

Well, what can I say? The Cliffside Heroine is proving to be a lot more popular than I expected, I'm really over the moon with the response to the first two chapters. The comments have been great--real food for thought for me and believe it or not, I do take heed of what I'm told.

I have to say a big thanks to Puddintaine, who made an excellent start on tidying up the mess that had become my stories, so I've taken a few hours out today to finish the job.

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The Cliffside Heroine : Chapter 2 Horses for Courses


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The Cliffside Heroine
 © Nick B 2010

This time, I get a crash course in equine maintenance, news crews descend when word gets out and Mum and Dad are stuck with a broken-down car–which I had nothing to do with…

Chapter 2
Horses for Courses

My thanks to the most beaudacious Gabi for staying up late yesterday to edit this–even though it didn’t matter because she was able to slob out all day today.

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This story is 74 words long.

The Cliffside Heroine : Chapter 1 Girls will be Girls


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The Cliffside Heroine
 © Nick B 2010


Edited, as always, by the fantastic Gabmeister

Somebody once said that this couldn’t happen by accident, but then I suppose that all depends upon the circumstances of the accident doesn’t it?

I’ve looked up the definition of the word ‘accident’, and according to the information I’ve found, it goes as follows:

An undesirable or unfortunate event that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, loss, casualty or mishap.

I can’t honestly say what follows was entirely accidental because it had been planned–I just didn’t know that at the time. However, it was what followed the part that had been planned, which is really what I define as accidental.

Whatever, it’s the nearest thing I can think of that can possibly explain how I came to be in the predicament I was in, suffering the mishap if you will and looking back, the memories of that holiday leave me with a certain warm fuzziness, but that’s not how it felt at the time…

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This story is 179 words long.

Dollhouse review on Fictioneer

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For those of you who were and possibly still are firefly fans, Josh Whedon's new series starring Eliza Dushku has I think, now got just as many fans and is receiving a similar cult status.

Readallaboutit here

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Coming soon... and already here

Hi folks, it's me again.

In between trying to do this course - which I should say is like swimming uphill through treacle - I have been feverishly writing a story I have mentioned to others is on the way.

It's called The Cliffside Heroine and is about a boy whose twin sister and her two friends decide to dress up. Things go horribly wrong and he ends up...

Well, you'll just have to wait and see, won't you.

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The Tank - New for Fictioneer

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Hi folks.

Just thought I'd let you know that I have posted some more words for your delectation on Fictioneer called The Tank, so if you're after something a little different, check it out here.


Oh, and if you're of a mind, there's a review of Paycheck a movie I saw recently and after reading the review, I'm hoping you're going to want to see it too. You can check that out here

Have fun.



All feedback (provided it's not abusive) appreciated :)

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Merry Christmas

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I'd just like to wish everyone here - especially Erin and the staff - a merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous new decade. For those who are offended by me calling it Christmas, well, that's what we call it over here and I'm offended that it should be called anything else. After all, that's what it is.

Any-who, I'd also like to bring you all up to speed with Google Chrome.

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The Witch's Tarot : Chapter 5

The Witch’s Tarot
 © 2009–Nick B
The Witch’s Tarot

Compound, T-Cut, wax and other very high-class valeting by Gabi the Wise

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This story is 18 words long.

The Witch's Tarot - the final chapter

To all of you who are in the least bit interested, I have sent the final chapter to Gabi for her to pass her magic wand over and as soon as it is returned, dusted and ready, I will be posting it.

Now last time this happened, I felt foolish as I assumed Gabi would return it within about two and a half minutes--as she usually does, but it didn't happen. So this time, when she's done, you'll get it, alright?



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Hi folks,

A question was raised today on HubPages about homophobes.

I know so many of you here have feelings about this as do I and I took it upon myself to produce a page which I hope sums up this issue, but I would welcome comments with regards to improving or including missing information.

I'd love to hear from you.


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OMG Three years for me!

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It's been three years. I can't believe it.

I was so wrapped up in what I was doing, or not doing, that I completely missed the fact that about a week ago, I passed the three year marker.

I would just like to say that whilst the course of my three years hasn't run smoothly all the time, on the whole, it's been a blast and I'm looking forward to the next three.

I will eventually get round to writing the rest of Second Sight and others, so hang on to your gaffes and panties coz it looks like I'm in for the long haul.

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A Lack Of Voting

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My apologies for my lack of voting.

I am currently experiencing problems with Firefox 3.5 as all of a sudden, it decided that certain elements of websites would not be accessible to me. Amongst those, is the ability to vote.

I get the little pointy finger and all and I can click--it's just that nothing happens.

I have been using Firefox now for well over two years and thought it was the mutts nuts, but now, it just seems to be letting the side down.

Of course, I have written to Mozilla and have received the usual explanation - nothing.

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Christmas in the Cabin by the Lake

-------=BigCloset Retro Classic=-------
Christmas Special!
Andy is 'sent' on holiday by his publisher friend to stay at his cabin and who says lightning doesn't strike twice?

Christmas in the Cabin by the Lake

by Nick B.

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This story is 38 words long.

The Witch's Tarot : Chapter 4


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The Witch’s Tarot
 © 2009–Nick B
The Witch’s Tarot

Fine grade sandpapering, use of jeweller’s rouge and heavy-duty buffing mop by the Gabmeister

Chapter IV: Revelations

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This story is 24 words long.

The Witch's Tarot

I have just sent the latest chapter to Gabs for editing, so it will be published later this afternoon.

Thanks for your patience.

Okay I lied... well maybe not lied, but didn't think - not unusual. I'm getting a lot of that lately.

I had hoped to be able to post this afternoon - or evening as it is here, but no.

I really hope to do so tomorrow, but that all depends upon whether my trusty editor has the time.

My apologies for winding you lot up and for making assumptions I had no right to make.

Thank you.

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On the go...

Okay, it's been too long.

I know.

I'm about two thirds through the latest and perhaps last chapter of Witch's Tarot, which I hope to have finished fairly soon, but I am at one of those points that needs to be right or the whole thing will fall apart. So it's a case of taking it step by step to ensure all the 'i's' are dotted and the 't's' are crossed.

My intention is to provide a feature-length bumper episode here that will possibly round everything off, so those interested, please be patient, I'll get there.

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The Witch's Tarot : Chapter 3


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The Witch’s Tarot
 © 2009–Nick B
The Witch’s Tarot

Polished by Gabs :)

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This story is 9 words long.

The Witch's Tarot

Hi folks.

Just thought I'd drop you all a line to say that The Witch's Tarot was only supposed to be a three part story, but alas, my characters have gone and got themselves more complex than I thought they would.

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The Witch's Tarot : Chapter 2


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The Witch’s Tarot
 © 2009–Nick B
The Witch’s Tarot

Edited, proofed and generally made what it is by the Gabmeister

A burning witch, a pack of cards and a fancy dress party. What can possibly go wrong?

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This story is 34 words long.


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What can I say but wow?

This is the first story I have posted for like, ages and ever and there you are lapping it up like I'd never been away. I can't believe the wonderful feedback you've been giving me too.

All I can say is thank you to all of you who have read the first instalment.

Part 2 is on the way - under construction as we speak - and whether that will be the end of it I'm not sure, but I won't keep you horror-hungry readers waiting too long (Gabi willing that is).

Once again, thank you.

Nick B

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The Witch's Tarot : Chapter 1

The Witch’s Tarot
 © 2009–Nick B
The Witch's Tarot

Edited, proofed and generally tweaked by the remarkable Gabi–thanks girly :)

A burning witch, a pack of cards and a fancy dress party. What can possibly go wrong?

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This story is 34 words long.

Done and done - finally


We are finally in our new home.

The move started at about 12:30 pm Wednesday and finished about 3:30 pm Saturday.

We moved ourselves as I said we'd do and I don't mean to sound as if I knew best because I didn't. Every time we filled the van, more stuff started to appear and at one stage, I was positive that the chattels fairy was following us around, bringing stuff back from the new house and depositing it in the old one for us to move again and again and again.


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The good news is that we have found a house to rent.

I looked at a bungalow last week and it was right on the main Shaftesbury to Salisbury road and was painted magnolia - which looked grubby before we'd even started. The outhouses turned out to be worse than useless and she wouldn't let us put in a cat flap for Sammo.

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Moving house - hi folks, it's me again

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Hello all you out there. I'm just taking a few moments out to let any interested parties know how the move is coming along.

So far, it isn't.

It's a bit like decorating. You spend days and days on the preparation - if you're doing it right - and then suddenly, it all looks finished.

We're still on the prep.

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At a dead run?

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After having typed in my blog yesterday, I received a phone call.

Now before I go on, I should point out that we only returned our documents to the solicitors about a fortnight ago, which meant that it should take a further four to six weeks before exchange and completion. Now you're up to speed, I can press on...

Yesterday's phone call was a bit of a revelation.

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On the move?

Hi all.

I must apologise to a number of people here - I hope they know who they are - for not doing this in a personal message, but things have ramped up a gear or three here.

We have a definite buyer for our house and whilst it pains us to have to leave, selling up does at least give us the opportunity to start afresh and clear our debts, which have mounted by leaps and bounds over the last year since I haven't been working.

We have not exchanged yet, so everything's not a done deal and we're hoping that nothing goes wrong between now and the fabled completion.

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More new content at Fictioneer

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Chapter 11 of Amanda's Eyes was posted yesterday complete with an apology for it having taken so long and Saturday, the first book review went up for Pawn Of Prophecy by David Eddings.

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Second Sight - Chapter 3

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I know, I know, it's been absolute ages since I posted chapter two and many of you are going to have to reacquaint yourselves with the first two chapters - or episodes - or instalments - call them what you will. For that I am truly sorry, but I have had to do the same.

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