Gwen Brown

Pre-pubescent Transgender children

Here is an interesting link about children who identify as the oposite sex before puberty. Hopefully, this will be the next big step in care for us. Many Docs agree that if a child is identified that early, they can develop a much more feminine frame and portrayal.

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Abuse or not?

I recently had an interesting epiphany; deciding that my being dressed and living as a girl until age 5 was fun and I liked it! At the time, it was a profound disappointment that I was being called a boy since I just knew that I was like my sister and mom. So, as far as I am concernted, I was not abused, though it has taken me a few years to come to that conclusion.

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I was recently offered a chance to be part of a Polygamous relationship. The offer was withdrawn when the other wife had second thoughts, but it did last long enough for me to think about the issues involved. As far as I am concerned the idea of screaming passion filled nights is long past. For me, the companionship is what would matter. I decided that given the chance that yes, I would accept the relationship, and when it did not happen, yes, there were tears. However, the other woman and I are still very close friends and I understand her reservations.

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Sanity check here?

I've been out on disaster relief twice before; to Honduras after Hurricane Mitch. Of course that was 12 years ago, and I've had a broken back since. Still, I get around OK, and I'm only 63. I't thinkin I'd leave the Hijab and skirts at home. I am still a very good electrician and for me it comes down to my personal freedoms as opposed to a clear need. I'm thinking I'll make a couple calls tomorrow to see what develops. It would be a financial stretch for me, but I just feel driven.


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My chilling experience.

Ok, for a while now, I have been feeling very unsettled. I've had thoughts of doing everything from moving to New Zealand to reverting back to Male. It has all felt really weird.

So, over Christmas, in spite of the fact that I'm Muslim, I put Handel's "Messiah" in my sterio and played it a couple times. I just love it. Well, three times since then, the sterio has started playing it all by its self. Once I came home to find it playing. The remote is infrared, so I did not think anything like a cell phone or play station could cause it, but I didn't worry about it too much.

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Space, the imposible fronteer?

I have been working on new TG fiction, using an entirely different style, making use of the one liners that those who know me in person find amusing. I have also been searching to find a way to write about some very lurid and steamy things within the confines of my personal beliefs.

The biggest problem, however, has been to write about space travel to several other Galaxies, making it seem merely inconvient and arduous, not imposible.

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Healing A Princess

I have been trying to encourage the Author of "Healing A Princess" to seek out a publicist and make an effort to get the work in stores, making her some money. In my opinion, the story measures up favorably with any other work I have bought off the counters in Book Stores. We all know that AA has struggled financially because she has said so in this forum. I am hoping that with sufficent encouragement, you will at least give it a shot. There is of course Baen Books, Tor Books, and a host of other publishing houses.

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Survivor's guilt?

I assume that there is a huge diversity of population here. It seems logical to me that there are or have been every kind of male here from corporate presidents, to Doctors, to Electricians (GAH, that just ruins the neighborhood ! :)) , to men in prison and I know at least two shrinks.

So far as I know, information about any statistical comonalities regarding T folk has not been published, though I have casual knowlege of some traits that we seem to have in common, perhaps.

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Andy Warhol

I was digging around in the archives this afternoon and stumbled upon a discussion of Andy Warhol by SLM. That caused me to think about another artist I have been searching for. I don't know if anyone will admit to it but I was reading "Playboy" in the late 60's and early 70's and distinctly remember an artist from that publication that I really loved, so much so that I think that the character represented there most closely reveals my own personality, or what I would like to present to the public. I know, fantasy, fantasy.

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Visiting Family, I don't want to go.

Two of my siblings have been supportive to me to the extent that they tolerate me and don't call me a faggot. Still, neither of them ever get the pronouns right, though my younger brother is trying. I think that both of them just see me as stark raving bongers mad.

So, my older brother lives alone about 100 miles from me. He is an irascable old fart, but he does not do his temper bit with me because he knows that I would cry and leave. I did spend some time with him at thanksgiving for his benefit, not mine and almost got up and left a couple times because of his pronoun problem.

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Please use this space to beat my ASS!

I am terribly sorry for this afternoon's nuclear weapon. There are some things really bothering me and I just senselessly lashed out at anything close. I just wish I could sit down and cry and I will but my brain isn't ready to do it.

The TD Aldonetti thing, the killing of the officers near Seattle, the Fort Hood thing, and several other things plus the fact that I am sick and have been since mid September and worrying about my adoptive children, and any other lame ass thing I can think of are making be act like a bitch!

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Sent mail Email opened notification

I have a few clients who I would like to know when they opened an email I sent them. Is there such a facility in Yahoo, Gmail, or Live accounts. I have not found it, but I know that Outlook used to have it. I would use it sparingly because I realize that this would double my traffic.


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Women's Full Duplex communication

In my quest to improve myself as a woman, I watch and listen a lot; analysing the most intricate details of what they do. One thing that has just occured to me is that, for the most part, women in groups use Full Duplex communication, while men seem incapable of it. I do hope that with time I can train myself to follow what women do in that regard.

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Prostituion, would I have survived?

Right after the first of this year, I was so out of money, and nearly starving that I began to contemplate being a Prostitute. It might not have been so bad, because I have a really strong desire to be sexual with others, but my previous journeys into dating had me giving a couple abortive and poorly executed blow jobs, and then the plops would simply zip up and flee. It left me feeling bereft, used and extremely ashamed of my conduct. So, it was that months of near starvation really altered things for me.

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Fond Rememberances of Warrior from Batuk

When I saw that something from Aardvark was up, for a brief moment in time, I thought that he had published another of his stories that make my seat um squishy! I was only briefly saddened to see that it was "Warrior" recycled. I'm in bed with the Flu and between my feverish, coughing times, I think I will read it again. Almost as good as a bit of Chokie Ice Cream!

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A Life Destroyed, or Created?

I have worked on this poetry for years. Kelly Blake's new entry inspired me to share it. I am sure that any Transgendered person will understand it. There are a variety of themes contained within it. I think I was reading the work of the likes of Frost, and his contemporaries at the time. I started it in the Late 80's after I finally figured out that I was Transgendered and there was no cure.

It started out centered on the page with a yellow background. Anyone who would care to correct that, you are welcome, but I do not wish anyone to tamper with the text at all.

How is it in Boston?

How is it in Boston for T folk?

Astonishingly, I have been asked to accompany a young college couple to Boston while they finish work on their respective Masters Degrees. My friend jokes about needing her English Nanny to help her care for her child to be born in June or July. If this seems a little sublime to you, then imagine what I am thinking. I worry about really having gone round the bend. I have asked them thrice over to think about this matter very seriously as it would hurt me greatly should they decide other wise at the last minute; even had a bit of tears over it. GAH!

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Everything you say, everything you do is KNOWN!

Being ill in bed with the flu, I was not sick enough to sleep but not well enough to do anything meaningful. So, I started searching my old name. OMG, I found a database that lists me as the author of "Yeksim and the Jungle Planet". It was probably about my first effort at story writing, but how it got on the internet, I have no idea. I think that by '87 the amber screen was gone, but was it time for the 386 yet? It is reall chilling that this work lies in a data base somewhere.

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Making my own Estrogen

Today, I was told that a transexual person had taken Estrogen for so long that her body had started making its own. Hmmmmmm

Well, I knew that there is some Testosterone in the body of a female, and it could seem reasonable that the body of a normal castrated XY male could have a little Estrogen in it even with out using pills, patches or shots. It seems rediculous that a T girls body could produce enough estrogen on its own.

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Two years off prescription drugs

Right after I got back from Thailand and SRS, I noticed that I was about 60lbs over what I had been when I started this whole TG debacle. It took a while for the storm to develop but about a month after I got back I sat down with my Shrink, who I was seeing once a week, and told her that she could help me or not but I was off the Prescription Drugs. She tried to say that I needed them but then I reminded her that I spent most of 57 years not on drugs, aside from sleepers once in a while. She also asserted that I as a Border Line Personality person could not handle life with out them.

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The essence of a Woman

The link below is about several women who were given AIDS by the same man; an action I find despicable, but that is not why I posted this. I had a brief glimpse into the heart and soul of a woman while watching what they had to say in the youtube interview. Listen carefully to each of their statements and it will make you a better writer. There are certain things that a woman will seldom say to a man, and I doubt that they say these things much to other women. There are certain things that a girl just won't confide to others.

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PCOS "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

I stumbed upon this while looking for "paint" to spray on the part of my scalp where the hair is a mere shaddow of its former glory. :( It looks like these girls suffer with many of the symptoms that the Intersexed do, and Male Pattern balding. In short they have far too many Androgins. So, not really knowing much about medicine, I am wondering if this is just a form of being Intersexed. The incidence is very high; about 1 in 10 women, and I wonder if some day things like this will help our society to get away from the binary gender model?


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Ear Bug Warning?

Ear Bug warning?

Now, I don't want to seem too paranoid on this and I know that there is no proof yet. I recently got one of those Cell Phone Ear Bug thingies, and I just love it. Today, I went to lunch with a girlfriend who got one much before I did.

At breakfast, she saw my Bug and told me that she did not think it was good to wear it all the time because hers caused earaches. I said ok but left mine in but just a few minutes ago, I developed an ear ache.

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Emotionally shattered

I must say that for a while today, I thought that I was going to spend some time on the Psych ward. I had just read where the 11 year old who spent 18 years with her captor was feeling extremely guilty about having identified with her captor.

Reading "Venus Curse" today caused another shock wave in the force for me. For a while I felt very traumatized by it.

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Urgent Movie help her?

I am looking for the Title to a recent movie where a CIA agent goes to Syria or Jordan to find a Terrorist. He gets captured by the same but gets rescued by the Jordanian version of the CIA. In the mean time he falls in love with a Muslim girl and stays on to marry her.

I thought it was Matt Daymon, Brad Pitt or Mark Walberg but so far can't find nuttin'

Can anyone help"


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A husband, for ME?

I was talking on SKYPE this morning with a long time friend in Sauudia. We usually talk about situations there, his favorite books, and movies too. Yes, there are no movie theatres there, but they haf their vays. :)

He'd gotten heat stroke today and needed a pat on the head. I was suitably motherly to him and then out of the blue, he said,"would you like to meet my Uncle"?

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What was Stu thinking?

This is the sort of thing that I find embarassing for all T folk. I don't normally comment on the conduct of another person. Portland is pretty weird and you can see just about anything. A case in point would be the rod that ran cheek to cheek on a youth. Unguhah!

So Stu, the Mayor of Silverton ... what were you thinking girl?

Oh, by the way, in a personal conversation, she does not claim to be Transgendered. Just another case of the Media just not getting it.


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I originally bought an IPAQ several years ago to read stories on and that proved to be too impractical; too small. Now, I am seeing a thing called a "Kindle" and I wonder if anyone else here has tried one. It seems as if the "pages" are as large as a paperback novels'.

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The thing that DID it.

I have frequently heard trans folk say that they felt that stress had a roll in their final decision to actually "come out", do it, get cut, and all that. I can distinctly remember the very day and minute that I finally threw the towel in, though my "comming out" and final decision did not come for a while.

Would any of you care to share that moment with us?


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Universal Brain Neuron Network

I know that this is way off topic, but I beg you to indulge me for a few moments. For those who really know me, one of my obsessions is to try to figure out the real nature of what I believe to be the intelligence who created all this. I must shamefully admit that at times everything seems incredibly chaotic and mostly evil. But in my quiet moments I know that perhaps I am just not sophisticated to understand everything.

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