I notice that The Force seems to be somewhat disturbed today. Yahoo mail has been semi comatose off an on, and then other sites seem to be affected. Is this jus lil' ole me or is the dark force at work.
Hakuna Matada
oops, wrong movie, sorry. :(
Although it might have just been a Tribble in the Force...
My spelling *skills* are contagious
it should read 'trooble in the Foarce'
Kan't you gurls spel write?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Trouble with Yahoo Mail
I've had trouble with Yahoo mail lately too, ever since they started their new look.
My girlfriend figured out the problem for me so I'll pass on what she told me. She said to clear out your Yahoo cookies. Do you know how to do that?
I don't know what browser you use so I can't help you there. Just go to preferences or tools and keep searching until you find the cookie manager. Then scroll through down through the list to near the end. The cookies should be in alphabetical order.
Good luck!
- Terry
I Use Vista Internet Explorer 8
I didn't find it yet, but will look more when I get home from work.