Emma Anne Tate


Two authors whose stories I’ve been following — one an old BC hand, and one new — seem to have vanished in the last couple months after posting industriously. I hate to see good stories unfinished, naturally, but I am more worried about the authors. I don’t know if it’s considered poor form to ask, but does anyone know whether either Domoviye or Ms. Woolly are safe?

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Contest Update: Go, Go, Go!!!

It’s New Year’s Day somewhere (specifically, where Joanne lives), and the contest is now officially open for entries!

There’s an official tag for contest entries. The fourth drop-down menu under “Add a Story” is labeled “contests.” Scroll down and click on “2024-01 January - New Year’s Resolution Story Contest.”

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Contest Update: Judging Emma

Somehow, in a fit of enthusiasm punctuated by lots of exclamation points, I volunteered to be a judge for our 2024 New Year’s Writing Contest, even though this site alone is full of better and more accomplished writers. You know what they say about fools rushing in. Choirs of angels are undoubtedly waving cheerfully from their LazyBoy recliners and calling out, like Jamie Lee Curtis, “Make good choices!”

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Contest Update -- The Time Is Near At Hand!

"You have not yet begun your story." The Ghostly Author's countenance fell, and the air was filled with the acrid stench of unfinished tales. "Yet chance and favor may yet be yours."

"Now, Emma!" Scrooge scoffed. “I've got all the time in the world. I can't even post an entry until New Year's Day, and Valentine's day is weeks away!"

“It’s Sunday,” the Ghostly Author replied. “Do you know where your muse is?”

“Ah. Well. Errr. About that,” Scrooge temporized.

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Feeling thankful

Tomorrow many Americans will celebrate our distinctive Thanksgiving holiday. It’s a difficult time for many in the trans community, especially those who have been rejected by their families. But it’s also a time to count blessings and give thanks. I didn’t want the occasion to pass without giving the thanks I can only articulate in this space: my deep, profound, and heartfelt thanks for every member of this community. For the women and men who have read my stories and for the incredibly talented authors whose stories have touched me this past year.

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Asking for editorial assistance from an Afghan War veteran

I've written a short story that has several scenes involving U.S. Army personnel, set during the war in Afghanistan, mostly at Bagram. I've done as much research as I can, but I'm reluctant to post it without a pre-read by someone who was in that conflict. If anyone would be willing to help, please shoot me a private message.

Warmest regards,


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Trying something different

So, I'm trying something different. A couple things, I guess. I'm writing a Halloween story, and I haven't done one of those before. It's not done, but I've posted the first part today. I plan to post a chapter a day until the 31st, so the clock is now ticking. I have to figure out how it ends, write it, edit it, and get it posted, between now and Halloween. I haven't done that to myself before either. My problem, I think, is that I don't have enough stress in my life!

I hope you enjoy the story.

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My Apologies

I must apologize to Erin and BC and all of the wonderful authors that have not only gifted us with their stories, but have allowed their stories to be published on Amazon and others and have donated all of their proceeds back to BC.

I am a daily reader on BC and try my best to post positive comments on the stories I read. I think most would agree, we have excellent writers on BC and their stories are very entertaining. Some of them elicit literally dozens of comments and are quite interactive.



“Aria” Volume 1 Now on Kindle — Please Review!

A couple weeks ago I asked writers to identify which of their short stories they liked the best. But if I hadn’t limited the field, there is no doubt that An Aria for Cami is my personal favorite of all the stories I’ve written. It is being published by Doppler Press on Amazon for kindle as four books, and the first one, The Holly and the Ivy, has just been published. I hope that you will purchase, read and review it — all proceeds will go to BCTS to help support the site!

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A Remembrance of Stories Past

It’s a beautiful morning, and as I was drinking my first morning coffee (no, I never stop at one!), I was thinking back to the stories that first captured my attention, and my heart, at BC. Two came to mind, each by an author that hasn’t posted here in years.

The first is Rebecca Anderson’s series Wild Horses, a heart-breaking story of love, transformation, life and loss from an author whose prose is absolutely amazing. I think I found this story through a Google search, and it brought me to BC.

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Decision Matrix, Chapter 8: Pattern Recognition


“They’re captives, but they’re still people. People with hopes, dreams, fears . . . . If Cleo’s mother loses her only remaining child, she will suffer, and that suffering will be real to her.”

Decision Matrix, Chapter 5: Hanging Knight


The probe is like the first, tentative touch of a fickle and dangerous god. It is the howl of coyotes on a moonless night, the acrid smell of danger and the frisson of infinite possibility . . . .

"Duets" Now Available on Kindle -- Please Review!!!

I'm incredibly excited -- My first book is available on Kindle!!! Appropriately enough, the very first installment of Duets (then "Duet") was posted on BC almost exactly a year ago. All proceeds will go to BC, so I hope anyone who liked the story will be inspired to purchase it and give a review! :D The revised version of the first few chapters is now available on the site as a teaser.

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Decision Matrix, Chapter 2: Irregular Opening


My mind kept circling around the same questions. How is it that my body is female? Where am I? And perhaps most troubling of all . . .

. . . Why do I have a hole in the back of my skull?

One-year anniversary with BC

So, the site tells me I have been on BC for a year and a day (Insert picture of champagne bottle here)! I’ve posted a lot of what Janet Seldon called “words ’n’ shit” over the last twelve months.

Maybe too many.

If I’ve been annoyingly eager, annoyingly enthusiastic, or just plain annoying, I apologize. There are times when I know I’ve butted up against the three golden rules, and I’m extremely sorry for that. You are a wonderful group of people, and you have been very welcoming. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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