Mature Subjects (pg15)

Shame and Desire Chapter 46

Note: This announcement was originally written for TG Storytime, as this story was originally written for TG Storytime. What is said in it may not apply to this site.

Well, we're coming up at the 1 year anniversary of this story. My god, I never expected it to be this long, and we still have a long way to go until the end! Anyway, 100K words! Wow! That's insane. I never thought I'd write anything longer than 100K words in my life but here we are. I want to thank you all so much for sticking around and reading this story. Every new review, each time I see this story get another favorite, it means a lot to me, and motivates me to continue writing. Anyway, here's Chapter 46 and oh, I achieved my main goal! 100K words before the story's 1 year anniversary. Another reason to celebrate!

Necromancer Unmanned: Chapter 10

Necromancer Unmanned
Chapter 10


This was insane.

Floria dove into a shell hole, trying to keep her shotgun out of the muck as a Dark Hound came charging out of the smoke. Rolling onto her back, she fired into the chest of the demon a second before it landed on her.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Gabe Horton was just the scout and guide. The leader of this wagon train was Ezekiel Masterton. He was the man who called the shots. Gabe could only recommend. Pastor Ezekiel seemed to hold the will of every one of the settlers in his hand.

Rainbows in the Rock 44

The rest of the week found its pattern, each day book-ended by a ride with Mam, and punctuated with a shared lunch. I am sure I was just as vocal as Alys was, about the way my course was going, but so much of what she described sailed right past me. At least with my stuff, it was rooted in daily life, at least the sort of daily life lived by someone who lived in the middle of mountains sprinkled with lakes.

Wings, part 15 of 62

On and off that day, I thought about that Missing Child poster I’d seen and what Mom and Dad were feeling and thinking about all this. Did they know I was trans by now? They almost certainly knew I’d venned into a girl body at least once; they’d have heard from Tim’s parents by now, even if the police hadn’t told them about the details of their investigation and what they’d learned from Meredith and Sophia.

The Mockreet - Chapter 37

I came to life gradually, becoming acutely aware of sandstone beneath my cheek and the sensation of heat from the near-burning fire. I squinted, trying to will the throbbing sensation of pain from my head; a full blown headache that had made camp at the back of my skull. Reluctant to move my head, I explored the room with my eyes; a wooden table near the stone fireplace, a shelf filled with seemingly useless odds and ends, a wooden footlocker near a door that may or may not lead to the outside.

Rainbows in the Rock 43

Mam drove us both in for the first morning, Alys having turned up at stupid o’clock in the morning, as Dad called it. Each of us had a day pack holding our first set books, pads of paper, a whole pack of pens, as well as our laptop bags. I was extremely nervous and as we settled in the back of our car, and Alys took my hand, I found her palm sweaty.

Hobson's Choice


Sandy wasn’t just my spouse. I made it very clear to the professionals we hired for the campaign that there was no better political mind on the planet. Sandy almost never dipped an oar into my campaigns anymore, but I told the campaign staff, on no uncertain terms: “If Sandy says jump, you ask ‘how high?’ Don’t wait to talk to me.”

The Witch Hunt Chapter 08

For the rest of the week, all anyone at school could talk about was Ralph being turned into Ruby. Everyone-the boys, the girls, and even the teachers-were scratching their heads over what had caused the transformation. The generally accepted theory was magic, though that raised more questions than answers. What kind of magic was it? Was it a curse? A forgotten wish? A potion that had been slipped into Ralph's food earlier that day?

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (1/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

Stories about Shroom Dungeon


Audience Rating: 


Deep in the woods of a magical world lies Shroom Dungeon.
Each day dozen groups of adventurers enter it, only to leave defeated.
But that isn't bad, they have the time of their lives.

For Shroom Dungeon is unlike any other dungeon.
Here, adventurers come to relax, have fun, and do stuff they usually couldn't.
They leave behind their daily lives and slip into new roles.
Maybe even monstrous ones.

I would like to tell you more, but one rule is key:
"What happens in Shroom Dungeon, stays in Shroom Dungeon."
I am afraid if you want to know more, you have to venture inside.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

The Witch Hunt Chapter 07

That evening, at the dinner table, Zoe told her parents about the breast cancer awareness club's fundraiser, and her and Miles' plan to get in Skylar's good graces by selling a lot of shirts and other items.

"That sounds like a good plan," Zoe's dad said when she'd finished explaining.

"Yeah," said Zoe. "Will you guys buy anything?"

"Sure, we can get a couple of bows," her mom answered.

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 28 / 29


Kitty huffed, a little impatiently, and explained, "Claus has this silly joke about a clone factory..."

"—in Omaha," Claus threw in.

"Why Omaha?" Dad asked.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 4

"First, we go shopping," Shri'la exclaimed as I returned from the bathroom. "We need to get you some new clothes and common teenage things. "You'll need a cell phone, laptop, beauty products, and shoes. Ohh how I love to shop for shoes." I could tell she was excited.

The Witch Hunt Chapter 06

For the rest of the week, Zoe tried her best to keep an eye on Skylar. Since P. E. was the only class she had with her, there wasn't much opportunity to interact with her and try to get closer to her. Of course, there was the first meeting of the breast cancer awareness club, but it ended up getting delayed to Friday at the last minute. So Zoe had to wait a little longer for that opportunity.

Shame and Desire Chapter 45

Okay, so before getting into this chapter I want to leave these notes here. First and foremost, I have received criticism regarding the politics in this story, and honestly I completely agree with most of the criticism. Including politics in this story was a horrible mistake. If I had the time and energy to rewrite this story, I would take this specific subplot with Elise's grandparents out, as well as most of the political stuff. I fully understand any criticism I get for this chapter and this story's use of politics. "Shame and Desire" is not a perfect story, and I am very much aware of that. I don't think anyone here reads these stories for lectures on capitalism, imperialism, and fascism.

If I will say anything to defend myself, it's that when I started writing this story, I wasn't exactly very serious about it and often times included certain elements for the sake of it. Quite a big chunk of this story was just used as a vessel to spout left wing political views. This is my first really big story, it has just hit 98K words and we still have quite a ways to go until the end. I am bound to make some mistakes. And now I have to live with them. This doesn't mean you're not allowed to criticize me or this chapter, but I thought it was just worth pointing out.

If you don't like the politics in this story, then you can be glad that there will be no major political subplots or commentary in this story from now on. I want to take writing this story more seriously and start only including elements that will add to the plot. They might still be thrown around here and there, as I've come to like Sierra's characterization as someone who cares a lot about left wing politics. And I also like the dynamic between Sierra and Elise in regards to this, with Elise being more of a liberal socdem and Sierra being far left (I'm not sure if she'd be more of a communist or an anarchist). But it won't be big, and it definitely will not take up a major part of the story.

If there's anything positive I can say here, it's that if you do like political debates, you'll probably enjoy this chapter. But other than that, go into this chapter and come out with whatever opinion you want.

The Witch Hunt Chapter 05

Before Zoe knew it, the first day of school came. And when that day came, she knew that the time had come to carry out the mission Mr. Al had given her and Miles. She didn't know if she'd have any classes with Skylar, but she was going to keep an eye out.

"Okay, Zoe," Zoe's dad said when he dropped her off at the front of the school. "Be careful with that girl Skylar. Don't let her know you're on to her."

The Witch Hunt Chapter 04

Zoe took all her girl clothes back into her old bedroom, which was where she slept for the night. When she woke up the next morning, her dad had already left for work, but her mom was still home. "Hi Zoe," her mom said.

"Hi Mom," said Zoe.

"How does it feel? Waking up as a girl?"

"It's...kind of weird," Zoe admitted. "I was hoping yesterday would turn out to just be a bad dream, but it wasn't."

"Don't worry," said Zoe's mom, "Being female isn't all bad."

"I know," said Zoe. "It's a lot easier to go to the bathroom now."

Anika Gets Married

Anika stands in front of the mirrors as she admires herself in the wedding dress she picked out. She was still amazed at what the Blue Lace drug had done to her body with Jack’s blood added to it. Something about Jack’s blood has physically changed her. It had hurt like hell as his blood coursed through her body.

“I think that’s the one for you, mom.” Justice couldn’t believe that Ron and Anika had adopted her. That had been a year ago, and now she was calling Anika’s mom.

Necromancer Unmanned: Chapter 9


“How much power does she have?” Von asked, looking at the dark lines covering the sky.

The Screechers flew over head, greatly reduced in number after most of them had tried to swarm the artillery and machine guns only to die as they touched the strands of necromantic magic. Rockets and scatter guns were quickly killing the rest.

Wings, part 14 of 62

She did a twirl, which was adorable and would have been much prettier if she’d had room for her dress to flare out without bumping into the walls and furniture.

"My Gender Lament" or yet another song destruction

My Gender Lament

Sung to the tune of "I'm Not Going To Let It Bother Me Tonight

With apologies to The Atlanta Rhythm Section

I fucked up my breakfast this morning
This life just gives me the blues
My gender is a tragedy
There's nothing that I can do

About all this hair and my jaw line
I'm struggling with my sorrow
And living in a danger zone
Might end it all tomorrow

The Witch Hunt Chapter 03

Avery led Zoe downstairs to Mr. Al's office. She knocked on the door, and Mr. Al said "Enter" from inside.

Zoe opened the door and entered the office to see Mr. Al sitting at his desk. "Hi Mr. Al," she said.

"Hey Zoe," said Mr. Al. "Did you need something?"

"You could say that," said Zoe. "I hear Geraldine and Roxy used to be boys, too. Just like me."

Mr. Al stared at Zoe. "You figured that out unusually quickly," he said.

The Witch Hunt Chapter 02

It was a fifteen minute walk from the school to Zack's house. All the way there, Zack contemplated how she'd break the news to her parents. Would she text them before she got home to tell them what happened? Would she knock on the door and say hi before telling them the whole story? Hundreds of different scenarios played out in her mind, each even worse than the last.

The Mockreet - Chapter 35

“I appreciate the…offer,” Jen shifted uncomfortably in front of Sheena’s desk. “But…First Girl I…I don’t think this is the job for me.”

“I disagree, Jenise”, Sheena said, placing emphasis on the last quarter of Jen’s name. She grinned inwardly as Jen grimaced at the use of her full name. “You have shown great proficiency in your position, and to put it all forward, my dear, you cannot spend the entirety of your service career scrubbing…shit. ‘Tis a new word I learned. Shit. Does it suit me?”

The Halloween Party


This was originally written for Sapphire's Halloween story contest, but the stories have yet to be published. She's still free to post the story eventually on her site, but I decided to finally go ahead and post it here.

The Witch Hunt Chapter 01

Zack hated summer school.

The whole point of summer vacation was to give kids a two-to-three month break from school, wasn't it? So why even have summer school? That just totally defeated the purpose. But Zack's parents insisted that he needed it, so here he was, sitting in the classroom while listening to Mrs. Swanson drone on and on about math.

Terry and Dakota’s Daughters

Jamie wakes up in the middle of the night, sweating and scared. She looks around the bedroom she is sleeping in and the pajamas she is wearing. It takes her some time to realize she is safe. She feels something wet nudge her hand. She looks down and notices it is the puppy Dakota has gotten her.

Wings, part 13 of 62

One of the trans guys at the meeting announced that he’d finally figured out his permanent name (he’d been trying out different ones, like me). That reminded me again that I needed to think more about my name. Amanda was nice, but it wasn’t quite right, any more than Natalie, Amber, Isabella or any of the others I’d tried on for a few hours.


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