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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2807

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2807
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

The Development of the Male


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The Development of the Male - and the learning of Female attributes. Mrs. Grant was an excellent teacher - and she had some new ideas on teaching the basic facts of life.

This is a story which indirectly mentions the SisterDom group which in previous stories encourages boys and men to learn the benefits of getting in touch with their feminine component.

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This story is 62 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 35


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 35 The search for Neptune


Alexis, “Aunts I see you are having a chat with Liza who is one of my Mer companions.”

“You’re Aunts & their flights have volunteered to help locate my missing sisters Alexis.”

Alexis, “Aunts you could always have said no.”

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This story is 51 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 41


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Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 41 Crimson returns

The news broadcast stated there had been several simultaneous volcanic eruptions all round the world. Snow smiled, “It looks like more than Crimson survived after all. Keep playing and they will all find their way here as will any others who have not already answered the call?”

“Mum was not telling tall stories then when she said she was a dragon maid.”

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This story is 76 words long.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 13A - Plane crash - Alternative chapter


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My name is Adam Jackson Harris. Everybody calls me A. J. I don’t think a lot of them know my real name ... or forgot it. I’m in the 10th grade, and my life is pretty boring … school, eat, sleep, but girls like me and I love them! Nothing exciting ever happened to me until I went on a cruise with my mom and dad during Christmas break.

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This story is 69 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2806


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2806
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Final Act


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The Producer sighed as he looked at the cast. He just as well should send them home from the theatre. What a situation! It could have been a producer’s dream: The leading lady stabbed at dress rehearsal. What could be better publicity for a detective play? The only problem was that the leading lady had been taken to hospital and wasn’t expected to recover for months while her understudy had been taken by the police.

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This story is 77 words long.

Gaby Book 12 Chapter *24* All Girly


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*Chapter 24*

All Girly

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This story is 3 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 40


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Chapter 40 Drew’s Northumbria Friends.Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Two red headed girls entered the room & went directly to Gaby. “We have found your friend & his grandfather. He is in the Royal Northumberland hospital in Newcastle & is in rather a bad way. We managed to get all the details from the files & would recommend having him transferred by helicopter to the specialist unit at home.”

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This story is 76 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 34


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 34 A day of Reunions.

“Those of you who wish to stay are welcome but it must be in human form. I and the family have other commitments to which we are obligated. We have decided to sponsor some cousins who are riding bikes. Gaby Bond is the team leader and they will require transport & I also require them to have a permanent female protection team.”

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This story is 75 words long.

MAU: Infinite Crisis, part 4


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Noel is brought against her will where those who are interested begin to unlock the secrets of her new body.

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This story is 20 words long.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 51 - 53

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Fifty One-

Hannah had prepared breakfast for them all; while the children were eating, Gideon was seeing to their animals. “Once you are finished, put your dishes in our bucket and I’ll wash them.” She called out, “I’ll take care of them as soon as I’m done with Em.”

Cade quickly dropped his empty tin into the bucket and went off in search of his father. Watching from the back of the wagon where she was changing Emma, she saw Rachel kneel next to the bucket and begin to wash off the tins. Hannah smiled inwardly, as without being asked, the young girl took it upon herself to assist her.

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This story is 127 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2805

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2805
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Julina of Blackstone - 058 - Petard

A conman conned

Julina of Blackstone
Her Chronicles, Book 2

by Julia Phillips

058 – Petard

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This story is 13 words long.

An Accidental New Life - Part 8

An Accidental New Life

Chapter 8
by Mykhaila Ejensfell
Copyright© 2015 Mykhaila Ejensfell


When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live with him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man, without even meeting me once, was sending me to a boarding school - a boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted, they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer.

That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

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This story is 116 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 33


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 33 Titania & Tatiania

Galadriel, “Sisters come forward and join force with me & we will summands our mother in the way she taught us.”

Ally’s grandmother, “For weeks now I have been feeling my powers returning to me. If I can feel them so can you my sisters.”

They all linked hands but failed to summands Titania. Alexis, “Stop for a moment the circle is far too small.”

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This story is 75 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 39


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Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 39 Canadian Timber Wolves.

Ariel-Lindi came across, “Hello will you help look after our babies when we have then.” Abigail came across held out her hand. The bitch sniffed & then rolled over again.

Odin burst out laughing. “Some guard-dog you are when you want petting like a puppy.”

Perfecta, “See if she will take these tit bits off your hand.”

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This story is 72 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2804


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2804
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 38


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Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 38 Elizabeth Anne.

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This story is 14 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 6 A Unique Game of Tag


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Chapter 6: A Unique Game of Tag


Once they were all seated Jenken linked their minds then opened a link with one of the red tailed hawks. They could see, hear, smell and feel everything the hawk was experiencing. It was calmly soaring above a meadow by the dam breast about five miles away on the other side of Lake Ontelaunee. The clear view was breathtaking as they suddenly understood the phrase ‘a bird’s eye view’. The hawk was sailing with wings outstretched riding the thermals. As it glided in slow circles above the lake shore, the road (Pa Route 73) that crossed the dam breast, and the dam itself came into and vanished from view. With each revolution the hawk was spiraling slowly to the southwest away from the lake. They saw it the same instant the hawk did... a rabbit in the foot high grass!

Instantly the hurried flapping of it’s wings appeared at the edges of the hawk’s field of vision as they felt a sudden burst of energy sweep through the hawk... an adrenalin rush? The swooping head first wing tucked rapid descent almost took their breath away. They could feel the hawk’s tail flaring and shifting to maintain course and stability. With the target in site when the hawk was about 30’ up and 60’ away it let out a loud screech. They instantly understood the purpose of the screech. It was not to warn the animal to flee. Instead the screech made the prey freeze in an effort to become invisible, leaving the hawk had a stationary target. At the last second the wings flared out, the neck came up, and it struck the target feet first. By the time the rabbit saw the hawk’s shadow they could feel the talons grasping the rabbit, piercing it’s fur and holding it firmly even as it struggled to flee. The rabbit’s efforts only caused the talons to sink in deeper. They could feel the satisfaction in the hawks mind as it’s hunt was successful. The sharp beak opened as the hawk lowered it’s head to partake of it’s still living meal.

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This story is 361 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2803


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2803
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 37


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Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanficton

Chapter 37 Olympic Games.

A week before the games, where due to open the President of the Greek Olympic committee called to visit the complex “I have come to see for myself what has been agreed to by Mrs Popadopalis.” He looked over the sites, “Where is Mrs. Popadopalis I expected to see her here?”

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This story is 65 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 31


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 31 Titans

Astrid noticed two very tall girls crying. “Hello I am Astrid & this is my home why are you crying.”

“We are so tall none of the other children want to play with us.”

Astrid, “I will give my sister Samantha a call & we will play with you.”

“Hi Astrid, Oh we get to play with giants. Can you pick us up and carry us so we can look over the hedges. Our sisters have water pistols and have tried to soak us.”

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This story is 91 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2802


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2802
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

What's in a name?

Back to comedy.
I dedicate this story to Licorice who inspired it

It was Monday morning the second week of Fall term. We had almost finished changing for gym when a naked boy stumbled into the girls’ changing room. Well, actually he was pushed into it. In his hand he had a pink leotard and a towel. He immediately tried to exit but someone outside made sure he couldn’t open the door. Failing to open the door the poor naked boy turned around and gave us a frightened look.

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This story is 90 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 36


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Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gaby Fanfiction

Chapter 36 Chepstow.

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This story is 13 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 30


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 30 Alex and the Mer.

Angela, “Actually we did have plans for a water garden but that was put on a backburner until this materialised. After next weekend our initial investment will have been repaid. So we will be in a position to commence building of the water garden. As for the plans for the development they have already been passed by the council.”

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This story is 69 words long.

Mercy Chapter 4


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Mercy Chapter 4

On the other side of the teleport, Faith looked back, and said, “I was so close. One more minute and I would have saved Dad’s memories, like I did with Mom.”

“Actually, that might not have been smart, dear.” Mrs. Carson said.

“What do you mean?”

“Having another person’s mind and memories in your head could hurt you. And you already have your mother’s memories, which means the risk would be even greater if you added your father’s memories too. “

“But he wasn’t responsible! He’d been taking his meds, it wasn’t his fault!”

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This story is 102 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2801


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2801
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 29


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 29 Skipton.

Alex, “I like to watch cycling and the Milk race is going to be coming across Craven & finishing in the Ancient Dales Capital of Skipton. I would like to be there for that race and watch the winners coming in.”

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This story is 48 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 35


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Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 35 The Regal Hotel Scarborough.

Suzette, “So all you need is the rooms & nothing else? This boss of yours is she ok to work for?”

Sharon, “Well I have had several jobs so far. I started at the Sealife centre. Then I had to oversee the construction in the North & South Bay. Now I am at the Crown-Imperial as Manager.”

Suzette, “I thought that Hotel was owned by the Parish Family.”

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This story is 84 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2800


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2800
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 5 Mind Games


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Chapter 5: Mind Games


A lot of the spring break visit consisted of JJ showing Judy around Berks County often with Jenken along for the ride as the giggling cute toddler Jen with her hair tied up in twin bouncy pony tails. Ken, in typical boyish pique, referred to Jen’s ponytails as ‘Rowlf ears’. (Vignettes from the Muppet Show were a Youtube favorite of the trilateral child.) In point of fact, Jenken was instrumental in helping select destinations of interest as during his mind probes he had accumulated a lot of knowledge about the diverse area. The Gruber Wagon Works at the Berks County Heritage Center was one of the more spectacular locations they visited.

All three helped in the Raven’s Perch in the evening. The Ravens were impressed with Judy’s waitressing skills. Jenken easily formed a bond with Judy and helped his mommy, mom and dad to do the same. JJ asked that Judy join the family for their regular Thursday night open stage performance. Of course they agreed once Jenken silently let them know she’d be an asset. On Thursday night at the start of the open stage, JJ introduced Judy to the patrons as the family set up. With guitar in hand she did a modified curtsey. Then unexpectedly JJ dropped to a knee and presented an engagement ring to Judy. While Judy knew they planned to be formally engaged, she was caught completely off guard and left speechless. Blushing deeply she could only nod affirmatively as JJ slipped the ring onto her finger. The patrons erupted in cheers and congratulations.

“The Wavens be a famiwy band,” Jenken stated seriously while sitting on a stool to better reach the mike. “If Judy hadn’t ‘cepted de pwaposaw, we wasn’t goin to wet hew pway wit us. Now, wet’s jam!”

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This story is 307 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 34e


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Drew & the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 34e Neptune’s Dancing Lesson.

Lyris & cousins where up early & found the swimming pool. Lyris jumped in & said follow me.” The others followed her to a cave. “This is where Uncle lives. Uncle we have come to take you to the beach.”

Neptune rubbed his eyes, “Would you all like a ride on my chariot?”

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This story is 70 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 28


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 28 More Hobbits.

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This story is 8 words long.

A Love So Bold - Chapter 47 - 50

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Forty Seven-

Ever closer to their crossing point at the Snake River the small wagon train came. Meanwhile, Rachel was becoming better at reacting with those around her; it was evident that she was slowly mending her broken heart.

Hannah wanted Rachel to keep her family's Bible, because it was about the only link that she still had with the family she had tragically lost. Often she would sit alone and slowly look at the pages, tracing her tiny fingers along the words her mother had written.

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This story is 101 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2799


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2799
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

The Day I Went Home - Chapter 5


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The Day I Went Home - Part V
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter VII - Dinner At Lisa's House.

Dinner was going to be roast beef, cooked carrots, mashed potatoes, milk for us, coffee for the adults and apple crumb cake for dessert. Lisa cut the carrots, Sharon cut the potatoes and rinsed them. Then Sharon put them in a sauce pan to boil. With the potatoes boiling, and the carrots waiting to be boiled, Ronnie's mother put the roast beef in the oven. The carrots would be heated up just shortly before the roast beef was ready.

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This story is 98 words long.

Gaby Book 12 Chapter *23* Parting Of Ways


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*Chapter 23*

Parting Of Ways

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This story is 4 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 34d


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Drew & the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 34d Friend Lyris

Janice, “Lyris is my friend & friends treat each other & my allowance will cover us getting a few ice creams & colas in the day.”

Gaby. “No use arguing with her as she has already decided to treat Lyris.

Little Lily & Little Rose said & if her allowance is not sufficient there are plenty of us who can help out.”

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This story is 77 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 27


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Alex & Chris
By Sharpharlad

Chapter 27 More Clients.

Helen left at 6.30 to get to the office for the early appointment. She found her first customer was already waiting. There was a rather well dressed lady with her husband and child. “This is our son Christopher he was in a cycling accident.”

Helen, “I will need to inspect your child.”

The father, “Before you do here is the donation we said we would pay just to see you.”

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This story is 77 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2798


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2798
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Summer of Love - Part 12


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Things were settling into a groove. ...or actually a set of parallel grooves. Life was kind of mellow and comfortably predictable. Until finally Colin saved up enough and he and Kesey set back out on the road.

And I found myself in jail.

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This story is 43 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 26


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 26 Mrs Harris

Back at home Saskia and the others were pushing Terri round the garden when Terri spotted a woman with a very scared girl in tow. “Saskia have you the phone I need to speak to Miss Tilly. Miss Tilly we have a Mrs Harris with a girl in the grounds I thought you had better know.”

Angela came running down. “Where are they?”

Saskia, “The other hobbits are following them. They went that way have we to go back to the manor?”

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This story is 90 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 34c


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Drew & the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 34c Old Salt Again


The old fisherman was near the lifeboat station & noticed the arrival of Robyn & her horde of girls. He greeted Robyn; “Na then Lass tha is fair thronged with lisle lasses. Are yea about t lake on sands.”

Robyn, “I was going to start with a game of Volleyball.”

Old fishermen, “Na lass if I was like those young'uns I would want to get the sand castle built afore the tide comes in.”

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This story is 90 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2797


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2797
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Alex & Chris Chapter 25


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Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 25 The Battons family return to the clinic.

In Leeds the young couple who had the daughters with Battons disease had just had their second visit to the clinic. They got a surprise when the doctor said, “Apparently the gene therapy has worked on you and the girls. However there may be a problem with the husband.”

The husband. “We know this was experimental so what is the problem?”

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This story is 74 words long.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 34b


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Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 34b Umbongo & Sydel.

Sydel, “They can perform magic but it is at a very low level. I tried to persuade them that it was wrong. They said they will only stop casting this way when at least two of their statues walk again. I certainly had not the power to do that so it continued.”

Gaby. “Aunt & cousin shortly you will both revert to the state you where in previously. Ursula we are going to visit the Umbongo.”

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This story is 92 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 4 That Does Compute


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Chapter 4: That Does Compute


If the toddler found a word in the internet research he didn’t understand, he looked it up on online dictionaries. What was even more amazing was that he remembered what he read, understood what he read and most impressively was able to integrate what he learned. In front of his family he dropped the baby talk and spoke as well as an honors highschool student.

The family was more than a bit unnerved by Jenken’s sudden explosion of knowledge and understanding. The lad let them be concerned but greatly tamped down their worry.

Jenken spent his computer time researching brain anatomy to fill in the gaps he discovered in Dr. Green’s knowledge. After all, as a pediatrician she had knowledge and understanding of the brain, but that was far from what a neurologist knew. But what Jenken gleaned from her knowledge guided his research to fill in the gaps and expand on what he’d learned.

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This story is 163 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2796


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2796
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.


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