Fresh Start

Days and Nights on Old Haven Road-3

Days and Nights on Old Haven Road-3


Ryan thought it was a good a name as any for the place Becky had bought. After they had gotten together things just sort of gelled for them in their relationship. And since he had all the things they both needed or likely ever would need at his house Becky had moved in with him.

It had turned out to be a great not perfect but it was great…they had their moments despite starting the way that she did Becky was all girl and sometimes she’d have her moments.

Sometimes he’d just be a guy and be a bit messy and she’d complain. Sometimes she’d get emotional and he couldn’t get why. And they were still learning about each other. Just getting to communicate was new to both of them. The trip to Canada hade helped but Becky was more than used to holding things in and keeping stuff to herself and Ryan was the same hurt and hardened by some of the things that he had seen.

But they did love each other…

Of Snow, little girls and Angels


The story of Luke and his desire to not be the boy his parents insisted he was, but to be the girl that he knew he was.
Warning, there is an attack on a minor in this story and mention of abuse in this story.

Christmas Changes Chapter~6


My reflection showed a quite pretty girl, regretfully of about thirteen. I just wished that I looked my age.
Then I smiled ruefully, knowing for a fact that when I was an ancient forty,

I would wish to look twenty!


Christmas Changes

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 6


Submitted for your approval, an invitation delivered to the members of the Board of Directors of Intellex, an international corporation dealing in civilian and military computer hardware and software. The Board members think that they're in for an evening of corporate politics before one of them receives the final prize.

But what each man will receive is very, very different. For these are not so much invitations to a party as they are a summons to justice, a special justice to be found only in... the Twilight Zone.

* * * * *

A warning. There is a scene in part 3 that involves child molestation. As the father of the victim of such an act in my real life, I -- well, let's just say that it happened over 10 years ago, and I still want to perform a radical orchidectomy on the kid who did it.

I felt that it was appropriate to the story and justified for the character. I won't say any more. Those of you who are offended hate me already for writing it, and I don't want to spoil the story for the rest by giving any more details.

If the concept offends you, please either don't read the story or give me the benefit of the doubt until you get to the scene where it happens.

Somewhere Else Entirely -69-

Garia discovers that she knows very little about the finances of her new world, the men make a mess in the Ptuvil's Claw and Sukhana makes an unexpected proposal. Then, the moment comes for Garia to face the townspeople and tell them what the future holds. Later, there is an earnest discussion about... tarpaulins?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

69 - The Speech

Bikini Beach: Organlegger

Did you ever wonder what might happen if the owner of a lifetime pass to Bikini Beach became an organ donor? This is the story of one who did, and of the four organ recipients.

An explanation of the title follows the story.

Much thanks to Elrod for his editing this story and agreeing to let it be posted. Thanks also to Steve Zink and Caleb Jones for their comments and suggestions, some of which were even taken in the final editing of this story.

Somewhere Else Entirely -68-

Keren is in a tight spot but there is help at hand... with the immediate danger over Garia begins to make plans for the future. And so do the people of Blackstone, much to everyone's surprise.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

68 - The Ptuvil's Claw

Christmas Changes Chapter~2


‘ I waited for a moment and knocked again. The cat brushed up against my leg, no doubt in the hope that the door would magically open.

It didn’t.


Christmas Changes

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 2

Going home.

The last thing I remember was walking into my cheap apartment after a rowdy night with the guys. This is pretty much the same as every other night when one goes to a university in which your parents are paving the way for you. I was to graduate from university in another month or two. My grades were all top scores, which is kinda hard to not get when your two apartment mates have been various tutors in the subjects you were taking. My only escape from the horrid life dictated by my parents before I was even out of the crib was partying.

Somewhere Else Entirely -67-

It seems that Garia and Keren are only just beginning to understand what Trogan and his men have done to Blackstone. Jaxen joins them that evening to bring disturbing news. As the full nature of the plot becomes clear plans must be changed, causing a search of the town the following morning.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

67 - Scouring the Town

You Can't Go Back

You Can’t Go Back

At his college reunion, a man looks back at his life, and has many regrets. When he meets an old love, he finds they both feel regrets. Perhaps Madam Zelda, at the local county fair, has a way to help them?
A little change from Bikini Beach for a bit...


Vanilla Sky...Part 5.

Vanilla Sky…Part five.

The first few days I’ll admit to being totally in love with where I’m living and being afraid of it all at the same time. Lizzie did take me to Halifax again the next day after the party to a medical prosthetics shop and she bought me breast forms that getter fit my body size.

So I’m a c-cup now and these are really made of that new silicone stuff and are flesh colored and they even come with a medical adhesive. No not like the stuff in those internet stories that seems to be like superglue but the stuff is water proof.

What a good boy...Chapter 17

What a good boy…Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The lights are low and the girls are gliding towards me in the most sex way and I have Samantha Fox’s old tune “Touch me.” playing on repeat now. I so want that, so want them to touch me.

We end up standing in front of each other and we start kissing. Me and Gwen then Gwen and Sophie then me and Sophie and it takes only a few seconds of that and I’m reaching out and touching them and they’re touching me and we’re almost shivering at what’s going on.

Okay I know that I am.

Both of their hands are touching me, running over my skin, fingers squeezing over my muscles…I don’t have big muscles but they’re getting…

Gwen smiles. “Oh Tracy, oh shit you’re so cut…so smooth…”

Somewhere Else Entirely -66-

It is closer to late afternoon rather than High Noon but Garia has the eerie feeling that she has ridden onto a set for a western movie as the caravan pulls into Blackstone. The actions of the locals don't help, either... something very nasty is going on! Abruptly they are forced into a confrontation that can only have one ending...

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

66 - Bad Day At Blackstone

Somewhere Else Entirely -65-

The caravan leaves Tranidor on the last stage of the company's journey to Blackstone. All goes well until Garia spots something that has to be investigated... which leaves her literally in a mess. A chance find and a mellow evening around the campfire help to restore calm to the travelers.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

65 - The Road Less Traveled

Snakes and Ladders-25

Snakes and Ladders-25

Chapter 25



I’m getting my thoughts together or trying to after getting whacked by the thingy. I’m a little punch drunk I think and I feel this…

I open my eyes and The tips of it’s tentacles around this nasty looking mouth are glowing purple and I feel it hit me hard…this sensation of all these spikes being driven into my head, into my brain!

I scream and roll around as I’m having the worst migraine attack ever!

I can feel it drilling, pushing and prying into me…

Drilling and trying to get into my mind.

Sunshine...Part 4

Sunshine…Part Four.


Sonya Thompson.

They said that was my name and I guess I believe them. I know it sounds strange and paranoid but the things I’ve heard while I was waking up…Nano-remodelling, and bad companies and being asleep…well in a coma for so long.

Nightmares of fire, of burning aren’t helping me and the fact that they said that someone had set me on fire?

Well there’s a good reason for the nightmares.

Somewhere Else Entirely -64-

After a morning visiting wagonwright, saddler and guildhall the company return to their inn to read the mail which has accumulated for them. While they are there, two new members join the party, but are either to be trusted? Garia discovers a down side of the Call of Kalikan.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

64 - In Tranidor

Bikini Beach: A Punk's Story

Bikini Beach: A Punk's Story
By Ellie Dauber
Copyright 2000

When Felicia Ormand invited the cocksure Frankie DiAntonio to spend the day at the water park, Frankie thought that his luck was in. After all, he knew there'd be less competition there - less than he realized. He didn't know what "A Wonderful Life" he was about to fall into.

This is the sequel to "Bikini Beach: Purse Snatchers."


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 5
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

Snakes and Ladders-24

Snakes and Ladder-24

Chapter 24

My nose crinkles with the smell and I feel sweat trickling down in places. The whole situation has my senses just throbbing going from that all out fight to us moving through the halls and sort of calming down to this. My adrenaline is pumping pretty nuts and I feel like I mixed some of those wake up tablets they used to sell at some of the truck stops with Redbull.

Oh by the way Redbull is kinda ick.

Like they took Mountain dew and added medicine tasting stuff and then a bit of battery acid.

Deep breath Erendae.

Somewhere Else Entirely -63-

A problem with a wheel causes a delay for Garia and her party, resulting in a number of questions being raised - including a terrible dilemma for Garia and Keren. While they wait for the wagon to be fixed Snep decides to show Garia what he can do for her. The party are forced to spend an extra night at the next stop on their journey to Blackstone.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

63 - Lay-over

Sweet Dreams-44

Sweet Dreams-44

Chapter 44

There are things that I’m discovering out of life that I never thought that I’d discover or that would even matter to me and they’re little things but they’re so huge too. Oh this is going to sound so girly but they feel like they’re huge things inside for me. Like in my heart.

This dance, being with Alex. Him saying stuff like that to me. All these little PDA’s between us and being out on something date like with my boyfriend. Yeah boy friend…I’m not even sure that we should even use that. He’s my partner, my significant other he’s the guy that I love.

Covered Bridges-8.

Covered Bridges-8.

Chapter 8

I’d like to say that John was the guy.

That guy that if you’re transgendered and straight you’ve been looking for, the guy that I guess that all girls are looking for and while john’s a really nice guy. Sweet and smart, soulful and artistic and just a really, really decent guy.

He’s not that guy.

He’s a good lover and he’s attentive and demanding both and he’s fun but I don’t know? It could be the fact that why there’s chemistry between us it’s like making supper or even a romantic meal he’s not the guy that takes my breath away.

And I know, I know that that person might actually not even exist out there for me but I’ve made my choices. I’m looking for that person. I want a life.

Bikini Beach: Old Mister Nelson

Bikini Beach: Old Mister Nelson

Mister Nelson, reported missing for several days and suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, is found wandering around near the park. The old woman takes pity on the poor soul, caring for him in a way only she can.


Bikini Beach: Cousin Trouble

Bikini Beach — Cousin Trouble.

When Jenny finds out her younger brother's son is suddenly an orphan, with no one to help him, she knows she's going to have to help out. The problem is that the boy needs a LOT more help than Jenny can provide.

Note: This is an updated version to correct a continuity issue with this story, The Sub, and Dear Jenny. The updates are minor, reflecting Melinda's presence in Jenny's life (although she is absent at the moment on a fellowship in Europe).


Lead Shoes-15

Lead Shoes-15

Chapter 15

I think honestly it was the adrenaline and the lift that I’m riding on from the sunrise and all the cuddling and kissing that gives me the strength to get back into the house with just my arm canes after I see Will off in the cab that he called.

I get inside and I make a bee line to my room and see Mom is up and she’s doing some laundry and she smiles at me. “Good night?”

“Best night mom, it’s one of those nights that really, really makes up for everything up to this point.”

Triple Play

Triple Play
By Ellie Dauber
(c) 2004

Chemist Matt Bauer developed a drug that temporarily transformed any woman who took it into an insatiable nymphomaniac. Then, as it wore off, she forgot what happened. She didn't know what happened OR who had done it to her.

Matt and his two best friends use the drug for a game, bringing drugged women to Matt's apartment for a night of sexual "fun." Then, one night, Matt picked the wrong woman as his latest victim.

Somewhere Else Entirely -62-

Garia finally joins Keren as their parties meet but this just raises more questions. There is another, unexpected reunion before they resume their journey towards Blackstone. The wagon train is forced to travel through the local equivalent to Hell which makes Garia ask some pointed questions.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

62 - Joining Forces


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 1
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

Somewhere Else Entirely -61-

Garia's party is delayed leaving Teldor when Jaxen discovers the others have split up. While they wait for information personal matters are discussed. The road alongside the river takes them through another town and then they begin searching for the others. As night falls certain truths are revealed.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

61 - Where did they go?


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