My Super Secret Life-31.
Chapter 31
Breathe…even though everything is chaos around me I have to breathe, slow, steady let my breathing control my rate.
I block the pipe coming for my head with a palm and twist my wrist and arm as I do with a burst of soft chi turning it away from me and over balancing the thug with it I use him as he’s falling over to use him as a jumping block to get me into the upper parts of the warehouse. I combine my jump with a kick to the back of his head hard enough to lay him out.
Bonsai….Like the art for not Banzai the charge thing, that’s my code name. I’m on the team. I’m a junior member but at I’m active…not a reserve but an active junior Champion.
It’s Kai…me, I’m experienced and I’ve passed most of the tests they’ve put me through and I spar well enough that I’m on active duty being the team’s shinobi while Shroud’s away in Ark City
Once I‘m up in the shadowy dark of the ceilings I‘m in my element.