Serial Chapter

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 17

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Twelve-year-old Steven Brooks has been through a lot since that fateful day when he peeked at his Christmas presents and was sentenced to two weeks in skirts and dresses. It all snowballed out of control and at this point Stephanie’s been a girl for over a month now. She wanted to be helpful and agreed to be a bridesmaid in her cousin’s wedding, which meant she had to take dance lessons, which led her to try to grow breasts to prove to her snotty partner that she wasn’t a little kid. A pretend date at New Year’s ended up in her having a boyfriend she enjoys kissing, but that also meant she couldn’t go back to school with him as a boy or it would ruin his reputation. She just started seeing a psychiatrist to try to deal with it all, and the doctor gave her some assignments to do before their next appointment.

A thirst for change: Chapters 7 and 8


She looked at me intensely, and asked, “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

Not trusting my voice I nodded slowly, never breaking eye contact. She leaned a little bit closer and kissed me full on the lips. I swear I could hear music playing as fireworks burst in front of my eyes. The lush softness of her lips, the scent of her hair had my world quivering beneath my feet. After what felt like an eternity but was still way too short she broke off the kiss. I felt her teeth scratch my lip. She noticed and licked the drop off blood off of my lips, looking as content as I felt.

Echoes- Part 5

Echoes V

Melanie Ezell

Over a year, but the next three chapters are here! Thanks to John in Wauwatosa for test reading and suggestions! I'll try to have the next chapters in less time.

Miriam's doctor's appointment doesn't go as well as he would have liked. What's going on, and how can he stop it? More importantly, is he even sure he wants to?

A thirst for change: Chapters 5 and 6

Chapter 5: Like night and day

-- since some couldnt read the note, i've changed it from script font to just italic. Just imagine it was handwritten.

Dearest stranger,

I know you have been around my house for a while now. I’ve noticed things that have been misplaced, little things that have changed. At first I thought I was going crazy, and maybe I have. But I don’t think so. I think you are real and that maybe you are thinking the same thing about me. Please meet with me tonight in the main hall, just after the sun has set.

Yours sincerely,

A thirst for change: Chapters 3 and 4


As we walked up to the mansion my jaw dropped. I looked at my sister with big question marks in my eyes, and she laughed out loud as she said, “Yep, Sis. This is the real deal. This is where you are going to live for at least a little while. Now, follow me. I used my shifting powers to get inside and I actually found the keys to one of the side doors.”

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.13 - Necklaces!


.........when from some part of my imagination came a simple get out of jail plan.

I quickly grabbed his hands, reached forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"Sorry Alun, got to go now, my auntie Cerys has arrived," I said as I gently squeezed his hands," I'll phone you later."

"Oh, OK," he responded obviously a little stunned by the unexpected intimacy.

The Price To Pay - 2.13 - Necklaces!

by Alys

Camp Kumoni : 62

Foxglove cabin rowed past Columbine as they headed out towards the lake.

“Talk about having your own personal flotation devices.” One of the girls laughed.

“Did you know that Foxglove is a poison?” Krystal said aloud for the other cabin to hear, “No wonder their cabin is full of bitter, jealous girls, no other cabin would want them.”

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Sorry this one not edited either :(

A thirst for change: Chapters 1 and 2


“Did you get your new prescription yet?” Cathy asked. Not that it was a real prescription; they wouldn’t give me an official prescription yet. Next year I’d go visit the doctor. It wasn’t till I was 16 that they would start with official hormone treatments. But for now I had to stop the damage that was being done by my birth defect.

Comdex - 4 - Interlude

They say everyone has a twin somewhere. What do you do when your twin is dead and her rich husband fixates on YOU?

Many thanks to my original editor Wendy, and my new Holly and Stan. Props to Maggie for her encouragement.


I awoke in a hospital bed with an IV drip in my right arm, and I could hear the incessant beep of a heart monitor. The lights were low, I was pretty well swaddled in blankets and felt warm and kind of fuzzy. Jeeves was setting in one corner of the room. When he saw I was awake, he quietly left the room. Linda sat next to me, holding my left hand. I felt calm, tranquil, and more than slightly light headed. “I’ve been sedated, haven’t I?” I asked.

WARNING This scene contains a description of the rape of one of the characters WARNING

Football Girl ~ Chapter 2


‘Hello, Mum. It’s me … Mark.’

‘Mark, you shouldn’t be ringing me, you know that your dad will get angry,’ whispered mum, sounding a bit frightened.

‘Why are you whispering?’

‘Your dad’s sleeping, he might wake up and hear me.’

Football Girl

By Susan Brown

Comdex - 3 - Prelude to Memories

They say that everyone has a twin somewhere. What happens when your twin is dead, as well as being a lady. The following story is fiction, more or less. Enjoy.

This series began a couple of years ago, and like many I set it down unfinished, uncompleted. The original Title was Comdex, Clothing, and Confusion. The first few chapters are rewrites.
Comdex — Prelude to Change
Copyright 2003/8 Beth Williams

Camp Kumoni : 61

“Come cuddle?” Tricia asked from her cot.

With out pausing, Erika changed course and padded over to the blonde’s cot. It would be easier to fall into Tricia’s bed than it would be to climb up into her own. She lay down and pulled the covers over her. Tricia turned in bed and spooned with her.

“What’s wrong with you?” Tricia asked.

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Not Edited

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.12 - Dresses!


"Oh god Celyn I was going to tell you but I didn't know how to," she said, speaking rapidly," please don't hate me for this."

"For what?" I asked, astonished by her reaction, my mind racing over all the possible bad people my sister could be anticipating having a relationship with. I hoped her potential paramour wasn't a drug dealer, axe murderer or terrorist. I supposed rugby player might be OK as long as he could get free tickets for the 'Internationals'.*

"It's Grace," she said in response.

I looked at her for a few seconds, nonplussed. Finally all the cogs in my brain finally engaged and I responded," Grace as in a Grace the girl?!"

The Price To Pay - Vol.2.12 - Dresses!

by Alys

Camp Kumoni : 60

“What’s wrong!?” Tricia demanded. “Erika!” She grabbed Erika’s arm and pulled her to a stop. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to go through this again,” Erika sobbed.

“What are you talking about?”

“I don’t want to be the plague of Camp Kumoni too.”

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited and spruced up by Nick B

Comdex - 2 - Prelude to Confusion

They say that everyone has a twin somewhere. What happens when your twin is dead, as well as being a lady. The following story is fiction, more or less. Enjoy.

This series began a couple of years ago, and like many I set it down unfinished, uncompleted. The original Title was Comdex, Clothing, and Confusion. The first few chapters are rewrites.

At Aunt Greta's 19— Revelation

At Aunt Greta’s–
by Gabi

Chapter 19 of a Continuing Saga…

We scrambled out of bed and went to the bathroom. Farah had the first shower and I followed on. After we had dried ourselves we returned to “my” bedroom.

‘Greta! Freya! Hurry up!’ came a voice from downstairs. ‘Brekky’s ready and we have to go to church this morning.’

Comdex - 1 - Prelude to Change

They say that everyone has a twin somewhere. What happens when your twin is dead, as well as being a lady. The following story is fiction, more or less. Enjoy.

This series began a couple of years ago, and like many I set it down unfinished, uncompleted. The original Title was Comdex, Clothing, and Confusion. The first few chapters are rewrites.

Camp Kumoni : 58

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

“I don’t think I could ever see you as ‘the plague’ again,” Victoria said with a grimace. “It’s too bad Erika can’t join us at school.”


“Because you’re really fun to hang out with.”


Susie and Jeffrey 7 - 8 - 9

Susie rolled her eyes at me as we pulled her dad up. "Let's have a look at the damage."

Mr Jones grimaced as she waggled his finger. "What do you think, Jeffrey?"

"See if you can grind the ends of the bone together," I offered helpfully. "That's a sure-fire test - if your dad faints, it's broken."

Susie and Jeffrey 7 - 8 - 9 by Jamie Hayworth

Camp Kumoni : 56

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

“Alright Columbine, off to the showers, quickly. Let me talk with Erika.” Phoenix ordered, dismissing them. “Go on.”

Eric slumped and sat down hard on Samantha’s bed as the others grabbed their things and headed off to the showers.


Constant in All Other Things 2 - Chapter 03

Constant in All Other Things 2
Chapter Three
Fakeminsk ([email protected])

“Friendship is constant in all other things
Save in the office and affairs of love:
Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues;
Let every eye negotiate for itself
And trust no agent.”
Much Ado About Nothing

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.11 - Skirts!


"You must be effing mad!," I said harshly to Taran when we had reached the safety of the female loos," they're bound to find out who I am."

"You'll be fine, Alun's positively drooling all over you, just keep your shoulders back and your boobs out," she said, laughing.

"You are just so dead!," I hissed at her, on our way out, before resuming my painted smile as we walked back towards our two companions.

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.11 - Skirts!

by Alys


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