Sequel or Series Episode

Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship - 2

Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship - 2

Gandhi, sorrowed over Hindus and Moslems in his country becoming independent, judging and killing one another like they were no longer neighbors and fellow human beings.
A Hindu man who killed the father of a Moslem boy asked Gandhi what he should do. Gandhi said he should raise the boy as his own, but raise him as a Moslem.

Stark: Homecoming

Freed from her programming at last, Jo Stark thinks about her past and wonders about her future. And her first case since her release takes her team back to the US, to help a man in a trap from which there seems to be only one escape.


Stark: Homecoming

by Randalynn

Chrysalis - 4 - Returning Home

A KittyHawk Tail
by Saless

Chapter 4 — Returning Home

Chrysalis finds a safe haven for her new friends and is reunited with her family, only to leave again to seek help for the other prisoners in the Bubble. Her search leads her to someone familiar...

Angel Season Two Episode 5 (Guest Services)

Angel Season Two,
Episode 5 (Guest Services)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2014 G.M. Shephard

Karen unlocks a piece of the puzzle inching Houston PD closer to their shooter while Megan tries to help Ashley overcome her fear of men in preparation of Reid's award ceremony. Dr. Shephard finally returns from Russia unknowingly landing in a war torn Houston.


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