
To Return Home 4.1

To Return Home.png

Cover image from Unsplash

Again, I need to thank Malady for his help and ideas as I write this.

Your help is much appreciated!

Chapter 4.1

Well, you son of a...”

We had returned upstairs, and when we arrived, we had a surprise! Sitting in Marc’s desk chair, talking to Amy, was Rachel. Her wings were carefully folded behind her, and her pixie dress appeared out of place inside a building.

A Year And A Day - Chapter 2: Desperate Measures


A Year And A Day
Book 1 - Consequences
A Harry Potter Fanfiction Story

Be Careful What You Wish For...

It's one of the oldest lessons a witch or wizard can learn when it came to their wondrous magickal world. Few ever put much thought of, least of actually think it meant something. Bellatrix Black was raised by an abusive father and a mother who saw her only as a legacy. In a House long having lost its soul it was the young Heir's job to protect her sisters and do whatever she was told.

That all ended when she found the Dark Lord and became his right hand. For once she had power and everything she ever wanted. Fourteen years in Azkaban was the least of her worries when her Lord promised the world to her. That like every wish she had turned to ash when the Dark Lord was killed at the Battle Hogwarts.

What if Bella survived the Battle and with her young daughter in tow made one last wish? A wish to save her life, and her daughters most of all. But also a wish to finally have a life where she was truly happy.

A Cold Fey In Hell: Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Momma's Girl

Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.


“I’m not going to abandon her,” I told Jimmy seriously. I’ve got over eighty thousand in the bank and I’ll have a job after my birthday, I hope.”

Fugitive from the republic

Fugitive from the republic

By Jennifer Reed
This story takes place in the star wars universe. A brilliant general forced to flee during the clone war and assume an identity he never expected.

Chapter 1

A Cold Fey In Hell: Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Playtime

Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.


“That’s something I’ve always wanted to hear,” I muttered sarcastically.

An Angel's Job

An Angels job
An Angels Job
December 2021 Christmas Holidays Story Contest Entry

An Angel’s Job
by Tiffany B. Quinn

Note: To those of you who have trouble with religious ideas in this genre, I suggest that you skip this story. When I think of Christmas, I cannot help but think of its religious foundations. It is from these thoughts, that this story has sprung.

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Young Terry's unsympathetic siblings make his life a living hell when they discover his secret. There appears to be only one way out until divine providence steps in to prompt a different ending.

To Ease the Pains

To Ease the Pains
By Goldendawn © 2003

Stretching, Jeff felt the painful crick in his neck from sitting all day at the computer twinge a little. Reaching behind, he placed his strong hands against the bridge of his neck and rubbed, groaning slightly at the soreness. Finally, he twisted his neck to the left, making loud audible clicking noises.

"Oh gods, I hate it when you guys do that." The woman behind him was his boss, Sabrina Paulsen. She was an attractive woman, and at one stage, Jeff and she had almost gone out, but work had come first.

The Camel.

This story is a parallel theme to the my previous Christmas story that missed the deadline for an earlier Christmas holiday competition. It is something of a partner story to 'The Lamb' and follows the good fortune of a young effeminate cameleer living in Arabia. It is worth reading 'The Lamb' before reading this offering but even so, 'The Camel is a 'stand-alone' story in it's own right.
The theme may not please some fundamentalist bible punchers, but do I care? Not a jot!

Happy reading,

Beverly xx

Christmas in Space

A classic from a few years ago, brought back to the front page...

Christmas in Space
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2017 Melanie Brown

In space, no one can hear you say Merry Christmas.


Dragon's Mark ~ Chapter 1

She takes a deep breath and stares off into space. Finally, she looks back at us and shrugs. “I think you may be emitting magic.



Dragon's Mark

By Shauna

Copyright© 2021 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Joyce Melton.)
(Edited by Angela Rasch.)



The beautiful maid of Juandale Manor.

Warning:Most of this story takes place in Louisiana during 1963 . there is some language so be warned.

It's dark outside the old Antebellum home situated on a hill overlooking the Lousiana Coast line.

Gypsy Magic

Synopsis: When Martin enters Gypsy Rosa Lyn’s caravan, parked in a South London pedestrian precinct, he little realises that she is anything other than a sham. After all, there’s no such thing as magic, is there? But when he gives up smoking, loses weight and starts exercising, is it really his will-power alone? One can only say, beware gypsies bearing potions.

Author’s Note: There’s no explicit sex in this story, although there are several references to sex and there are a few words commonly used in English society which some readers may find offensive. I have given this story a Magical Transformation flag even though, as I explain in the story, I don’t believe that is what it is.

Operation Trouble

This story occurs after Who Wears the Pants in The Marriage.

Billy’s and Sara’s Apartment, Santa Monica, California:
Sara was working at her workbench developing a new electric dart that keeps a charge but delivered 2,000 volts to a person when it is fired at them. She’s been working on the design for a while now and has miniaturized them down to the size she wanted.

To Return Home 3.6

To Return Home

Thanks to Malady for his help editing and for ideas.

To Return Home.png

Cover image from Unsplash

Chapter 3.6

We weren’t quite certain what the effect of Marc being present would have, so both he and Paula were asked to remain out of sight.

We started our trip down the wall of the pit. On our way down, my husband, ever the engineer, examined the walls. “These were molten once. It's like they were super-heated, then cooled into an alloy.”

Do you think Kari did it?” Daddy asked.

Jennifer's Plaything

Nick was pretty sure he led a normal married life of routine, and he did, until his wife, Jennifer, learns she can push him out of his comfort zone with a little 'hands-on' encouragement.

Light And Shadow - Part 8 (complete)

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 8 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 37 - Citadel


Krux led me through hospital corridors full of a mix of demons, devils, and souls - some were patients, some staff, and all very organized. Other than the eclectic collection of body-types, skin tones, and random number of limbs, the place had that same frenetic-yet-focused feel of most busy hospitals I’d been in. Bureaucracy blended with function all mixed together as white lab coats, suits and ties, and professional skirts.

I stood out like a sore thumb or an outcast from one of those medieval historical re-enactment groups as I pushed past them all. The armored breastplate and feathered kilt felt all the more primitive as compared to the security stationed at the glass doors which exited to a landing platform. They stood there complete with modern body armor and elegant-yet-nasty rifle-sized blasters packing a punch orders of magnitude higher than the agent’s pistol. While the demons among them only had five to six souls suffering at their cores, their equipment likely made up for the lack of raw potential and then some.

To Return Home 3.5

To Return Home

Thanks to Malady for his help editing and for ideas.

To Return Home.png

Cover image from Unsplash

Chapter 3.5

The dryad had made its way back into the woods, out of sight. There weren’t many sounds, except the crying of Rachel as her world was turned upside down once again.

Daddy and John seemed to have put the loss of Ralph behind them, or at least realized that dwelling on it wouldn’t get us through this mess we were in. It seemed as though they were talking to the pixie. I wasn’t sure what they hoped to get from her, but I quietly joined them.

To Return Home 3.4

To Return Home

Thanks to Malady for his help editing and for ideas.

To Return Home.png

Cover image from Unsplash


We worked. That is, Rachel and I worked our butts off, and slowly, we started to make headway. The men were probably the easiest. Over time, we were able to bring most of them back to themselves. There were a few who didn’t want to change from their new selves, but even the ones who wanted to return to their old appearance wanted to hold off until the women had been returned.

Part 3

Link: Curse of the Werewoman Title Page and Description


Chapter 5 - Holiday Surprises

The shopping trip Sunday evening wasn't nearly as bad as John thought it would be. He'd had difficulty at first, thinking at any minute people would start pointing and laughing at him, shouting 'dude looks like a lady' or things like that, but his transformation was flawless once he'd stopped fighting it and just went with the flow.

Light And Shadow - Part 7

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 7 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 32 - Plan


Boston police were waiting for them at the gate when they landed. There had been an awkward stand-off while Diego called the DPA to confirm that the detectives were actually on assignment as opposed to being there due to possible unseen influence from mind-controlling angels.

Assurances were received and soon Isaiah and the wizard were delivered to a brick police precinct sitting alongside a narrow Boston street. Being Californian all Isaiah could think of as they were ushered past the windowed doors facing the rear parking lot was that a single earthquake could level the entire structure. Given the number of brick buildings they’d passed on the drive there, the entire city had better hope against such seismic events.

Or, say, powerful geo-magic.

Curse of the Werewench

Curse of the Werewench

Brooklyn goes out to celebrate with a friend and gets more than he bargained for when he meets Jeri.

Disclaimer: This is all Rosey Redd's fault, she put the idea in my head. This isn't related to Roberta ME's story. I actually wrote it and put it on my Patreon last week. Be warned: This was written while I was still half asleep and not thinking clearly so the humor and stuff may be a little weird. Thanks to Rosey Redd for the idea, help with editing, and the teaser image.

A Cold Fey In Hell: Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Doubts

Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.


“And if we don’t, nobody will,” Nixie added.

Part 2

Link: Curse of the Werewoman Title Page and Description


Chapter 3 - I'm A What?

John awoke slowly at first, disturbed by his wife's movement in bed next to him. Not quite remembering the night before, he only knew that he felt something he'd never felt before as she snuggled up next to him and wrapped her arm around him once more.

Zizzie’s Zex Spectrum Shift.

Zizzie had been born in a body that indicated being a himm. Her medical advisors were of the opinion that as she went through fecundity, a second stage puberty that all the Kemainne folk experienced at about sixteen years of age, her body and face would become those of a femm. Zizzie was of the opinion they were just telling her what they thought she wished to hear and they didn’t really know what would happen.

Part 1

Link: Curse of the Werewoman Title Page and Description


Chapter 1 - Scratch One Guy

Looking up from his newspaper, John smiled at the woman approaching his desk. She was fairly attractive and in her late twenties, brown hair cascading around her shoulders that bounced as she moved. Quickly glancing over her, he couldn't help but sigh.

Chapter 10 - Transformation

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description


Sitting in the back of her aunt's limousine, Heather across from her and Faith next to her, Erica's nerves were on edge knowing she was going to meet someone who knew her father... and her from her old life before she was reborn in the body of her son. The butterflies were gone, replaced with raging wildcats clamoring around inside her stomach.

Chapter 9 - Winter Wonderland

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description


Erica stepped out onto the front porch again, this time fully decked out in dress, tights, bloomers, coat, scarf, hat, mittens, boots, and a burning desire to run out into the front yard, plow through the knee-deep snow, and bury herself in it. Carefully making her way down the front steps, Faith by her side, she still couldn't help but giggle at the sense of wonder she felt experiencing her first snowfall.

Weerd Hep, Revisited


Weerd Hep, Revisited

Thanks, Malady, for all your help, editing and giving ideas!

I’ve got a strange story to tell. It’s entirely true, although I doubt you’ll believe me. You’re probably thinking this is a site for transgender fiction, not non-fiction. Well… That’s why I’m posting it here. I want to tell my story, and since it’s entirely unbelievable, I’ll post it as a work of fiction.

Chapter 8 - Painful Memories

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description

CAUTION - emotional pain/open emotional wounds

Clarification: The entire first part of this chapter is a traumatic flashback.


Erica bounded into the living room, gay as a lark. It was just before six o'clock and she knew April would be home from school by now. "Aunt Heather? It's almost six. I know it will be time for dinner soon, but before dinner, can I call my friend April and let her know I'm OK?"

Daniel Becomes Dana - Part 3

Dana's life changed from that wonderful last moment, in ways he/she never realized. On his 13th birthday, with Mom and Dad away, Dora took control, requiring Daniel to take double doses of her birth control pills, the ones she had been stockpiling rather than using. But to Daniel, these were just vitamins, he never saw the package.



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