Exchanged - Chapters 16 and 17

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Chapters 16 and 17
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)


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The Legal Stuff: Exchanged © 2017-2024 By Sofia Hammerstein
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

Chapter 16: Granny

“PRINCESS COME ON, wakey time,” I heard and felt my body being picked up.

“Huh?” I asked, confused before remembering where I was.

“Feeling any better?” I was asked as I became aware my body was laid out on the changing table.

I thought for a second, “I think so?”

“Good!” she said, “We have a big day today, so I’m waking you up early and giving you a little bit more of a treat than I will normally.”

I opened my eyes more at her and just shrugged, “Okay?”

She had reached a soaked diaper then, and I felt my skin suddenly exposed to the air, and the reaction of my new body parts down there was so weird! “You sure did soak this diapee!” She told me, “I would probably have waited to change you until after breakfast, but this would have leaked with another drop!”

“How come I’m wetting in my sleep?” I asked, suddenly thinking about how weird it is to wet in my sleep so soon.

“I think you were right about the breast milk having that side effect... but you also have a tiny body now. Bodies that size often have these issues still even in your world, I imagine?”

I nodded, “I’d probably only be about three at this size… I still can’t believe I shrank when I came through!”

“Well, anyway, not many babies your age sleep dry, so don’t worry about it. I wonder…”


“I wonder if you’ll get back to your original height when you go home?”

“I hope so… I can’t imagine being the size of a toddler back home for the rest of my life!”

“Well, there you’re really only a three-month-old, so it would still be an improvement!” She said as she tickled me a little after closing the last tape of a new Pampers.

“I’m still getting a regular Pamper? Even with your mom visiting?”

“My mom and I differ on how to treat Littles… and I’m not going to change that just to impress her.” She tickled my bare belly, and I giggled.

“Thanks,” I told her gratefully.

“I picked out a pretty dress for you to meet your granny, but I’m going to wait to put it on until after breakfast. This onesie will work until then.” A onesie that said ‘totes adorbs’ was pulled over me, and she quickly snapped it shut. “Let’s go get breakfast before Daddy eats it all!”

I felt safe as she carried me downstairs and then sat me in the high chair. Much to my surprise, I was soon given a bottle that didn’t look like it was filled with regular milk, along with a plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes sitting next to it.

“I think you’ll like your baba,” she told me with a smile.

Fred looked at me from down the table and shook his head, “Don’t let your mama know you fed her that Amanda!”

“It’s because of Mama I’m giving her that!”

“Huh?” I said but reached out to the bottle and gave it a tentative nurse. It contained a warmer concoction than a regular bottle but was still safe to drink. There was the unmistakable taste of coffee mixed with… “Breast milk latte?”

She smiled at me, “You’re going to have a hard day… I thought I’d give you a treat to begin with. Don’t count on this happening regularly, though, until you show me you can keep that 3.5 GPA.”

“Isn’t this like…?”

“Unusual?” Fred asked, “Yes, it is, but she’s also got to let you have a few more grown-up things. Otherwise, we might as well just finish regressing you to a babbling baby and send you to an etiquette school.”

She sighed, “A few, but not a lot.” Then, finally, she told me while looking at him to remind him who the mommy was, “Let’s feed you your breakfast!”

I snuck a long nurse on my caffeinated bottle first. ‘Oh, coffee, I’ve missed you!!!!!’ I thought to myself. I smiled as I pulled the bottle away for Amanda to fork a piece of pancake into my mouth. She fed me about half of it before going back to her breakfast. The eggs and bacon were sitting in front of me, still with no utensil. She seemed in no hurry to get back to me with her fork, so I just decided, ‘I’m a baby, right?’ they think and grabbed some of the eggs and then a piece of bacon with my hands and brought them to my mouth.

Apparently, this was the right move because I heard, “Awww… she got it quickly too!” from Amanda. I looked at her, and she smiled, “Babies eat with their hands all the time, remember that, okay?”

“But not when you’re at school!” Fred added while simultaneously taking a quick photo of me mid-bite with his phone. “You have to pretend to be mature there!”

“Point made, dear,” Amanda said with a sigh.

I wasn’t sure what was going on, but this sounded like a mommy and daddy fight if I’d ever heard one! So I went back to nursing the caffeinated bottle of goodness until it was empty. I kept hoping for a few more drops, though, and kept nursing at it until Amanda pulled it away and fed me the last of the eggs and a couple more pancake bites.

“I’m full,” I told her as she tried to get me to finish the last of the pancakes.

“Last bite,” she told me, “lunch with my mom and sister is going to be a pain.”

I sighed and got the last piece of pancake off the fork and swallowed, feeling pretty bloated. ‘I hope she isn’t expecting me to nurse right now?’ I thought to myself. Just as I said that, I felt the need to pee and decided to hold it for a few minutes to see if I could still. It unnerved me how quickly I hadn’t felt it the previous days.

“Let’s get your hands and face all clean, and then we’ll get you ready to meet your granny!” Amanda said to me.

“Just remember to stay calm, dear,” Fred said.

“Who are you talking to? Me or mommy?” I asked.

“Definitely, Mommy, Princess.” He told me with a smile. He walked by and gave me a kiss on the top of my head before heading back upstairs.

“Why is he worried?” I asked as she picked me out of the chair.

“Well… I think Daddy knows how many buttons she’s going to push on you and knows I’ll probably blow at a certain point.” She reached the top of the stairs quickly, “I’m also worried she or Chloe try something to regress you without me having a chance to stop it.”

I nodded.

“Do you need to make a poopy in your diapee?” She asked me as we walked into the room and felt my dry diaper.

I thought about it for a moment and thought I might be able to, so I nodded, “Probably?”

“Then I’m going to leave you in your room for a moment while I go to the bathroom. Why don’t you go poopy now, so we don’t have to deal with our company rubbing that in your face.”

“That’s for you alone?” I asked her.

“Sweetie, we both know there’s no way you could use our toilets… I think even a toddler’s potty is pushing it for you.”

“Could we try that?” I asked, suddenly wanting to push a button of my own.

“No,” she told me, “you agreed.”

I sighed, “You’ll have a stinky diaper when you get back, Mommy.”

She hugged me and set me on my feet before closing the gate and going down the hallway. I looked around at the nursery again and remembered I had volunteered for this. I then noticed my little desk and computer were missing and my backpack! ‘I hope she just hid it from her mom!’ I thought to myself. ‘Better get this over with,’ as a minor cramp made it possible for me to push, and I felt a log exit into the back of my diaper and kept squeezing until it was done. It bounced around down at the bottom of the padding as gravity took hold, and I realized it felt different now that I was missing my old genitals.

“Did Princess Stacy make a little present for Mommy like she promised?” Amanda was back a moment later and picked me up. For once, she seemed to be taking care not to smush everything.

“Yes,” I told her with a grimace.

“Good baby!” she told me before getting the traditional diaper change ritual out of the way. Peeing in the diaper wasn’t so bad, but I really wasn’t a fan of pooping, necessarily. The stickiness… I tried to find that frame of mind of a toddler who didn’t mind a poopy diaper but had a hard time today for some reason.

Thanks to the coffee, I was at least feeling awake, “What time is it?” I asked her.

“Almost eight,” she told me.

“So, your mom…”

“Granny,” she corrected, “and Auntie Chloe,” she added.

“Will be here soon?” I asked.

“Yes, and knowing my mother, she’ll be here at about ten after eight instead of the time she said. The only thing that has kept her from being here earlier is that your Auntie is picking her up after dropping off her girls at daycare.”

I noticed how she said daycare and asked, “How bad is their daycare?”

She sighed, “I remember as a little girl I used to go with Hannah to the same one… For a Big, it was just a daycare. We played with finger-paints, read stories, had naptime, played on the playground… you know, the things you should do as a toddler.”

“For Littles?”

“For Littles… well understand that even good-sized Littles like Hannah was, they’re still smaller than our average three-year-old toddlers. So the Littles are always ending up picked on by most of the Amazons… I know I even did it sometimes to Hannah,” she said with a sigh and lots of regrets, “The truth is they’re babies and don’t know any better. In a good daycare, an Amazon might get punished, and it would eventually yield nicer behavior, but there… it was almost encouraged. Hannah used to be forced to let the toddlers feed her, or give her a bottle, change her, hit or spanked.”

My eyes opened slightly at the thought of babies hitting or spanking me…

“Yeah, it’s bad! Then you have the adults at that place who make it their mission to emphasize to the Littles they will never grow up. I think eventually most of their minds crack, and they just go with it like a younger baby; I know Hannah did by the end…”


“So, no, you won’t be going there. Regardless of what ‘great deal’ my mom and sister can get us there.”

She had just taped a new diaper on me and was pulling a pink diaper cover up my legs as she said that.

“Thank you,” I told her.

“You’re very welcome, Princess. I do enjoy babying you… but I don’t intend for you to have your mind destroyed or to have PTSD flashbacks for the rest of your life.” She said with a shudder that made me think she had witnessed Hannah have some, “Anything we do will be lovingly done, sweetheart.” Then, she pulled a dress out that I had to admit was beautiful. The top looked to have capped sleeves and flared out to a shorter skirt that I was sure would barely cover my diaper. The bodice was smocked with these little bows embroidered at the points of diamond shapes that crisscrossed the front. It had two little collar pieces that came down.

“That’s pretty,” I told her, “when did you buy that?”

“Last night while you were sleeping in the car with Daddy,” she told me with a smile. “So ready to be Mommy’s princess today?”

I smiled at her and nodded. She unbuckled the strap, and I sat up with my arms up. She buttoned several buttons at the back of the dress to fasten the bodice securely to my body. I noticed she was moving faster as she quickly did my hair like yesterday and then showed me my reflection in the mirror.

“If it wasn’t for all of my hair, I really do look like a Bigs baby, don’t I?” I asked her.

She nodded, “I’m sorry I didn’t catch Eddie’s last thing there… but your face makes you look even more adorable now.”

“I wonder what those changes will do when I go home?”

She shrugged, “You could always come back, I guess, if they don’t go away. You would still fit in well as our baby!” She tickled my side a bit and hugged me.

I hugged her back as much as I could and said, “Thank you for not reneging on our deal.”

“What? I just want the money,” she told me with a smile.

“I can tell that even double that amount isn’t going to make or break you both, so thank you for just being honest.”

“I still haven’t delivered you back home,” she told me with a smile and kissed my forehead again.

I just smiled at her and remembered, “Where did my desk and computer go?”

“Fred and I decided to put it somewhere safe in my lab… My mom will never go there, but she will want to see your nursery. I guarantee she’ll be in here as soon as she can just to see what I did with it. We’ll bring it back tonight when she’s gone.” Just as she said that, the doorbell rang.

“I guess they’re here?” I asked, and she nodded as she bounced with me down the stairs. I caught sight of a clock, and sure enough, it was ten after eight!

Just as we reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard, “Knock, knock” from a voice opening the front door. “Mandy, you here?”

“Yep, how are you doing, Sis?” Amanda said as she gave a giant a little taller than her a sideways hug to avoid crushing me.

For my first-time seeing Chloe, I was surprised by how friendly-looking she appeared. Nothing about her said she would be a crazy ‘Little’ kidnapping and maiming monster… She wore a simple dress with large flowers that reminded me of something a teacher would wear back home. Chloe was about the same size as Amanda – maybe a couple inches shorter, and she had darker hair. Her eyes and nose were nearly identical to Amanda’s, so there was a strong family resemblance. Her hair was cut in a bob, and her smile seemed genuine as she cooed, “So this is my little niece?!?”

She stepped closer to look at me, “You don’t look like a Little at all! You’re adorable!!!”

I found myself leaning my head into Amanda’s shoulder nervously.

“Oh my God! She’s sooooo cute!!!!!” I heard another older voice say and looked to see a lady who was obviously their mother right behind Chloe carrying a giant gift bag that she sat on the floor. “Come to Granny!” She opened her arms up, and I could feel Amanda reluctantly pass me over to her.

“She’s really an adult, Little?!?” Chloe asked as she continued staring at me.

“Eighteen, three months ago,” Amanda said for me.

For my part, I was intimidated and scared beyond belief by these two women. I found myself wishing I had my pacifier then but just hoped Amanda wouldn’t let anything happen to me. “You are too cute to ever be an adult! It was a good thing your mommy adopted you, huh?” She cooed at me.

“Why is she so small?” Chloe asked.

“Well, it partially has to do with how I got her; she’s a portal Little.”

“Are you all this small there?” Granny asked me.

“No, I shrank when I came through,” I told her nervously.

“Baby, you don’t have to worry about me doing something to you; your mommy would kill me if I did,” she told me reassuringly. I guess I was shaking quite a bit. “Here, Mommy, you probably should take her. I can understand that she’s nervous around strangers.” She gave me a quick hug and a kiss before passing me back to Amanda.

She squeezed me tight to reassure me and led them to the living room, where she sat down on one end of the couch. Her mom sat down next to us while her sister sat in the recliner. I had my first chance to really look at her mother then. Whereas Chloe and Amanda had similar faces and eyes, Granny was a shorter version of Amanda with more wrinkles. I had to imagine if you held pictures of them side-by-side at the same ages, you would think they were the same person!

“How tall were you in the other dimension?” Chloe asked me curiously, interrupting my staring.

“Five-foot, ten,” I answered quickly.

“You were almost an Betweener…” she mused. “Now…? How tall is she, Mandy?”

“A Little over thirty-nine inches tall.”

“So, she’s barely more than a newborn!” Chloe said. “I assume you’re feeding her as such?”

Amanda squeezed me a little tighter, and I could tell she had shaken her head, “I’m nursing her, but we’re still eating normal solids too.”

“A Little that cute, it’s almost a crime for her to still eat solid foods,” Chloe said.

“Chloe…” her mother warned her.

“I’m just saying… If Stacy didn’t have her teeth and hair, I would be sure you’d somehow hid being pregnant from us!”

“I know, but that’s not happening to her,” Amanda said.

“So, is she being a good girl for you so far?” Granny asked.

“Yes, she’s never put up a fuss about wearing or using her diaper. Hasn’t even really whined about anything at all yet, actually. She’s the perfect Little,” Amanda said with another gentle squeeze. I suspected she meant that.

“Well here,” Granny said, “why don’t you open my gift?”

Amanda repositioned herself to where she could reach over me into the gift bag, and the first thing she brought out was a beautiful quilt that I assumed was for my crib. It was a pink, purple, and yellow quilt, with butterflies, dragonflies, and flowers sewn in blocks.

“Oh, my mother! This matches her nursery perfectly! How did you know?” Amanda asked.

Her mom laughed, “I always knew you would have a baby girl someday, or at least a little, so I figured you would need it eventually. I knew whenever that day came, it would be pinks, purples, and butterflies!”

“Thank you, Mom, it’s wonderful, don’t you think, Stacy?”

“Yes, it is… umm… thank you, Granny,” I told her.

“I can see what you mean; she is very polite too.” She reached a handover and patted my head lightly, “There are a few more things in there too,” she added.

Indeed, inside was a gift basket of bath toys, soap, and bubble bath. There was also an adorable teddy bear that she handed me, and I cuddled. “Thanks, Mom,” she squeezed the arm of the bear herself and said, “I do appreciate it.”

“So, I talked to the daycare when I dropped off my girls, and they said they could easily get Stacy in there,” Chloe said.

“Thanks, Chloe, but I’m not planning on putting her in that daycare.”

“Why it was good enough for you girls?” her mom said.

“Mom, we’re not going to turn Stacy into a newborn baby only cooing, pooping, and looking cute like some sort of living doll. She’s actually brilliant, and I’m not going to destroy that. She’s also much sweeter than any Little you’ve ever met, so it’s not like she needs to be reminded to behave either.”

“You say that now Mandy,” Chloe said, “but just wait a couple weeks, and she’ll make her break for it. She’s probably just biding her time until she can run away when you’ve let your guard down.”

I actually laughed at that.

“What’s so funny little girl?” Chloe asked, and I began to get the vibe I had expected more from her mom.

“Where would I run to?” I asked, “I’m not even like a normal Little who looks like they might have a chance at an adult life. Right now, the chances of anyone not naturally just picking me up for my own good are zero. I’m not even the size of a toddler. So I’m not going anywhere that Mommy doesn’t want me to go.”

“You shouldn’t let her speak like that,” Chloe glared.

Amanda shrugged, “She’s right. I bought clothes originally thinking she would be in the twelve-to-eighteen-month size range. Instead, she wears regular three-month size Amazon clothes… No one will let her by without knowing for certain that she’s cared for. I’m not worried about her running away at all. Besides, she has her tracking chip too, and she knows it.”

“Well, I know we came early, had you fed her already?” her mom asked, seeming to want to break the tension.

“Yes, we had breakfast early since I figured you would be here before the time you said.”

“Of course, how could I not rush to see my new grandbaby? I still can’t believe you didn’t call and tell me about her immediately!”

“Sorry, Mom, I wanted to make sure I got her first and then wanted her to settle in first.”

She sighed, “I guess I understand that, dear. Any chance I can see her nursery?”

Amanda smiled genuinely then, “Sure!”

She put me on her side, and we walked upstairs to my nursery.

“This is beautiful!” Chloe exclaimed.

“Exactly like I imagined it would be!” Her mom cooed. “My baby girl really has grown up now and has her own baby!”

“Here, let’s put this over her crib rail for now,” Chloe said, bringing the quilt with her. “Looks like you handled baby proofing the room pretty well, Sis. I know none of my girls have had any luck getting out since I put up that brand of a gate - and they’re almost a couple feet taller than Stacy here.”

“Honestly, I mainly have it up in case someone was to question me having her.”

“Nonsense sweetie,” her mom assured her, “you got her to come willingly like the law says?”

“Yes, she agreed to come live with us. Even agreed to the diapers and everything.”

“Then no one can say anything,” her mom said.

“Other than they wished they’d seen her first,” Chloe said, “which I’ll say that!” I looked at her as she hesitated, “Can I hold her for a moment?”

I felt Amanda get as nervous as I was, but she handed me over to her. “You’re soooo tiny and light!!!!” She cooed over me as she squeezed me into a small hug and then turned me over onto my back to hold me like an infant. She rocked back and forth and cooed at me for a few moments while they continued to talk. “This dress is adorable, Mandy! Where did you get it?”

“Threadbare yesterday,” she said. “I went inside after we ate dinner out. This Princess was sound asleep, and Fred watched her in the car.”

“It really does make her look like a little princess,” her mom agreed. “You both would have loved that dress when you were little girls.”

“So, what do you want to do?” Amanda asked as she looked worriedly at me in Chloe’s arms.

“Well, I kind of want to buy a piece or two of baby gear for my granddaughter that I see you’re missing.”

“Like?” Amanda asked as I internally gulped.

“Well, you’re missing a swing and a walker for once,” she told her. “I mean, assuming you’re not going to follow Chloe’s lead and keep her from walking like her Littles.”

“How many times do I have to tell you it was for their own good, Momma?” Chloe asked. I felt her squeeze me a little tighter, and I grew more nervous. “Kacey convinced Kendra and Katie they should escape. It was only because of the neighbors that they all didn’t manage to toddle away that night! They showed that I couldn’t trust them to be that mature, so I took that decision away from them.”

There was an awkward pause before she said, “I hope you don’t make us do that with you!” Chloe said, looking down at me.

I shook my head and suddenly needed to pee. I decided to just let go, and sure enough, Chloe said, “Well, at least you’re not giving your Mommy a hard time about using the potty. Lord knows, I think even the training potty Cassie has for little Klara would be too big for you to get on without help!”

I sighed, “I know.”

“Here, why don’t you let me change her, and then we’ll get going,” Mandy said with her arms out.

“Oh nonsense, I’ve been changing diapers forever - I bet I can do just as well as Mommy, if not better, huh?” Chloe said and turned to the changing table. She pulled the strap across my stomach and said, “Mandy, how come you bought a regular baby changing table? What will you do if she starts fighting you?”

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem, Chloe. She’s not tried to hit, bite, or kick me once in the first three days. If it was going to happen, it would have happened the first time I changed her or nursed her.”

She pulled my diaper cover down and said, “Mandy, why do you have her in regular Pampers? There are so many other diapers that are much cuter and make them waddle more!”

She reached down and said, “I mean, this princess-themed diaper is perfect! Plus, then you don’t have to change them as much!” Chloe untaped my diaper just then and exposed my groin.

“She likes the Pampers more, and I really don’t mind changing her more often.”

“You know I kind of like the Pampers on her better too,” their mom said, “it makes you believe she’s actually a real baby in them.”

“Hmmph,” Chloe said, “Why would you want to do that?”

“Because not every Little needs to be humiliated all of the time,” I found myself saying and then instantly regretted the words since she already had my naked bottom up in the air!


Chapter 17: Don't Antagonize...

"OH, SO YOU do have some spirit, huh?" She asked me with a menacing glint in her eye. "I wondered when you would talk back! I won't give you the spanking my girls would get for that this time..." She said as she lifted my ankles a little higher and pushed my body into a tighter crunch position.

"With all due respect, I didn't talk back. I just pointed out that maybe if you really feel we need to be babied, that could be fine, but then why wouldn't you be just as sweet and kind to us as you would to a real baby?"

Her eyes narrowed as she began wiping me. Her finger lingered inside my new parts a little longer than it should have, and she did the same in my butt. I bit my lip, though, and didn't give her the reaction I was sure she was expecting. "Well, I certainly do only act that way to my girls when they deserve it. Too often, you Littles all just act up, and then you need to be punished."

She finished up with some lotion and powder, and as she taped the second tape of the thicker diaper on, I said, "Wouldn't you act up if everything had been taken from you? All hope of a future of a job? Having your own babies? Of just going to the potty?"

She glared at me, pulled the diaper cover back over my diaper before she turned, and handed me to Amanda, "She's not physically needing to be restrained, but I'd take that tongue from her soon."

Amanda cuddled me and replied, "I like her tongue," she tickled my side, "and everything else about her. Yes, she has a difference of opinion from you, but she was very respectful the way she said it, wasn't she?"

Chloe just looked at her in disbelief, shook her head, and then asked, "Mom, are we going?"

"Sure, sweetie," she said. "Let's take your car Amanda since you probably have all of Stacy's stuff in it already."

With that command, Amanda grabbed my diaper bag and the other items needed for a day out with a baby… who just happened to be eighteen… years old. Amanda squeezed me gently as she began to set me in my seat whispered, "Careful sweetie, I wouldn't have been able to stop her from spanking you."

I just smiled up at her, "I love you, Mommy," was my reply.

Her whole face lit up at those words, and she smiled back at me, "Well… I love you too, Princess."

I was strapped into the carrier by Amanda in the back of the car. I was relieved when her mom sat next to me in the back, rather than Chloe. Before she closed the door, Amanda placed a bottle nipple in my mouth, and I moved my hands to hold the bottle. It was cold apple juice that was nice and sweet.

"You really are adorable," her mom said, looking at me. "Amanda, she fits into an infant carrier perfectly! I can't believe how tiny she is!"

"She's really easy to carry like that too since she's so light. If I didn't know how she had gotten that way, I would be really worried about her medical situation. Of course, we've had her checked over, and Fred has looked at her a bit too… She even has to use the infant nursers, as the larger size are too awkward for her to hold up."

"You said you did get her adoption registered?"

"Day before yesterday, I didn't want to risk someone trying to say that she was theirs instead."

"No, you wouldn't want that," she agreed. She peered down at me in the car seat and spoke softly, "Stacy, I can tell that you have some fire in you - but there's no way in this world you would ever be allowed to walk more than about ten steps before another woman would adopt you if my Amanda hadn't. I think you got quite lucky with her."

I continued nursing the bottle and nodded. Then, I pulled out the bottle long enough to say, "I know," before I went back to nursing it.

The drive to wherever it was that we were going seemed to take a while. "You two are going to love this new store! I still can't believe how humongous it is! It truly has everything you could possibly want!"

"What's different than the normal stores?" Amanda asked.

"Well, they have a lot more discipline items for one… you really might think of getting at least a few things for your girl here. I don't think she's as well behaved as you think she is! Probably just doing things when your back is turned."

"Lucky for us, she's a baby, so I don't turn my back on her, huh, Princess?" She said to me with what I knew had to be a smile in her voice. "Remind me to see if they have one of those mirrors that attach to car seats so I can see her face. That's the one thing I've never liked about rear-facing car seats."

"Why put her rear-facing then?" Granny asked.

"She's the size of a three-month-old… even if she has an adult body for a Little, I don't want to chance that the bigger physics of a crash with our car would cause a spinal injury. Even adults would be better off getting pushed back into a seat. I figure that in a few more years when the government mandates the self-driving vehicles, we'll all be sitting backward not long after."

"Rear-facing like an infant? No way!" Chloe scoffed, "Though I do like the idea of not driving… Too bad they're so expensive."

"So, what else do they have?" Amanda asked with interest getting her sister back on the topic.

"Well, there's a huge selection of adorable clothes for Littles and tweeners! But, of course, that probably doesn't matter as much for you since Stacy fits so easily in infants' clothes?"

"Yeah, there's not a piece of clothing on her that's from the Little's department. I don't even think they make Little's sizes that small."

"I don't think they do, actually…" Chloe said as if she was sad. "Well, if she was bigger, like my girls, you'd find a lot more selection of the clothes in that style. They also have some new nanny help items to keep them occupied and… happy."

"Happy?" Amanda asked.

"You know they're not adults but still have some of their needs, right?" She paused as if waiting for confirmation of a fundamental fact, "Well, studies have shown if you service their carnal needs, they behave better. There's a huge selection of items to do that with." She paused for a moment, "Katie and Kendra can't seem to get enough of their rocking horse and relief diapers."

I felt bile rise up in my mouth, and I almost threw up. Thankfully I had the bottle nipple to bite down on instead of my tongue!

Amanda said what I was thinking, though, "Chloe, you really do need to make up your mind about things. Stacy is just a baby; she doesn't need to think about such things!"

"Well, haven't you been thinking such things, Stacy?" Chloe asked me directly even though I couldn't see her. I could see her mother looking at me intently then.

"Honestly, no. I was pretty sheltered at home, and I'm kind of getting sick to my stomach picturing whatever twisted items you're thinking of! In my world, I'm pretty sure forcing things like that on someone would get you locked up for life if it wasn't mutually desired. It sounds like you just force it on people! That's rape!"

"Chloe, we're going to agree to disagree on this one. Stop antagonizing Stacy with the threat of those despicable items."

"You wait and see! She'll be begging for them before long."

"Somehow, I doubt that," Granny said. There was a sad look in her eyes that made me think that while she had loved babying Littles, including her Hannah, there'd probably been none of that treatment of her. But, on the other hand, I could certainly see how Amanda believed Chloe had been responsible for Hannah's death.

"I think I heard they have some toys that are helpful for learning there," Granny spoke up next to me.

"Learning?" Amanda asked.

"Might be something you would like at least… stuff to drill her on our basic math."

"Huh…" Amanda said thoughtfully.

I was actually curious about that one myself. I had heard that this dimension used a Base 60 math the last time I had been here and had been doing my best to practice the changeover from our Base 10 system. It helped when I read some articles that explained how we still had some relationships, especially in geometry, to the Base 60 system the Babylonians used. It wasn't second nature to me, though, like standard Base 10 math was... but at least I wasn't terrible at it now. I had done my best the last couple of years to change my calculus worksheets into Base 60 to practice. If a toy might drill that more, I would be okay with that! Even if it was designed for a baby!

"So, I hear Megan has a new boyfriend?" Chloe suggested.

Amanda laughed, "Maybe, but she's never going to settle down easily. About the only way she might is if she were to find her own Little… and she seems to be very opposed to that."

"Don't know what went wrong with her," Chloe said, "Who wouldn't want one?"

For her part, Granny sighed and looked at me, "Amazon women when they're young have what I would call a disease of the heart. They feel like they have to be mothers in order to live. But, with as hard as it is for us to conceive, you all make it much easier to deal with." Then, she whispered to me, "I'm glad to see that my daughter is treating you well."

Having been prepared for 'granny' to be a monster mother, I found myself surprised by that. I smiled around the nipple at her and kept nursing like a good baby.

As I nursed on the bottle, I couldn't help but feel that I needed to pee again. As much as I wanted to make it out of this world with my mind and body intact… I had no illusions that my potty training would survive! So I just went ahead and let it out into the diaper. My bladder felt relief, and for the moment, while the diaper was warm, it wasn't a terrible feeling. 'Not like this one can't hold like six of these bottles!' I sighed, 'I'm surprised the diaper cover fits over the top of it!'

Just as I had settled back down from wetting the diaper, we pulled to a stop in the parking lot. Granny reached over and undid her seatbelt before asking, "Amanda are we taking her carrier or just putting her down in the cart seat?"

"She likes the cart seat a Little better to see out of," she told her mom.

"Okay, I'll get her then," she said and reached over to my seat. She gave my tummy a little tickle, which made me giggle nervously. She undid the harness latch before opening her door and then picked me up. "You really are almost too light, Princess," she told me as she stepped clear of the car holding me. I leaned into her and gave her a small hug, making her smile. "Well, aren't you becoming affectionate?" She kissed my forehead and carried me behind Amanda and Chloe into the store.

Right away as we walked into the 'Littles Superstore,' I knew that this was not a place I would want to be with most Amazons as my' mother.' Immediately at the cart pick-up, the choices began... There were several different options from regular carts, some with infant carriers attached, and even carts meant for older children to sit a little more comfortably on plastic forward-facing seats with a seat belt. Some of those were even shaped like cars like I remembered in the grocery stores back home. Those carts seemed abnormally large compared to me, but at least they still seemed to be typical shopping carts. Next to those, though, were 'special' ones. Many options seemed to come with leg, hand, and even head restraints in some cases! It looked like one said something about instructions on the Little needing to just be in a diaper only so electrodes could make contact…

I shuddered, and Granny patted my back gently while walking to a traditional cart and setting me inside the seat. "Uh-oh! This seat is too big for you," she commented. "Amanda, do you have a blankie in her bag?"

"Sure, Mom, why?"

"Let me see it, please."

Chloe seemed to watch in disbelief as her mother kindly rolled the blanket up and put it behind my back, so I was more comfortable, "That better, baby?"

I nodded, "Thank you, Granny."

"You're very welcome!" She kissed my head again and said, "Let's see if there's anything in here worth buying for my granddaughter."

I was surprised in a way that Amanda let her mother push me around in the cart, but I guessed she was trying to let her mom earn my trust a bit more. I already felt I could trust her more than Chloe… but that wasn't saying much at this point! She paused at a large store directory board. Since the cart was sideways, I could see that the store was laid out with different sections like diapers, clothing, nursing, car seats, furniture, and toys like a typical baby store would have. They added punishment aids, mental treatments, and automated nursery sections too…

I gulped as I realized we were right next to the punishment section. "You sure you don't at least need a good paddle?" Chloe asked.

"No, Chloe, Stacy is a good little girl," she told her.

Another lady nearby was pulling a Little girl around with a short dress and a child's leash on looked at Amanda and said, "You should listen to her young lady, the hand is good in a pinch, but when they need to know who's Mommy you want something more firm! When you get your Little, you'll really understand. Regular babies like your little girl there are so much easier!"

"Umm… thank you for your opinion," Amanda said, "Come on, Mom, I would like to look at a few things over there, I think."

I was pushed in the cart down the store's aisles, and occasionally one of them would pick up an item to examine. Mostly it seemed Amanda must have already shopped most of the things before. For example, the pacifier aisle contained some cute pacifiers that she began looking through. "Which of these do you like better?" as she held some options out to me. A good dozen pacifiers ended up in the cart after a few minutes.

Just before we left the aisle, Chloe said, "You should get one of these for her too!"

The item in question was unquestionably cute, girly looking, and innocent until you looked at the label. 'Lockable Pacifier: Twist and lock pacifier in place so your Little can't pull it out. Keeps Littles seen but not heard!'

"Chloe, really?" Granny answered, "Have you heard her shout or scream once?"

"She talked back to me?"

"Only because you were being a witch!" Amanda said.

Chloe looked at both of them and just threw her arms up in the air, "I'm only trying to be helpful. I have three of these creatures at home. I have a lot more experience than either of you!"

"Calm down, Chloe; we're not saying you don't." Granny soothed, "But I think if you really pay attention, Stacy is most definitely not your normal Little."

"No, she's not, and I'm sure we'll not be needing one of those. She's perfectly happy to keep one in her mouth on her own," Amanda said and sympathetically offered me one of the pacifiers from my diaper bag.

"Thank you," I said around it.

She patted me on the head and said, "See?"

The glare continued, but we kept moving through the aisles. Then, finally, in the car seat aisle, she found a large mirror to mount to see me, and that would let me see her too. "Ooh, how about this?" Granny said from next to Amanda.


"It's a TV screen you can hang from the headrest above her seat. She can watch movies on it instead of being bored." Granny told her.

"That's not cheap, though," she told her.

"Don't worry about it; it's one of her presents from Grandma!"

She smiled at me after putting the box in the cart, "We'll see if we can find you some safe movies to watch in another store later."

I nodded at her, and we were soon to another aisle she felt Amanda hadn't prepared for. "Oh dear, I thought we could pick up a walker for her here! Unfortunately, all of these are all going to be much too big for her."

"We can go to a regular baby store if you really want to buy her one later," Amanda told her. "She can walk, though, so that was why I hadn't even looked at them."

"Yes, she can walk, and yes, she is a good little girl, but every now and then, you'll be grateful to have the ability to let her walk around downstairs and not be able to get in certain places. Plus, it's a comfortable seat that she'll look adorable in!"

"We'll go somewhere else and look then later," Amanda said and smiled at me. Something in the smile told me we'd humor her, but it wouldn't be getting a lot of use. It seemed to me like it might not be a bad place to do homework in, though… I could actually remember a few memories of how much I loved mine as a baby!

Next to that aisle, we came across the 'Automated Nursery – Making Parenting Easier' aisle. "Oh Amanda, look at this!" Chloe cooed.

"What's that?"

"Well, it's like a modern swing… but it does so much more. Here let's put Stacy in it and try it!"

The device in question looked like some sort of high-tech baby bouncer or swing. I didn't get much of a look, though, before Granny helpfully picked me up and sat me in the seat. "Let's see how it works and if it's even the right size for you!" She buckled the five-point harness around me and looked at Chloe.

"See, it bounces her like a real mommy to calm her," she read off, and the swing started up, apparently activated by Chloe's voice.

It was actually soothing at first until Chloe pointed out, "ooh, it does more too!" She smirked at me, and I worried as she shouted, "Bad baby!"

All of a sudden, I was flipped forward to face the ground. My hands and legs were suddenly bound in some sort of cuffs! Then, before I could even begin to get my mind around what was going on, I felt a harsh tug as my diaper cover was quickly pulled down, and my diaper was ripped off! "What…?" I said just before I began to feel blows of huge hands on my butt!!!!!!!!


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