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(aka Bike) Part 559 by Angharad |
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My heart was pounding as I drove to the hospital. I parked and shoved several pound coins into the parking meter and then almost forgot to display the ticket. At least I knew where ICU was, I’d spent some time there myself, however, running while worried and cycling are two different kinds of exercise, so I was puffed when I got to the unit.
I introduced myself to the nurse. “Thanks for coming so quickly. We have a dilemma, Stella is very weak and we’re going to have to remove the baby, who we think is still alive but could well be damaged. We don’t have much time, and we need the family’s go ahead to get started.”
“I thought, this was a case of life and death?”
“The mother should survive, the baby is prem and probably won’t. But if we delay, both are at greater risk.”
“Carry on, do the best you can.”
“Can you authorise the operation, seeing as the mother is unconscious.” I took the form and signed, hoping I was doing the right thing. Time was of the essence and I was surprised they’d waited for me. It transpired they were waiting for a theatre, there’d been a nasty accident on the M27. I hoped it wasn’t Henry or Simon.
I was led to a waiting room and left to sit and worry. I did think about prayers but to whom or what? I just had to believe in the skills of the surgical team and the follow up care.
It still made me angry with myself, that we were having fun while Stella was in dire straits. How could we have left her like that? Why didn’t I check her first? What is Tom going to say? Plus all the others. I felt very down and was quite close to tears, mainly of self pity, when Simon came rushing in.
“They said you were in here, how is she?”
“I don’t know. I authorised surgery, I hope I did the right thing.”
“I’m sure you did.”
“I can’t believe we were out having fun and Stella was home and in trouble.” I hugged Simon and burst into tears.
“You weren’t to know, were you?”
“I should have checked her before we left.”
“You don’t normally, do you?”
“No, not as a rule and she doesn’t always come down to breakfast. God, I hope it wasn’t having her look after the kids the other night.”
“It’s not your fault, Cathy, these things happen. So don’t blame yourself.”
“But I feel it’s my fault.”
“It isn’t, and that’s and end of it.” He hugged me, and at this moment I was happy for him to be decisive and masterful, I just wanted someone else to save the world while I had a little rest. “Where’s Dad? When I last called him, he was on the M3 not far off the M27.”
“I don’t know. There was an accident on the M27, hence the hold up with the theatres, maybe he’s been caught up in that?”
“God knows, he was ahead of me by quite a few minutes, he should have been here first.”
“Maybe he doesn’t drive as fast as you?”
“You never travelled with Dad?”
“I don’t think so, well not very far.”
“He is a total lunatic, it’s where Stella gets it from. Having said that, he is better than Stella, mind you the average blind person has more anticipation than Stel. I hope she’s all right.” He hugged me and I clung on to him like a drowning woman a straw.
We sat chatting and trying to buoy each other’s spirits a little. Simon looked at his watch. “Where is Dad? He could have walked here by now.”
“Try his mobile again.”
“Why didn’t he answer the last time?”
“Speak to Monica.”
“I can’t, she’s in France.”
“Oh, I didn’t know.”
Simon dialled again, he listened and shook his head, “According to this he’s got his phone off. I know he’s a twit at times, but even he wouldn’t have switched off his phone.”
“Perhaps he’s in a dead spot…”
“Like the morgue?” he laughed at his own joke.
“Don’t be horrid, you know somewhere that can’t get a signal, or perhaps his battery is flat.”
“What’s taking so long with the operation?”
“They can’t rush things, Si, they’re trying to save Stella and Puddin’.”
“I thought you said she’d lost the baby?”
“I did, I thought she had, so did the paramedics. The sister here wasn’t too hopeful.”
“I’ll bet Trish looked smart in her uniform,” he said with a faraway look in his eye.”
“She did, she looked so pleased with herself and so grown up.”
“Did you take any photos?”
“No, I went to get Stella to come and see her, when I found…”
“Yeah, course–I forgot. Geez, where is Dad, and what’s happening with Stella?” He glanced around the room. “I hate this place–this rotten room.”
I put my arm on his to try and offer my support.
“I spent hours in here when they were operating on you.”
“Goodness, of course you would.”
“And you’ve been here before with Stella, as well.”
“No, that was another room.”
“You sure, this one doesn’t look as if it’s been painted for a couple of centuries, and these bloody magazines were printed by bloody Caxton.”
“Simon, you are funny.”
“Me? You’re always telling me I don’t have sense of humour.”
“Do I? Sorry, I take it all back.”
“You’re not taking the proverbial are you?”
“No, why?”
“I just wondered.” He looked at me suspiciously.
“I’m not, honest.”
“Hmmm, methinks the lady doth protest too much.”
“Is this the culmination of a public school education?”
“Her name was Kate, too.”
“In The Taming of the Shrew.”
“I’ve got news for you Si, your quote comes from, Hamlet.”
“Eh? Nah, I’m sure it’s Shrew.”
“I did both, it’s Hamlet.
“Geez, I can’t even get my quotations right, without you correcting them.”
“Sorry.” I wished I hadn’t said anything.
“I mean, if you can’t rely on your education, what can you rely on?”
“Your friends and family, your wife and your children.” I held on to his arm.
“I don’t have a wife.”
“Well we don’t have any kids do we? Nor are we likely to.”
I felt this remark stab me right through my heart. I felt tears form and roll down my cheeks. I know he didn’t mean it, but it had been said.
“Perhaps you’d better find someone else then,” I said and rushed out of the room.
I went out into the drive and stumbled along, “Cathy, Cathy, wait.” He came running up behind me. “Damn this bloody leg.” He put his arm around me, but I stepped away from it. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“How did you mean it, then?”
“I didn’t mean it in anyway. It just slipped out, I wasn’t thinking, I’m sorry.”
“You hurt me, Simon Cameron; doubly so because you have two children at home who worship you and call you their daddy. If you hurt them, we’ll be out of your life so fast, it’ll make your head spin.”
He looked shocked. It was entering his head that my commitment to the children in my care was greater than it was to him. At this moment, it was quite true.
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again, please come back with me. I need you, Cathy, we all need you.”
“Mrs Watts?” a voice called from behind us.
We turned around and a nurse was calling from the unit. We hurried back. “Is there some news?” I gasped, clutching Simon’s hand.
“Does your sister in law have a father called Henry?”
My stomach flipped, this wasn’t going to be good news. “Yes,” we both answered.
“Oh dear, I thought it might be, I have some bad news for you.”

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Bonzi is on a roll with this story right now
So it's Stella, Puddin, and Henry now huh? Whew, not a good time in Cathy and Simon's lives.
So she's done it again.
Well they do say that if you stick around, Cathy will save your life. Looks like Pudding may have started early, but then she has a lot of catching up to do with Mum.
I'm choosing to believe that a higher power is just steering Cathy into position to save people who are already in danger...
Bonzi! Don't You Dare!!!
Do it!!! You know what I mean too!! If he is next, I'm taking away ALL of your catnip!! :-)
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Come on Angharad, no fair. One cliffhanger at least every five story chapters. Doing two in a row is not allowed. My frail heart can't take it.
Now we have to wait for tomorrow to find out what happened to Henry. I hope he is just banged up and not to badly hurt. You can't go off killing family members, you'll kill all of your fans if you did. Quite literly. (heart attacks and such)
Good job Angharad, as always, you little minx, God you got this cliffhanger thing down pat. Stop using it so much.
Joni W
Cliff Hangers Are a NO NO!!
Angharad; What have we told you about "CLIFF-HANGERS" There are not to be in your WRITTINGS, Period!!! And what have you had Now, Four or FIVE in the last WEEK! Richard
PS: Will just have to wait you out -"Bad Girl!"
How do you plan
How do you plan on stopping her?
going for the hatrick?
a TRIPLE cliffhanger? Stella, Puddin;, Henry? not to mention the choice between Simon or the girls?
ooh, how Eeebill!
And Tom about to come home...
All we need now is for some Terrorists to blow up the hospital by dropping a jumbo on it...
I await the next episode with baited breath.
keep it up Angharad and Bonzai!
Don't give her any more ideas!
Don't worry
Miss Angharad here knows all the cliffhanger tricks ! I wouldn't be surprised if next we have a band of marauding dormice invading her house, ties Simon to her bed and then ... errr oooops ...
Baited, As In Worms?
I dearly hope you meant "bated" breath.
I am waiting
I am waiting for Angharad to write that Cathy and Simon go for a walk in the mountains...
It will go something like this: Cathy loses her footing and slips over the edge, she finds herself -uh hanging on the edge of a cliff, Simon reaches down and helps her back up, Cathy dusts herself off and they go home and have tea, of course Cathy makes yet more bread and the machine malfunctions, tune in tomorrow to see if they have bread for breakfast in the morning or not.
So many cliff hangers and all in one chapter!
Let's see,
Pudding' born very premature and may not make it. Stella in terrible shape, needs surgery but op rooms tied up with traffic accident victims, one of whom may be Simons Dad, Lord Henry, Cathy feels sooo guilty then Simon flippantly mentions she can’t have children and she threatens to leave him. Have I missed anything or will Tom have a second heart attack or a stroke?
This is heavy duty heroine bashing, Itinerant will be impressed. This is definitely a Wowzers! chapter, Good job, Ang!
I suppose next Spike will get eaten by a stray black cat that gets into the lab? Bonzi what ARE you doing?!
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
This story keeps me up at
This story keeps me up at nights, because it has more twists and turns than a TV soap opera. So far at last count, the only two that haven't been in the hospital is Trish and Kiki the dog. I do hope that Henry has not been killed, as he needs to be there at their wedding, when and if it ever happens. J-Lynn
Trish has
Trish has, just off-camera. Remember, that was why she ended up with Cathy, she was pushed down a flight of stairs and couldn't or wouldn't walk.
Cathy is dangerous to be around, just like that reporter said!
They know they can survive
We didn't really SEE Trish in the hospital as an inpatient, but
that's where Cathy met her, when she was in for a checkup, and so was Mima, in episode 520.
She'd had the fall down the stairs and had become paralyzed.
I'd be very surprised if she had not been a patient before that.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
You're correct...
From chapter 521....
Also, at the end of chapter 520, Mima called out Patricia's name as soon as she saw Patrick enter the doctor's office.
We do NOT need.
Simon to suddenly become a Lord. Nope, no how, no way.
And, even Stressed, that comment's not like Simon. He's been a blockhead and such, but not seen him pull something that bonehead before.
Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of... What the heck?
... hmmm what to say ...
I guess I will not even start to go into what happened and what you are doing your your dear readers let alone your even dearer characters.
I'm out of words and so I will worry till tomorrow and just hope all will be well and hope by tomorrow this time I will know more not less. So I will NOT mention any ideas I may have what else could go wrong on top of what already did.
Please Angharad give us a break so we can catch our breaths.
Thanks for an other chapter.
Friendship is like glass,
once broken it can be mented,
but there will always be a crack.
From Bad to Worse??
Good job, Ang, jumping from one cliff edge to another! I'm enjoying the vicarious workout I'm getting. (At my age, it's the only kind of workout I can do other than going up the stairs!)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Double Crap ! Darn redheaded devils
Not Henry too, is he the accident on the M27 ?