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This is a sequel to Summer Girl. The reason I’ve written one of my rare sequels is not because I had an unused twist littering my brain. I just wanted to pursue the relationship. Well, that was how it started anyway. Then started writing. Regardless of how the second part of the story developed it definitely is a spoiler for Summer Girl.
I never did go to the homecoming dance with Hank.
I’m afraid I left Hank without an answer that last night Mary “visited”. I was just too confused. In hindsight I’m a bit sorry I kept him hanging until school started on Monday. On the other hand his smile when he saw me is something I’ll remember forever. I suspect that the rather fetching short dress I wore told him everything he needed to know. Well, actually we had a talk right there and then to clarify things.
1) I liked him
2) He liked me
3) I’m a boy
4) Hank had no problem with that
5) Hank liked me in dresses and skirts
6) I had no problem with that (I had come to appreciate the wider clothing choices).
Unfortunately bullet number 6 turned out not to be a general attitude in school. Also, our conversation, interspaced with various kisses, also made perfectly clear to the student body our relationship.
Carol was not that happy about the situation. She had been FOOLED. Carol was not particularly fond of being fooled. Actually, she had a rather narrow sense of humor. Whatever there was of it, was rather evil. She and her gang started a campaign against me. The ground was rather fertile. It’s amazing how many reasons people have for hating, or at least disliking.
Many hated me for being gay. I’m not sure I was. I just liked Hank. Very much.
Some hated me for being transgender. That included some of the gay fraternity.
Some hated me for NOT being transgender and still dressing like a girl. That included both transgender students (one boy and one girl) and their friends.
And then we had those who disliked me just for being a disruption in school. That included a fair part of the unfair teachers.
I had some difficulty to convince the Principal that I wasn’t transgender. Just a boy who had a boyfriend and liked to dress in skirts and dresses (NO high heels though). The Principal was bothered. He had procedures for how to handle transgender students but not – nonconformists like me. I had no intention to switch any classes. My schedule was Science heavy with no “fashion”, cooking or anything else traditionally considered girly. That included PE. He worried what would happen to me in the locker room. I’d have to use the boys’ locker rooms and toilets since I wasn’t transgender. Not an unreasonable concern given how public opinion shaped over the first few days, aided and abetted by Carol & Co. So, the first week I changed in a separate room. Well, more like a cupboard. While there was no formal dress code for PE I kept using what I had used the year before which was not girly at all. Why spend money unnecessarily? Hank and I didn’t have PE together.
Closer to home my twin sister Sue was a thorn in my side. She was NOT happy being ostracized by Carol & Co AND having a weirdo “brother”. She could not accept that she had any blame at all for the situation. Fortunately Bill sat on her. Literally. He then calmly explained to his captive audience that he would not accept any stupidities from her and neither would our parents. If his little brother had found happiness, they were all happy for me. Besides Bill would never upset the captain of his baseball team. My parents were very supportive. I think they were relieved that no hormones or things like that would be needed. Mom even spent a respectable amount of money getting me a new wardrobe. She confided that she enjoyed shopping for someone who looked good in girl clothes (as opposed to my sister). What we got was definitely girly but not girly-girl.
Sue tried to do some things in school but by then she’d been thoroughly side-lined. Not only had she been ejected from Carol’s gang with extreme prejudice but the wind in school had changed as well. Naturally Hank supported me. Less expected was that the QB come out strongly in my favor. No, I don’t mean that he “came out”. He just was a genuinely nice very heterosexual guy. This led to that most players both in the football and baseball teams supported Hank and me. Which in turn led to that most of the sheep did as well.
And then there were the tryouts. Hank kept telling me that I could qualify for the cheerleading squad. I didn’t believe him but just out of contrariness from all the flak I had received I tried out. Which meant I had to get me a leotard. I was not used to those so what my mother and the salesgirl colluded to stuff me into had rather higher cut legs than most of the other girls trying out. No, not the OTHER girls. The GIRLS trying out. Did I mention that it was a thong leo? Still enough space in front for the extra stuff though. Apparently I have quite beautiful legs (and buttocks). Hank had kept telling me that (however, without any mention of buttocks) but he wasn’t exactly unbiased. Neither was my mother.
Whether because of my legs (and buttocks) or not, I got accepted into the cheerleading squad. Carol wasn’t. Three of her henchgirls were. She told them to drop out. One did. She later bitterly regretted that. Carol was rapidly losing her position as a popular girl. One reason was her bitchiness. If it hadn’t been for me she’d probably have established herself before people realized how bad she was. As it turned out she over-played her hand early and was cleaned out. Coach (girls’) and my cheerleading captain, Annie, told me that I was NOT up to Carol’s level technically but there was no way they’d let a bitch like that into the squad. I, on the other hand, they thought would be an asset to the team. Not that that kept them from working my (pretty) ass off to get me up to the required level. What about the two henchgirls? Well, they’d correctly felt how the wind was blowing. One was an obsessive toad now trying to toady up to me. Not interested. The other, Polly, was rather cool towards me but that was all. I later found out that she had rather strong ethics and apart from not being inclined to just switch like that she told me that she disliked how I had dissembled during summer. There had even been occasions where I had seen the girls naked. I had tried to avoid that but not always succeeding. That brings me to the solution for the locker room situation. The cheerleading squad was pampered in this school. They even had their own locker room where all the paraphernalia was kept as well. Coach and Annie declared that I was a cheerleader, thus I changed in the cheerleader room. At first the other cheerleaders had mixed reactions. Then Polly, of all people, made clear that I was not a threat in any way. I was the only one with a penis and thus vastly outnumbered. I had behaved decently during summer when I was a “girl (that really surprised me). I was not hiding anything any longer or acting in an underhanded way. Besides I already had a boyfriend. That’s how it came that I changed with the other cheerleaders after the first week.
Getting into the cheerleading squad also meant that I finally left boys’ PE. Cheerleaders had their own training schedule and classes. My thong leo? I kept using it. Why buy a new one? The embarrassment threshold had already been passed. Besides, I liked the way Hank looked at me when I trained with the other cheerleaders. I DID get myself some really cute shiny pink tights though. I liked tights. I found them comfortable. It took dad some time to get used to me wearing just tights (opaque) and a t-shirt at home. He finally gave up when Bill started wearing the corresponding get-up at home. Well, it IS comfortable. Even dad finally agreed. No matter that Sue muttered about “perverts”.
Cheerleading uniform was never an issue. Why should it be? I usually wore skirts to school anyway. I was a bit sad that I was kept out from the competition squad but then it would have been a “mixed” team. Bummer! One of the few drawbacks of not being officially a girl.
Life settled down into a routine. Schoolwork, cheerleading, dates with Hank. Unfortunately Hank was ill when the homecoming dance was held. Most people accepted my genderbending more or less graciously. A few still disapproved (or stronger) but most of those kept their mouths shut. Unfortunately one or two teachers were among those strongly objecting to my “unnatural” presence. My social studies teacher consistently kept grading my tests on another scale than those of other students. Hard to prove and I was not prepared to make an issue of it. I was still a freshman so there was still time. A few incidents of minor sabotage that I tried to ignore, hostile looks from Carol and Sue and things like that. Carol and Sue had reconciled. They had a common interest in life: bringing me down. And besides that, they didn’t really have any other friends any longer. Even those that disliked/hated me thought them a bit unhinged. In hindsight I should have worried about what they would be able to do.
Included in routine was the occasional media visit. Most came with the intention to explore the perversion. Those mostly went away because they found very little perversion to exploit. Almost even more annoying were those who meant to support me. Why all this? Hank and I didn’t consider us very strange. We loved each other. I was dressing a bit outside the box. So what? Anyway, I started to record all conversations I had with anyone that even resembled a journalist. I was pleased to note that the media attention faded away at last. The rest of the “gravel in the machinery” I could live with. That was brought home to me at the big New Year party held for the school teams, both sexes. Cheerleaders were included, naturally. I finally felt fully accepted. I liked the way Hank hugged me. I had got myself a lovely dress but I had resisted Hank when he tried to convince me to get myself high heels. I don’t like high heels so why should I wear them? Hank’s obsession with my legs was a good reason but not good enough. The midnight kiss was yummy! Ours was the longest! When we finished there was a long applause.
After New Year I felt fully integrated in school and accepted for who I was, a boy that was a bit outside the box (and mind according to some but that is not necessarily a bad thing according to my parents). I was one of the “popular girls”. Hank’s girlyfriend (high status), cheerleader (high status), doing quite well academically (not that high status).
I thus let my guard down a bit and was not that careful (but still instinctively recorded) when a nice young lady approached Hank and me on the sports field. Hank and I were busy appreciating each other’s faces. In particular the lips. Both of us in our uniforms. I have to admit that the cheerleading skirt IS rather short but then I’ve got fantastic legs …
Anyway, there she was. At first she asked to film us. Two such wonderful, healthy American teens. We were caught off-guard and didn’t stop her. Then it became clear that she wanted to highlight us as a contrast to the perversions that apparently permeated the school. She even was so taken with us and assumed that such a lovely traditional all-American couple just must be on her side that she let HER guard down. She let slip that she’d accuse the pervert boy of pedophilia as well. Hank wondered what support she had for this. All in a very polite and interested way. Hank was acting smart (and he firmly ground his foot on my to keep me silent). The unsuspecting “journalist” was to taken with Hank that she revealed that they had absolutely no support for that claim despite researching thoroughly but they always could find at least one or three people to lie to support their worst claims. Never failed.
As it turned out she was right. Hank’s dad was a lawyer. A well-connected lawyer. Somehow he managed to get hold of the final video of the program as intended to be aired. Strangely enough the part with the wholesome couple (Hank and me) on the sports field was not included. Carol, Sue, Toad and my Social Studies teacher were all ready to commit perjury in order to hurt me just as the “journalist” had predicted. I knew that Sue didn’t like me but that really hurt me. However, when Sue realized how much this could damage me, she switched sides. She gave a sworn statement to Hank’s dad how the “journalist” had coached her into making those statements. I had the recording where the “journalist” had outlined how she was going to cheat and lie. We also got statements from Polly and a few others who were willing to state that the “journalist” had tried to get them to lie as well. And for the record also affidavits from the Principal and other teachers that I in no way had broken any laws or rules. Yeah, I really AM a goody two-shoes.
Hank’s dad contacted the TV-station to get them to stop. They ignored him. There was too little time to stop it by a court order. So that meant that he prepared everything to sue the TV-station as soon as the “documentary” had been aired. On the night we sat down to watch. Of course we already knew the content but just to be sure what really was broadcast … It was really as awful as expected. And then 10 minutes into the program the screen went black. After a five-minute break another show was screened. What had happened?
It turned out that Polly’s parents knew the owner, not the manager, of the station. They had contacted him and convinced him how much the “documentary” could hurt him, and incidentally how unethical it was, but it had taken time.
They broadcast a retraction. The “journalist” was sacked. I got a hefty indemnity. My Social Studies teacher suddenly discovered it was time to retire, at once. Carol changed schools. Toad? She was evicted from the cheerleading squad and then she just found someone else to toady up to. Some people have no morals at all. I don’t mean Toad, I mean the new girl she toaded up to. And then there was Sue. My twin sister. The traitor. The girl that hated me for just being me even if it was unconventional. Ironically she came out of this better than anyone else. The money we got from the TV-station more than covered a year at a boarding school abroad for her. She came back a different girl. Not physically of course, she still was no beauty by a long shot. However, in a new environment she had been able to reassess herself and start anew. She even became quite popular for being herself. To sum it up she still was a dog but not a bitch any longer. The only thing that bothered us was the way she pined for the girlfriend she left at the boarding school.
Me? Well, the school, every part of it, was not too happy about the way the “journalist” had tried to trash the school. Their resentment of her meant support for me, you know the enemy of your enemy. I went to Hank’s prom as his date. If it had been possible I would have been crowned Prom Queen with acclamation but since I wasn’t a senior …
That really was a big problem for me. Not being a senior I mean. I was a freshman and Hank was a senior. That meant that our ways were to part. Neither of us had any illusions about long distance relationships. I also had to decide whether I’d continue to with my girlish behavior or if I should revert to boy standard. In the meantime Hank and I made the most of the time we had left.
At the party there was a little nerdish freshman helping out. He actually came up and asked me for an autograph. He told me I was his hero, his role model. I couldn’t help but be flattered- He explained that he was a girly boy. NOT a girl. Just a girly boy, like me. I promised to help him. Over the past year I had become quite accomplished not only when it came to fashion but also such supplementary skills as make-up and comportment. I WAS one of the “popular girls” and had to keep up with the rest of them. I had a quite interesting summer helping Tony (NOT Toni). The first two weeks we spent convincing his parents to let him be himself. They weren’t evil. They just needed some time to get their heads around his little quirks. We had a great time shopping, hitting the beach and the gym. The gym had great aerobic classes and I needed to keep in form for next year’s cheerleading and Tony was a “bit” pudgy, to begin with. Yes, I had decided that I wanted to keep being a cheerleader and a girly boy. My new BFF Polly was there all the time as well. We even had matching leotards at the gym. Not that I neglected Hank. We had some lovely time together. We especially loved those warm evenings sitting by the lake. Not talking that much, just enjoying being together (and engaging in some hugging and kissing). Hank also joined us at the beach. That summer I wore a bikini, one without an excessive amount of fabric, and not the demure suit I had used the last summer. Hank, I, Tony and Polly had a great time. Even if Tony absolutely refused to train for cheerleading. He wasn’t really the physical kind of guy even if he was cute, very cute once he lost all those extra pounds. He was the cutest little petite girly boy imaginable with legs almost as pretty as mine. Polly definitely got a thing for him.
Then summer ended. Hank went away to college, with my blessing to find himself a new girlfriend, boyfriend or girlyfriend or even tomboyfriend. He deserved only the best so why limit the talent pool? School started again. Polly and I were back at cheerleading. Tony was back in the chess-club, the science club and all those other nerdy interests of his. Only wearing the girliest of clothes of course. I never had been THAT girly. I loved the attitude the other nerds had. Just a distracted acknowledgement. What he was wearing was secondary. I kept wearing skirts and dresses, even if not all the time. I mean, even most girls don’t. I liked the “swishing” and the way my legs were showcased. I still refused to wear high heels though. I started dating a boy from one of the school teams. It was obligatory, wasn’t it? Since I was a cheerleader I more or less had to. It was a good thing I don’t like high heels since my new girlyfriend was such a shrimp. Well, the chess team WAS a school team. And Polly soon forgave me.
Disclaimer: My law studies have only been within Business Law, primarily my native country’s but also some EU as well as various EU countries’. I don’t make any claim for accuracy when it comes to US legal matters, especially outside that field.
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A different kind of story
Not sure why anyone would want to dress as a girl and not want to be one.
Some of us
just don't feel comfortable being put in boxes, be it a "girl" box or a "boy" box, and don't want to conform to the either/or mentality.
Sorry, I do not want to start an argument but the wording of your comment comes across as obnoxious. You don't understand it and therefore it is wrong? You must surely be far more aware than the general public about the size of the community that are content to dress and have zero desire to transition? I thought it would be the general public that would need to be educated, and not those that I assume to be part of the LGBT community?
That's almost the definition of non-binary
Gender-fluid, Gender creative, Agender, Demigirl - there are many labels and shades of nuance for those of us attracted to femininity and wish to present as feminine to a greater or lesser degree without wanting to actually become a girl. You can argue whether this is a flavour of being transgender or something separate but it is real and it is valid and we are out here.
Gender fluid/non-binay
I wear women's clothes almost exclusively but I have no desire to be female just more feminine. My husband likes me this way and I do too.
EllieJo Jayne
Cute Whimsical
However there is one sentence at the lead in I'm questioning.
"I had an unused twist littering my brain."
That is as bad as the one from the suits in the black SUV "We're from the government and here to help you."
The story redeemed you as it sorta kinda, just plodded along without any lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, or end of the world meteors. I started to relax toward the end and realized you weren't going to end the world today. Relief.
'Mary' wasn't out to change the world but he was different, comfortable, in his own skin. A different kind of non conformist, when actually he is conforming in his own way to a certain standard for society. He's wearing attire suitable for society. Not exactly what everyone understands though. Not a school dress code for boys or girls although there is always the unwritten code everyone should more or less dress in the style the majority does.
There is so much going on hidden in this story, it's a typical Bru story. Interesting to read if one reads it only for the entertainment. A poke at society as a whole if one thinks about it. "Who gets to write the rules for all of us for everything we do or how we live?"
Bru is the lady journalist. Exactly who you expect to meet and greet on the surface. Keep in mind this lady deals and trades in government espionage, world trade, and military secrets. Her biggest secret is everyone thinks she's the nicest prettiest neighbor next door.
Hugs Bru
I'm not asking to borrow the red dress you were almost wearing at the Nordact intelligence gathering last week in Poland. I heard it got kinda messy. I don't want to find out you didn't get all the blood out of it. Have they found out how the assassins managed to get in?
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Oh my, I'm afraid I misled you.
I actually did NOT have an unused twist in my brain.
You have an unconcerting ability to find things in my stories I wasn't aware myself that I had put there.
As for the bloody red dress? Run it up a flagpole and see who salutes?
Allegedly that is how the Latvian flag came into existence, only they used a white sheet instead.
There is no either black or white definitions
I'm not criticizing those who want a definitive on boy OR girl. The problem is there is none. Transgender, male, female, does not have a line one crosses and is or isn't one or the other. How fast is "that" car? Most people think top speed. The car can go anywhere from zero to one hundred seventy two mph. Fast could be one mph if that is what it is doing.
Gender is the same thing. There are thousands of degrees between male and female whether discussing heterosexual or transgender. In the class my psychiatrist teaches she was asking each one what gender they preferred and how they wish to be addressed? The only one in that class wearing a skirt and blouse was "yours truly". Dozens of reasons the others were wearing pants but that isn't the issue here.
She asked me my gender? "I'm gender fluid. I'll be whatever makes the other person comfortable to be around me if they will let me know before we meet. Otherwise I'll be a woman when I meet anyone the first time."
Next question, how do you wish to be addressed? "I'm a female and I like it when someone addresses me as ma'am. I'm okay with sir, mister or however they wish to address me. Whatever anyone thinks or says doesn't change me."
The world doesn't revolve around me nor you. Words have strength to hurt only if a person lets them. What I think or believe is between me and my Creator. What everyone else thinks and believes is up to them. If things start stacking up I find comfort in John 15:18-27
Hugs People
The world was here a long time before I showed up. It will be here after I check out. And when I get the fat head thinking I'm in disposable? No one is going to miss me when I leave.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
"No one is going to miss me when I leave."
I wouldn't be too sure of that.
I beg to differ
"No one is going to miss me when I leave." Pure fantasy.
"There are thousands of degrees between male and female". Hey, I've only got five degrees!
I'd better go to sleep now. I've experienced too much negativity today (except the two nice comments on my short skirt (well, actually kilt but who cares?))
I've always looked at Bru's stories as a lark into the absurd, satire. Now I hear growls and hisses on what should be good fun.
... and the absurd. Bru might be known for that, but it was absent here. Just a nice sweet story, although it had a definite conflict in the middle.
-- Daphne Xu
Not as usual
I sometimes have said I'd write a story without a pronounced twist. This was one.
Quite obviously many readers expected something else. On the other hand some did find the original story, and found it to their liking.
I always love your stories
I always love your stories. Lots of great ideas and often quite topical. Also quite compact. Some times they do seem more like the Cliff's Notes narrative of a much longer story where the dialog has all been removed. I think I could get more into the characters heads if I heard their voices. Thanks for posting your work. I've been a fan for years.
Your friend
I've noticed
and I appreciate your comments very much.
I¨m aware that my stories sometimes (often) could be better with more dialogue. There is a very simple reason why I don't have more of that. I don't feel comfortable writing dialogues.
I have no doubt I could remedy that but that would take time and effort that I'm not prepared to spend at present. As opposed to many excellent authors on this site, writing is not among the highest priorities for me. I believe that it's better that I dash off a story every now and then rather than building up a barrier that I quite possibly wouldn't climb over. Actually, circumstances right now are such that it very well may take a long time before I write anything again anyway. If this sounds a bit downcast there are reasons.
Stay Safe
Putting all tongue in cheek comments aside, you move through some very dangerous parts of the world. I started to say you need a body guard such as poor innocent looking little me. The more I thought about it the more I decided...., OH YES! All those almost dresses you wear, I could..., And then it all comes crashing down as I realized I still wouldn't be able to wear your "almost dresses". There is also the downside of being a bodyguard. Even though I'd visit all the exotic places and meet the movers and shakers of the world, I wouldn't. Bodyguards...guard, they don't visit or sight see.
Heavy..., Okay send your limo driver around when you're not stealing state or military secrets. We'll go out someplace nice for an evening for a nice meal and possibly a dance or two if I can shoo away the hunks you always attract, long enough for my turn.
Hugs Bru
The best gift in life is sharing it with those one loves more than their own life.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Thanks! Needed that.
Nice story and nice sequel.
-- Daphne Xu