Stuck in a Rut - Part 33

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Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over 100 years, Casey adjusts to her new life as a girl. Can Casey cope with everything that comes with being a girl, or will others conspire to ruin her life?

Chapter 33

I walked down the stairs, nervously, Luna had styled my hair, and with my dress and make-up on, I felt self-conscious. DeShaun’s head swiveled around and his eyes bugged out. I stood there in my dress, , with my clutch in hand. My hair was styled into a more perky bob, with the hair fastened by bobby pins to stay behind my ears. My tourmaline earrings clearly visible. The violet-colored dress exposed my shoulders. With the padded front and high neckline, I looked like I actually had breasts, albeit small ones. It hugged my sides and accented that I had what DeShaun had taken to jokingly calling my ghetto booty. From where it hugged the hips, it flowed down to above the knee. I had on some smokey hose and my black shoes with the small heel.

DeShaun stood up and walked over, clearly in awe. Dad had returned, and was now looking at me with a strange look on his face. Mom was smiling, and fighting back a tear. Dad ran and got his camera.

While he was gone, Luna came down. She had on a black dress with white lace around the v-neck that called attention to her modest cleavage. There was a white band around the waist, and more lace around the hem, which was just above the knee. She had on white hose with lace at the top, and a pair of black Mary Janes. Her hair was braided in one long braid that ended around her waist. She had white lace ribbons entwined through it, and a white bow tying it off near the end. She had her kitty collar on, and a pair of crescent moon earrings that she had told me were the signature detail of some anime character that had her name.

Dad snapped a few pictures of me, and then some of Luna, and then some of us together. After a couple minutes, it was Janie’s turn, and she came down the stairs. We all gasped when we saw her.

Janie had on a royal blue dress that accented her eyes. Her blonde hair was up in a french braid. She had on pale blue teardrop earrings, and a silver chain with a solitary blue gemstone. The dress was satin and sleeveless, with a plunging v-neck, and low back. She had on a pair fancy sleeved-gloves over her forearms. The dress went down just below the knees, with a subtle slit down one side. Underneath she had on pale hose, and a pair of blue shoes with a slight heel. She looked amazing, and I was lucky that I had noticed that dress. Not only did it compliment her eyes, but the sleeves were a saving grace. She had been so down about her healing wounds, and was thinking of giving up on the dance.

We all hugged and Dad took many pictures of all of us. I glanced over at DeShaun on occasion, and was satisfied that I wasn’t the only one that had caught his eye.

After a little hamming it up and playing supermodel, we went back upstairs and carefully got changed. I of course was in the bathroom, and Luna and Janie were in my room. Once I had gotten into my sweatpants and a tank top, I came back into the room, and found the two goofballs still in their underwear, making out.

“Jeez, you two! What if My Mom had come in?”, I scolded, though certainly enjoying the eye-full.

They blushed and did a sexy strip, getting out of their fancy underwear, and then putting on something more mundane. Luna turned and stuck her tongue out at me.

“Looks like no milk for the kitty”, I said laughing.

Luna’s face formed that irresistible cute pout that she had mastered. Seriously, nobody was possibly immune to that face. I threw a pillow at her, and the two laughed and got into their regular clothes.

We came downstairs and Mom was still crying. She came over to me and wrapped me in a big hug.

“My baby is becoming a beautiful woman!”, she said between tears. I looked at Mom, she wasn’t normally this emotional. Dad came over and put his arm around her back, and she let me go.

Meanwhile, DeShaun was still standing there like an idiot. I walked over and snapped my fingers in front of his face, snapping him out of his trance.

“Oh, uh.. sorry.” he muttered, “You all look gorgeous.”

“Darn straight!”, Luna exclaimed, causing more laughter.

Janie and I went out to the back yard, bringing our baseball gloves along. As we threw the ball around Luna sat in the shade, watching.

“You know J”, I said. “I’m thinking I might go out for the softball team this spring.”

Janie looked at me, questioningly.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m serious. I was a decent hitter in baseball, but my lack of power and strength held me up from playing seriously. But ever since my growing pains stopped, I’ve been testing my limits. I’m a LOT more flexible and I’m pretty quick.”, I stated.

“Hmmm, I might consider it too, maybe.”, she said in a thoughtful tone. “What about you, Luna?”

Luna snorted. “The only position I ever played was left out. No, I think I’ll leave the jock stuff to you two… Although I could make a pretty sexy goth cheerleader outfit… Hmmm.”

Janie and I looked at each other, and I know she was picturing the same thing as I was, the girls from the Video for that Nirvana song. We both broke down laughing, causing Luna to look at us oddly.

I laughed and giggled. Luna just thought we had lost our minds.

After a while, we headed in and started dinner. Luna once again glided around the kitchen like a pro, leaving us newbies behind in her dust.

We sat down and started in on the burgers she made, hey… Janie and I cut the tomatoes, and onions and stuff… XD

After dinner the girls and I went back up stairs to do what girls apparently do at weekend sleep-overs… gossip.

“Any new news on the Wilder sisters?”, I asked, looking at Luna.

She shook her head. “After they kicked me loose, I lost any possibility of getting news from that clique.”, she said in a dejected tone.

Janie hugged Kitten, and kissed the top of her head. “well, at least the upside of that is that we can openly smother the chibi-goth in love.”

Luna gave a fake pout and poked Janie in the boob. “So says ‘Miss expand-o-boobs’, I mean really...”

Janie let out a “Hmph!”, and retorted. “They aren’t that big, and I’m barely into a C cup now. You wanna tease someone, tease the girl with the 22” waist, over there.”

I let out a little gasp of shock. “Me? Luna’s is smaller than mine!”, I said, trying to defend myself.

Luna giggled, and jumped in. “Not by much, and I’m tiny all around, unlike you… Sir Mix-A-Lot was talking about you, I think!”

I laughed and chucked a pillow at Luna. She dodged, and it ended up nailing Janie. She scowled and the pillow fight was on. About 20 minutes later, we all lay on the floor, gasping for air, totally winded.

Luna looked at me. “Seriously though, you said you were done with the big size and shape changes, so spill it, what Are your numbers?”

I blushed and responded. “Janie was right about my waist, though I’m sure that was a guess. For the record, I’m 5’4” even, and… erm... 32-22-36. But I still don’t have anything to wear a bra for.” I blushed and hid my face with my pillow.

I think Luna could sense that I was feeling uncomfortable. “Well, you got me beat, Mistress. Only 5’2”, and a puny 30-20-32… I get some of my clothing in the children’s department.”, she pouted.

Janie leaned in and licked Luna’s cheek in a sexy manner. “But that’s part of your sexy cuteness, Pet.”

Janie started tickling Luna, and had her rolling around and begging her to stop.

I looked at Janie, who caught the glance. She sighed. “Fine, I’ll tell. I’m 5’6”, and a very plain 34-24-34. and I’m * sigh* already a C, as we’ve established. I’m just afraid that I’m going to turn into one of those girls with the huge hooters that gets stared at. With my scars, that’s going to be rough.”

Luna and I both shuffled over to either side of her and cupped her, kneading her gently through her shirt and bra.

Laughing, Luna spoke. “Mistress. From where we sit, you are juuuuust right.”

We both eased Janie onto her back, and lifted her shirt. I kissed her flat tummy, and moved aside, allowing Luna a turn. Luna snaked her tiny hand behind Janie and unfastened the bra. Lifting it up and out of the way, I pressed my body against her side and began to gently suckle on her left breast. Luna did likewise on the right breast. We laid there for a bit, as Janie felt the therapeutic love we showed her.

After a few minutes, we both sat up, and allowed her to fix her clothing. We all sat on the bed and as Luna rifled through my DVD collection, I turned to Janie.

“Janie, my love. I need to ask a favor. It might be hard for you, but it might also do you some good, and I’m sure it’ll help someone else.”, I said delicately. “There’s a boy in one of my classes, George Whitley… He’s going to need your help, I think.”

“Sure, I know George.”, Janie responded. I used to hang out with him. Nice guy, kinda quiet. Always carried a sketch pad around with him. What happened?

“He… he was raped during his rut. I found him on the nature trails in the park, and he was taken to the hospital. I don’t think he knows who did it, but I know he’s going to need some friends when he returns to school. I know that the Wilders are targeting new girls, newly female ones, I mean... And if they got a hold of him, they would use him for their own selfish means, and not care about his emotional state.” I said.

I could see that Janie was visibly shaking, and so could Luna. We wrapped her in the tightest hug we could, until it stopped. When she had calmed down, She slowly extricated herself from our embrace.

“I… I will do what I can, but this has to be handled carefully. Let me approach him. He’s in your final period art class, right?” she said, with her arms wrapped around her raised knees.

“Do either of you have a class with him before then?”, she asked. Luna and I shook our heads.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what he looks like.” Luna said. “But I know I don’t have any classes with him, from roll call.”

Janie nodded. “Okay. Casey, if you see him at school before your final class, send me a text, and I’ll meet you at the end of class, in order to ‘bump’ into him.”

With that said, we had begun ‘Operation: Save George’, in earnest. Janie and I would keep our eyes peeled for him at school With that begun, we turned to the more important matters of night two of the sleep over weekend, namely not allowing Luna to put one of her gothic horror movies into the DVD player.


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"Operation: Save George"

this could help Janie a lot - or it could totes go sideways for her ...


Looks like the police

Wendy Jean's picture

need to keep an eye out for rapists