The Family Girl #075: An Announcement - Something is Coming Up!

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The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #75: An Announcement:
Something Coming Up!

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I’m putting up an announcement.

And that announcement is: after over a three-year absence from writing stories here in BCTS, I’m finally putting up another one. Yayyy!

Ummm… yayyy?

Anyway, I am putting up another Drew Nance story. I’ll be posting it Tuesday morning (Tuesday EST, of course). It’s gonna be called, “Girl Detective Book 1: The Secret of the Old Clock.”

Cool title, huh? lol

Most here do not know who Drew Nance is, I’m sure. But if you’re at all curious, please feel free to log back on about eight hours from now and check out Drew’s new adventure.

As a sort-of lead-in, I edited my first Drew story and took out some of the irritating little grammar glitches in there. So, if you’re curious about that story, please check out “Girl Detective Redux - A Beginning.” ( )

Don’t worry, though: you don’t HAVE to read Redux. The new one’s gonna be a stand-alone story. You can read it independent of any other story (So you can breath normal now).

But, be warned – this new one’s gonna be a looong one!

It’s over 100,000 words so, per BCTS’ definition, it’s gonna be a “novel” (stories that long is very unusual for me). That’s partially why I’m gonna post it early morning, so everyone can have the whole day to read it. Mweheheheh…

Anyway, check ‘em out. Or not. It’s okay. (Sorry ‘bout that - I’m not too used to self-advertising stuff.)

I’m excited!


Lots of graphics in Bobbi's posts use publicly-accessible pics from the net: No ownership is claimed nor IP infringements intended

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Despite your frequent

Despite your frequent protestations that you are not really a writer, I have always found your stories to be highly entertaining.
You are very talented.
I know many others will agree.
I look forward to this new offering.
Thank you for sharing it with us.

I am so glad!

Andrea Lena's picture

Looking forward to good things for you on the page and in real life! love you!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Look forward to it

Drew Nance, because if reversed one can get sued by Simon and Schuster. :)


laika's picture


"You can either fly Over the Rainbow or Under the Radar but you can do both..."

Bless you, bobbie-c. Your recent blog had me worried..

you were not going to post anymore as you had changed as a person.

Whatever the reasons before for your need to post stories. Whoever/wherever you are as a person today YOU have always been a favorite author to me.

If your muse has changed, write/post what suits you now.

But know this.

If it is near as good as your previous stuff ...


BTW if your muse ever sees fit you have a few older tales hear begging to be completed.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Story posted 7:57AM EST

bobbie-c's picture

Just for the record, the story was posted 7:57AM this morning.



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Great to hear, Bobbie! I'll

Great to hear, Bobbie! I'll be reading it, right after Redux.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}


it is great that you are writing again I have always enjoyed your stories Will you be posting anymore Danny stories