My Super Secret Life-32.

My Super Secret Life-32.

Chapter 32


Time seems to do funny things when you’re trying to clean your place up. It’s not like I’m a slob but I’ve been living the guy life and I’m not saying that all guys are slobs either it’s just sometime’s or in my case some how my priorities with training and stuff have sort of shifted.

Mind you I wasn’t that tidy and stuff as Sunny either but I still want to clean the place up for Alexis when she gets here…

The house screen rings with security checking in and showing me Alexis down at the main gate to The Tower and I tap the screen to okay her inside and leave and go down to meet her.

I know that girls stay up in their places when guys show up but I figure that it’d look a lot better and more of a good guy thing and it is The Tower it’s not like I just buzzed her into an apartment building.

Wow…I mean I said I still get the VG thing but she’s in a comfy looking outfit of yoga pants, sneakers and a red spaghetti strap top and she doesn’t remotely look like my boy friend.

I mean I know it’s all that prosthetic stuff but she looks amazing actually and she smiles and she passes me a six pack of these quart bottles of this really good looking root beer even the holder is made of wood. Cheap stuff sure but you just don’t wee that or glass bottled soda.

Actually… “Whoa…I don’t think that I’ve ever had soda out of a glass bottle before.”

We head back to my place and we take the outer elevator just because it’s cool being one of those outside elevators and it’s night time and it’s very cool just to be able to have this kind of view.

“We get in I’m going to move the couch so we can see the city better right close to the windows maybe.”

“Oh that kind of sounds cool, have you thought about decorating your place as your place yet?”

“Sort of but I’ve been holding off since I’m going to Halo.”

“You should, that way it’ll feel like home when you come back.”

“You want to help?”

“Uhm…actually no.”

“Really a girl not wanting to decorate?”

“It’s not that but it’s your place and you I think kind of need to at least build and enjoy your own man-cave. That’s kind of the point I mean right?’

“Makes sense, can I ask you something?’


“You’ve been doing Alexis for awhile now what’s up withy that?”

“Kind of the same as you. I had to hide this side of myself away for most of the time I want to sort of live awhile as this part of myself before anything else. I was trying to be VG fluid but I just sort of feel like I need this time to get balance.”

“So…not in transition?”

“Nope, just betting my balance in a cute set of ballet flats.”

I actually reach over and do that pull her close hug with one arm thing. “Cool.” And it is a sort of us being on the same footing and stuff. It also to me makes this another sort of thing we have in common.

We get inside and Alexis goes for the fridge having been here before and she snags the tablet out of the fridge. I’m moving my rug and then the couch over to the windows. It’s the best view I can get in my place and there’s a foot of rim from the floor to the bottom of the window and the rest is all high-rise glass with privacy screening and the view from here looks over the highway in both sections and a good section of the south eastern part of the city. It’s not a staggering view in the daytime with all the cool super city urban stuff on the other side of the building but this at night all lit up still looks pretty good and for her and I we’re from the rich part of town where if you do have a view you’re super loaded otherwise It’s a view of a park or you’re seeing other nice properties and privacy fences.

The casino resorts own all the best views.

So it’s actually kind of cool.

I get the apartment tablet and do the set up to peel off the flexi-screen TV from my wall that I had it on and then stick it to where I want it on the window and go through all the stuff to link it to the window’s functions and reboot it with the all these cook extras to work on the window instead of the wall. Like auto window tint when we’re going to watch something.

Flexi-TV’s are awesome, they’re a P’hari invention and are this thing made of liquid crystals about two millimetres thick and it has all the stuff that it needs to be a high definition TV while still being clear and you can stick it to nearly any non-living surface by nano-hooks. It doesn’t even have a cord it uses wireless power feeding right from the signal that streams all the TV data to it.

Very expensive too but apparently we’re on professional good terms with them and they provide these to The Tower for free.

Alexis comes over with the fridge tablet and she’s looking through my groceries in the fridge and grinning. “You need to shop more.”

“I haven’t really been shopping yet, I haven’t had time.”

“You should you have a food budget y’know.”

“I know, so Chinese?”

“Sure.” She scrolls through and she finds the take-out places I have stored in memory and we look at what we want to get and we order a lot. 4 things of fried rice because I love having extra cold fried rice and there’s this really, really good pea plant stir fry that’s snow peas and pea plant shoots tossed with some Chinese broccoli and shaved beef. Crackled pig with sauces on the side and coconut ginger stone crab and of course eggrolls and fried wontons and Alexis wants some hot and sour soup.

She’s looking at the order. “That’s a lot of food.”

I nod. “I know Matt might have had a good appetite but me I’ve got that teen thing and the guy thing and the meta thing so it’s kind of like being reclassifies as me being a human garbage disposal.”

The food comes and I transfer cash from my food budget to pay for it and tip her a twenty because it’s a large order and she had to be escorted up here under guard to the staff lobby where I met her at and well she’s at The Tower. Anything less than a twenty wouldn’t just fit right.

I did like the look of oh wow in her eyes when she saw it. Actually I think a lot of people are chintzy with their tips on delivery as opposed to eating out.

The rest of it was a really good night with Alexis and us just talking and stuff as I’m telling her about my day and how some of the whole professional hero stuff works. She points out that The Champions are a huge corporation if you pull in endorsements and advertising work they do even if for charities and all the staff that does everything else here from the research stuff that she saw here when I was hurt to the security and the police to the mail room and the housekeeping staff. Which actually means that if I’m going to do this stuff then it’s something serious…way more so than I thought.

And it’s not all serious stuff we watch a little TV too and settle in to watch a movie on TV.

We snuggled on the couch and there were a couple of kisses but it was just that. And it didn’t suck either. It would’ve been a lot worse if I was home here alone all night.

Alexis left after a coffee nightcap and she pinged my phone with a home all okay before I crashed for the night.

Oh…the root beer was really good.

………………………………………Tomorrow was training and hitting the gym pretty early. About four hours of sleep and it hasn’t bothered me because when I’m not burning off a super literally amount of energy I’m still kind of at that point where I’m pretty much good to go. By the time I’m out of my shower my brain is with it.

Only this time I had a stint of getting measured for something with these guys from The Ark down from Ark City and the Halo Academy place and I spend most of my time on the modified gravity weights and the same for the treadmill before getting Steven to bounce me around the practice room again.

I’m on restricted call after lunch and I head out with my gear on just a sort of reformed change of clothes out of the shower.

Yeah my Titan clothes or what forms on me is as far as we can tell some kind of subconscious not —be naked response to me not wanting to be nude so I somehow can gather trace carbon from around me to simulate or rather rearrange the particles as I transform only I can sort of summon them at will or banish them away.

It’s one of those WTF powers.

I add a PCPD hoody to my look and I head out with my car and some money and I go driving and looking for stuff for my place. And just too sort of be a cop about stuff and I know I’m sort of bad doing this but I go to a few pawn shops.

I do have a few things at my place but it’s still sort of sparse and stuff so it’s some of these pawn places and even some thrift stores. Hey there’s a lot more to some of those places than just clothing.

I get a few odds and ends like a couple of neat looking lamps and stuff and a few posters that I like and I stop off at one of those dollar store types of places for a few cheap plastic frames for them and I was headed to a toy store for maybe some models or maybe a few guy sort of stuffies when I see an armored car get hit broadside by this large, really large humanoid rhino anthro knocking the thing over and onto it’s side.

“Oh that’s not good.”

I stop my car and I call it in.

As I do I see a hover bus that looks jury rigged with boosters or something pulling up and two large silver back gorillas are getting out with modified flak vests on and with drum fed shotguns.

“Two large gorilla anthromorphs armed with what appears to be Kliener automatic shot guns and flak vests are hitting the Paradise Fund & Trust Armored car along with a meta classed anthromorphs rhino that was able to tackle the armored unit there’s a super up hover bus with more perps inside…Over.”

“Situation noted Titan back up enroute protect the civilians.”

“Roger, that.”

I see the rhino pull the door right off the armored car with a scree sound and whoever’s inside is firing on the thing and he’s doing that cover his face with both forearms and the rounds aren’t hurting him anymore than they’d hurt me.

Thankfully people are running and the gorilla’s actually seem more intent on perimeter than shooting humans at this point and so far have blasted a mail box and a few close public garbage cans.

Okay…shit I hate to do this but as I get out of my car I’m using my open door for cover and to crouch so I can build power. Like those guys at a track who shoot out of the blocks I’m doing the same and using all my strength to push with my legs and feet not to power jump but to run like I’m skating…the part I hated…ripping off my car door.

I just got this thing.

But it weighs nothing to me and it’s large and metal and really hard to dodge when it’s being used as a blunt weapon. The gorillas barely turn to shoot at me and while it’s not going to kill me or get through my skin as Titan point blank shotgun blasts hurt.

I fly-swat the first one off his feet nailing him in the face and I shoulder whack the second dropping him with sheer force too and a by the sound of it broken shoulder and I super foot stomp the shotguns…the problem with guns is they’re easy to mess up when you’re my strength.

I turn to the rhino. “HEY Ugly…..”

He’s already headed my way and coming like a linebacker and all those cheer times and games come at me in a sort of oh…that’s what I do and I drop the car door and I lock up with him just like one of the guys on the defensive line and it hurts…it hurts like I’m me again and falling off the pyramid like…real physical ow stuff as he’s as strong as me…maybe a bit more because I’m losing ground and my feet are sliding back across the pavement.

He’s not like the guy from the spider-man comics. Yeah I know all the lore and the classics from when Terry brought them to me the last time I was in the hospital. No this thing is a real rhino that’s been mutated and crossed with a whole other bunch of genetics and he’s freaking me out a bit because his eyes are very red and goat like rather that rhino big and brown and he has sharp teeth like a carnivore and not a grass eater.

And it smiles at me. “Wot punk?”

And he talks with a United Kingdom Colonies accent too.

“Nothing I was just trying to get your attention.” (Stressful gasping.)

“Oh now why’s that now?”

“Can’t let you hurt those guards…”

“Well then consider your mission accomplished. I’m over her and not over there now. Now that’s not saying the kittehs ain’t going to do sompthin.”


I hear a snarl and two female very humanoid cheetahs are fighting or rather beating up the guards really badly and I look back at him. “You’re not going to get away with this, it’s Paradise City it’s too open.”

“I’m not too worried about that lad seeing as you and yours are the only things that we hafta worry about, the police are that big a deal.”

“Now I’d argue with that cause our cops here are top notch but I’ll agree with you on one thing.”


“I’m something to worry about.”

I let him go and drop an instant and grab him around the waist and I pick him up off the ground in a bear hug and power leap as high as I can and drive him into the pavement with a wrestling like slam.

I just get up on my feet when the two gorilla’s jump me. I’m a lot stronger than them but let me tell you that two of them at around I’d say five hundred pounds all pissed off and apparently combat trained are way more of a handful than I’m used to and their punches hurt, yes I’m strong but they are way stronger than a human being and then there’s the weight thing. I might weigh in at close to three hundred…I’m a really big guy but not big enough they can’t muscle me around.

And they have me off of him long enough for the rhino to get onto his feet and drill me with an uppercut to my ribs doubling me over and then he clocks me with a hard right that staggers me and the next thing I know he’s grabbed me like a sack of something and he drives me into the armored trucks bottom.

That underside armor plating hurts.

Then I’m joined by the two gorillas as the slam into the truck hard and fast and I look up and the rhino turns and Champion is there hovering like a total badass.

“I’d suggest giving up you’re under arrest.”

The rhino chuckles and it sounds really odd. Then he gives Champion the finger. “Fuck you aye.”

He jumps the twelve or so feet between them with that hard right and champion swings at the same time and punches the rhino’s fist and there’s a crack of them hitting each other and the rhino get’s knocked hard into the pavement.

He follows up by this really fast burst of flight speed and sort of stomps and flight pushes the rhino and he’s driving him backward through the pavement tearing it up for at least twenty or thirty feet. Using the rhino for a plough…that had to hurt.

Then I see Mrs. Champion there and she’s doing mid air hover high speed kick boxing with the two cheetah girls and she’s winning, she’s using her flight to do imitations of flawless or near flawless footwork and her own strength and speed it’s hard to follow.

I’m clearing my head from the hit I got from the rhino and the two silverbacks are moving so I lightly punch the one I hit in the shoulder with the car door and he screams since that shoulder is definitely broken and his brother or buddy pulls a combat knife from his flak vest and I swing his broken armed buddy into him hard.

I roll away from the armored truck and I get to the two guards. They’re bloody but it’s that sort of boxing bloody and I grab them both and I help them to the line of cop cars.

Then I’m looking at the fight and I look at some of the police officers. “We can get the two silverbacks I think, use taser rounds (I look at others) bean bags for your shotgun and you two bring the zip ties.

I look into the bus as best as I can as we pass it with the open rear doors. It could’ve held more people and it’s empty?

I head to the two gorillas and help the cops take them down and then check the armored truck.

The guard in the back’s dead a knife showed into his chest and the money is gone…there’s a hole lasered or something through the street and the side of the armored truck.

It was planned to be rammed and knocked over.

“Son of a…”

I look down into the whole and it’s down deep right into the subway system because I can see the sewer draining out onto the tracks down there making it dance and spark with live power.

I climb out of the truck and see both of the Champions are working with the cops and they’re restraining the perps. Zip ties for the cheetah’s and metal fibre wire tape for the rhino who looks pretty beaten up.

I head over.

“We need to check out where the others went.”


“They cut through the street and sewer from the sub-way and into the truck while it was on its side and killed the guard.”

Steve passes the rhino off to the police. “Lock him in a max cell. Titan you’re with me.”

“Right.” I walk with him but get a SWAT utility belt from one of the officers and two headsets and I pass one to Steve. He nods. We head to where the hole is and he moves the truck from the hole and we both drop down well it’s different he flies down and I jump but we do this combination of me grabbing his shoulder and him my arm and we don’t touch the ground or the sparking rails.

We’re looking for sign and I can…I can see this sort of trail of foot prints leading east.

“I think, I think I’m seeing heat…? Two on foot one’s another gorilla.”

“Okay, are you ready?”

“Yeah they killed a guy in cold blood. Let’s bring them down.”

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