My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-10.

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Chapter 10

You know when you’re really deep down exhausted and have nothing in the tank then something happens that if you don’t get off your duff something bad is going to happen.

That’s the situation with the incoming exo-suit…

I’ve got a school bus full of kids behind me and staring from my place on the pavement police and firemen and EMT’s.

The thing is that I have no idea what these guys in the attacking suits have for ammo. The police here are in their HR-gear or “Hard Resolution.” protection but the firemen and paramedics are as well protected.

“Alright…” I push myself up off the pavement and I flare my energy making my shield bright and the aura giving off Scarlet energy flames. “Yes, that’s it look at me.”

And thankfully he is. I’m the big bad mutie, you gotta be all macho…attacking school buses…I lift off and fall backwards almost and he follows firing his machine gun at me…I’m only guessing but these guys aren’t actually military trained in using these things.

I go into HUD mode and even a rear view so I can watch him coming after me and I bee-line it for the water. “C’mon ace, you can take me right? Big macho-man in a suit of armor and packing military grade toys…I mean I’m right in you’re comfort zone aren’t I? I mean a patriot to the human race such as yourself and all big brave guy trying to kill children.”

“They’re not children they’re monsters waiting to happen! Freaks!”

“They’re kids and they don’t want to be anymore different than any other kid does.”

“Bullshit, they change, they always change! They’ll start liking having the power you mutie freak, just like you!”

“Naw, it you banjo playing donkey humping red-necked brother lovers that are the ones that change them. It’s all about the hate, you hate them and attack them and make them feel like shit and then you have the nerve to blame them for the shit that you people inflict on them?”

“Fuck you1 fuck you…you goddamned cunt…I’m no faggot…”

“Didn’t deny donkey humper though huh”


He’s really chasing me down and firing at me with a serious full on mad on for me. I’m dodging and weaving him flying low over the water and I’m not trained well enough for this really because some rounds are hitting me and they hurt…as long as they’re just single rounds they hurt…like getting hit with a paintball hurt.

I see something and have an idea…I used my shields as a grapple so maybe I can use the force to coat something and move it…like a telekinetic thing or tractor beam. I fire a pulse ahead of me into the water and feel it connect with my target.


It’s a struggle and I feel it sapping away at my shield….it’d be a hell of a lot worse if this guy didn’t shoot like an Imperial Storm Trooper.

“I bet I just really piss you off because not only am I a woman but I have powers and you can’t backhand me and get me to shut up like you do your Wife…oops sorry your Sister….Aunt…Momma…”

I stop and spin around and dump all my flight energy and even the rear power into the shields facing him. I stand my ground. “Well y’know what here’s a woman that’s going to put you in your place and who’s not going to run from you anymore Bubba.”

He’s coming on strong and getting it some good shots but my shield ramped up this way they’re just bouncing off.




I let go of the harbour buoy that I had pulled under water. Physics takes over and all that buoyancy takes over and sends it zooming to the surface and to borrow from the cartoon world he pulls a mid-flight Willey-Coyote and collides with it ay about three hundred miles an hour.

His power armor isn’t that armored.

And a good bit of him collides with a good bit of it crotch first.

His machine gun goes flying and I catch it and point it at him. He’s not moving…I hit him with a ray scan of Scarlet light and he’s alive but seriously hurt. I look around seeing a harbour patrol boat coming to fetch his butt. I fly over them.

“He’s alive but he’ll need serious medical attention.”

I toss them the rifle since it’s not my way and I remix my energies and I kick in the afterburners so to speak and I rocket myself at the two suits trying to take Daystar down and it looks as if they’re trying to shoot up the two buses that he had caught.

Sentinel’s there with him doing his best to keep that from happening but he’s one guy in very good armor trying to protect two school buses and his teammate.

I charge up my hand with blaster energy and I flank one as he’s about to shoot and there’s a power flash and a recoil I feel all the way up my arm and bits of armor plating and ceramics go flying as I knock the one I hit back in the air several dozen yards.

I hover close to Sentinel and do the make me a target Scarlet energy flame aura trick and charge up my hands with blaster energies. “This is one heck of a team audition you guys are throwing.”

“Welcome to my life Scarlet, I think I pissed of a Chinese monk in a previous lifetime.”

“Yeah I think I got the whole interesting times thing happening too.”

The guy I hit recovers and comes back hard and into formation with his buddy and they fire rockets at us.

“Oh lovely…”

I have no words really when they veer away from us and detonate in empty air. I see Sentinel with his hand outstretched…powers and power armor? Ho…that…that I wasn’t expecting.

Neither were they and I open fire on the guy that I had blaster punched and like that firefly trick I concentrate on this…rapid fire…and homing…hit the damaged part…the intakes for the thruster packs they’re using.

He goes down in a…oh shit he’s on fire…there’s an explosion in his suit…did I?

I get hit by the other guy and hard this guy’s a much better shot that the first guy that I fought and there’s micro-explosions erupting along my shield and each on feels like I’m getting hit hard by a baseball bat…actually seven bats in total and I’d be dead, actually dead because there’s a lot more that would of hit me if Sentinel hadn’t pulled me into his arms and turned away and covered me with his own body…oh god…a fully auto barrage with explosive rounds…

All I can hear is the m-80 fireworks kind of sounds going off with each round and see sparks and bit’s of armor and flames…the smell of burned explosives and…pork…oh god…no…no… no.

The bastard goes past us in a flyby and he banks to come at us again and Sentinel is still awake and alive some how and he says. “Scarlet…”


“Hold me up.”


I take a tighter grip and he does that arm thing and he raises his arm again and I see chunks of armor missing and underlay missing and bleeding and burned human flesh underneath.

Then his suit shuts down?

Sentinel sort of does that snarling grunt like a guy benching hard weight and his fingertips crackle with spider lightning?

The guy coming at us screams in fear and shock as he hits something and his power armor literally flies apart like all of the assembly locks and stuff all popped open at once and his flight speed is now pulling his armor off of him as he’s heading to the water in an uncontrolled tumble.

He’d been goop for the fishes if Daystar hadn’t light speed flashed in and caught him…part of me lets a breath go. He might have deserved to get taken out but in the end I’d much rather the heroes be heroes and have these guys tried in a court of law and be dealt with justly than dying.

I’m looking for the one that went down in flames.



Nothing…just bits still burning on the water. I…I killed someone.



Oh…what…oh…he knows…

He takes my chin in his hand to look at me in the face and says. “It was a good shoot.”


His suit powers back up and he slides his boot under my feet and he wraps his arms around me in this hug.

Which takes me right back to him doing this and saving me…

I break down bawling in his arms.

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Oh no!

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

I feel so sorry for Darcy. When you start slinging powers around in such an environment sooner or later someone is going to be hurt or worse. It's easy to think about it like the comic books where people get knocked through walls without lasting harm but the reality would be much more dangerous. That she did it to save lives is something she needs to try and remember but how she deals with this will probably be her most difficult thing since becoming a hero. I wouldn't blame her if she wanted a time out or to walk away from being the Scarlet Angel. Maybe some time with Nikki might be in order, just kicking back and having some fun.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

It might come to that once everything else hits.

With the bracelet's influence, the sense of presences, the interview, the classes she'll be expected to take. Dale's life, Dale's classes....This will be something huge for her, it's changed her already.
Thankfully she's in really good hands with Sentinel.
*Great Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

good shoot...

it may be, but its still going to effect her, even if the guy deserved it. its just the kind of person she is.
great chapter, thanks

Good shoot...Cop wise or not Darcy just killed.

And there's really no way to prepare yourself in the way that'll it change you. It messed people up hard all the time.
*Hugs and Howls*

Bailey Summers

"I break down bawling in his arms."

I'm glad he was there for her at that moment. She's going to be dealing with this for a while, maybe even PTSD level problems unless they work with her right away on it.


Sentinel's been there before they all have...

It's the job, it's doing the right thing even when you hate it. It is the hardest job you'll ever love. They've got her back:)
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey...A Proud Big Brother.

Bailey Summers

tough story

Darcy got the bad end of being in law enforcement, hero or cop. When people are out there using deadly force sometimes stopping them means people get hurt and die. The bad guys were using military grade weapons and would've killed her and those kids in an instant.

At least she has people around her who knows how to help.



The bad guys attacked a bunch of kids with the intent of killing as many as they can this makes them the aggressors. Our hero's are the shield between certain death of Innocent people. If a person drives into a wall on there own, the wall did not murder them. The person behind the wheel murdered them selves. This is the same situation the cretins murdered them selves.
It may seem like splitting hairs but it is really reality. Chose to harm or try to kill another you have voided your rite to call fowl. We have been victimizing the victims who defend them selves for so long we sympathies with the wrong doers. Our hero's are the wall our bad guys regrettably chose to drive into regrettable but no sympathy from me.

General George Armstrong Custer deserved the Arrow shirt Crazy horse gave him.

Michele Whitewolf

Relative to Chef Black Kettle survivor of Wounded Knee massacre.
Yea this is personal.

With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
