My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-9.

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My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-9.

Chapter 9

I slowly get myself settled into the chair and I’m wiping my hands off on my pants trying not to be as obviously nervous as I feel. Oh and guys, there really is no feeling quite as messed up as having sweaty boobs. I mean when you’re not used to having them.

Victory looks at me as she takes her own seat and she takes a sip from her bottled water.
“I’m going to be blunt about it Scarlet I want you on the new teams.”

“New teams?”

“We’re us being the Halo Group are starting to see the need of New blood but not just new blood for The Ark angels or The Champions or The New Light Rangers but for other places, other cities and even in places like Ark City in different districts.”

Samson adds in this deep smooth bass voice. “We are also looking to train teams if we are lucky enough for conjunction with actual police departments and fire departments or the federal marshals.”

“Not Home-sec or the military?”

“No they recruit their own members or agents.”

“I’d be honored to do something like that but I sort of have some other commitments.”

She nods. “College, it takes up a lot of time really doesn’t it.”

“How do you know that I go to college?”

“A good guess, I’ve known most of the previous Scarlet’s a lot of them started as students too.”


She gives me this really friendly smile. “I started in high school and my first costume was an old BMX racing suit.”


“For true.”

“Okay, I’d like to have seen that.”

She smiles like a cat in cream. “Unfortunately none of them had survived my madcap adventures.”

“Part time?” I ask.

“As a Deputy Ark Angel but there’s going to be a serious cost in hours first.”


“All Ark Angels are required to pass a bunch of training and be certified in a number of things.”


“Swimming and life guard, drivers licence, offensive driving course, defensive driving course, police ethics lecture, firearms training, basic criminal forensics, evidence handling, all the things basically to make you not a full fledged police officer but enough to get you by with procedure and so you can work along side of them whenever you need to. The better trained you are the better you’ll get paid.”

“We get paid?”

“A modest amount really starting out under a patrolman’s actually.”


“We have a lot of perks that really add up in the costs.”

“I can see that.” I gesture around.

“Good benefactors.”

“I met Mr. Chase; he was what I expected him to be like.”

“Ryan never is.”

“I’ll get you a copy of my class schedule?”

“We’ll need that.”

“So if I come clean to you guys Identity wise can I get those classes on my resume?”

“If you’d like. But I wouldn’t recommend it.”


“You’ll get noticed by someone at some time and they’ll look into your alternate ID. If you have all these courses to your name they’ll make some pretty deadly math and there’ll be people coming out of the woodwork after you and after what you know.”


I’m looking out the windows and I’m seeing this flying V like ducks but not…exo-suits but not the ones that I seen on the police platform.

“Uhm guys…I think that there’s trouble!”

There’s a lot of them and they are coming right at us. Then they split two groups veering off and three armors firing at us.

The windows rebound shake then some of the rounds make cracks. Then they shoot rockets at us and the glass blows in on us in that wall. I turn to keep getting glass in my eyes and I see them hitting the Super Bridge…I look at Victory and her eyes…I see the start of her powering up… you ever see superman pissed?

Yah-huh exactly…chills and goosebumps and this sort of déjá -vu.

“Go! I’ve got it here!”

I don’t need to be told twice and I turn and run and flare up and blast a hole through the glass and kick it the speed letting the energy’s HUD effect take stock of the situation.

There’s a shining light coming in beside me from the town area he looks…Think huge guy with movie start great looks and this sort of edge to him bathed in golden light…his costume? Black t-shirt, blue jeans and work boots.

Then we’re taking gunfire as we’re being engaged and I see two of the busses go over the edge and he does this flying flip over rolling thing like…I don’t know but he catches both buses full of kids a rear bumper in each hand and his eyes light up like two pools of the actual sun instead of just the glowing and all the muscles are taut on his body and …the bullets their using on him are doing these little pfft things as they hit his energy.

Another bus is teetering and there’s some kid all tied up into a living net inside keeping the kids from falling out. Okay…I can see this image of this other kid overlaid there too.

Shit it’s going over the edge!

I fly over and okay I can make a shield and do all of these other things then I can make…grapple lines! I snag the bus at a bunch of different points and keep flying and start to tow it…there’s too much weight…no…I can do this…these…I flip upside down and look into the bus…they might be different they might not be like I was growing up but these are kids.


I flip back over and I go full thrust…c’mon Darcy dig, dig deep.

I scream…. “Aaagh!!!” and I don’t care how much it hurts…and it does the energy is part of me and it feels like its being pulled out of me.

And I swear…I swear I can faintly hear these voices inside me…grandma’s saying something…something important…important to all of them. I have sweat running off me in rivers under my suit and I bite down on the pain and I start repeating the words.

“I…I will walk into that darkness.”
“I will step into the breach.”
“Every time…”
“Every time!”
“I will bring forth justice and law.”
“I will keep the peace.”
“I will lay down my life.”
“Even for a single life.”
“Every time…”
“Every time…”
“I swear this is my code, my creed.”
“I will live these words until my last day.”
“Even if it’s today!”
“Because this is the truth that’s in my soul!”
“Because…I am…an Ark Angel!”

I think that I’ve reached harder and deeper than I have ever done in my life and I feel it…that hard pull give a little…then a little more and I can feel the rear wheels of the bus ride up and over the edge of the bridge to rest on the pavement. The bus slowly moving away from the edge.

I fall the whole eight feet from where I was flying to the ground as the bus is settled onto the pavement. I can hear the kids inside screaming good screams…cheers.

I look up to see one of the terrorist exo-suits headed my way.

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All I can say


Thanks Cliff:)

I really do appreciate the comments:)
*Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

I absolutely adored the oath

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

I absolutely adored the oath for the Ark Angels. :-) As superhero codes go, there is absolutely no room for doubt as what you are expected to do. It's a lot for Scarlet to live up to.

I thought it was interesting to see the bracelet definitely contains the voice of Darcy's grandmother and yet again raises the question of what exactly is the bracelet and what is in it? Psychic echoes of the previous wearers perhaps? An AI? Magic? Lots of questions there. I think in Darcy's shoes it would both reassure me and freak me out in equal measure to feel those who went before alongside me in battle!

An excellent chapter. :-)

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Gosh Thanks So Much for this Jemima!

I love the comments and for you and the others to repost things is just beyond amazing:)
There is a lot of heady and heavy responsibility with the oath and what it means. It's a lot to live up to and for Scarlet...with whatever's going on with the bracelet it's got even more weight and strength to it.
She is freaked or will be even more so when she has time to think about all of it and will want answers.
Again Thank You So Much:)
*More Hugs*

Bailey Summers

You gave us three chapters in

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

You gave us three chapters in a day Bailey, so I think I can stretch to a little reposting. Actually, I think my comment was better second time around. :-)


"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

my orignal comment got lost

but to recap it, I love the oath, love the whole feel of the chapter.


There was a very GL moment there for me in a way.

I love Oaths and think that they are very powerful things. I've never heard of the Justice League or the Legion or even the Avengers having them but EMT's, Doctors, Nurses, Police, Firefighters all have oaths to pledge their beliefs to.

Thanks so, so, very much for commenting again Dorothy:)
It means so much more than just words on a screen.
*Great Big Angel Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Fantastic Oath. It really

Fantastic Oath. It really needs some smashing art work or some Insignia so we could put it on a T shirt for us T girl Mutants to wear. O by the way the story is really smashing good as well.
T he he he.

With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


The Ark Angel Logo is...

An Angel version of Lady Justice with the blindfold and she's knelt in prayer with both hands on a sword pointed down and her wings unfurled/open.

There's a trans-mutant shirt out in freaktown someone puts out with both the symbols of male and female linked at the same circle, but the circle is bright green and has that happy face logo on it.

There's a lot of rebel mutant culture stuff in the underground scene.
*Great Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Could use a little more action

NOT! What a chapter. Scarlet doesn't seem sure of herself, but when the going gets tough...the true heroes are revealed! Wow! I REALLY like Darcy! She just seems so...human! I don't know if y'all could see me, but I was pulling and working right there beside her. Other heroes may be stronger, but I doubt any of them have the same level of spirit as Darcy dsoes

Next episode, please!


PS-I gotta say, that was EXCITING! Well done!

More coming soon Wren!

I'm so glad that you liked this chapter and Darcy is a really great gal. And y'know even on a far distant world like New Haven she's still just a girl raised out if the mid-west.

To Quote one of New Haven's oldest and first super heroes Paladin. "The most important thing for a hero? No, not powers or gimmicks. It's heart, miles and miles of heart."

*Big Hugz*

Bailey Summers