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The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs") ![]() Blog #37: Back in Manila To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/28818/family-girl-blogs |
Moe n I arrived in Manila this morning - about 6AM Sunday (or 6PM Saturday EST). Another four weeks here in sunny Manila.
Anyway, we arrived with minimum baggage again (so there'll be room for more new stuff), so we got through all the customs stuff et cetera fairly quickly. Stil, after our driver picked us up at the airport, we got to our house at about ten. We ordered some take-out food from a place call Chow King (cute name, huh?). Orange chicken, fried rolls, chicken noodle soup and chinese fried rice. It wasn't the best meal (sorta like a chinese TV dinner), but we weren't picky. We then went to bed for a nap.
It's about three in the afternoon. Moe's still sleeping, but I should wake her up in a few hours so we can clean up, tidy up the house a bit, and be ready when Manny comes by with Tintin, and we can go out for dinner.
It's Palm Sunday (as most Catholics and hardcore Christians know), which is the first day of Holy Week (I guess I'll miss the service today, maybe I'll go to church tomorrow), so it's almost guaranteed that there'll be a lot of people out.
Tintin texted we're going to an itslian-type place called Balducci's and it's supposed to be good, but no need to get all dressed up. It' not really fine dining like I know it, but that's ok, so long as the food's tasty.
It's pretty bright and warm here, as usual. Wish it was like this at home all the time. And since I heard most of Holy Week is a holiday here, it's Beach Time! (The office doesn't need to know heehee.) Gotta ask Tintin where to get swim suits and stuff.
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The Family Girl Blog #37: Back in Manila
Hope you two have fun
May Your Light Forever Shine
Yes, summer is in full force
Yes, summer is in full force here, and all of us are looking forward to the holy week!
Good luck
ah swimming...
That's one thing I most likely will not be able to be doing this summer... I'm far too hairy to pass for female in a bikini, but there's no way I'm wearing trunks ever again, 'sides, I really don't need to be flashing the girls around, I'm too skinny to claim moobs... If only there was an easy way to reach my own upper back and shoulders with hair removal creams... I don't have anyone around here willing to help me, and this is probably going to be a very hot summer since we had such a mild winter.
Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Bobby, don't let my jealous musings dampen anything for you. It's still spring though... hopefully there's still plenty of time to figure something out before it gets too warm...
Abigail Drew.
You can look for lotion
You can look for lotion applicators on Amazon. Also things like a wand that hold a razor so you can reach your back, and electric razors with long handles.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
mangroomer dot com
My friend, who is transitioning (m-t-f), was refered by her aesthetics consultant to a website called mangroomer dot com (apologies for the alphabetics - don't want my post to be the cause for phishing et cetera). Maybe you can check this site out. (i prefer "Bobbie" with an "ie", by the way)
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oh, woops.
Didn't even think about it! "Bobby" with a y is just what I'm used to so it's what my hands default to when typing the name, I'll try to remember to fix my typo in the future ;P
Sorry, Bobbie.
Anyways... about the mangroomer... looks great as a shaver goes, but I already have something else for that - just a regular old hand unit that I use... I'm extremely flexible (always have been...) and have no real problem SHAVING my back... but that leaves obvious stubble and grows back quickly enough as to be meaningless... I need a way to apply the "Nair" - actually, I use Sally Hansen's, but everyone seems to just refer to the creams by the Nair brand - to my back. Sally Hansen's gives other parts of my body great results for at least a week or so. I can't just apply it the same way I shave my back, I just know I'll accidentally apply too much pressure and wind up rubbing it in - huge no no, if you've ever used Nair and accidentally done so against directions... you'll know why directions explicitly say never to rub it in ;)
Abigail Drew.
Sounds like...
Sounds like you need a friend you can trust...
Good luck,
Hope you had...
Hope you had/have a nice time.
We had a loverly Palm Sunday service. :-)
Thanks for blogging.