My Super Secret Life-11.

My Super Secret Life-11

Chapter 11

I have a headache.

And the worst taste in my mouth in a long time. It’s like sweat mixed with lots of copper. I look over to the others and I’m watching Kai or Shane being led over the ambulance too.
She really kicked butt today. I’d have liked to have helped her out more but I got stun blaster by a Barbie-girl.
No I’m not joking.
We were shopping and there was an armed robbery at this ladies shopping store by seven girls dressed up as Barbie.
Like the dolls, the toys and the videos.
All talking in “Vale” and all of them with those synth-skin movie masks to look like Barbie…and voice disguisers to sound like Barbie…

Okay, so it might have hit a sore spot with me about the whole Barbie ditz old me thing.

You’re able to dress up in armor cloth, afford these custom disguises and grenades and stun blasters…..and becoming seven Barbie clones is what you come up with?!?

Fucking Barbie?....barf, retch…

But of yeah Shane. What a contradiction and mystery. She’s cute, almost better than cute she’s this sexy Japanese shy school-girl with this hint of something street but definitely foreign. It like she’s from the streets a bit but she’s hiding it? I’m so getting this whole Idea of her growing up in some street-gang wherever she came here from.

I know she’s in refugee housing at school and lives in one of those dorms on campus and that her given name is Kai and I think there’s more bleed over in me from titan because I think I was being more than friendly with her. It’s just like these feeling and just things like opening the door for her just kind of bubbled up around her.

But y’know. I kind of liked being like that around her. It felt sort of down and relaxed like I was sort of being myself with her and not the way that it’s sort of been with a few of my older friends.

Don’t get me wrong those girls are still my friends and stuff, we’ve been buds from the time we were in kindergarten together but things happen…okay extraordinary things happen in my case but still things happen and people change and they drift apart.

Okay…all of that stuff aside Shane is really cute in a sexy shy way and the way she acts, like her mannerisms are definitely not from around here making her really exotic.
Dammit first Sonya, now her? Is it just me running into these amazing girls or is it the male stuff noticing that women are just amazing.

It could be that really. I’m noticing all sorts of stuff about girls that I just never noticed or took for granted before.

I’m getting checked out again when Overdrive comes back with his data-pad and he looks me over. It’s funny I’m not all swoony over him and the other guys I’ve met so far. And you’d think that’d be the case.

Overdrive is a super speedster and you’s think slim but he can break the sound barrier so his body is built and re-enforced to handle those stresses. The end result is a black guy that got long legs and a super cut body coming in at about six foot four and close to two hundred and fifty lbs. of muscle with strong shoulders and well he’s hawt in a purely objective since. Traipse him around in this skin tight armor-cloth stuff all in the traditional white on azure blue of the Paradise City Police Department and he’s quite the picture.

Still though he’s one of the few “Supers” that was a cop before he got his powers. He’s one of those real stand up guys.

“Sunny, can I get you to come over here and see if you might be able to recognize any of these girls?”


“One of them said your name.”

“Said my name?”

“I overheard them whispering.”

I get up and go over with him to the transport aero-truck they’ll be using to send them to the city jail and the regular cops have their masks off. I don’t know them, know them but they’re a couple of years older than me, most of them have already graduated, three of them last year. I point them out to him by barely whispering their numbers.

“Three, six and seven all graduated last year. I’ve seen them around town after they flunked out of university. I think seven’s working at Galaxy-Dog. I can get why if they’re all like her and broke or cut off but where are they getting their stuff.”

He nods and is making notes on his pad. I try not to watch, super speed fingers don’t look quite like fingers as they move that fast, it’s after images but they kind of go all squiddy.

“You can get why?” he’s giving me the eyebrow thing even though he’s got this helmet on with a mecha look; they call it the “Optimus”? style in street slang.

I nod. “Look these girls are all from my school, some of them graduated before I did but if they’re all drop outs and their either working shitty jobs and/or are cut off from mommy and daddy’s money then yeah…these clothes, jewellery, it’s worth a lot of money.”

“I know jewellery is worth money, but some of the other stuff?”

“That red silk and lace edged chemise in the evidence bag there. That’s designer, you can stuff that in a pocket and it’s in store price is close to three hundred dollars.”

“What!” It’s not a yell but that WTF shocked whisper.

“Yeah, and looking at what they had been taking this is all pretty high end stuff. I’ve never shopped in them myself but I’m sure there’s re-sale shops that’d handle stuff like this.”

“I see, thank you Sunny this helped a lot.”

I indentify the ones I know and I got a few dirty looks from them except for the one who zapped me she’s smiling. She didn’t like me back then and I can get why. The old me stepped on a lot of toes and hurt a lot of people to get where she was socially. It’s why I’d been insane enough to take a drug serum on the chance it could make a better me.

I’m really glad that I’m not about all that stuff anymore.

But it’s the same stuff that pushed these girls to do this. And honestly if they had gotten away with it who would have expected a bunch of ditzy air-heads like them to pull off a job like this.

“Hey Drive, they didn’t plan this.”

“What do you mean?”

“The gear, the way they came it, the fencing of the stuff they’d have to do…no, I know these girls, hell I was these girls. No they’re working for someone. Some one smart enough to hit all their buttons and get them to do this.”

“Great, can you get home then have T. meet us at the Octagon?”

“Sure I’ll be there as soon as I can. I want to get Shane home first.”

“Mmm, watch her.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s dangerous, unpowered as far as we can tell but she took a bunch of taser rounds when they caught her when she first got here. “

“Ouch they shot her with those, that’s not fun.”

“Three in a row barely slowed her and she hurt a couple of cops in storming gear.”

“Whoa…okay her hurting the cops I can see she’s a hell on wheels martial artist and she did most of all of this.”

“I know but she can likely tangle with enhanced people and still come out on top in a lot of cases. The cops passed her DNA and scans around and she doesn’t exist. Not here, not in The Alliance Database, INTERGAL, and Homeworld Security even has nothing on her.”

“You try the Ark Angels?”

“Yeah nothing either. Shroud doesn’t like her and I agree a fighter that good should me known somewhere.”

“Maybe, but there’s a lot of colonies out there Drive and a lot of them aren’t listed that we know of. It’s not like The Red Star Republic is going to let us know what colonies they have going behind their borders.”

“She’s Japanese, Her DNA is that pure she’s pureblood Japanese no other ethnic’s in her Strand at all.”


“Impossible unless she’s a time traveller or a clone.”

“But both aren’t possible.”


“Okay, yeah I know.” I blush a bit because given the life I’m living now the impossible isn’t that far fetched.

“I’ll see you later then.”


I leave where he’s at after signing off on my statement as sunny and then go over to where Shane’s sitting and she looks a little scared, shy, a little freaked out. She’s got a blanket over her shoulders and is sipping at a bottle of water. She looks at me. “Sunny-Kun? Am I in trouble?”

“No, the officer just wanted my statement and they were very appreciative of your martial art talents and for that matter so am I. Thanks for having my back there.”

“Oh, it was my honor; you are a very brave woman Sunny-Kun.”

“I’m not sure if I was brave or just stupid. They could have had much more dangerous weapons and I just did without thinking.”

“Hai, but I did as well.”

I smile at her. “Well then we’ve likely had enough excitement for awhile. I think we’re also done shopping for today at least, let’s get our stuff and I’ll drive you home okay?”

“Hai, I’m sorry If I cause you any trouble Sunny.” She dropped the Kun thing; I’m going to have to look up some stuff on Japanese culture and language. But…she did this shy hands in her pocket and hide behind her hair thing that’s very…Oh I’m just so screwed…

We end up getting our things sorted by the staff from the things of the other customers and because we jumped in a tried to…well stopped the robbery the store manager scans us up two gift cards for the store here and mine’s for a hundred dollars and Shane’s is for three hundred. The way that she’s staring at it nearly crying is very…

She must have had a pretty rough life. I mean I wasn’t expecting this kind of thing I wouldn’t be that crass but at the same time I was, it’s something that had a good chance of happening. Shane looks like she was just handed a winning lotto ticket.

I get our things into my car and find myself opening up the door for her again. It’s almost like a reflex or something and I really like the way that she’s shyly looking at me and checking me out? I feel kind of, well guyish but not. I mean it’s similar I guess being the “Top” in this situation but it’s not like I felt as Titan, it’s something different but it’s the girl version of it.

I think I like the feeling.

I drive carefully taking my time but also a few side streets that aren’t the usual routes that are quicker. Shane looks surprised but doesn’t say much, she doesn’t look afraid though. The way she can fight, I’m thinking that not much short of firearms will unnerve her. I shrug as I hit the main streets just outside of the campus gates by about a block. “It’s shorter and we skipped most of the lights.”

I pull us into the campus and I see a few news vans here already. They’re not looking at us yet and are interviewing a bunch of my old crowd. I figure they’re here after finding out the Barbies are all Alumni of the school. I drive slowly and through the back part of two of the parking lots before they catch notice of us and start harassing me but more for Shane.

I’m not sure how’d she’d take to being popularized by the media idiots who wanted a taste of something exciting. If the dug as much as we did it could get nasty and they’d be like a dog with a bone about the mystery behind her.

We’re lucky and we get to her dorms without being seen by the press types and I help carry her things to her dorm room. It’s a nice size room with a fourth floor view and a nice big archway window that has a window seat, two good sized closets and two beds as well as a little cubby hole that has a mini fridge and a microwave inside of it. It doesn’t look like she’s got a room mate yet. There’s no bathroom though. That means communal bathrooms, oh that’d suck.

I carried most of the bags up for her and find myself not staring but really, really enjoying the sexy sway of her little bum in that short skirt she’s wearing. I set them down on the empty bed. “Well here we are all safe and sound. I hope today didn’t get ruined by the stuff that happened in the outlet mall.”

“No, this…this was one of the best days that I’ve ever had…thank you.”

She stands up on her tip toes and she kisses me.

It’s my very first girl on girl kiss and it’s good, oh it’s so good…Shane’s lips are so silky soft but lush too and she can kiss and it’s like getting kissed by a boy who can really kiss at first but then she just sort of just gives, pulls me into her when I kiss her back and she went from her being brave and cute to being this amazing little shy sweet asian beauty that I really, really love kissing.

I nearly run my fingers through her hair; I almost touch her face…other things. I’m flushed and aching and I swear I can almost feel…anticipate the feel of our bodies together girl soft on girl soft and so…

I have to break the kiss…had too…

“Shane…Shane…I’m…I’ve got a boyfriend…”

She steps back and she gives me the oddest look.

We weren’t kissing, she was hugging me…I had fantasized the whole kiss in my head…

I blush a deep red and stammer out. “Oh crap…I’m sorry Shane I...I... thought that you were going to kiss me.”

She’s staring at me and she lowers her face. And says in that soft sweet but shy voice of hers that just feels…

Then she blushes and says something in Japanese. I have no idea at all what she said…I bite my lip. “Sorry Shane I guess I jumped the gun there and just made a total ass out of myself. Are we…good…?”

“Hai, we are good Sunny-Kun.” God this time she even bowed a little.

“Oh, good…I uhm have to go.” I feel like such a Dork!, I’ve never…


I leave but it’s kind of slow and way more self conscious than I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve strutted in my lingerie at parties before and now I’m slinking out of the dorms feeling like…

“God…I…” Yeah, I’ve never felt like this. I’ve never felt like such and unsure dork…I look up at the sky and I’m not normally a religious person but I can’t help but ask. “You have no sense of proportion do you!?”

God/Goddess/The Sky Fairy…whatever else is out there decides to get back a little karma because….as I’m backing out of the parking lot I drive up and over the curb and with this lovely scraaaaape sound I see my muffler not just comes off but get flattened as my front tires back over it.

“Fuck!” I hit my head on the steering wheel…on purpose, like a head-desk…and just to make Everything worse I look up through my bands and Shane’s watching me through the window. She saw the whole thing…

Isn’t this Alpha-Omni stuff supposed to boost you?

I pull away as fast as I can my car sounding like a complete wreck, red and embarrassed I head to The Tower so I can change into Titan and head to the Octagon.


Oh I’m enhanced alright I just gained all of my awkward teenaged guy stuff…

That’s going to go over so well with my boyfriend.

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