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(aka Bike) Part 1336 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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I felt very glad to get home after meeting Carol and Gordon. However, en route, Trish asked if she could go and play with Sascha again. I suggested that perhaps she might like to come to us, and Trish asked me when she could phone her to ask.
“I think it might be better to wait a day or two before you do.”
She slumped in her seat and pouted, I just ignored her. We arrived back and were greeted by the remaining offspring who told me that they’d found all the eggs with Simon’s help. Seeing as he helped me hide them, I think tends to indicate either my kids are less observant than I thought, or more devious. I decided not to think about that any further.
Jenny had popped in the roasties and they were done to perfection. I turned up the oven mixed up some Yorkshire pudding batter–I know you’re only supposed to eat it with beef–so, sue me–and popped it in the oven. By the time I’d drained all the veg and removed the meat to rest, the Yorkshire was done.
Tom did the carving as befits the patriarch, Simon opened two bottles of wine and I sighed in despair–he and Tom would probably be asleep the rest of the afternoon. That became prophetic–they did drink too much and then sneak off to snooze. To my annoyance, Jenny had also consumed more than was good for her and she zonked in a chair as well–so I was left to deal with all the children by myself.
Once we’d cleared the table and got the kitchen sorted, I suggested we all go for a walk. Trish asked if she could take her bike, then so did Livvie and Billie. Danny agreed to watch the cyclists and Julie and I with help from Meems pushed the two infants in push chairs.
Of course the cyclists rushed up and down travelling about four or five times what we did on foot, but they all seemed to be enjoying themselves. The roads were reasonably quiet, presumably people were either at garden centres or the beach. The major ones like the supermarkets have to close on Christmas and Easter day but the smaller places were all open. I bought them all an ice cream and had one myself.
As we strolled eating our ice creams and enjoying the weather, Julie remarked, “This is what it’s all about, isn’t it, Mummy?”
“I don’ know, probably because we do it so little we treat it like novelty, but walking is good for you, especially after a meal–although I don’t think we’re going fast enough to burn many calories.”
“Does that matter, I just feel so chilled out.”
“The effect of the ice cream?” I asked, playing dumb, and she looked at me questioningly before she began to laugh. I might not talk in the strange parlance that teens use but I still have a sense of humour even if it has felt sorely tested recently.
Billie came rushing through on her bike, “Mummy, come quickly–there’s been an accident.”
“What sort of accident?” I gasped walking more quickly.
“Come and see.”
“Here, you push Catherine and I’ll use your bike to go ahead.” I don’t know about exercise increasing heart rate, I reckon mine was hammering from the effects of adrenalin–by the time I actually got on the bike, I’d probably secreted about two gallons of it. Of course the bike was too small for me to ride and being a proper road bike, the saddle is adjusted with allen keys. I just stood on the pedals and fairly flew along the path not knowing what to expect.
When I got to the site of the incident, some youngster–possibly a boy racer–had hit a deer. His car was stoved in quite a lot and he was wandering round in a daze shouting at the poor deer which lay gasping its last, its head supported by Danny who was stroking it and talking gently to it. There were tears in his eyes and the girls were all sobbing.
“Can you help him, Mummy?” asked Trish.
The driver looked over at us and sneered, “I wouldn’t bother, love, he’s a gonner and look what the fucking thing did to my car.”
“Would you mind not swearing in front of my children, they’re not used to such language.”
“Oh fuck you, too then. Stupid fucking deer, shoot the fucking lot.”
“It might be more beneficial for road safety to shoot all young male drivers.”
“Oh yeah, my fault innit–that stupid fucking thing just ran out in front of me. I had no chance.”
“Not at the speed you were going–you wouldn’t. What if a child had run out in front of you–or can’t you see that?”
“Fucking children should be kept under fucking control.”
“I see your vocabulary hasn’t improved since year one, and I agree with you, I think your parents shouldn’t allow you out by yourself.”
“Aw go fuck yourself.”
“Don’t you speak to my mummy like that you loud mouthed, small brained, ignoramus.” Trish stepped into the fray.
While I was swapping insults with the youth, I was sending light to the deer–I didn’t know if it would work on such a badly injured animal, but it was still alive to everyone’s amazement.
“I’d keep this brat under control, missus, unless you want her to meet with an accident.”
I walked up to him and drew Trish away, “If you so much as look nastily at her, I’ll have you arrested before you can blink.”
“You don’t frighten me, darlin’, but I bet you shag alright.”
“You silly little boy,” I spat at him and before I could stop myself I slapped him.
“You bitch,” he went to hit me back and Trish punched him right in his pride and joy. He sank to his knees.
“You leave my mummy alone, you brute,” she said punching him in the eye.
I nearly wet myself, but managed to drag Trish away. By this time Julie had arrived and she knew him.
I told her briefly what had happened, she laughed and stood full square with me. “You dick head, Docherty, if you didn’t drive so fast Bambi would have missed you.”
“Shut the fuck up, bitch.”
“Come on, let’s see if we can help the deer.” I tried to calm everyone down. The youth was on his mobile again but at least he wasn’t reporting that he’d been decked by a seven year old little girl. Mind you, I think that punch had more than a little of Patrick know-how to it.
I knelt with the deer and with Trish and Julie, helped by Danny, Meems and Livvie we had enormous energy going into her–it was a female and likely a pregnant one, so I hoped the fawn was going to recover as well.
“What the fuck are you lot doing–where’s that fucking blue light coming from?”
The deer started to move a little and I felt the energy ramp itself up, ten minutes later, the animal actually rose up and although a bit wobbly, it was actually standing.
Livvie walked to its head and began stroking its nose while talking to it, the snorts which had been short and spasmodic seemed to slow down and become more regular. It licked her on the cheek and she giggled and kissed it on the nose which made it step back a fraction.
I had my hands on its abdomen–I could feel the calf inside moving very slightly–and I asked Trish to help there. She seemed to understand–asking if it had a baby inside. I nodded and she placed her hands on exactly the right place.
I could then move to the animal’s thorax and begin realigning the broken ribs. She wince a bit, as I pushed them back together but Livvie was now blowing on her nose and she just stood there as if in a trance–don’t forget this was a wild animal which had been hurt, so what she was letting us do to her was quite a surprise–to me at any rate, and to bigmouth, who was taking photos with his mobile phone–I hoped the energy would resolve that for us.
It did or some sort of resolution happened when he walked round his car to get another angle, seemingly snagged his leg dropped his phone and a passing car ran over it–crushing it into a thousand pieces. That started his swearing again. He banged on his car and the deer seemed to snap out of her trance and snorted.
“It’s all that stupid fucking deer’s fault,” he declared and walked towards her, he was going to kick her when she spotted it coming and lashed out with her back leg and caught him–guess where. This time he fell down and rolled in apparent agony into a patch of nettles–that didn’t help him one bit.
The deer with a final snort began to walk away and all the children clapped and cheered. By this time our new casualty had managed to get himself to a kneeling position–his bare arms and legs–he was wearing shorts and a tee shirt–were covered in an urticaria or nettle rash–unsurprisingly.
“Help me will you?” he said to me.
“Children, see if you find a dock leaf for this young man.” They didn’t look very hard and were giggling the whole time.
“Did you call for assistance?”
“Yeah, the AA is comin’ but they’re goin’ to take a couple of ‘ours–bloody holiday weekends.”
There was blood in the crutch of his shorts which I don’t think he’d seen and I didn’t think he was having a period. Deer have cloven hoofs and they can be quite sharp–ask anyone who has a manicured lawn and lives in the country will know–the deer leave footprints called slots because that’s what they look like, two slots and it can destroy a lawn if the ground is soft. If his nuts were soft, he could have slots too.
“God this fuckin’ hurts,” he said holding his groin, then he saw the blood screamed and passed out. That was when I called the ambulance.

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What a
'foul mouthed little ignoramus he was,suffering TMT---too much testosterone!
The deer
might have reduced that somewhat!
Angharad :)
You wicked wicked lady.
Okay, Healing A Bear
In a dream is one thing, I sure wasn't expecting an animal healing outside the dream world. Does this mean the wrath of the gods will be brought on Cathy?
What about macho boy and his hoof print, down there, is it permanent damage, will he become what he seems to dislike?
Great story Angharad
Keep up the good work
Well I read it that the Bear spirit
may very well be helpful to her in her future dealings with wild animals. She has an affinity for dormice and she is a naturalist in general. And with the bear spirit around, who knows what she can do in the name of nature and natural conservation and being able to heal animals in general?
Well I read it that the Bear spirit
may very well be helpful to her in her future dealings with wild animals. She has an affinity for dormice and she is a naturalist in general. And with the bear spirit around, who knows what she can do in the name of nature and natural conservation and being able to heal animals in general?
I sincerely
'hope so Angha. He deserves to sing soprano after being attended to by 'Trish and the deer!
No... He doesn't.
Well - not for the reason many would like to sing soprano... But, I get the meaning.
I love the little 'asides'.
And this was a good one. Just a refreshing change of direction for a moment to bring a bit of novelty into the saga, (for saga it is, this 'Bike thing',)
A thousand and one nights has got nothing on our Angie.
And I'm still enjoying it!!
Love and hugs.
Growing old disgracefully.
Blue light for Mr TMT?
Well maybe, maybe not. The blue light has a mind of its own.
As far as the deer goes, I love animals, I do, but sadly one or even two less deer would not be a big deal in the States and in a lot of countries in Europe there are not enough predators to keep the population down so autos do part of the control. A lot of those predators were killed off by humans of course.
I am not sad this deer survived but there is a reality out there.
shouldn't laugh
Hard not to though. Nasty and nice in one neat little pack. Nice one deer.
Yorkshire pudding ...
... shouldn't be eaten with anything. My father-in-law always had his separately before the main meat course. I think traditionally it was to take the edge off the appetite before tackling the much more expensive meat. Things are different now, of course but my FiL was born in 1900 (yes, he's no longer with us).
I don't think you should be too hard on the young motorist. It wasn't necessarily his fault (although I guess in this case it may have been). A colleague of mine had a deer jump over a fence onto his car's bonnet and then away across the road. He wasn't going fast, I guarantee - he was driving a Reliant Robin :)
I just wonder, in passing, if the deer has inadvertently provided Cathy with yet another transgendered waif and stray.
for transponders a Reliant Robin was a small fibreglass bodied 3 wheel car which could be driven by someone with only a motor cycle licence because it weighed less than (IIRC) 7 cwt (770lbs)
How old is trish now?
What, 8 years old? My own daughter was quite precocious at that age. Yes. this is what it is all about.
Hard to have a lot of sympathy for Docherty
but he is injured and while not life threatening, it could be a pretty severe and life changing injury. I'd expect Cathy to see if she can help even though he's such an unpleasant character. (but leave the nettle rash to help him remember this incident).
Goodness me!
This is one adventure the children aren't going to have any problems remembering.
Thanks A+B+I (Roast dinner): What is it about some people who treat the world around them as if everyone and everything should be grateful for that person's existence? Newsflash: what goes around comes around (aka karma) and it looks like Mr Docherty just got what was coming to him.
I know that deer on roads are a significant problem in some countries. A greater problem in some parts of New Zealand can be wandering stock on roads at night. I remember a colleague hitting a cow which rolled up the bonnet then off again before walking away and leaving enough damage to have the vehicle written off. On another occasion, the chairperson of my school's board was driving back to his farm after a meeting and hit a wild horse, killing it. What was more worrisome was that the horse's hooves came through the door and would have killed a front-seat passenger had one been present.
Painful Strikes
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Looks like that doe poured some clorine bleach into someone's gene pool that is, if the gene pool does not get a blue light treatment.
Here in the States deer are hunted because of a lack of natural predators. Without a hunting season to cull the herds down we would end up with entirely more deer in an area that could possibly sustain them. Especially in northern states like Massachusetts. Because of snow pack in the winter months the deer would run out of forage and starve to death in great numbers. This would include eating the bark on trees which would ring the trees and cause the trees to also die.
Poor Docherty
Glad to see he's not going to be swimming in the gene pool any more.
Well I see everything worked
Well I see everything worked out rather well, the deer and its baby were saved, the foul-mouthed jerk got his reckoning and as some have mentioned, hopefully the gene pool will be all the better for the deer's kick. :)
Way to go Trish
Good job. A-hole needed that and a lot more. Which he may have gotten later. I thought Robin Hood was made an outlaw for poaching all the King's deer? He must have missed at least one pregnant female I reckon. I think it's great the deer took revenge and his car is still wrecked. An average size deer in the States is good sized. I think the British deer are a smaller species. Here they can do a LOT of damage if struck, especially in todays plastic and aluminum cars. He and the car may be totaled. I don't see Cathy putting hands on a bad tempered stranger to blue light that. He would probably sue. And it was great what happened to his phone and the evidence.
Just Desserts!
Deer are apt to wander out into the road, but those stretches usually have a warning sign to prepare motorists, and there may have been a speed limit on that stretch of road anyway. Docherty strikes me as a typical "boy racer" type - i.e. see a straight, flat stretch of the road and floor the accelerator pedal, regardless of the actual speed limit. Added onto his "rich" vocabulary, he's also done humanity a service by removing himself from the gene pool before he's had a chance to reproduce (not sure his actions live up to the "Excellence" criterion for a Darwin Award though, unless you count standing within kicking distance of the doe).
And talk about teamwork - Cathy, Julie and Trish pouring BLH energy into the doe; Livvie up front keeping it calm, while Danny and Meems presumably helped keep it still. As for the BLH working, I'm not in the slightest bit surprised - after all, Cathy's already healed a mortally wounded police dog (Bismark, 1240/1241) and she may (unintentionally/unconsciously) be responsible for Spike's amazing longevity and breeding prowess.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Wish i could say
i felt sorry for the mouthy youth, What happened to him would i'm sure have been very painful, But he bought it on by his own actions so i guess he has no one else to blame but himself, That said it does make you wonder what the final result of the deers hooves might be, Or rather more to the point whats left down below !!
I have had run-in's with nettles when I was a pre-teen. I lived in Germany for 3 years when my father was stationed over there. While it can be irritating it is fairly easy to take care of on site. It is a good thing that you in the UK don't have Poison Ivy/Oak. If he had rolled into some Poison Ivy instead of nettles it would not have shown up for several hours or the next the next day. And depending on how sensitive you are to the active ingredient that causes the rash, can be very, very itchy. Oh, and all scratching does for you is to spread the rash. Calomine lotion is the primary way to relive the itching. Rubbing alchohol will also dry up the sap but can be quite painful.
Oh, and poison ivy can be spread from one person to another or also from pets. Leaves of three, leave it be.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1336
Look as if that deer gelded that cad.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Good for the deer!
I doubt the kid learned any lesson, but just maybe. It is unfortunate he saw the blue light though.