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(aka Bike) Part 1309 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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I sipped at the latte coffee while Maureen swallowed her espresso in two gulps then she shuddered. “It might keep me awake, ma’am.”
I smiled, she looked all in. I explained what had happened with Cilla and she looked a little pensive. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”
“She’s quite a nasty piece of work when she puts her mind to it.”
“Hopefully I’m up to anything she might choose to do.”
“You should outgun her, ma’am.”
“I’m not sure that’s entirely what this may be about.” I picked up my Blackberry and made a call. “James, hi, it’s Cathy, I have some work for you.” I gave him the details and rang off.
“D’you think he’ll find something?”
“Hopefully more than an overdue library book.” I finished my latte.
I called Jenny to collect the girls, she was happy to do so. We spent the rest of the day walking along the prom and then driving back to near Cilla’s house, I wanted to see her son.
Two boys came walking down the road, they were talking and fooling about like boys do, laughing and shoving each other. Then they stopped talking outside the house and one dropped his bag inside the gateway.
“That’s him,” I said, “The smaller of the two, he looks a little foreign–I have grave doubts about him being your son, Maureen, unless your whole body has changed recently. He looks Spanish or Greek, perhaps even something as exotic as Lebanese.”
“He does, doesn’t he?” She shook her head and said quietly, “And to think I took her word for it all these years–the bitch.”
I saw her clenching her fists and I tried to calm her down. “Hitting her will do good, if you want to get even, we need to do it through the courts. But then if we screw her, it will affect the boy too, and he is a relative innocent in all this.”
“Yeah, I don’t want him to get hurt, he’s only a kid.”
As we were talking a third boy walked down the road and started chatting to the other two. Then a few feet and fists began to fly and in moments the three were scrapping, which was when it happened.
White van man came down the road, presumably delivering something in his white Ford Transit, when two of the kids ran out into the road between two park cars. He hit them both. One flew up into the air and landed on a car ten feet away, the other went under the wheels and was dragged up the road.
Maureen and I gasped in total shock. Maureen was about to get out to assist when I pulled her back–“Here, ambulance and police, now.” I shoved my mobile in her hand; then I jumped out of the car and rushed to assist as I could.
The boy who went under the wheels was very badly hurt and frothing blood at his mouth. He’d likely had crush injuries to his chest and was bleeding into his lungs. The other boy, Andrew, was still slumped over the car and was bleeding from his head and leg. He was still breathing.
The third boy who’d precipitated it all had scrammed. The van driver was standing by his van, shaking. People were coming from the houses to see what had happened including Cilla Bromley.
She screamed when she saw her son, still slumped over the car. “Don’t touch him,” I shouted but it was too late, she ran straight towards him mewing like an angry cat. Suddenly, Maureen stepped in the way and just picked her up and carried her away.
I knelt down at the other boy, he was bleeding from his leg, one of which looked very smashed up, and he was bleeding from his groin as well. I pulled off my jacket and rolled it up under his head, some woman ran over with a blanket and we draped it over him.
I blasted the blue light into him, telling him to stay awake, that help was coming and he’d be okay.
He made a funny face and his whole body slumped, he stopped frothing and lay very still. How d’you chest compressions with a chest that is so injured? I held my hands over his chest and imagined I was squeezing his heart between my hands. I kept doing it until the police and ambulance arrived simultaneously.
They quickly assessed Andrew Bromley and whisked him off in the first ambulance. The other boy had very little blood pressure–presumably the shock and multiple injuries.
I got out of the professional’s way and let the paramedics defib him and set up a drip. I kept massaging his heart in my mind. Maureen came out with Cilla and asked if we could run her to the hospital.
“Why wouldn’t you let me touch him?” she cried–“Oh it’s you, now I know why–you want him to die, don’t you?”
“On the contrary, Cilla, I want him to live. If you’d so much as touched him, you could have exacerbated any injuries he had.”
“I only wanted to hold him–is that too much to ask?” she almost screeched at me.
“Relax, Cilla, her ladyship knows what’s she’s talking about. She’s saved the other one.”
“What other one?”
“The lad your Andrew was talking to, he went under the wheels of the van.”
“Oh no,” she shrieked and became hysterical. I stopped the car and Maureen slapped her hard once across the face.
“What? You hit me.”
“Yes, shut up you silly cow, we’re on our way there now–carry on like that and they’ll send you away or have you arrested.”
“I only want to see my boy.” I started up again and I saw her looking at Maureen. “Maurice, is that you?”
“I’m, Maureen, Cilla. I always have been, only it took the help of my good friend and employer to give me the strength to go through with it.”
“What–you’ve had a sex-change operation?”
“Yes, Cilla. But without Lady Catherine’s help I’d have killed myself long ago. When I was at absolute rock bottom, she befriended me and gave me a job, which gave me back my self respect. Someone had a belief in me, and it hasn’t wavered one iota.”
“But why?” said Cilla quietly, “Why have your balls cut off?”
“Because they were like a tumor to me, albeit a benign one, except they secreted the poison called testosterone.”
“Is this it?” I turned into the Eastbourne General Hospital and Maureen took Cilla into the A&E department while I looked for a place to park. Bloody hell, three quid for two hours max–what a rip off. I found the required coins and dropped them in the machine and took the parking ticket and placed it on the dashboard of the Cayenne.
I found Cilla and Maureen sitting together in the corner. She was sobbing into a tissue. “What’s happened?”
“He’s gone down for X-rays, they think he’s cracked his sternum and possible ruptured spleen, they think he has a good chance.” Maureen reported and I nodded.
“I think the other one arrived while I was parking the car–hold on, the air ambulance is coming.” The noise grew louder as a yellow helicopter alighted in the car park and a stretcher was transferred to it from the ambulance. A doctor got in beside it and it took off again. The noise was deafening as the chopper took to the air and headed presumably to a trauma centre, perhaps even to London.
“The other one?” asked Maureen.
“I think so, he was in a bad way, his heart stopped at least twice, had a hell of a job to get it going again.”
Cilla looked at me in astonishment.
“Is there someone you can call to be with you? We have to get back to Portsmouth,” I asked Cilla and she shook her head.
“I’ll stay,” said Maureen, “We’ll get a cab back to her place after we know he’s okay.”
“But you haven’t any transport?”
“I’ll find my way home somehow,” Maureen shrugged.
“Give me a ring when you’re ready to come home, I’ll get someone to collect you, even if it’s only the hotel driver.”
“We’ll be alright, won’t we, Cilla?”
She nodded her eyes full of tears, “You always were such a kind man,” she said as Maureen put her arm round the other woman’s shoulder and hugged her. “I’m sorry, I cheated you.” She then proceeded to whimper against Maureen’s ample chest.
I left, feeling very confused. Could we kick a woman when she was down? I doubted it, but I was very concerned for Maureen’s safety–not her physical well being but her emotional one. This must be extremely hard for her and yet she was so compassionate to someone she despised. I felt very humble as I drove out of Eastbourne and back towards the motorway.

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Thank you Angha,
'you have us again on the edge of our seats.
Thanks Ang
Hope you slept well.
The story just keeps getting complicateder. This must be Bonzi's fault; when mum's away, the cats will play.
Might be time to outlaw little men in white vans?
Somehow they seem to be involved in so many accidents!
Things are going to get even more complicated and Cilla is lucky she has not been seriously hurt if she had screw anybody else but Maureen, who is obviously a gentle soul.
Cathy is again a trouble magnet. She has served Shekinah like a trouper and hopefully will balance against what she did to keep Trish alive.
Kind hearted Cathy
Will find a way to make things as close to right as they can be.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1309
Hope that both lads will recover. But what of the driver? Will Cathy need to blue light him?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Still a little concerned
for Maureen, Hopefully Cilla is being straight with her, But from what we have seen so far Cilla does not seem someone you could invest any faith in .... For Maureen's sake i hope i am wrong ...
What drama!
You'd have thought that since I've been reading Bike for a good length of time now, I'd know to expect the unexpected.
Yet the events of this Bikesode took me by surprise.
Thanks A+B: you really know how to keep your readers on the edges of their seats.
Presentimental Supposition
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
White Van Man
I suspect in this case the driver of this delivery van couldn't of stopped in time even if he had only been doing 5mph. The two boys came flying out from between two parked cars. I had a near-miss once while driving my Humvee in Korea doing a Survey mission. A young Korean child came running out into the road just as I was entering the Village. The only reason the child was not hit was because the child came out at an angle, the brakes of Humvee's are on the drive shaft and I was only going about 15mph and was already slowing down. Just so you understand the brakes on driveshaft comment. If you stomp on the brakes and are not wearing your seatbelt you could easily be thrown through the windshield because of the sudden deceleration. The front end of my vehicle was less than 2 feet from the child when I stopped. I was probably still shaking 15 minutes later. The elderly over there were even worse. Many of them when I was there were not used to motor vehicles and still used to animal drawn carts. They would not even look at traffic before stepping into the road. Their only consession was to raise their left arm out in the stop signal position and expect the traffic to stop for them. As far as I am concerned, driving in Korea was more hazardous than what driving in Italy is supposed to be.
Oh, and in Korea it was not rare to see someone riding a bicycle with a stack of "Getto Blasters" or other items six feet high on the back of the bike.
well certainly a different twist than i expected
but this now brings up points I last made in the last chapt. and lot more.
--The news media is def. have a heyday. Spec. when they see Lady Cameron aka superwoman is at it again.
--The cops are going to be right in the thick of things now for sure.
--The boy that was air-lifted... what about him & parents ?
--the boy that was airlifted was he the instigator of the fight or the friend of susposedly Maurice's son ... I dont think i got it if stated which of the other two boys got hit.
-- the 3rd boy leaving the scene of accident
-- what started the fight in 1st place -- i got my suspicions
-- there's more to Mom wanting to leave area ? -- Gang involvement, the boy is gay? something she has done that is causing her to want to leave area ? the job/boyfriend may be fabrication.
--noticed she didnt freak about maureen's appearance all that much, that initself might be an indicator on root cause of her wanting maurice involved and apparent quick desire of wanting maurice's comfort. YEs, she's in shock, but, i dont believe there isnt more to all this all of the sudden bonding.
-- other outside influences?
geez, this little chapter opened alot of questions, and any possible answer to any of them leads to more questions than answers.
damm good writing here in one single're left least 20 or more chapters to be decided...just to clear up & make sense of how it all relates to each other....
what is kathy and maureen are gonna be news fodder quite a bit for awhile....something kathy really isnt going to like @ all
well for ME, on to next chapter, to see where authoress leads us next (smiles)
PS -- another commented on it, but i'd like to pose/rephrase question -- does our authoress have something against ''white vans'' ? it' almost always something bad occurs when one is around...and white vans are really pretty common item, but in course of this story, seem all too often to be connected to bad things happening ... lol ... there must be some psychycological thing goin on here
Two kids,
both in a bad way. Cathy may have saved both of them, though only Maureen knows.
That ended well, unless you
That ended well, unless you're one of those boys.
As I thought , Maureen has a big heart.