Mature / Thirty+

The house keeper

It was not often that I went back home, I had done the usual thing from school, gone university not thinking what I was leaving, then the job with prospects and soon after a husband and a couple of kids and I was comfortable in my middle class suburban life with the occasional trip home to see my mum.

Hiring of Elaine Hall - 2

Hiring of Elaine Hall - 2

Five years ago to keep my job I began to use my sister’s name… My attitude needed to change if I were to stay employed... Bridgette Riley saw a need to feminize my perspective… Even my wife Julie was open to changing the sharp edges of my attitude... Elaine became in touch with qualities Dan had long suppressed, even a self he long desired... I had come to blame everyone but me.

Hiring of Elaine Hall

It was five years ago I turned thirty and to keep my job I began using my sister’s name... A comedy of errors and my warped attitude necessitated a change if I were to stay employed... It was late summer of 2008: some called it a down swing, others a recession, and for those losing houses, jobs or both it was depressing. The worst two four letter words regarding one’s job were ‘pink slip’… Julie and I were expecting our second child before the end of the year, not a good time to lose my job.

Some characters from Ashley Phoenix Riley are in this story.

Comdex - 11 - You Want me to do WHAT!!!

COMDEX Chapter 11, “You Want Me To Do WHAT???
“This has to be a Joke!”

Steven’s Hall, 1400 hours EST, Friday, December 28,

Linda turned to her wife, still asleep on her shoulder and gently shook her, “Hi Honey, we’re home.”

“Ow, that hurt. Is it morning yet?” I muttered, disoriented.

“Uh, I don’t think you wear your UZI to bed honey,” Hal informed me, trying to be helpful.

“I’m sorry Love, I didn’t think.”

Dorothy's Dream

Dorothy’s Dream

One night, as I lay in bed, I began to dream ...

I found myself walking along a trail with a group of girls, who laughed and smiled at me as we walked, and I felt very comfortable in their company.

Then we came to a fence, and I climbed over it, only to discover that the other girls had found a gate in the fence that allowed them to enter. One of the girls hugged me, and said, “Always doing things the hard way, huh?”

I could only blush ...

Havens Salvation 11-1 Blowing in the Wind

Celtic Goddess.png

Blowing in the wind

Any resemblances to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Copyright© 2014 Michele WhiteWolf
Editorial salvation by djkauf
Creative Consultancy by Bailey Summers, and my two girls Anna and Crystal
Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson [ my mother ] who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life.
With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience.


I was gasping, panting and sweating like a cross country runner in Death Valley. I was still too reactive and not proactive enough. So my next move still gasping the thin air around me was to alter the Barrier frequency just enough to create a slicker surface than it usually has. Reducing the purchase the wind could get on the fabric of the Barrier. Who ever was generating this storm was seeking blood, so if I don't think and act fast they may just have enough horses to pull it off., I could not flinch even once. I needed to act as my strength was depleting. Unlike Atlas I could not afford to shrug and wouldn't even if I could.

The Craigslist Killer Part Four

The Craigslist Killer Part 4
© 2014 by Nom de Plume

I lay there in stunned silence, my death sentence ringing in my ears. “I have H.I.V,” Ron just told me. How many times had I warned myself about the dangers of dating on Craigslist? How many guys had I blown off because of the teeniest suspicion that they might not be safe?

How much time did I have?

The Art of Being the Imp part 4

The Art of Being the Imp part 4

What is a beautiful, talented, and oh so fabulous super villain to do when her favorite painting is stolen from her private lending library…aka the art museum? And to make it worse, she is now put in the awkward position of having to save a hostage. For once in her life, the Imp is not amused. This is a non-TG story that takes place in the Whateley Universe.

Needs and Surprises

It’s a need not a want.

Built in, born in and yeah the jury’s still out with the hows and the whys of being this way but I’ll never see things that way, the way that some see it as a choice, like this was something that we decide to do.

You don’t choose.

Not one person that I know in life or online chooses to be trans or gay or lesbian or bisexual or anything else other that the “Normal.”


Sorry but these were the thoughts of a newly released woman living in an empty house.

No Rules | Chapter 5

In the fifth chapter in the sequel to No Obligation, Becca earns an unexpected promotion and tries to explain why she does what she does to a curious kitsune. Chaos's champion comes to an understanding with her new ally, and Leander discovers why small towns may not be safer than big cities — where magic is concerned .


No Rules: An Advocate Novel

by Randalynn

Chapter 5: On Kitsune, Community, and Chaos

The Stranger

The Stranger


Gwen Brown

“Are you an author or professor or something?” she timidly asked. Credence had ridden on the elevator with him a dozen times and increasingly wondered about him. He seemed so dignified? What was this magnetism she felt for him? Maybe he was dangerous to her, could perhaps hurt her, take advantage of her or even kill her? Why did he never come to the potlucks? He was civil, even friendly to her but it had never gone beyond the usual pleasantries and a sentence or two.

The Craigslist Killer Part Three

The Craigslist Killer Part 3
© 2014 by Nom de Plume

I paid the cabbie and hurried up a few steps to a side entrance to the Palmer House. It was still unlocked, and I let myself in and made my way quickly down a deserted shopping arcade. I was grateful for the solitude, conspicuous as I must have been in my taffeta dress, shawl and stilettos, but I didn’t encounter a soul all the way to a bank of elevators.

Brief Encounter

{The plot of the classic David Lean film slightly updated…}

The announcement was clear and to the point.

“All services to the south are delayed by at least a further thirty, that’s Three Zero minutes. This is due to overhead line problems near Penrith.”

I thought to myself, ‘another bit of bad news after a totally shitty day. What more could go wrong?’.

Spooked - Part 2

One night only, but still almost 14K because SOME PEOPLE decided they wanted to have long, analytic conversations about themselves. Fennis and Lakshmi turned out to be very interested in exploring their feelings. I could have done a whole series just about them wearing skinsuits of each other, but that's not what this story is about so I tried to hurry things along.

Lots of switching around, some evil and some not. Someone asked for there to be a more Scooby-Doo feel to things, so I did that flavor for a chase scene or two. It couldn't get too outrageously jinkied, but I think I got a good balance in.

And back by popular demand: THE SKELETON! WHOOO! I didn't know who the real villain of the piece would be and the skeleton was popular, so it gets to come back.

The Craigslist Killer Part Two

The Craigslist Killer Part 2
© 2014 by Nom de Plume

“Missy, are you still there? Please don’t hang up on me!”

“I’m here.”

“I really want to see you.”

“I don’t know, Ron…let me sleep on it, okay?”

“Sure, Missy, whatever you say. Can I call you tomorrow?”

Three Wishes, Epilogue

Be careful what you wish for. If you're lucky, you just might get it!

(Sephrena asked me to do an epilogue to make sure it met all of the contest requirements, so here it is, hopefully squeaking in under the wire.)

The Art of Being the Imp part 3

The Art of Being the Imp part 3

What is a beautiful, talented, and oh so fabulous super villain to do when her favorite painting is stolen from her private lending library…aka the art museum? And to make it worse, she is now put in the awkward position of having to save a hostage. For once in her life, the Imp is not amused. This is a non-TG story that takes place in the Whateley Universe.

The Craigslist Killer

The Craigslist Killer
© 2014 by Nom de Plume

I think I’m in the clear for now. The police have come and gone, and the hotel staff has cleared the hallway outside my room. If I could, I’d try to get some sleep, but after what I’ve just been through, that would be difficult. So I’ll try to write down exactly what happened this week, while it’s fresh in my mind, in case my lawyer needs it in the morning.

One thing’s for sure: I will never, ever dress up as a woman again.

Shivering With Antici... pation: A TG Mixed Tape

Shivering With Antici... pation


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

It’s Halloween. While on assignment a warlock finds himself observed by strange man with tape recorder. At a music festival for monsters, two security guards set out to apprehend an intruder. As darkness falls across the land, and the midnight hour draws near, hit play on this collection of spooky, sentimental and surprising seasonal short stories. [Includes an interview with Zapper (creator of the Consultant Universe).]

The Art of Being the Imp part 2

The Art of Being the Imp part 2

What is a beautiful, talented, and oh so fabulous super villain to do when her favorite painting is stolen from her private lending library…aka the art museum? And to make it worse, she is now put in the awkward position of having to save a hostage. For once in her life, the Imp is not amused. This is a non-TG story that takes place in the Whateley Universe.

Being Transgender is the Least of My Worries

Being Transgender is the Least of My Worries
By Drew Miller

What do you do when you come to savor the peace and contentment of living a life true to yourself, only to have it ripped away? How do you move on? Can you move on? Katie, the main character, must find a way by turning her pain into something positive.

Whore - Updated


By Emma Finn

Updated and streamlined from its original online publication, Whore is now part of the short story compilation AN New You by Emma Finn, available on Amazon and Smashwords…


I was almost certain she was a whore and that tantalised me – that I was spying on her without her knowledge. It thrilled me almost as much as fingering the slip of paper in my pocket, knowing about the power the unnatural words on it contained.

The Art of Being the Imp part 1

The Art of Being the Imp part 1

What is a beautiful, talented, and oh so fabulous super villain to do when her favorite painting is stolen from her private lending library…aka the art museum? And to make it worse, she is now put in the awkward position of having to save a hostage. For once in her life, the Imp is not amused. This is a non-TG story that takes place in the Whateley Universe.

Aunt Caroline's Girdle

Aunt Caroline's Girdle


Pamela ([email protected])

"Where did you get that?"

"Get what?" I said to my wife Linda. The tone of her voice caused me to become instantly anxious.

"This girdle."

I looked up at her and she was holding a white panty girdle.

"Oh, shit," I said to myself with an awful nervous flash running down my spine and into my stomach.

"I found this in your suitcase Blake, wrapped up inside your dirty laundry."

Taking the other bus.

Taking the other bus.


By Karin Beyaert

Kathy was always a little bit insecure. But then she meets Angelo and her whole live changes. And all that just because she caught a bus she never intended to catch.

A story dedicated to all guardian angels, and especially my own.


In Search of Ms Right on the Interwet

Looking for Miss Right on the Allexcited69, how he failed in the class of Ms Napoleon Jill..

Warning: this story is a figment of my imagination. All characters, places, venues are made up and fictional. The story revolves around a lonely Slave looking for Mistress Right on the internet.
Some scenes contain raw language, southern slang, explicit sex and some verbal violence and humiliation. Reproduction of this story is prohibited without the express consent of the Author.

Karma is a...

Be careful how you treat people. You never know when Karma may come knocking on your door. And we all know that Karma is a...

“Just let me get a quick spritz of perfume—just to freshen it up, you know… OOPS! Did I spritz that in your face? Silly me!” The red-headed bombshell watches his face screw up into a grimace; like he is going to sneeze…then his eyes sort of glaze over and he sits there with a silly grin on his face.

Dare to Live - Chapter 2

Dare To Live – Chapter 2
( Vivere è bello anche )
By Julie D Cole


Dare to live until the very last, Why, why, why is the life we live not the life we want?
Our life is often all we have to give.


I couldn’t believe she took lines from the song in my mind. Maybe there was a connect of minds somehow and who are we to even try to understand the wonders that go on.

Multiverse Lucy & Ruth

This is a totally non-canon thought exercise, describing the first-time "transformation" of Peter and Luke to Ruth and Lucy, in my story "A Bikini Beach Summer." It was suggested by a Multiverse interpretation of Bikini-Beach reality shifts.


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