Mature / Thirty+

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions


Like everybody I know at various stages of my life I came to a point where I needed to make a decision and some are big, some are small and some may seem of no consequence but in truth thay can influence the rest of your life and the people around you.

I Have Two Mommies and One of Them Is Younger Than Me

Ellie Bishop's widowed mother has a secret lover. Ellie is happy for her mother, but will that still be the case when she finally meets her mom's new girlfriend? Set on the planet Paxum.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 11.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 11.



It’s my first time for that kind of kiss from someone that means it as a kiss.
So it’s a good thing when the feelings in your heart are stronger than the feelings in your body right?
We break the kiss and I’m catching my breath and Rudy looks at Sam. “Let’s go get cookin and we can let Morgan finally get to use her tanning chair and get some rest and Sun.”
“I kin grill?”
“Yeah, let’s.”
They leave and Rudy smiles at me and he walks out of the water backwards and his grin gets all teasing and devilish as he’d definitely sporting some serious arousal going on down there and I blush because he’s doing that and it’s pretty obvious if someone looks.
I sink down in the water some more to hide the goofy grin that’s there too because yeah, he’s showing off and stuff but he’s with me and he’s kind of showing off for me.
And that feels just.
Yeah I’m so happy hugging myself right now.

*And Now…

House Sitting Pretty

House Sitting Pretty
by Ellie Dauber © 2003

Dan Hendrix learns that the one thing worse than cheating on your wife is giving her a really lame excuse when she catches you.

This story is not a sequel to “Habeas Corpus”, although some of the same characters appear in both.

Surfacing - Chapter 2

Surfacing-Chapter 2
By Drew Miller

A good paying job? Check. A loving wife and little girl? Yes. And a beautiful home? You betcha. Yes, the current criteria defining success in America certainly applies to Daniel Davis. But is he happy? Most definitely not; in fact, he's miserable because he has everything he never wanted. All he wants is one thing: to stop living a lie by freeing the woman inside. But will he have the courage?

Havens Salvation 9-2 Women in the Middle

Celtic Goddess.png

Any resemblances to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Copy Rite 2014 Michele WhiteWolf
Editorial salvation by djkauf
Creative Consultancy by Bailey Summers, and my two girls Anna and Crystal
Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson [ my mother who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life. ]
With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience.
Havens Salvation 9-2
Women in the Middle
Ann when James Met her.

Aliease's life review has left Betty very unsettled so she is taking Greta's advice and spending some quality time by herself, or so she thinks. More parts of the puzzle are discovered and both a new friend and teacher and a villein find there way into the fray to save Haven.

Havens Salvation 9-1 Pieces of the Puzzle

Celtic Goddess.png
Ann when James Met her.

Every one is still sorting out their own part of the Puzzle that is their life. Haven’s Barrier does not alter the fact, real life has never come with a book of instructions,. There is no neatly written signage, or GPS voice telling a person how to. Real life has always been flying by the seat of your pants, navigating by a combination of schooling, your experiences, trusting your gut feelings to fill in the unknown. Regardless whether your age is over two thousand years, or under sixteen, you must play the cards life hands you, being careful what you keep and what you throw away. Phaedrus the Elder

The Slaughter Carnival 2

Well, you know the story. The Other Land is ripe with evil and horrors. Rotten to the core. Residents more deseased then day-time gossip shows. And of course we have little Jeffery and the psychopathic killing machine that he turns into when he needs to the most.

Get ready to find out what hides under the monsters beds.


UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 6

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 6 By Barbie Lee, Edited by Catherine Linda Michel


She made the motions of drawing an X over her heart. “Nope, God’s own truth. He turned of age yesterday. That meant two things for him. He was allowed to marry without his parents permission, and he ascends to command of his clan. His dad, your father in law, has stepped down as leader of the clan.”

“Honey, you married into the Number One Clan. Toni is head or leader of all Pash as of yesterday.”

FROM THE EDITOR: So now we know who Toni actually is. In this final chapter we will witness Brandy's acceptance of the life that fate has brought her, the final showdown with the Trag, and Brandy's rise to Queen of the Pash.

Book 2 of this great space opera is about done with editing and will follow as soon as possible.

The Slaughter Carnival

Enter the disturbed dimension known as the Other Land. A world of darkness and hatred. A world that some humans are unfortunate enough or stupid enough to fall into. This tale tells of a young boy, who was 'gifted' with a curse upon entry, that may just help him survive. I kid of course; it will definitely help him survive.

Just a heads up to any authors that eventually start to like this thing. You can contact me if you want to write a story in the world or do a cross over with one of your stories. I would definitely be up for it.

Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl part 13

Tracy is back! One again she has returned.

Edited By Djkauf

No spoiler this time. Instead I ask that as you read this, you forget the Halloween one, for now. That was made as a look into her future. This is still back in the past, just a month before Disneyland. In fact this starts where the last one stopped, after her Tai chi class.


What is a beginning other than the start of a sequence of events pt 1

/Where you at/

Rolling his eyes in irritation at someone texting him while he was driving Bruce Bixby spared his phone one last glance while he waited for the light to turn green before turning into a parking lot to send his reply. /Wall-mart... you? And why?/

What is a beginning other than the start of a sequence of events Chapter 1

Hilary's Test

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Hilary, an out-of-work tailor, said he'd do anything for a job. Little did he realise how quickly that view would be tested.
Hilary's Test
by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


The Sidereus Prophecy Part 9

The finale. A scandal catapults Abigail, now Abeille, into the stratosphere of popularity, and the Prophecy inches ever closer to being fulfilled. Meanwhile, her new mega star status plays havoc with what remains of her morality as she deals with the rigours of fame. Those close to her attempt to intervene, but will it be too late for both her and the world?

Lifeswap - part 4 of 12

Lifeswap (part 4 of 12)

by Maeryn Lamonte

Copyright © 2014 Maeryn Lamonte - All Rights Reserved.

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, think I’ll go and eat worms. Seven comments and four pms. On the other hand, I had some pretty amazing ones on some of my older stories, and one or two on previous chapters of Lifeswap, so this posting is a little soner than it might have been…

Anyway, for those of you who’re new to Lifeswap, chapter one can be found here. For the rest of you, the story so far:-

A year has passed since this all began. Jerry Goodman (a banker) and Laura Townsend (an antiques dealer) have had their consciousnesses switched by an acquaintance, Tony Ward (another antiques dealer, but a toe-rag who stole the magic bowl which makes this possible from Laura because he broke his own).

The fallout from the switch includes Jerry’s wife, Portia, suing for divorce, meaning that he has to sign all his wealth, shares and properties over to Laura (which is of course him anyway) in order to stop her getting her hands on it. This results in the bank shareholders calling for Jerry’s resignation, which he gives readily enough, leaving its future in the hands of three investors he trusts.

What is a beginning other than the start of a sequence of events

I've been told by some people that I should write a book, apparently these people believe that I have worthwhile experiences to share that might be of benefit to someone somewhere. I'm not too sure of that, I'm even less sure of that if I were to let those same people who prodded me onward know the exact light in which they would be portrayed that they would still insist I move forward.

All names and places have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty alike... Well okay perhaps not all of them, I really don't think I'm creative enough for that...

Lifeswap - part 3 of 12

Lifeswap (part 3 of 12)

by Maeryn Lamonte

Copyright © 2014 Maeryn Lamonte - All Rights Reserved.

Sixteen comments and pms this time, bringing the delay down to three and a bit days. Come on you lovely people, I know you can do better.

Anyway, for those of you who’re new to Lifeswap, chapter one can be found here. For the rest of you, the story so far:-

Jerry Goodman, a banker, having been invited to a party held by Tony Ward, his antiques dealer, is invited to participate in a party game. What he doesn’t know is that the bowl in which he has just placed his keys is magical. Fortunately for him, Laura Townsend, another antiques dealer and the rightful owner of the bowl, comes along at that stage and adds her keys to the bowl.

The magic of the bowl causes Jerry and Laura’s consciousnesses to be switched, and in the ensuing confusion, the bowl is broken, Laura (now in Jerry’s body) picks Jerry (in Laura’s) up and escapes with him (her?) and the pieces of bowl.

The Sidereus Prophecy Part 8

With the Sidereus contract signed, Abigail is forced to acquiesce to the demands of her new legal guardian- Mr. Atwater. While a twisted Hollywood adventure looms before her, Abigail resigns herself to spend every waking hour with Ethan- including her first Christmas. Finally, with the end of Abigail’s belligerence, her rise to pop stardom and the fulfillment of the Prophecy is all but guaranteed, however; a stranger reveals a weakness that could overturn the Prophecy, potentially ushering in a new age.

Lifeswap - part 2 of 12

Lifeswap (part 2 of 12)

by Maeryn Lamonte

Copyright © 2014 Maeryn Lamonte - All Rights Reserved.

So, nearly two thousand hits and all of six comments and three private messages. That's less than half a percent of people responded. If I can go to the trouble of writing sixty thousand words of story, do you think it's asking too much to have a little bit more of a response that a click on the 'Good story' box? Am I really asking so much?

If you missed part one, you can find it here

Sorry, no guilt trip intended, but I really do enjoy reading your comments - when I get them.

Anyway, Jerry, now Laura, is outside enjoying the early morning freshness when...


White Rabbit -4-

When we last left our hero(ine) Dana had just been introduced to his new self. Now Dana begins to learn what is in store for him/her for the rest of his/her life. This is the final chapter. Barbie and I wish to thank all of you for reading, commenting and clicking the little "kudo" button. Your interest, suggestions and thoughts meant a lot to Barbie and me.

Staying in Character Part 1

Staying in Character Part 1

By Paul Calhoun

A trade with Dieter Schaumer.

An actress playing a queen being slowly turned into a legendary wolf has to wear her costume home for budgetary reasons. Her boyfriend isn't very happy and after he refuses to have sex with her she has an idea to show him what it's like.

White Rabbit -2-

FROM THE EDITOR: Chapter Two. Our Trooper is being held(?) by the alien in a cabin that has gotten snowed in. He's WAY out of his element and is about to learn more than he ever dreamed, or feared, he would. Again, please remember to comment or kudo... preferably both, and thank you for reading. Barbie and I hope you are enjoying the tale.

The Sidereus Prophecy Part 7

Is the Prophecy a great humanizing force keeping us from returning to our ritualistic animal nature, or is it a source of injustice, a power that ultimately maintains a corrupt status quo by limiting human evolution? Abigail, now accepting her fate as both an adolescent and a young woman, deliberates with her family on these questions. Despite this acceptance, Abigail continues to struggle with her identity as she tries to find her true feminine self and avoid regressing to a state where even her teenage friends would question her behaviour.

White Rabbit -1-

Well... here's a golden oldie from the talented imagination of Barbie Lee. There isn't much, if any, of the "guy becomes girl" in this first part, but it's a fun beginning. The "good" stuff comes a bit later in another chapter or so. All tags refer to the whole story as opposed to each chapter separately. The story is complete and will be posted one chapter at a time roughly two or three days apart

Lifeswap - part 1 of 12

Lifeswap (part 1 of 12)

by Maeryn Lamonte

Copyright © 2014 Maeryn Lamonte - All Rights Reserved.

So I prefer not to start publishing serials unless I'm pretty sure I can get them finished in a reasonable time, and life's been getting in the way of my writing quite a bit lately so I've waited till now to put this out there. Since I'm on the tenth and final part, I think it's a fairly safe bet that I'll finish this one before I'm ready to post the last chapter. Oh yeah, on that subject. I live for your comments, especially the thoughtful ones. The more comments I get, the quicker I'll post the next chapter (mwa ha ha ha ha ha - or something).

Additional information - I've put together a website for my stories at Lifeswap's not up there yet as BCTS is still the first home to my TG writing. It's still a work in progress, so please don't be too harsh with your comments. Also I'm thinking of self-publishing a few of my past stories, maybe on Lulu, unless someone can suggest somewhere better. I want the option for paper copies, not just ebooks. In that regard, I was wondering if anyone would care to proof some of my old stories, plus I wouldn't mind picking the brains of someone who's had some experience with self-publishing. PM me if you'd like to help.

Anyway - Jerry Goodman is a banker, but more of a George Bailey than some of the selfish shits in the world today. An acquaintance of his persuades him to play the sort of party game you only think is fun after you've had a few, and a little magic later, things get rather complicated. A word of caution, I've been a little uncontrolled in my use of language in this, and there is some violence and sexual abuse later in the story, in case that might put you off starting.


A Friend in Need Part 18

A Friend in Need
Part 18. Life is Beautiful.

These final 2 parts of my fantasy completes this tale, I must thank my very good friend Christina, who did exist and was exactly as described in the story, petit, feminine, gorgeously sexy, impulsive and very loving.

She was fully aware that I coveted her body, as she did mine, if we could exchange bodies we would have. We wrote this together her doing the male feelings me the female and correcting each other as we went along.


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