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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2841 by Angharad Copyright© 2015 Angharad
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This is a work of fiction any mention of real people, places or institutions is purely coincidental and does not imply that they are as suggested in the story.
In bed that night I told Simon What I thought of his silly games at the dinner table. “You seem to have been the only one upset by it.”
“I was the one who was being teased, none of the others were expected to know who you meant.”
“It was only a bit of fun—lighten up.”
“Is that what a pack of dogs about to invade a field of sheep say?”
“I don’t recognise the comparison.”
“I hope you have a lovely evening.”
“We will.”
“Yes, I’m going up to Bristol—check over my house.”
“I want you here.”
“Should have asked me nicely then instead of humiliating me.”
“I didn’t, it was just a bit of gentle teasing.”
“Like the dogs say to the sheep.”
“Okay, you’ve made your point I’m a ruthless, heartless wolf terrifying my little baa lamb, I apologise unconditionally. Now will you stay?”
“Can I think about it?”
“This is tomorrow we’re talking about.”
“I’m well aware of that.”
“So when will you give me your answer?”
“When I’ve reached one.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it says, when I have reached a conclusion, I’ll inform you.”
“What sort of game are you playing—it’s easy, you either say yes or no.”
“Or perhaps, or maybe.”
“Those aren’t acceptable.”
“Better ask Julie or Sammi to act as hostess then.”
“I bloody well will. Sod you.” He turned over and I know he wasn’t asleep because neither was I. I couldn’t say when I eventually drifted off but it was between one and two and I was up again at seven feeling like piece of stale bread. How much sleep Simon had—couldn’t say. I took the girls to school and they were anxious because Si and I were squabbling.
“It’s nothing, couples do this from time to time.”
“I don’t like it when you fight,” said Livvie, “my first parents were always doing it. I lost them, I don’t want to lose you, Mummy; nor Daddy.”
“You won’t lose me or your father, kiddo.”
“You’re just punishing him for being mean to you at dinner, aren’t you?”
“Something like that. Sometimes the only way I can get him to understand is to be just as mean as he was.”
“That’s just dumb kid’s stuff.” Livvie didn’t mince her words.
“Aren’t you as bad as him?” asked Trish.
“My parents used to fight all the time, in the end they split up,” Hannah said quietly.
“This isn’t a fight...”
“What is it then apart from a giant sulk?” How old is Livvie?
“I’m letting him know he hurt me...” I insisted.
“By making him look stupid to guests—these people know you better than Daddy, if you’re not there, he’s going to look foolish.”
I was now fighting back the tears. Put in my place by a ten year old who was more mature than I was.”
“Will you be back to collect us or do we get the bus?” asked Trish.
“I’ll be here.”
“Good,” she said and they all trooped off to school without a by your leave or a kiss. They didn’t even look back at me. I felt wretched and burst into tears, driving away lest someone should see me crying.
I managed to get control of myself and called Simon’s mobile. “I’ll be here tonight,” I said to him.
“Doesn’t matter, I cancelled it.”
“What about the dinner?”
“I told David it’s off.”
“Without any consultation with me?”
“It was my only option, our guests were looking forward to seeing you again, but it appeared you didn’t particularly want to see them, so I cancelled.”
“On what grounds?”
“I told them you weren’t very well. Matt seemed okay about it.”
“Right,” I said unsure of what or how I felt. “I’ll see you tonight, then.”
“Doubt it, I’ve got loads of work to get through, so I’ll probably stay in town tonight and get through some of it.”
“Okay,” I said quietly, “When will I see you?”
“When I know, I’ll let you know.”
“Fine.” I rang off and felt the tears running again. I managed to stop them told Diane I wasn’t well and drove home. Inside my tummy was churning. I’d felt like telling Simon that I’d had the facts of life explained by a ten year old girl who seemed to have a better perspective on life than I did, did he want to talk to her so she could put him right as well? But I didn’t, instead I tormented myself.
I bumped into David in the kitchen. “You all right, Cathy?”
“No,” I said and brushed past him running up to my bedroom before anyone else saw me only to find Amanda had stripped the bed and was busy remaking it. In the end I ran down to my study and locked the door. I lay down on the sofa and curled up into a foetal position and fell asleep feeling like I never wanted to wake up again. My whole little world was crumbling around me, or so it felt. I no longer controlled anything—if I ever had—and felt like I was drifting away like a piece of flotsam in an ocean.
I was in that huge hall again, the one with the intense light which just seems to be there, shining in through windows on all sides—not something that happens in a normal building. I was walking, as I had before, until I realised that showing some humility was likely to get more results than striding about the place.
I knelt down carefully adjusting the long shift dress I had on so I wouldn’t fall over it when I stood up. At least part of my brain was working. I knelt there for some time looking at the floor and reflecting upon the past twelve or so hours. Neither of us came out of it very well, especially me. Now I had to deal with it, my actions and the aftermath. I wasn’t sure what I was doing here unless my desire to die had been accepted and this was some interim transit camp for migrating souls—nah, I’d be going the other way and probably at a training camp for stokers.
Wretched was the only way I could describe my mood and the odd tear escaped my eyes and dripped onto the floor where they shone like gold in that intense light. So occupied was I with my misery that I didn’t notice a pair of feet poking out from a golden dress until a familiar voice spoke to me.
“You have sought an audience with us, Catherine?”
It was so tempting to look up but I kept up the appearance of humility and stared at the ground. “I need your advice, milady.”
“This is indeed a novelty, on what would you like our advice?”
“You will be aware that both Simon and I acted like six year old last night and this morning. He started the row but I accept my response didn’t help matters and probably made it worse. I feel totally wretched about it all, my children seemed to have more idea about the reality of life than I do. I need to patch things up with Simon because my children need us both as effective parents. This morning my children parented me. I am ashamed, milady.”
“What is you want us to do, Catherine?”
“Tell me how I resolve this situation to protect my children from their parent’s folly.”
“This is an earthly matter, we do not intervene in such things.”
“But please, milady, tell me what to do—how do I apologise to Simon and my children?”
“I think you answered your own question. Whatever you do, do with a clear and open heart—it will guide you.”
I awoke feeling cold and sat up, my eyes sore and gummed up with tears. There was a knocking at the door, when I opened it, David stood there with a bouquet of flowers. For a moment I wondered if Simon had sent them, but when I saw the card it read, ‘Hope you feel better soon, Matt, Judy & Emily.’ That made me feel worse.
“Tea?” was all David said.

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She Was Way Out of Line
She had it coming, the stupid twit. She'd better do a lot of sucking up. I don't mean that literally.
So easily
we can snap back and escalate a difference of opinion into a combat. "I'm sorry" is the best disarmament but we can lose it so deep under the sea of bile. Ugh.
Fact, Cathy (you like those, don't you), you and Simon love each other. Get over all the rest.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Cathy is human,
and does make mistakes. The test of character is how you handle those mistakes.
Its very hard
to defend Cathy when she behaves in the way she did today., To put things in a nutshell , She got what she deserved.... Simon wasn't totally innocent in what happened but Cathys reaction was out of proportion to what he had done , I'm not in any way worried about their long term relationship , Things will no doubt sort themselves out over the next few days but Cathy needs to follow some of the things that her daughters mentioned and stop sulking when things do not go the way she wants, Simon will always do things from time to time that irritate Cathy , In that respect he is no different from many men , Cathy however just needs to learn to turn the other cheek count to ten and smile sweetly , If the problem requires any further sorting its best done when you are in better frame of mind , And most importantly able to engage your brain before opening your mouth...
I can't really comment on this-
Beverly on a relationship is like a fish on a bicycle. I don't much do emotional empathy.
The key word is communication
I wish Cathy would remember that. (Simon too)
Goddess may not interfere in earthly matters but she sure had good advice - "clear and open heart."
Arghhh! Coupledom!
Simon would drive a saint to distraction and Cathy, despite repeated failures, keeps hoping that appeals to his empathetic abilities will improve things (surely proof of insanity). So why do I keep reading? Clearly because that is how experience shows real people act!
Lovely touch with the flowers and note at the end Angharad (one day I'll steal that idea).
Rhona McCloud
Simon starts it, Cathy does scorched earth.
By now Simon should know how thin skinned A ,I mean Cathy is. and he'll never teach her a lesson.
I knew someone like Cathy once, yea, once.
So, now that you've made me cry.......
It has been my experience that nearly every argument I ever had with my spouse was over something extremely stupid that lead to hurt feelings on one of our parts. Of course, being the people that we are, we never failed to escalate the incident into something much larger and much worse than was really warranted.
Yes, there were legitimate issues between us - not the least of which was her feeling of betrayal at my revelation of my gender dysphoria - but on the whole, almost all of our issues were trivial.
You know the type - I squeezed the toothpaste tube in the middle instead of the end, or the fact that she never managed to close the kitchen cabinets or drawers. Ooooooohhhhhhhhh, that one always pissed me off! Trivial, but one of those things that always bothered me.
My point is that Cathy is suffering from being human.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
People are blaming Cathy here
People are blaming Cathy here but why is nobody going after Simon for what he did? He ordered her to host a dinner, refused to tell him who was coming, refused to see the problems that it was causing the household just to accommodate his mystery guests yet he gets upset when Cathy finally snaps and takes her stand against it. This isn't the first time that he has acted as her lord and master forcing her to do his bidding and he knows for a fact that she won't just drop everything because he demands it.
He blames her for forcing him to choose to cancel the dinner then has the nerve to refuse to return home because he wants to stew away from her. She might be stubborn but he is just plain being juvenile.
Frankly I said it before and I'll say it again- there is something going on with Simon regarding Cathy's work. He keeps trying to get her to act like his dutiful high society wife yet he knows she is not like that. To be honest, I believe he is getting a lot of flak for her having multiple jobs that she is great and is a bona fide celebrity which is making him feel inadequate.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
I would have to agree
Simon is an ass.
Total Surrender and Patience
Let me know when you work this out.
Been in these situations far too often. Ended up with a divorce and becoming a woman. Simon was brutish but good luck getting him to admit it. He's really prideful to hide his insecurity and Cathy has a short fuse to protect her own insecurity. God, what a combination. Two very fragile people married to each other. Both have lessons that they will never willingly learn. God's not perfect or She would not have made us.
Were it me, in real life, I'd throw my arms around his ankles and cry.
Wish I could have offered better advice. If anyone ever loves me again ...
This is the Reason
I am afraid I would have acted just like Cathy it has often been said by my 'daughter' that I'd cut my nose off to spite my face.
Not only would I have acted like her I would have felt as wretched as her.
I am trying hard to alter my behaviour but it's hard - bloody hard as it's part of who I am. I wish I was one of those people that
behaved impeccably all the time but I'm afraid I don't suffer fools gladly.
But this is the reason we all read and enjoy the story it's like real life warts and all.