College / Twenties

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 35 of 38


Chapter 35 - Going Home, Part 3

Forgive me if I touch lightly on the year and a half we spent in grad school. It was a whole lot of work. Interesting, important, but it really doesn't touch much on my life as a transgendered woman. Nothing changed much on that front.

Castle The Series - 0100 Bekka, Turner, Ruby, Lilly



Burdock had been astonished by what Bekka had telt Cranberry, and said, “Was that true, Bekka, you wisht me badly enough to be jealous‽”



“ I haven’t had more than thirty-two days between lunetimes since I was fourteen and thisday is day thirty-three. I’m certain I’m pregnant.”



The children had finished the day exhausted, fruit stained, full of berries and happy.



“I am an effeminate homosexual,” he began,

Jacinta, part 18

“Ow- owwwww…” I moan to myself as I wake up in my bed to discover that either my sheets had uncomfortably wrapped themselves around my torso as I slept, or I’d gone to bed last night with a boa constrictor (and not the ‘preferable’ kind). As I whip back my bed covers, I discover that neither of my assumptions was true - I am, in fact, wearing a corset that’s been laced down to about 4 nanometres and are pushing my breasts almost into my chin. However, I can’t help but smile at this revelation - especially when a glance at my phone reveals that today’s date is the 18th of December 2018.

This is not me - Part 7

Phoebe and Samantha met up again the following Friday.

“How was your week?” asked Phoebe.

“Wednesday was good. Well, waking up next to you made it a good start and the company liked what I’d done to their website.”

“I sense a but coming?”

“Are you sure that we haven’t been together for ten years?”

They both laughed.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 34 of 38


Chapter 34 - Alice's Restaurant Revisited

Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant was a major hit on a campus full of guys who were only one deferment away from having to schlep halfway around the world to try and kill people they didn't even know while those people were trying to kill them. Even though the Vietnamese weed was reported to be killer stuff, nobody wanted to be a killer to get it. Well, maybe some of the ROTC guys did, but they didn't like me and I didn't like them.

The Flaming Girls - Chapter 1

Flaming Girls.jpg

Chapter One – Better Off Dead

Charlie is a transvestite prostitute working the streets of Chelmsford in 1975. She is a sweet girl made hard by life on the streets. Charlie is also unlucky enough to become a 'Flaming Girl'. This is part-one of a six-part thriller following Charlie as she helps the police chase down the man who desires the Flaming Girls so much so that he must possess their very being.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 12

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Chapter 12

The same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

Restless Spirits Chapter 2

Most of the day goes by pretty quietly. Sayen manages to take inventory and restock the shelves without to much interruption, which she enjoys. Especially setting up a new display for some products they had just gotten in. While she was busy setting up the display and stocking it. Sayen didn’t hear the approach of some guys behind her.

“Well, well, fellows who do we have here, on her hands and knee’s? The white chick that thinks she is an Indian.” As, a tall long black hair fellow with a scar running down the left side of his face glances at Sayen.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 32 & 33 of 38


Chapter 32 - The Dean

I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised to get a message from the dean when I went to my morning class. The professor excused me with a smile and wished me good luck - a summons from the Dean usually meant you would need all the luck you could find.

Masks 23: Part 7

Part Seven

None of the three teams had an easy time. The one handling the civilians had to be careful not to hurt anyone, at least seriously. Those hunting the aliens had to avoid the humans the creatures had dominated into protecting them, or else deal with the innocent people a gently as possible, while trying to find their targets.

Aiding the latter two groups were two factors; the continuing updates from the microprobes and Runner.

You Are a Meany Chapter 15

The summer sun was rising as Luke stood on the cove looking towards the ocean next to his cousin Sam. Even with the bearer of the new day coming up from behind them instead of coming from the sea, the landscape was still breathtaking to Luke. The waves looked bigger, the water looked bluer, the sand was finer than the other beach Luke was at. Even with the beach being what Luke would consider paradise, this felt more like home than the other one. With how much Luke felt at one with the place, he did not even pay attention to the group of about 15 kids in the corner of his sight.

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.9

Chapter 10

While Mark was going through his night time ritual and sleeping Lisa was at CC’s getting licked to orgasm after orgasm by Stephanie. The more she learned about sissies the more she knew it was what she had always wanted. She had never been with a such a pretty girly girl like Stephanie, and definitely never with anyone who was that good with a tongue. The though of it being a guy who was locked up and frustrated was even better.

The Graduate, Vamped and Revamped: 1 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
A second look at the 1967 film, The Graduate
and the 1963 novella of the same name by Charles Webb.


“I have a word for you. Are you ready, Ben? The word is: plastics. Think about it.”

Ben’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I.. uh… I don’t understand.”

Mrs Crusoe came to his rescue. “Oh, Chad!” she exclaimed. “He’s too young to get that joke! I’m sure he’s never even heard of that film.”

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 30 & 31 of 38


Chapter 30 - The Operation

On the personal front, things were moving along, too. Doug and Sandra returned looking tanned and relaxed. Doug was a chemist who Sandra had met at a professional conference. He had done some of the work on the materials they used in the medical business, and things had just clicked. He worked for one of the big names in that business (no, I won't name names!) and after almost twenty years without a partner Sandra had fallen - big time. For that matter, so had Doug.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 231

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 231

5,4,3,2,1 We have lift off.
Not Miss King again.
Naainish is doing better.
Publish the textbook?

I'm as nervous as hell! ~o~O~o~ Not an interview too!? ~o~O~o~ Doctor, you need to open your eyes. ~o~O~o~ To tell Ajie? Or not to tell Ajie? ~o~O~o~ This late-night stuff has to stop.


Slacker Part 6

“Marnie,” said Sonya quietly, “Meet Barbie and Ken...”

I would like to thank my beta readers and editors, Monica Rose, Xtrim, Blurred_Edge and Pingu for their input and help. I'd also like to thank all of you for giving me a place to share my efforts. Last but not least, I want to thank my Muse, Dani.

All Characters Copyright 2011 - 2020 BolaDesign Studios. Image Copyright SuperArtistbOy.<
Part Six



In which Ken and Marnie have a confrontation, Femi needs calming down, Milo finds out more from Esther, Marnie and Sonya go to a party, and the Boardstock Trials begin.


The Mural and the Cabinet, part 13 of 21

He didn’t dare go through it himself. He’d seen how Devi grew into a ten-year-old boy and Sashtun aged into a woman into her forties; if he went through, he could be well over a hundred, too feeble to walk back through under his — or her — own power, and prone to dying of old age at any moment.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 28 & 29 of 38


Chapter 28 - Another Surprise

"Tell me again why we are doing this?" I mumbled.

It was Sunday morning. Far too early on Sunday morning since Saturday night had gone into extra innings.

"Because you're taking your parents out to brunch at eleven. You're doing this because you're a good daughter and love your Mommy and Daddy."

"And you're doing this to me because you wake up cheerful and know I don't."

Castle The Series - 0099 Kæna, Morgelle, Vikki, Carley



Ivy had kissed her and remarked, “When I first seeën the size of your bosom I knoewn you’d be good for trade, but I’m glad to see even under stress you keep the interests of the family first, Love.”



“Smokt eel? No, I’ve never hearet of that being doen. What’s jelly eel?”



Buckwheat’s kin were euphoric at the acquisition of a heavily pregnant and willing mother of more of their clansfolk.



“I shouldn’t like you to believe it is only because you are pregnant I wish to marry you.”

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 27 of 38


Chapter 27 - The Wedding

When you are young, it seems that there is always some lesson to be learned. When you are old, you can look back and laugh at how many times you had to learn those lessons, because the young always think they have learned everything they need to know and don't need further schooling.

Katie Ann - Chapter 34: Your Mother’s ID

Katie Ann

What do you do when you look 7 years old, but you're actually a college student in your late teens? For Kathleen's entire life, she had fought against people treating her much younger than her actual age. Feeling obligated to grow up fast to show people she wasn't the age of her size, Kathleen never let her inner child out. Tired of fighting against the world, she explores the adult submissive world. What she finds, however, is an enjoyment of regression. Had she made a mistake? Would life be better if she just let people treat her how she looks, 7 years old?

Becky Reus

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 26 of 38


Sandra had arranged for our internship to start after the wedding, giving us some actual vacation time before we began to work. Besides, with a wedding in the works, two built-in assistants were a boon to the busy bride who also had to keep up with full-time employment.

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 12 of 21

“And even if his story is untrue, it’s not necessarily a sign of mental illness in children his age to make up strange stories. So I’ll refer you to a child psychiatrist, but I suggest you keep an open mind and check that mural in Davey’s bedroom from time to time to see if it exhibits any... strange behavior.”

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 25 of 38


Chapter 25 - Summer of Changes

Exams ended, we all were able to store much of our stuff in the garage of our new apartment. I left all of Conrad's clothes behind, leaving the only vestige of him on my body, to be removed a soon as we reached home. Indeed, Julie's home would be my home, Connie's home, our home. This time the bus ride was without incident, and Sandra was there waiting for us.

This is not me - Part 6

Shopping for dinner together was a new experience for both of them. Phoebe pushed the trolley into the huge Tesco’s Supermarket on the outskirts of Shoreham with some trepidation. The last time she’d been shopping like this was at the end of her first year as an undergraduate. She and Lana had raided the last of their budget for an end of year party. Sky had invited almost everyman, woman and their dogs. To Phoebe, it had been like feeding the five thousand.

This was very different. For one thing is was not just throwing lots of things into a trolley and hoping for the best.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 24 of 38


Chapter 24 - Revelation

I'm not sure how I managed to study in those weeks between Spring Break and Summer Vacation. From an anonymous student trying to get a degree in business I was catapulted into an icon.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 230

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 230

House guests.
Naainish is improving.
You’re willing to bet with me?
We’re members of the car club!?

Is sitting with Naainish helping? ~o~O~o~ It's fun having house guests. ~o~O~o~ Are you sure that you're willing to bet with me? ~o~O~o~
e actually cut orders for that? ~o~O~o~ We may not go to the car show. But, ...


Castle The Series - 0097 Jade, Morgelle, Otis, Jodie, Faith



Phthalen said, “See, I telt you, Love, none can take him away. It’s not allowt.”



Morgelle knew she wasn’t only ready, but eager to start her marriage.



It was a fair fight, and Otis dien by putting himself overboard.



Ganger rather liekt the name Peach.



“I’ve been examint by three different midwifes thisday, and they all say they can hear two hearts beating, as well as mine. I’m having twins.”


Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 22 & 23 of 38


Chapter 22 - The Other 90%

This might be a good place to stop and talk about the 90% of my life that isn't directly connected with being transgendered. Of course, since this in a memoir of my life as a transgendered woman, it isn't surprising that that's what I've been writing about.

Babs' New Year's Resolution 44

The 2nd court case is completed and Bab's is out of danger. Olivia, Angela and Erica leave for Amsterdam to be witnesses in the Dutch trial while Lola at long last goes into hospital for her GRS.

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.8

Chapter 9

Once off the bus Mark snuck to his house as good as he could. Hiding behind bushes and hedges whenever he spotted someone. He really didn’t want to run in any of his neighbours with this big pink shopping bag. It would mean nothing but trouble since he realised full well that he wasn’t actually loved around here after all his vandalism.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 21 of 38


Chapter 21 - A Friendship Grows

Maggie, at first miffed that a man was doing so damn well as a feminist, eventually began to relent. Julie and I decided she needed to know the whole story, so one evening in an unused library room we took her into our confidence.

Sissy's Liberation chapter 1

Sissy's Liberation

By Julia Michelle

Chapter 1
Stephania is Liberated after many years of service to her cruel step mother and makes some vital decisions on her life

Scald-Crow 1: Chapter 2 - Striking A Deal


Scald-Crow 1:
The Rocky Road To Whateley
A Whateley Academy Tale

High School is a living hell for Padraig, and his life is only made worse by bullying.
One night a powerful spirit offers him a deal, and his life is changed forever.
In a world where Superheroes and Villains are the norm, and mutants are hated by most of the populace
life get's complicated fast for our young hero.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.22

“What the fuck just happened?” Grace had a confused look on her face.

Their SUV just shut down in the middle of the road. Anthony was trying to restart it, but nothing was happening. The next thing the two of them feel is an explosion.

All the glass on the SUV cracked from the explosion. The SUV rocks again, as another explosion hits it. Grace tries opening her door, but it wouldn’t open “my door won’t open.”

Anthony tries his as well, but it wouldn’t open as well “mine won’t open either.”

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 20 of 38


Chapter 20 - Ask Connie

In my depression after returning from that glorious week of letting Connie be free in the world, I neglected to notice that I couldn't be bothered to be sure her voice and movements stayed firmly behind the screen of Conrad. People began to notice but, like sometimes happens, just shook their heads and whispered among themselves.

“The Tide is High” Chapter 1: “What Game Is This” (partial)

What Game Is This

Raising children was hard.
It still is.
Keeping my marriage was hard
And it still is.

I can remember exactly what I was doing one late night in late February: making life difficult for a lot people. I just didn’t know it at the time.

I wasn’t thinking about it seven minutes before.
Didn’t cross my mind an hour earlier
And it sure as nothing didn’t hit me at dinner.

Masks 23: Part 2

Part Two

That same evening, in their main meeting room, the Assembly was having a special discussion about a more serious matter: The death - murder, actually - of John Gaughn.

"You don't think Constantine did this, do you?" said Champion, leaning back in her chair and looking thoughtfully at the glow panels in the high ceiling, though addressing the team brain.

Memoir of a Stealth Transition - 19 of 38


Chapter 19 - Bouncing Boobies

I hadn't even had time to hang my new clothes up before Julie reached over and squeezed my new breasts. "They do feel almost real," she commented. I could vaguely feel her finger as it traced the nipple of the form. "And it has a nipple!" she enthused.

Transformed into a Busty Puppy Girl

A young man living in Japan orders mysterious tablets that will transform the user into their ideal self. His ideal is to become a living, breathing character from an ero-anime: an animal-eared girl with huge breasts! However, things don't go smoothly...


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