dorothycolleen's blog

"The Killing Joke"

I was watching "Atop the fourth wall" on Youtube, and he did a review of "the Killing Joke", which is a Batman story. The main theme of the story is the Joker believes what separates him from regular people is just one bad day.

He's wrong, of course, and I can show proof by pointing to many of my friends who have had "one bad day" - in many cases it was much more than just one day - and who are kind, generous, and would never hurt anybody.

Now, if you're wondering why I don't use me as an example, the answer is simple.

Unlike my friends, I'm broken and dangerous.

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I'm very frustrated with myself

I've been working on a sequel to "Demonstration Model" and I'm getting frustrated with myself.

I've developed a reputation for flash fiction, and while that's not bad, sometimes, I'd like to actually let a story breathe a bit.

But that's not happening with this story. I'm 370 words in, and I'm going to be lucky to end up with over 500 words.

sighs . . .

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I had an unusual dream

Okay last night I had a very unusual dream.

it started with me in school, and discovering I was failing in a class, and feeling very upset about that.

Then I went out of that classroom and realized that the building was some kind of construct, and I could walk through the walls.

So that's exactly what I did.

I had one scary moment when someone grabbed my arm as I was walking through a wall, but I told them to let me go or something messy would happen, and they let me go.

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dodging bullets

Well, "dodging bullets" seems to be a theme around here today.

My brother dodged a bullet when we found out he hadn't dislocated his knee or torn tendons as we had feared, but had just inflamed everything. Bit of rest, and then light exercise, and he will be on the road to recovery.

Mom and I dodged a bullet dealing with COVID, as while we couldn't get a test to confirm, it seems likely we had a mild version of the disease, meaning the fact we were both vaccinated probably prevented us from needing to be hospitalized.

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My brother has had a bad couple of days

My brother Mike has had a bad couple of days.

It started with him finding out yesterday that a good friend is in the hospital after their vehicle was struck by a train.

And then today he tried to help me shovel the walk and made his knee worse, to the point he couldn't hardly walk.

so if you're the praying type, some prayers for my family would be appreciated.

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hopeful dreams

yesterday I had two dreams that have me thinking I might be going in a good direction.

In the first I was in line to see a movie and wanted to make sure I'd be able to stop at the concession stand, and in the second I was at university and headed towards my locker after my last class.

What made these dreams different was that I knew where I wanted to go, I just had to make the journey, instead of feeling anxious that I wouldn't be able to find what I was looking for.

So hopeful, I think.

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having a breakdown in Walmart

So Mom and I thought we were feeling well enough to go get some groceries, but while walking around Walmart, my knee tweaked and Mom told me to go back to the car.

Once back at the car, I had a complete breakdown - crying, shaking, and not being able to stop.

Fortunately I had myself under control by the time mom came out with the groceries, so she didn't see my breakdown, but honestly, I still feel pretty shaky

so hugs appreciated.

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slowly recovering and being a delivery girl

a health update: most of my flu symptoms have ended except I have a runny nose, and its hard to complain about that when I have felt so bad the last couple of days.

I have also started working on a new story, which has started out being something more appropriate to Halloween than now, which has me thinking once more that I am not the creator of my stories, they just arrive, and my only job is to be a good delivery girl and pass them on.

Anyway, that's my update for now..

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there went my good mood

Well, my good mood has gone pop. after I posted on Facebook about the gift I got this year, I got this reply from my sister in law: "It's a shame that after the love and grace received thought your brother deserved no card, nor gift but a black lump of coal. It's even more a shame he expected no better treatment."

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my Christmas miracle

Well, after listening to all the advice I was given, I will share my Christmas miracle.

To give some context, before my transition I was terrified that I would lose the people I loved if I came out, and of course that did not happen.

Despite that, there two people with deep concerns about what I was doing and why, my brother and sister-in-law.

Honestly I was just glad they were not actively trying to stop me.

Which brings us to Christmas.

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I have a dilemma and I need your help

I'm facing a moral dilemma and I need everybody's help.

See, I had something very good happen to me yesterday, and originally I planned to come here and share it at full volume, but then I started thinking.

I'm already much better off than a lot of the people here, at least in terms of how accepting their loved ones are of the gender stuff, and I started to wonder if me sharing would make those people feel worse about their own situations.

And since I don't want to hurt anybody, should maybe I just . . . not share?

Advice please?

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Military dream

Okay so last night I dreamed I was one of a group of teens at a day camp studying to become cadets so they could enter the military after high school.

We studied military history, specifically Julius Caesar, and at the end of the camp all the cadets were in dress uniforms for the trip home.

But their uniforms included what I can only describe as a skirt. Not a kilt, but a plain red skirt with white stripes on the sides. Yes, boys and girls were in this outfit.

Wish fulfillment, maybe?

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Bad day

But today was a bad day.

After a nice Saturday with Sharon and Sam, including a gift exchange, we were surprised when Sharon called us and said she'd left a bag at a drug store.

So this afternoon we went down there, picked them up, took them to the store, and got the bag, and then Sharon said she needed to go to a local mall. I assumed it was some last minute shopping but when we got there she asked how long she and Sam could take in the mall, and feeling slightly boxed in, I said they could have an hour, and mom said they could have an hour and a half.

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a change in my dreams

I had a really crazy dream last night.

It started with me being at a university, and one of the students, a young black man, gave me his coat. I put it on, turned a corner, and suddenly I was the only white person I saw in the halls. I went back and found the young man and gave him the coat back, and then I "jumped" into a new situation.

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Double Dream

I'm sure you've seen enough TV to know what I mean if I say a show is a "doctor show" or a "lawyer show".

But what about a show that's both?

That was the dream I had last night. In the first half of the dream, I was a lawyer fighting to get a client a fair trial.

And then without warning I was suddenly in a hospital listening to a lecture on a new surgical procedure.

Don't ask me folks, I just do the dreaming.

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Family update

Well, Sharon has decided to leave her job as a school custodian.

Between her reluctance to get vaccinated, and the fact that her doctor has told her she needs to cut back because of heart issues, she will be leaving Edmonton Public Schools at the end of December.

She has arranged that in the new year she will be working as a cleaner in a home three days a week.

I hope she's thought this all through, and knows how to get extra support if she needs it, as I simply do not have the funds to help.

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