So a couple of days ago, while in Walmart, I saw what looked like a book that looked like a novel with a cute romantic comedy vibe, so I picked it up.
At the start, the book delivered on that vibe, as it told the story of an ordinary man and a witch who fall for each other.
They met, he somehow defeated the glamor on her house (which is supposed to make people forget it and the residents) to remember her, they had a meet cute, they had a misunderstanding, it was all going pretty much the way I expected.
Yes there was a scary evil entity that she had to bind by travelling to the past, and some other supernatural stuff happening, but the overall process was happening like normal for these types of books.
Even her revealing she'd accidently hurt her first boyfriend when she had an orgasm and lost control of her powers was handled in the cutest way possible.
Then came the moment that has me struggling.
The man revealed why he had left the US to come to England.
He was running away from an ex girlfriend, and the reason he was running away was . . .
The woman had drugged and r*ped him.
If you know my history, you probably can guess why that made me put the book down and start shaking.
Since then, I've had a couple of flashbacks, and I am NOT doing well.
So all hugs and prayers appreciated.
All the hugs
Sending love in job lots!
Hang in there, Dot!
— Emma
Dorothy needs Hugs
Hugs and prayers
As requested and deserved.
Hugs on the way, via "The Aether" ...
I collected a Big Batch of hugs Friday night (*), another Big Batch anticipated Sunday morning (meeting with friends) and Sunday afternoon.
I'm looking forwards to committing Sybaritic Gourmand-ary at a favorite restaurant, in celebrations of my birthday and veganniversary.
(*) Two friends specifically remembered I'm vegan. One brought VioLife cheese, the other brought a batch - still hot in cooker - of Cowboy Chili, minus all the 'critter bits'. Happy-Happy Yum-Yum dances!
A baffler you posed elsewhere. I now have name candidates for your pink & purple friend. (I got 'stuck' on form and color, sigh ...) Shifting to 'job description' of Healer gave me ideas.
How about the names or variations of one of the following?
= Nurse Florence Nightingale:
= Doctors Hawkeye and Trapper John, and Nurse Houlihan from M.A.S.H:*A*S*H_(TV_series).
= Dr Barry Marshall,, who proved cause of most ulcers are infections ... (and shared a Nobel Prize for it) by >drinking< a lab culture of H. Pylori, >giving< himself a raging (my word) ulcer ... (antibiotics worked).
I gotta pass on hugs anyways ... any beyond the few I need for myself, those just leak out my eyes. Not that they are 'lost'. they just launch themselves into the Aether, looking for somebody who needs them.
* Hugs *
Hang in there!
"What goes around, comes around ... "
I don't always say where my overload of hugs comes from ...
Dorothy, some of my excess hugs ... come from me reading >your< Stories!
>Boomerang time!!<