Okay, so last night Jaci called me, and told me some people on Discord were rather concerned about me, since I hadn't been on in a while, nor had a posted a blog here.
I told her and the others I had gotten super focused on a stupid D&D thing I had been working on, and just kind of tuned everything else out.
But having had a night to think about it, that was only partially true.
See, last Thursday, a 16 year old boy killed 2 police officers, seriously wounded his own mother, and then took his own life here in Edmonton.
At the time, I just joined the rest of the city in feeling shock and grief, or at least that's what I was telling myself.
Until Saturday, when Mike and Carol came over, and while trying to make my mother understand what had happened, Carol pointed out the number of things I had in common with the shooter.
See. when I was 16, I was a ball of rage, grief, and confusion, without any real coping skills, and more than once I resorted to violence to try and express myself.
She pointed out I had almost killed my stepfather, almost killed myself more than once, and was really not that different than the shooter, except I had not had access to a firearm.
She's not wrong, and by saying it forced me to confront the uncomfortable truth of the similarities.
So at least part of the reason I haven't been on Discord is I think I was scared this might come out, and I wasn't ready to for that.
So my apologies to Jaci and the others on Discord, as well as anybody else who was worried.
... almost ... almost ...
But. You. Did. NOT.
You, and those around you, survived.
And you got to where you are now.
You can write about it, talk about it, speak in your Church. You have a family. OK, it's shaky, but then what family is not shaky?
(Show me a perfect family, and I'm gonna check the Wife's belly button for "Made in Stepford", then X-ray her for circuitry, but first go in the basement and rescue the real Wife from life-support ...)
You have people who >provably< care: Jaci, the Discord people, many of us on BCTS, and at least one of us (*raising hand*) who hopes he is not acting "stalk-y" on your FB page.
Every "Kudo" on every one of your stories means that someone cared enough to at least give you a whack on your Thumb button, before going on to read the next thing...
And all the people who got happy sniffles the first time reading your stories (me), and who come back to re-read. And all the people happy you inspired Ray Drouillard to write his "A New Life" stories in your M.Y.T.H. World.