
Give me a drink

Had one of those stressful days. Dealing with Kaiser over meds and it's only a fraction of what's coming under Obama care, fighting with a supplier as to why my delivery didn't come today even though it was promised and the other delivery where the driver couldn't understand english. Said to myself, I'm going to have a drink even though I haven't allowed the devils brew to cross my lips for weeks. Not a good idea, well actually it was but now I can't write for crap.

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Okay, so I screwed up

Yep I did it royally. To make a long story short I was having difficult writing a sequel to Assassin. I got about twenty thousand words into the thing and I just couldn't write anymore, so in my brilliance I decided to write a fluff piece just to relax my brain. I grew lazy and started reading books like crazy, Vince Flynn, Lisa Gardner, Michael Connelly and many more. My kindle bill was off the charts, did I mention Tanya Allan, yep I bought a bunch of hers and Karin Bishop and Lee Childs, I've read every Jack Reacher novel written.

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Drake's Bay update, I'm pissed

This is an update on the Drake's Bay Oyster farm renewal to operate. President Obama and his lead man Ken Salizar have decided to NOT renew the operating permit for the farm even though it was found that the governmant had lied on their reports. What this means is the end of an environmently friendly business that's been in this location for years. It means the loss of jobs for thirty employees who have devoted their lives to Drakes Bay and it also takes away the livelyhood of the family that operated the farm.

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This is important

Please view the videos and help to discourage big government from doing the wrong thing. I know this isn't TG, but it is important. This farm is only fifty miles from where I live and the video tells everything you need to know about the area. Best to all, Arecee

Video produced by Friends of Drakes Bay Oyster [18 min]:

Video produced by [3 min]:

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Funny thing about feelings

I went to a brunch today with kids from my graduating class at a grill and began talking about stories I had written and posted on line. My family knows I write stories and I've told them where to go to read them, but no one ever does. and mentioned my I'll be home for Christmas story to one of my class mates, we've been mates ever since kindergarden and she was amazed I would write fiction such as this and be a conservative. I mentioned that being a conservative had more to being self reliant than having government take care of you.

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Assassin update

After looking at my stories page, I notice there is still some interest in my Assassin series. I know it's a shameless plug, but it is available on Kindle. I also tried to have it done in print with Createspace at Amazon, but the story is to long by six or so pages, 828 is the maximum and Assassin runs at 834 so I have to find a way to edit it down to their maximum if I want it in print. The concept at Createspace is interesting, but you pay for each page printed with no up front money. The only problem might be the length will make the book so expensive no one will want to buy it.

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Assassin thank you's

Now that the final part of Assassin has been posted and for the most part read, I would like to thank all involved in the project. First Holly Hart for her editing skills and suggestions during the year and a half of writing. Sephrenea for posting the picture and highlighting the chapters. The question has been asked if there will be a sequel? After reading the final part one can see several open threads indicating the possibility. Yes those are there for a purpose, but I have other things to take care of first. I want to take care of my Twisted novel first.

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Assassin Part Eight

Thank you all that have read Part Eight of Assassin, the first post. Imagine my surprise when I returned home to the bay area from Los Angeles to find the second and third parts of the story already edited by Holly. She must have worked without sleep over Christmas. Needless to say I will be posting them, number two in a day or two and the third after the reads go down on part two. These are the last parts of the story and it will be complete. Thank you for the kind words you've all written as comments about the story.

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Thank you and Merry Christmas

Posting of Assassin was a Merry Christmas from me, Holly Hart, and Sephrena. After trying to post the story I made nothing but a mess of it. Holly knocked out the edit in one day and Sephrena posted it even though she has issues that are between her and people that are special to her. I want to say thank you to both of them and hope you enjoy this special Christmas gift, Arecee

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It's twelve-thirty in the morning

And I just finished the first edit of Assassin part eight. What a drag. I sent it off to Holly to be edited, but it wiil be a bit of time before the last installment of this story is posted. Yeah, I know, why not right away? Well it's almost eighty one thousand words long and believe me reading and rewriting something like this takes time. Hopefully I didn't leave a mess for Holly to unravel. As much as I liked the first parts of the story, I think this last bit is the best.

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My apologies

For taking so long to post the final chapter of Assassin. As most of you know I've been fighting a battle with cancer and I think I've won that battle. Things though have had me puzzled. I wonder if the chemo and radiation effect the brain enough to not want to write. I would put off writing and just read stories. My Kindle wasn't any help at all except to help me with my writing when I was able. I found Lee Child and became an addict. His descriptions of an event or scene are incredible.

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Arecee's here

Hello everyone, and thank you for your concern as to why I haven't finished the rewrite of Homecoming Princess. There are several reasons, one I won't get into because it's personal and the others I will explain. As most of you know I'm writing my Assassin series and am almost finished with it. It's obviously very long and takes much time to research and bring together in a story. Writing a story this long doesn't leave time for a rewrite of princess, nor other stories I have in the works, Twisted being one that comes to mind.

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How long is too long?

I'm curious as to when a posting becomes too long? I'm using my Assassin series as an example. Most of the posts have been around twenty thousand words, but the last was thirty thousand and there was a dramatic fall off of readers. Part two is has the most clues as to where this story is headed and I wonder if readers are turned off by the length? Part three is ready to post and it too is over thirty thousand words and I wonder if I should be posting as chapters rather than parts? Personally I like longer stories, but how long is too long? Arecee

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Ode to Plural English

An ode of English Plural
English: A Tough Language to Learn

We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes,
But the plural of ox becomes oxen, not oxes.
One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,
Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.
You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice,
Yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.

If the plural of man is always called men,
Why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen?
If I speak of my foot and show you my feet,
And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?

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My tiolet seat took a shit

After reading all the really downer blogs as of late I thought I would share something more positive, maybe. Last night I had to use the tiolet and , yep you guessed it, The toilet seat broke at the most inconvienent time. Well today I had to fix it or Mrs. C would have to go down stairs to do what she does. After who know how many years the nuts on the bolts were gone, rusted to the rust God in the sky. Mrs. C bought me one of those Fien cutters, only a knock off and well the battery went dead and now I'm waiting for it to charge. Why you wonder, am I writing this blog?

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A lump of coal

I wanted to add another chapter of Assassin, but I'm not finished with it yet, so I'm leaving nothing but a lump of coal. Actually, the reason for this blog is to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and if you're not Christian what ever holiday you celebrate. This is the time of year to love anyone you sometimes want to hate. Peace, Arecee

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Assassin 6

Sorry for the delay in posting this part of the story. My editor has been VERY ill and has had more on her mind than editing a story. As far as the rest is concerned, I didn't look at the content after I posted it and apparently I did something wrong which Puddintane repaired, thank you. The only reason I stated the length as being novel length is because the total story is very long and I've posted over one hundred thousand words to date. Arecee

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Way to go Giants

I just want to congratulate my SF Giants for winning the World Series. After seeing the disgusting Tshirts the Texans composed "Steers vs Queers" I have to laugh. Our group of mutts weren't suposed to have a chance against the power of the steers, but pitching will always beat hitting and the last two games proved that. I only hope they can do it again next year, Arecee

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Thank you for a fun afternoon

I just spent an amazing afternoon meeting some of the authors on this site. Mostly I want to thank Holly Hart and Rachel Anne for working to put together a very nice picnic in Walnut Creek. That's in California for the geographically challenged. I was blessed to meet Mona Lisa, Heather Rose Brown, Erin, Rachel, Shalamar, whom I met when Holly moved and of course Holly Hart. We stuffed our faces with professionally grilled hamburgers, brats and beans, by Rachel Anne. It was nice to put a face on people I have admired for years. Thank you once again, Arecee

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A hooker with a heart of gold

I've been reading several comments about Assassin pertaining to Stan and not feeling the love. Several have said they can't feel empathy toward the boy. I'm sorry to pop that balloon, but Stan is an assassin. I'm sorry that some of my readers think that I'm not going in the right direction, but the story is what it is. A boy led adrift and he kills people. Yes he has many issues he hasn't dealt with and yes he's trying to be a patriotic citizen. The important thing to remember is that he's eighteen. Even if he had never been to Afghanistan he would still be immature.

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Good news for the Assassin

I just finished Part four of Assassin, Yahoo. My brain is fried. Now all I have to do is edit all forty thousand words of it so I can send it to Holly for the real edit. Hopefully it will be posted in about two weeks. I can hardly wait to start part five because that's where the story starts to be fun, at least for me, Arecee

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I'm sorry, but I just don't get it

As an author I like to see how many reads a story is getting, call it vanity or something else, but it's important to me and I'm sure to other authors. Now to the point, I see abisimal stories that don't make sense but have all the buzz words, heels, breasts, hormones, implants, the operation and they get reads like crazy. Then you have an absolutely wonderful story that doesn't fall under those precious words left to dangle in the wind. Nancy Cole's While the Band Played Waltzing Matilda is a good example.

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What are your favorite movies?

I was sitting around in a drunken stupor and wondered what your favorite movie was? I read a favorite summer picture survey and wondered what our favorite might be? I thought of mine and chose to list them, fiction and non-fiction My fiction favorites are, let me hear the drums please, Bridge on the River Kwai, Antie Mame, The Great Escape, The Worlds Fastest Indian, Breakfast At Tiffanys, Around The World In Eighty Days, and of course Star War's episode four. Non-fiction has to be On Any Sunday. Well, how about yours? Arecee

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How lucky can you get?

Tomorrow, June first is my birthday, but we celebrated it today. Three of my children were here and so were five of my grandchildren. I barbequed two chataubriands and a butterflied leg of lamb. All came out perfect, medium rare. The day was perfect, with the exception of no sunshine. I didn't mind because, don't say it, my kids were all the sunshine I needed. Being part of this community is the icing on the cake. I love you all, Arecee

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Good News

Good news. I'm halfway through the rewrite of Assassin part three. I will be sending it off to my editor in the next few days and hopefully I'll have it posted next week. Sorry for the long delay in posting it, but this part is quite long. Thanks for your patience, Arecee

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Anothwr great weekend

What a great weekend, Went to the Pacific Coast Dream Machine event in Half Moon Bay, California. What fun. It was sunny and the temperature was just right, about seventy,and I got a sunburn. The machines were awsome. There were around three hundred cars of all descriptions, airplanes from the second world war which did a flying demonstration, WOW. There were steam engines and a real steam roller which they actually drove down a paved road between runways.There were muscle cars, hot rods, restored classics, and the best thing was that they were cars owners felt very good about.

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A steamy weekend

I'm sure you thought I meant something else, but what I'm refering to is a steam locomotive. I spent a wonderful weekend with my wife and two grandsons riding the steam train which runs from Sunol to Niles, California. The boys were beside themselves with awe for the steaming beast. They only run the locomotive three times a year and when they do it creats traffic jambs on the highway next to the tracks. This train is a thing of beauty as it chugs slowly from Niles to Sunol, the return trip because it has to climb up hill which forces it to work and display the beauty of steam.

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Holly Hart

Okay, I'm an old man and still don't know how to use my computer. That being said, I can't thank Holly Hart enough for all the hard work she has done with my latest story. She's teaching me things I never knew besides cleaning up the mess I send her to, "Just take a little look, it won't be hard." This latest part of the story is over twenty thousand words and she has been kind enough to fit me in even though she is in the middle of moving and a new job. I bestow on you, Holly, sainthood because you deserve it, Arecee

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Okay, here's the thing

Here's the thing. I'm writing a very long novel about an assassin and have the first part edited and would like to post it. The second part is with my editor and I've started on part three. Here's my dilemma. I vowed not to post anything until the whole story is completed as with Runway. When I wrote Show Me The Money I posted it as it was written.It put a lot of pressure on me so you wouldn't have to wait too long for the story to continue. But, the first part of this story is like having a dollar in your pocket when you are drunk. It burns a hole and wants to be spent.

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Research for stories

I was opening my Email account and noticed another strange inquiry. "Hi Jennifer, still own that Mustang?" I had others but this was the first to ask for Jennifer. I wondered what the heck is this and who's Jennifer? None of my kids are named Jennifer, nor is my wife. I finally put it together. When I was researching insurance costs for Show Me The Money I entered Jennifer Billings and her new Mustang as the person to be insured. Lo and behold, Jennifer is now a real person.

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I don't get it?

I've followed the complains of some of the authors on this site as to the loss of readers as a series progresses. I've also had that happen too, but I wonder why one chapter in the middle of a series gains 1300 reads? All of the chapters of Show Me The Money have been averaging around thirty two hundred reads and for some reason chapter twenty-three has almost forty-six hundred, and then the reads go back down to thirty -two hundred again. Sorry, but I don't get why that one chapter gets that many reads than the others? Arecee

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Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Princess Found - Part 13

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Princess Found

Part 13
By Arecee

Edited and proofed by Sephrena Lynn Miller

Fudge it all! What is so wrong with me? I slammed the plastic pitcher of tea on the counter and let the refrigerator door shut a little too hard.

“Is everything alright in there?” Jason called out.

No! Everything is NOT okay. I have feelings for you and its distracting me!


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