This is an update on the Drake's Bay Oyster farm renewal to operate. President Obama and his lead man Ken Salizar have decided to NOT renew the operating permit for the farm even though it was found that the governmant had lied on their reports. What this means is the end of an environmently friendly business that's been in this location for years. It means the loss of jobs for thirty employees who have devoted their lives to Drakes Bay and it also takes away the livelyhood of the family that operated the farm. These weren't the Bill Gates or Warren Buffets of the world, but a family doing the right thing and making a small living. To see what really has happened here see my previous blog about Drakes Bay Oyster farm. All I can say is GRRRR., Arecee
I'd like to know a bit more about this. We used to get oysters from Tomales Bay. It seems to me that oysters are filter feeders, and help remove undesireable things from the water.