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I need a translation again. My assassin is in Brussels so I need another translation, either in Flemish or French. A police officer is entering a hotel and asks "Wait sir, I would like to speak to you."



I like:

"Attendez monsieur, je voudrais vous parler."

I'm not sure I would bother with the Flemish. How many people would recognise it?

Police Speech

Bike Archive

More Accurately

Brussels is in the French "sector" of Belgium, so French would be the official language. Belgium is divided into two regions, the northern part is Flemish-speaking, the southern part is French-speaking. Sounds like nothing, I suppose, but it is a big deal to them. In the mid-Sixties the entire elected government resigned and new elections had to be called when it was discovered that a school in the Flemish-speaking region was teaching in French.

When I lived in Antwerp, I had a beautiful French girl friend who attended the same international school I did. Her only other choice, realistically, would have been to take a two-hour roundtrip daily to Brussels to attend a school teaching in French. In the northern part of Belgium at that time the French were regarded as just slightly above the Germans. And they were hated. (War memories were still too close to the surface.)

Karen J.

"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

I use google translator

When I'm online with friends from different countries sometimes I'll use google translator to communicate with them.I figure why make them use English all the time.It isn't perfect but it works.

Splitting hairs

PS's sugggestion is just fine. However as an alternative you might consider 'Un instant Monsieur' instead of 'Attendez ...' No particular reason apart from 'Attendez' seems to suggest that the policeman has already spoken to the person, who is about to move on. Whereas 'Un instant' suggests, to my mind at least, that the policeman has just stopped the person concerned.

You get the same effect in English of course.

Splitting hairs is my forte. :)


Fleurie Fleurie



as 60 % of the belgian population speaks dutch like i do the word you are looking for is ''huurmoordenaar''
if there is more than 1 it is ''huurmoordenaars''

greetz erik je