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Pure TG

Captain, Oh My Captain is pure TG and straight from my heart. I left it needing a bit of editing because I wanted to present a woman who was not quite coherent much of the time. I wanted to preserve the disorderly thinking.

So those who are tempted to pull the edit sword, be careful what you toy with.

It is my hope that both my fans will enjoy this glimpse into the mind of a crazed woman.

Khadija Gwen

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I'm still alive incase anyone was wondering ?

Just so you all know I was hit with a stroke on May 23rd that hit the left side of my body and I just got out of Rehab today and I'm going real slow at the present I'm suppose to continue more rehab here at home Will Talk later Thank you all. See you later! Richard

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Gender changes slowly coming

Over the past sixty years the concepts and perceptions about those who do NOT fit the gender identity they were tagged with at birth is slowly changing. Sadly, Harry Benyamin's Gender Dysphoria is still hung onto all boy-girls caught up in the gender blender. In other words, if one doesn't accept their birth sex designation then they are crazy.

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Almost A Girl Chapter 6

Not all tags are relevant to every chapter.

Barbara is drawn or maybe forced into further confusion. Will she regain her male persona, or succumb to the temptations of the femme side? Only the author knows for sure, and she ain't telling.

Mark Waid on making a living being a creative talent.

I took this from what he says as advice towards creative individuals of any bent. I hope some of you find it interesting. Click the link at the bottom for the entire interview with Mark Waid. For those not familiar with Mark Waid, he's a highly successful comic writer who's worked for all three of the major houses and has his own online publishing house at Thrillbent.

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Experimental ad above QuickCuts

The ad above the quickcuts box is an attempt to find someone of interest to BC readers that would like to help sponsor the site. It's not an attempt to cash in, we really don't need to do that. If you are logged in, you can turn the ad off in your MyAccount settings. Right now, the ad will take you to the Doppler Press page at Lulu where most of the stories in The Hatbox are available, individually priced.

Erin, Piper and Cat

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Cami and the Cameo Appearance - 4

Cami and the Cameo Appearance - 4

Hal helps his sister and girlfriends with a needed extra date. Cami has not only done well, but she doesn't go away as planned. She is surprised by her like to be a girl, even more about Sal's attraction to her...

Writers Block Broken ?

Several weeks ago I posted about writers block ,about stories that have been left unfinished it seems some of our great writers have heard my pain and started to pick up stories where they stopped adding chapters . KUDOS & THANK YOU for each and every page posted.
I thank each of you creative thinkers for wonderful stories and taking the time to post on BCTS with is a free site hosted by wonderful dedicated unrecognized people.
Please for those who can donate .

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Folks, if you're gonna PM about Almost A Girl,

Please send your messages to the author, Barbie Lee. Here's a helpful link:

Thank you.

Catherine Linda Michel... just the editor.

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The Unwritten Chapter

In the movie ‘The Poseidon Adventure,’ one of the characters sings a song, ‘The Morning After.’ It was a way for the people making the movie to let people know even after surviving the horrific events depicted in the movie the characters, and their stories, lived on. Just what kind of lives they enjoyed was left to the movie viewer to make up on their own.

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Nikki Meets the Kendalls - part 4

Nikki Meets the Kendalls
Part 4

by Purple Dragon

Nicky's favourite place in the world was a small islet in the lake, where he could be the girl he really was without anyone around. until the Kendalls came.


As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

What to do?

First of all, I'm sorry but the chapters of Winter's Child and Twice Removed that I was hoping to have done today will be a bit delayed since my weekend was a bit crazy. First on Saturday I had to do some gardening and Martin's three year old niece wanted me to play with her pretty much all day long, so I was too tired to do much when we got home late. Then yesterday I had a bit of a breakdown. Ever since I moved to Quebec I've had nothing but problems with finding any sort of work, getting financial assistance, getting consistent medical coverage, a doctor and my prescriptions.

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Havens Salvation 5-2 Lay on McDuff

Havens Salvation


Lay on McDuff

Misha Nova

My benefactress Maggie is said to teach one of the highest levels of discipline and integrity practiced in magical arts. I took that to heart, that is why I sought her out. Unlike many I am an old soul and I do remember the cost of being sloppy in the integrity department. So this time through I was determined not to stain my soul by breaking the rules. My strictness governing my performance is what gives me strength and power of purpose, I am determined to follow the stringent code of conduct that I was taught.

Cami and the Cameo Appearance - 3

Cami and the Cameo Appearance - 3

Hal helps his sister and girlfriends with a needed extra date. Cami has not only done well, but she doesn't go away as planned. She is surprised by her like to be a girl, even more about Sal's attraction to her...

The Family that Plays Together, part 04 of 10

I leaned way over to get a closer look at my reflection, and suddenly there was a splash of water that blinded me for a moment, and something was grappling my arms and shoulders, pulling me down into the water.

More Knowledgeable, Less Able

Every 18 months to 2 years, I post how I can't write, with the hope that my muse will get her dander up and show me. Here is another of those attempts. And no, my knowing that she knows might still work. Reverse psychology, if you will.

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