General Audience (pg)

A question for anyone interested in answering...

Is it just me, or are some of the most difficult stories to read the ones you wrote yourself? I'm going over a story I'm working on to make sure that I've got everything straight on paper, as it were, and I'm finding it slow going. This isn't because it's long or hard to read or anything like that, but because I know what I intended to write, or what I want to be there and completely miss where I left a word or line of text in from a previous version of a scene, or I don't see where I left a gaping hole in the plot after changing my mind about something.

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Thank you to all those who take time to comment

Every comment is appreciated. Believe me, every single one. If a person leaves a comment about the story it means it touched them deeply enough they became "emotionally" involved enough to say something.

Someone didn't like the way it was written. They had an opinion. Someone claims it is headed in the wrong direction. Someone likes it.

For more years than I'm going to tell, I've been writing. And I honestly love the comments that tells me my story was Road Kill because it was DOA. They got emotionally involved.

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I am ashamed

As most of my long-time readers know, I try my best in this blog to be as honest as I possibly can, in part to make up for the amount of lying that was part of my life before. That isn't always easy, a lot of the time I'd rather talk about something "safe" than bring out the tough stuff that's going on. Like, for example, discovering I did the double-look at boys, that was not easy to write out for public consumption, to say the least.

Sadly, I'm faced with one of those moments again

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Sorry I'm crap at blogs but...

I'm useless at writing blogs but today is a BIG day...... I'm taking estrogens and spironolactone for the first time in years. Last time, I chickened out. This time, I'm going for it for a month to "see what happens". My questions are:
1... am I taking the right doses (.625mg Premarin, and 50mg Aldactone) and
2... am I hoping for too much is going for "a month to see...."???? Help! love to you all, Ginger xx

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Almost A Girl Chapter 2

FROM THE EDITOR: There is a mystery here. Some of you have guessed... sort of... what it might be. While some things might seem cruel, all may not be as it seems.

We rejoin our teens as they are about to enter the mall. Stick with this story. Regardless of how things might seem, I promise a happy ending.

My Best Friend's Girl Revised

I am incorporating suggestions made by Angela Rasch. She helped me edit this so I am thanking her and using her suggestions to make this better. I think it is even better thanks to her. The first chapter is all her suggestions so I am giving credit where credit is due. I will use her suggestions for the next story I write as it does help to make it better. Also I cut the getting ready for the prom chapter and turned it into a paragraph inserted before Leon arrives. I was not happy with the chapter and felt it slowed down the action of the story. I hope you like this better.

Many thanks to Cathy

Cathy has a life and it isn't holding my hand editing my stories. She does it anyway. Hand holding that is. One would not believe nor understand the herculean task that goes into editing unless they have done it themselves.

She makes suggestions to clarify the story to the readers.

I don't understand? "Cathy Honey, the story is clear as a bell. I know exactly what I meant. Can't they read?"

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No Bike tonight

Sorry folks, been up in Lunnun all day as part of my training for the Tour de France (I'm not riding it, just helping to make it happen). Walked miles around the Olympic Park and didn't get home until late evening, so I'm afraid I'm too tired to do Bike tonight. Hopefully if I can wake myself up by tomorrow, I'll try and do the next exciting(yawn),thought provoking (duh!) episode of BCTS own long (winded?)running soap. I'm sure you can't wait.


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Writers Block?

We have so great writer on BCTS and as of late there has been a shortage of stories from some of our regular writers and some of the long stories with multi chapters that never got finished. I know real life gets in the way of fun and I as a non writer should not complain BUT maybe I can get some new stories started from some semi retired writers
HUGS & KISSES to all in our BCTS family Richie2

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Masks Chapter 37

Masks Chapter 37

Chapter 37

We leave heading for class and I sneak a look back and Elizabeth just threw her Starbucks coffee in a huge splash all over the hallway wall and she’d be coming for us or at us if it wasn’t for two teacher’s bee lining it to see what’s going on.
Yeah my mask’s still on pretty tight and I might still be Stephen but I’m really Stephanie…and Stephanie's tired of getting stepped on already.
Has anyone ever came out and not taken huge amounts of bullshit?
Maybe, Maybe I’m going to find out.

*And Now…

Termites and Gun Shots

It's termite swarm season here in Florida and guess whose house has got them. MINE. For some reason there was a roll of Toilet paper on the entertainment center and when I went to move it I noticed all these wings just laying around. Weird, I thought, the pixie's decided to hoof it. I went to move the toilet paper back to the toilet paper room (a.k.a. bathroom, a.k.a. danger zone). To my surprise, thousands (maybe less) of termites were crawling in and around the TP roll. So I threw the roll out and hopefully all the termites.

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Forced Vacation

Well, yesterday, I got chewed out by my Human Resources manager because I hadn't taken any vacation time during my last year of working for Walmart, and she and my supervisor insisted on me taking it as soon as possible.

So I will be on vacation for two weeks starting June 8, but I have no idea what I will be doing with myself. I have no money for a trip anyplace, so it will be a "stay-cation", and it could be rather boring ...

Ah, well.

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Nikki Meets the Kendalls - part 3

Nikki Meets the Kendalls
Part 3

by Purple Dragon

Nicky's favourite place in the world was a small islet in the lake, where he could be the girl he really was without anyone around. until the Kendalls came.


As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

Question about story size.

Okay. I have a story ready to post. It's one I've edited by another writer. Here's my question. It's about 80,000 words, according to my info thingie in word. Is that too big to post all at once? Do you all prefer shorter chapters or do you like to read a story in one shot from start to finish? Will the site accommodate a story of that size without problems? Is there any size limitation on the length of a story?

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Bad news about my foot

well, yesterday I went to the doctor's about my foot, and my 2nd worst fears have been confirmed. My worst fear was that it was cancer, which it isn't, but my second-worst fear was that they would tell me there's nothing more they can do for me, and that's what's happened. Apparently, they don't think surgery is a good choice because the risks of nerve damage, so basically, I can try to stuff a pad into my shoe and hope that helps, and otherwise, I get to just live with it.

Ah, well. with my gender issues, I already knew I wasn't gonna ever be pain free anyway ...

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New Erotica Title available for Kindle

Hi guys and girls. I'm not really new here but since this is my first time publishing I thought I would let you know that there is new Erotica on Kindle. The book is called "On Call" by Abigail Tudai. It really is hot and steamy and a whole lot of fun about what Brad does when his nurse wife leaves him to his own devices and the handsome doctor next door pays a visit.

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Nikki Meets the Kendalls - part 2

Nikki Meets the Kendalls
Part 2

by Purple Dragon

Nicky's favourite place in the world was a small islet in the lake, where he could be the girl he really was without anyone around. until the Kendalls came.


As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged.


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