General Audience (pg)

The Right to Crossdress?

I'm a happy crossdresser, but I'm still confused. Maybe it's just me, but why are so many of my sisters so dissatisfied with their life, and that of their sisters? Lately it seems that all I see are articles about how we must fight for our rights, demand that our wives, children pets and the general public accept us uncritically, and grant us our every wish.

Love & Supernova 10 - Hard Choice


The end justifies the means (Niccolo Machavelli).

For over fifty Earth years, Betelgeuse VII has been the paradise for transgender people and rare sexual minorities. But now, the colony is endangered. The star will go supernova. For now, nobody knows this, except Caligula XIII, the reigning dictator, with a few close friends. Is there any way to save the population? Is there any chance to do something while there still is time?

A Matter of Fact: Chapter 3 (part 7 and Epilogue)

A Matter of Fact: Chapter 3 (part 7 and Epilogue)

By Camospam

July 10, 2007. Ottawa

 Cameron was dragged out of bed … in a rather abrupt and forceful manner, Ken pulled the mattress off the bed frame, dumping the sleeping boy onto the floor, then his RCMP guard kneeled down beside him drawing his pistol and aiming at the door.

“What!!! it’s like - two in the morning?” moaned the groggy youth

“We’re under attack” supplied Ken, motioning the boy to lower his voice

“Not another drill!” whispered Cameron

A very hard choice. Part 3


The next morning I woke with a start...





Okay fine,

Yes I'm grumbing!

Not much happened last night really...honest...

Why are you looking at me like that?

So Ari and I, for you grammar police, left the washroom / ladies room / fancy ass washcloset that looks nicer than my house. There was a big fanfare and sign..

Twin Swap Chapter 7

When 13 year old twins Tyler and Jillian can't get along, their Mom decides to take drastic measures and make them see things from each others shoes by making them literally switch places, forcing Jillian to be the brother and Tyler to be the sister. After Jillian realizes she's more of a boy than she imagined, Tyler deals with the fall out of his admission to his friend Scott, and comes to terms with his own femininity.

The Problem of Pockets

Something funny happened the first time my family spent a week at the now infamous home of Jim Bakker, Heritage Village USA. Since I am not a Christian and had to work anyway, I spent the week as a bachelor. Well, not exactly a bachelor, more a bachelorette. I hate that word, it is as awkward as some of the supposed "sexual-bias-free" creations that grace the media these days, and I have a whole new understanding of those libbers who object to those sexist terms.

The Perils of Sewing

There's something wrong here. It says on my resume, of which I have mailed out approximately 6.37 billion in the last year of semi-employment, that I am a highly skilled electromechanical technician. It says a lot of other glowing things, but in essence it means I can go into a factory somewhere and quickly understand and repair several millions of dollars worth of complex machinery that is doing something the normal maintenance staff cannot fix. At the risk of hubris I'm good at it too. So why is it that the common household sewing machine strains my abilities to the breaking point and beyond.

Overdosing on Dressing

Have you ever had a dream come true? Silly question, that - if you have been on the planet for long enough to be able to learn to read something good must have happened to you along that line. What would be a dream come true for a crossdresser? OK, OK, enough suggestions from the audience, I get the idea. Do you dream of being able to dress full time when not working, live alone, never need to consider anyone else's feelings, do what you darn well please when you want to do it? Unlimited freedom, self expression, fulfillment of your every desire!


Sometimes life is disillusioning. I have sat here in my closet for about twenty years now, and for the past five or so the door has been open far enough to hand out these columns. Believe it or not, I really don't have a great urge to fling the door open and come out in my finest. I know that I am too far from the feminine norm to ever be more than a conspicuous fraud, but it doesn't bother me. I enjoy dressing for the sake of dressing, and enjoy the company of my sisters once removed via the post office.

Workday Woes

Dot made an idle comment while chatting tonight, and this silly little bit of verse was the result.

"SPLAT!" goes the body clock.
It's time to roll and rock.
I'd rather stay in bed
And calm my aching head
But life won't let me go,
Such misery I know!

New Age Nonsense

Welcome, my sisters, into the world of the New Age. Listen to the formless music in the background. Hear the muted chanting of a choir of True Believers. Abandon your previous self to the teachings of Mother Earth. Feel the innate power of the mysterious Female Life Force flow into your sadly male body. Read the articles in crossdressing magazines filled with terms like "oneness", "karma", "pansexuality" and even "reincarnation." Recently I even learned that women have superior hearing to enable them to be better mothers.

A Matter of Fact: Chapter 2 (parts 4 thru 6)

A Matter of Fact: Chapter 2 (parts 4 – 6)
By Camospam

March 27, 2007. Prince George, BC

 Who might be so brazen to actually believe they have the right to decide what somebody else’s life should be? While a parent might guide a child into adulthood, and a true friend should only offer ideas as support, but really - just what type of person is it that would dictate to another: who you are?

Barbie's Doll ~ Part 12 (Conclusion)

What lengths would you go to, to help a pretty girl struggling with her past? Especially, if you knew there was the potential to be more than ‘just friends’?


papercut-pattern-2400px Purple.png

Barbie’s Doll

The Cotton Candy Wars

By Shauna

Copyright© 2018 Shauna
All Rights Reserved.
(All image originals sourced from Creative Commons)

Hi All,

I have to sincerely apologize to my readers for the original version of this Chapter. :-)

I took Barb's comment to heart--I didn't take it as her criticizing me, in the least. But, she was right--I did rush this one, much too much. I am not going into the reasons, but just know that I had them.

At any rate, I hope this is more in line with what those of you that have supported the story deserve. It doesn't change the story, but I hope it adds to it. Please feel to revise/add to your comments, if you disagree (or agree, for that matter).

I left my original comment at the end, so that new readers will have context for the original reader comments. I think I can safely say, there seems to be interest in a continuation. :-)

Once again, thanks to all of you for supporting the story and Happy New Year!


My Qualifications as a Crossdresser

How ironic! While looking for something in my files the other day I found I have been writing about crossdressing more than ten years now. The problem is, I now realize I am completely unqualified to be a crossdresser, let alone a writer on the subject. Think about it - just what are the qualifications for a crossdresser? Surely you've read a multitude of "true life stories" in the crossdressing magazines. Perhaps if we were to distill all these stories we can come up with a set of qualifications for a true crossdresser.

My Dander Is Up

(Since I no longer have access to the article that got my dander up, I have let the author be anonymous in my response. You can probably figure out just what she said from the context.)

Pardon me, but my dander is up. I know that is a difficult, and potentially embarrassing to raise a dander while wearing a skirt, but by golly it's hoisted and flying in the hot air of opinion.

Danny 1 - What's New Pussycat? (part 2 of 2)

A Whateley Academy Adventure

Danny 1 - What's New, Pussycat?



Part 2

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - Late Afternoon
The Quad, Whateley Academy

"Watch it!" Dump Truck exclaimed, having come around the corner of Schuster Hall and running directly into Danny. "You should watch where you're going!"

"You ran into me!" Danny protested, already thinking of how to escape the bully.

My Crossdressing Debut

Can you stand to read one more personal story about a sister coming out of the closet? I know that every CD newsletter uses these stories as fill when there isn't enough other stuff to put on the page, and that you have read a million of them, but this time I'm the one telling the story. For that matter I don't care if you read it or not, I'm gonna tell it anyway.

Your daughter

“Why did you have to die?”

“Why couldn’t you live long enough for you to see me?”

“Why couldn’t god give you a longer lifespan to see me as I am now.”

“Your daughter.”

“The daughter you never had. The daughter you dreamed of.”

“When I talk to daddy, he always tells me that you would love me for who I am.”

“I don’t know if it’s true. I mean, I’ll never truly know.”

“I just know I wish you stayed alive long enough to see me.”

“Not the little boy who you used to see running around the house. Playing with his toys.”

A very hard choice. Part 1

Ever have one of those days that just went sideways?

Ever have a week?

How about a month?

Why do I ask. Well.....

To start with my name, my real name, is Tony Smith...yes smith. Is it the last name of my parents? I have no idea I was an abandoned baby so nobody knows. Raised in an orphanage till age six then multiple foster homes.

A Matter of Fact; Chapter 1 (Parts 1 thru 3)

This is an old posting which has been re-formated and further edited: Chapter 1 encompasses Parts 1 thru 3.

The story takes place in the Whateley Universe, with thanks to its creators.

Julina of Blackstone - 080 - The Question

Julina wavers back and forth as a certain amount of untidiness precedes the departure of the Royal Party

Julina of Blackstone
Her Chronicles, Book 2

by Julia Phillips

080 – The Question


I saw another one today. I was driving along a country road and over there on the left, by the well kept farmhouse was another of those rather weird examples of modern art known as the "moonie". Have you ever seen a moonie? No, I am not talking about some earnest and well scrubbed youth in the airport lounge selling flowers for the Korean Messiah, but rather the mushroom shaped and gaily painted depiction of someone's legs and nether regions that are sprouting on lawns all over country like, well like mushrooms.

Strangers in the night

It was a brilliant moonlit night. The warm weather of the past few weeks had made the nights unbearable for sleeping.
One of those who couldn’t sleep was William(Bill) Clancy. That night he’d gone for a drive down to the coast in his car.

As he topped the crest of a hill, he saw the gleam of the sea ahead. He wasn’t there yet. There was a steep hill to negotiate first.

He carefully started down the hillside. He saw another pair of headlights on the other side of the valley. He judged that the car was heading his way.

Gun Princess Royale - Book 3 - Ch9.

Happy New Year

Chapter 9.
– I –

Sanreal’s gaze swept over me from head to toes, then back up again.

I chose to keep my focus on his face, though with Mirai’s preternaturally wide field-of-vision I could see all of him in great clarity

For a long, long while we both stared at each other, until Sanreal finally grew visibly perplexed.

With his brow furrowed and eyes crinkled, he made a handful of attempts to break his silence before eventually finding his voice.


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