School or College Life

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 14

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession -14

By Katherine Day

(Karen ponders her several relationships with both boys and girls as her transition into womanhood continues. There are signs that Mark, the true love of her life, may once again welcome her into his life. Will she find answers to her confusion by returning to the religion of her birth and will she be welcomed there?)

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-11 The Start.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-11 The Start.

*Sam Chase…………

It’s all sort of busy after we’re done talking to Victory. Avery and I get the other kids to call out to their folks and stuff and which doesn’t take too long really since Drew’s not really that talkative to their folks and there seems to be something going on there with like tension and stuff and Cody well he’s pretty much just telling his dad that he’ll tell him later and stuff since his dad works here and for Halo.

Then it’s me sending all the computer files and videos off to get looked at by the Ark Angels and I’m done for the day and I’m pretty wiped out myself so I can only imagine how the others have to be feeling.

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 13

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession — 13

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)

(Karen’s confusion grows as her desires begin to dominate her life, placing her in troubling, frightening situations. Almost accidentally, she turns to an unlikely way of finding comfort in her new life.)

Teenager of the Year - A tale of Delacroix High: Book 2

Chapter one:

Life has a flavour to it, at least I like to think so. Psychologists call it "Neuro-associative-conditioning" which tells you absolutely nothing about anything. The gist of it is that as human beings, we experience reality subjectively. And when we experience that reality, we instinctively attach emotions to the experience.

Adam's Song - A tale of Delacroix High: Book 6

Chapter one:

“That’s no good you moron, you’re way off balance!”

“Pull your shoulders back, you look like a goddamn slob!”

“You’re wasting my oxygen, fatass!”

School Days

Reilly woke up early that morning and quickly showered and dressed in his school uniform. He was a freshman at St. Mark's Academy for Boys, and, although his studies were progressing nicely, he was still homesick. It was November, and he had been away from home for over two months.

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 12

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession — 12

By Katherine Day

(Having grown more comfortable in her new life as a girl, Karen finds both joy and heartache. She still faces rejection from the ‘love of her life’ while winning the attention of still another admirer adding to her confusions. Oh, what is a pretty girl to do?)

Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl Part 12

Sage was already outside and waiting for Brooke and Rachel to join her for the recess. As the two of them came over, they went to a side part of the playground, near the classes, but near one of the basketball courts. As they watched the boys play, Sage saw Yvette coming over to them and she warned Brooke and Rachel.

“Hey, like, um.....” Yvette sighed and she dropped the Valley-speak. It had been just a day or so since she talked to her cousin. She had wanted to take Heather and apologize together, But today Heather was sick, due to nerves of possibly being attacked, so that gave Yvette a chance to speak freely to people. “Can I ask you all a question? Please?”

At the word please, Rachel and Brooke's jaws dropped and Sage just blinked a couple of times. When they didn't respond, she asked again. “Please, can I ask a question? I know I've been...well, I've been a jerk, and I really am sorry about it, but I want to know something.”


Edited by Djkauf

More of Tracy and those around her. A bit of fluff this time, but slowly adding to the story


Adam's Song - A tale of Delacroix High: Book 1


Everyone has a story to tell, right? Stuck on ball of dirt orbiting the sun at twenty kajillion miles an hour, lost in the haze of one galaxy piled on another, but we all believe we're the centre of the universe. Nobody bothers to think about why we're here, what our purpose is, or who is pulling all the strings that make us dance.

Whoa, stop. Rewind.


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 24
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 11

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession — 11

By Katherine Day

(Karen faces new challenges when she comes face-to-face with former high school classmates who knew her as Kenny. One of them is a handsome former star athlete. How would they respond to the new girl named Karen?)

My Super Secret Life-32.

My Super Secret Life-32.

Chapter 32


Time seems to do funny things when you’re trying to clean your place up. It’s not like I’m a slob but I’ve been living the guy life and I’m not saying that all guys are slobs either it’s just sometime’s or in my case some how my priorities with training and stuff have sort of shifted.

Mind you I wasn’t that tidy and stuff as Sunny either but I still want to clean the place up for Alexis when she gets here…

The house screen rings with security checking in and showing me Alexis down at the main gate to The Tower and I tap the screen to okay her inside and leave and go down to meet her.

X-Why-Me...Chapter 15

X-Why-Me... Chapter 15

Chapter 15

It took awhile before things got interesting with things being pretty heated as the fat cop showed only he had with him two other cops and the Sheriff.

Okay Emily thought the Sheriff looked like he knew what was going on and he looked more capable than the other guys. He was younger too by at least between ten to twenty years too depending on what cop you compared him too and he didn’t look like a foot chase would be cause for him radioing 911.

He was taking pictures and then he was looking at something on a computer tablet before coming in.

He talked to her mom.

She called him Stone.

Okay Stone as a first name was…

Holy shit she thought he looked like her sister.

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 10

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 10

By Katherine Day

(Karen's natural tendency to reach out to others finds her moving into dangerous territory and she worries about becoming promiscuous. Could she be headed toward the same life that doomed Flaubert's tragic Emma Bovary?)

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 9

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession — 9

By Katherine Day

(As her second semester begins, Karen finds herself engaged in the trials and tribulations of her new girlfriends, while continuing to dream about renewing her life with her reluctant boyfriend. With thanks to Eric for his skilled editing. Copyright 2013.)


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 23
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

Bikini Beach: Boyfriends

Bikini Beach —Boyfriends

Despite the girls telling them no, the boys follow Natalya, Megan, and her friends to Bikini Beach to surprise them. Now the girls have to deal with an unexpected complication in their tween romances, and then the fallout of the boys having changed afterwards.


My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-15.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-15.

Chapter 15

I take a few sips of my water and I check myself out in the mirror and try to ignore the looks for the other girls there. Honestly I’m sort of glad for the Scarlet super-heroine thing, I’m actually very comfortable in the leotard I’m wearing even though I’m still getting uses to the skirt they have us wearing with it and the legwarmers.

“Next!” The stage manager yells. “Thirty seven!”

Oops that’s me.

I go out on the stage and it’s bright they’re shining the house lights down on us and I can’t see the people in charge. I hear another voice. “Okay start!”

“Uhm…high I’m doing…” I get cut off by some woman out in the seats.

“We’ll figure it out, just start!”

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 8

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession - 8

By Katherine Day

(Karen continues to hope for the her boyfriend’s rehabilitation and as well as a response to her love for him. Are her hopes in vain? Meanwhile, she begins her work-study job in the deep cold of winter. Copyright 2013)

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-9.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-9.

Chapter 9


It’s midnight and passed when we’re finally out from the game and it was kind of awesome to just let stuff go and play and be with friends well I was sort of too shy to really get to know them that well before but tonight it was cool it was different.

I never played a one shot RPG game before either.

I see Alex walking and I pull up. “Hey you want a lift home?’


He gets in the passenger side and he’s smiling at me and he’s so cute…and wow…I’m sitting really close to him too.

My car suddenly feels really small.

*And Now…………


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