Real World

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 9

Can Dreams Come True?…Part 8


“Are you going to do something stupid like hurt yourself?”
I turn to look at him and he lets me and I look in his eyes and he’s looking in mine and there’s this whole thing of he knows, he knows that I was in that place where there was a chance that I just might. I mean I’m a real coward when it comes to that stuff but still…it was there and he knew it and he stopped it.
He stopped me.
I nod and put my head on his chest right there on his solar plexus.
“Okay…let’s get out of here and warmed up.”
“Okay….and Ryan…”
“Yeah Josie?”
“I’m sorry.”
“I knew you were even as you were saying it…we’re good.”
He gets us out of the shower and I look at him and he’s looking at me and he’s shivering and he looks as close to being like seriously chilled as I’ve seen someone that wasn’t hypothermic.
I…I want…oh gods my want’s started this whole stupid thing!
And that’s when he tucks my soaked hair out of my face with his hands and cups my cheeks and he kisses me!

*And Now…

In the Name of Love - 12


Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance

A Sequel to The Roar of Love

The Greatest of These is Love

“If we commit ourselves to one person for life, this is not, as many people think, a rejection of freedom; rather, it demands the courage
to move into all the risks of freedom, and the risk of love which is permanent; into that love which is not possession but participation.”
Madeleine L'Engle

Images 58


Chapter 58


“C’mon Jenna Let’s go and actually have some fun with our daughter before my buzz wears off and my meds wipe me out. I didn’t haul my butt out of the couch and into this get up for nothing okay.”
I give her a hard squeeze and take a deep breath and nod and wipe at my eyes. (Sniff.) “Yeah, I really want to do this.”
I go with her and Hunter and Angie’s joining us with Giselle after she got her into her little one piece and we start with the wading pools with the other little kids and she scream-squeals and she’s waddle running into the water and splashing and slapping the water with that bouncy thing she does with that. “Yeeee-he-he-he!”
I’m smiling and laughing because she’s such an amazing little spaz and she is having that Omigod freak-out where she’s just blown away by the coolness of being in a pool and is hitting brain overload.
And there is no way that that can’t make you smile and have that blow all the bad stuff away.
I look at Iggy and I hug her around the shoulder.
“Thanks, thanks for her and making me a mom.”

*And Now…

On Call - Part 1

On Call
Abigail Tudai

Synopsis: Brad feels trapped in his life as a corporate lawyer and yearns for something better out of life, like the handsome doctor next door. When his wife is called in to work overtime, he becomes his alter ego, Nurse Brandy, and is always ready for the doctor to make a house call.

In the Name of Love - 11


Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance

A Sequel to The Roar of Love

Where There Is Love

“Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.”
Madeleine L'Engle, A Ring of Endless Light

Masks Chapter 37

Masks Chapter 37

Chapter 37

We leave heading for class and I sneak a look back and Elizabeth just threw her Starbucks coffee in a huge splash all over the hallway wall and she’d be coming for us or at us if it wasn’t for two teacher’s bee lining it to see what’s going on.
Yeah my mask’s still on pretty tight and I might still be Stephen but I’m really Stephanie…and Stephanie's tired of getting stepped on already.
Has anyone ever came out and not taken huge amounts of bullshit?
Maybe, Maybe I’m going to find out.

*And Now…

Boats and Boobs

A Whitsun boating holiday turns into far more fun than Dan or Helen could possibly have predicted, when a stupid prank results in their boat being swapped with that of two girls.


Author's Note: Like most of my stories, this is a light-hearted cross-dressing romp. If humour, cross-dressing or romping is not to your taste, then please do not read. Otherwise, enjoy!


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 



Son or daughter

This is something that came to me over the last few days. It may wind up as a scene in a future story. Or not. But I felt it was worth posting on its own.

"Doctor, we just want our son back."

The therapist sighed.

"I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way..."

In the Name of Love - 10


Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance

A Sequel to The Roar of Love

Where There Is Love

"I really do understand that people change, as Wolfi said,
not so much from who we are as to who we are―
Madeleine L'Engle, A Severed Wasp

Sweet Dreams-58

Sweet Dreams-58

Chapter 58


“Honestly girls I could give two shits about the schools popularity wars and stuff. I don’t care who owes who what or who’s sleeping with who and who looked better in what effing outfit that who and shit like that.”
Jen chuckles. “Yeah exactly why they hate you.”
Betty… “And like no offense but you’re poor Hunter they are really like offended you’re even in the school.” She then mimics someone she heard. “Effing crack whore isn’t there like rules for having people like her in our school.”
The girls are nodding and I turn around from the sink and the mirrors. “Okay…if Alex is in I’ll do it but can someone tell me what the actual point is? I mean other than the dance and stuff what does Homecoming Queen actually do?”

*And Now…

Irresistible, Kissable: A TG Mixed Tape

Iressistible, Kissable

A TG Mixed Tape

Edited by PersnicketyBitch

In the Australian outback a solitary traveller stops at strange roadside store. They leave with more questions than answers and a CD labelled "A TG Mixed Tape". Hit play on this collection of short, short tales if you dare and let 11 different voices in TG-Fiction take you to worlds both far flung and almost but not quite like our own; introduce you to Rock Star Vampires, Shape-shifters and the even the Devil herself; and spin stories of remembrance, sex and second chances.

Bridges 42

Bridges 42

Chapter 42


She looks at me and she nods and she smiles at me "Yes Ma'am." and Cass looks at the cash and she doesn’t freak out or say anything except to kiss me again lightly but sweetly.
She breaks the kiss and she gives me that smile…that I love you in her eyes and take your breath away smile.
“God I love you Samaritan Chase.”
I smile and blush and there’s almost tears there from that because I’ve never heard a woman, never heard anyone use my full name and love in the same sentence.
It’s not Samantha but she made it sound like it…it kind of feels like this sweet little impact in my heart.
Her…my name but as a girl…as a woman and she’s telling me she loves me.

*And Now…

Darin Dares - Chapter 1 of 7

Darin Dares

Chapter 1 of 7

© 2014 by D.L.

This is the crunch time, the last moment in which I could declare turning up to school in a skirt was a prank. What I am about to say with shape how people will regard me in the future. I only hope that what I am doing isn't going to back-fire on me...


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